God's Offering To All In Judaism
God's Offering To All In Judaism
God gave proof for His actual names and shows Christ did say He was God
The Actual Names of God and Christ - God gives the proof for His names and that Christ did state He was God
God's Alarm and Leaving the Harlot Babylon
God's Alarm and Leaving the Harlot Babylon
See the last worship services...
See the worshipo schedule here...
See how most of the church is robbing God
Tithes and Offerings - Properly Handling God's Money and Our Taxes
Do you really know the gospel?
The True Gospel and Imposters
Is Destiny Real?
True Love - What does it mean to God? - Are soul mates real?
Sex and Marriage - The Plain Truth
Sex and Marriage - The Plain Truth
See the Exodus to Sinai like you've never seen before...
See the Exodus to Sinai like you've never seen before...
Hard Truth and Discernment - Every believer should know
Light Within
What does God's predestiny look like?
Updated   Title
7/26/2024   The People's Loss of Discernment
7/23/2024   The Meaning Of Numbers
7/20/2024   Does Israel need to take the ICJ seriously?
7/18/2024   Orthodox Judaism's Claim to Military Exemption
7/15/2024   God's Alarm and Leaving the Harlot Babylon
7/14/2024   The Lord said, Let no one argue and let no one rebuke
7/9/2024   Ministry Warnings
7/4/2024   Choosing a Bible
6/19/2024   Juneteenth link to the idea Statue of Liberty is Satan
6/11/2024   Shavuot and Loving Day - God Connects Them To Save Judaism From Herself
6/3/2024   Master Reference List
5/24/2024   Time To Leave Israel or Fight For A Free Democratic Jewish State?
5/15/2024   A new national symbol for Israel and the church - The cannabis leaf?
5/7/2024   Internet Cybersecurity
5/5/2024   What does Judaism need to remember on Yom HaShoah?
5/4/2024   May the 4th is really about Faith, Hope and Love
4/29/2024   A People Of God Should Know Better
4/28/2024   Passover 2024
4/18/2024   The True Palm Sunday
4/17/2024   What was Iran's real reason for attacking Israel?
3/24/2024   Biblical Fasting
3/24/2024   Prayer and Laments for Purim
3/24/2024   A Strange Union of Purim and Palm Sunday
3/21/2024   The Lord's Holidays and Sabbaths
3/17/2024   Saint Patrick named Maewyn Succat at birth?
3/9/2024   Daughter Israel, Make Right Your Ways
2/29/2024   How Much Do You Value Pure Living Water?
2/23/2024   Light Within - Hard Truth, Correct Teaching and Discernment
2/19/2024   The Conjunction of St. Patrick's Day and Purim
2/14/2024   Countdown to Valentine's - What Did God Put In 2/14?
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