And more disturbing, the numbers doubled for conservatives and quadrupled for the extremely conservative when only 11% of people overall agreed that individuals should be allowed to use violence. This approval of vigilante violence, another aspect of the mob mentality, is troubling, not just for a modern democratic state, but for those who are supposed to identify with Godly values.
If you’re not aware, the label of Conservative invariably equates to Conservative Christians in the United States. They value “traditional” or even Orthodox (Far Right or Extreme Conservative) Christian teachings, so it is shameful for people of God and supposed followers of Christ, our Prince of Peace, whom taught to love your enemies, would think it acceptable to use violence against immigrants, most of which are simply trying to find a better life.
It is shameful, but wholly expected. The authority of God has been twisted for darkness through the ages. I noticed this twisting of authority and interpretation of the Bible for ungodly reasons was very prominent in White Supremist, Neo-Nazi groups, which are also prominent supporters and seeming affiliates of Donald Trump, President Elect, though he tries to downplay any affiliation or allegiance with such groups when confronted by the press. The Lord showed me his inner man to be most corrupt and fulfills ungodly standards that are spelled out in the Bible (see Update in Lost Discernment for details), yet a majority of Americans (and a whole lot of people around the world) believe in and back Trump. Such an obviously immoral person could not come to power in a democracy without a majority supporting him.
But how many of those backers align with Trump’s mob instigating values, like use of violence against illegal immigrants? We don’t know, but the majority would be on the conservative side where Trump makes camp. The survey I mentioned took answers from 2042 people, and 26% said the government should use violence against illegal immigrants and 11% said anyone should be able to use violence. If that 2000 was a town population, 224 people would be arming with guns to “defend” their country against whomever they thought should not be in America.
Do those Christian supporters truly know what values they support and where they’re standing as a people of God? It is much like Israel, in which many think it reasonable to use lethal force against even Palestinian children, so that they’d get their own back home. This was highlighted in comments to a Times of Israel article today that talked about Ireland joining the ICC (International Criminal Court) case against Israel for genocide against Palestinians.
Comments to the article, “Ireland files motion to intervene in South Africa’s genocide case against Israel”, follow: <>
Johnritter608: Its such an incredibly high bar to be convicted of genocide, that i didn't believe anyone would ever be found guilty of it again because all they have to do was not say genocidal things, no matter how many people they killed. I've said for a long time that the political decision to attempt to starve the civilian population was baffling, there was nothing to gain from it and everything to lose and that will likely be the deciding factor in the case. I had many conversations with people early on in '24 who felt it was morally acceptable to starve Gazan children to death if it meant getting the hostages back quicker, that's around the time I knew people in Gaza weren't viewed as human beings anymore and that morality was gonna be tossed aside, which is how you get to this point.
abudlovsky: One ingredient of antisemitism is total lack of objectivity. Antisemites see everything through the prism of their hatred of Jews.
tsunamisam116: Alas, again the Irish have lost their marbles. What is it about war they do not understand? How does a government conflate genocide with fighting an enemy that uses it's people as a human shield?
Minister Ty Alexander: There is a very big disparity between what the world sees and what Israel sees. Whatever your definition of genocide is, what Israel has shown time and again in this war is that it obliterates schools, hospitals, and refugee camps, and has obliterated a majority of the buildings and infrastructure in Gaza so as to leave the people there destitute, while Israel claims innocence because they are targeting terrorists hiding among civilians. How much of Gaza was destroyed, Israel? How many noncombatants killed? And to kill how many terrorists in a population of millions?
I do not blame the world or Palestinian supporters for seeing what Israel has done, while I do blame Israel for serious lack of ethical and Godly leadership and very poor military discipline and tactics. Israel's failures have set the world against her because it is not hard to see unfairness and indiscriminate bloodlust in her ways. Why should the world believe commanders that are questioned about using high “collateral damage” methods when all they answer is, It’s because the terrorists are using civilians as human shields.
That excuse does not add up. If American troops were ordered to use munitions akin to “bunker buster bombs” and other extremely heavy munitions on hospitals and civilian refugee camps, what do you think the world would say against America? There is a big disparity with what is and what Israel sees and says.
Israel says, We’re at war with terrorists, while the world sees a campaign to rid Gaza and the West Bank of Palestinians that include plots to take over those lands while Palestinians still have homes there. I have heard Israel say, Palestinians can go to any country that will take them. Say that to any population of over 4 million that has lived in their land for generations and hundreds, if not, over a thousand years, and surely, the world will be angered. How can Israel dismiss the parallel to the Holocaust in such forced displacement?
When God promised Abraham and the forefathers that their descendants would possess the land forever, did He also say, all whom are not Israelite must be driven out or exterminated? Do not be too quick with your tongue in reply, for the command to exterminate all peoples of Canaan in the Holy Land is long past for the age long gone.
But what does the Torah say for you? Invite all among you to God’s appointed moedim (feasts), including the foreigner to your ways (non-Jews). And does El Elyon, God Most High, continue to command to this day? - You are not to endanger the life of your neighbor (Vayikra/Leviticus 19:16); You will love your neighbor as yourself (Vayikra/Leviticus 19:18); Do not plot harm against your neighbor, who lives trustfully near you (Mishlei/Proverbs 3:29).
Who are your neighbors, Israel? Does El Shaddai, God Almighty, say in this day, your neighbor only includes Jews and those who ally with you? As you can see by my comments, Israel has already gone too far into the
vigilante mob mentality. It remains to be seen how far President Trump
will take the country and world into his authoritarian worldview and
morality set. May you not stand with him in wrong sides of the Right,
because where you stand can put you and the welfare of your loved ones
and community on the opposite side of God, even though you think you're
standing on God's side. This reality is where Israel is today, and why
her people have suffered so much through the generations, even though
the Jews know they are the first people of God, they've often stood on
the opposite side.
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