Juneteenth celebrates the final completion of the abolition of slavery in the United States when Union troops took down the last holdouts of slavery more than two years after President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation[6.12.3]. This year, related to the theme of freedom from slavery, the Lord had me notice conspiracy theories about the Statue of Liberty actually being a depiction of Satan or Lucifer, or at least one of his forms - the Greek god, Helios, a god of the sun (images below).
Many depictions of Helios from ancient Greece and later Medieval art show him with a crown of rays and holding up a torch, just like the Statue of Liberty has. Furthermore, the Colossus of Rhodes, which was an ancient bronze statue of Helios, is said to have been about 105 feet high, about the same height as the Statue of Liberty from feet to crown
[6.32.1, 6.32.2, 6.32.5]. These people also suggest the chains at the Statue of Liberty’s feet and the 11 pointed star that forms her base are related to the occult and Satan being chained in hell. After all, the Bible says God chained demons (sinning angels) in hell to await judgment
(2 Peter 2:4), and it is well known that many of the founding fathers were Free Masons, which is often labelled as a dark occult brotherhood of stone masons. Their members held stations throughout Western society and were involved in building many buildings and structures in the founding years of the United States.
Conspiracists note that you cannot dismiss so many links; nothing is accidental or random, so it must be true - the Statue of Liberty was made to idolize another form of Satan. But what did God have me notice about all these alignments?
When I was looking at this further, I saw someone say that the name Aaron, Mose’s brother and the first high priest for ancient Israel, was the same name as Lucifer. NO! That cannot be!, I’m sure most of you would scream, but it is true, Brown-Driver-Briggs, a well-respected Biblical Hebrew dictionary, says the name Aaron means “light bringer,” and I’m sure you already know, Lucifer, means “light bearer.”
That’s it. The final nail in the coffin for the Statue of Liberty. God must be telling me that Aaron = Lucifer also means the Statue of Liberty = Satan, and the United States idolizes the Principal Prince of Demons.
Is that really what God wants to convey? Conspiracists and false teachers would say so, but they teach much more by carnal thinking instead of by the Spirit, if they are led by the Spirit at all, and remember that the carnal mind is hostility against God because it does not and cannot understand God or the truth correctly (Romans 8:6-8).
God had me notice that Aaron = Lucifer in this because they are the same, but not the same. The names may mean the same thing, but in the persons of Aaron, the brother of Moses, and Lucifer, the Father of Lies, they certainly are not the same, and the approved servant for God must understand the differences, and certainly shouldn't go so far as to say the Statue of Liberty represents Satan. So to point that out further, and note that you should not listen to those who are unapproved and jump to the wrong conclusions for your spiritual learning and health, I will say, though, yes, there are superficial similarities to the Statue of Liberty and the Colossus of Rhodes, they are not exactly equal, like Aaron is not Lucifer.
The Statue of Liberty is a depiction of the Roman goddess of liberty, Libertas. She was chosen by the French designers of the Statue of Liberty to represent the United States, like other goddesses symbolized Britain and France. This personified use of Liberty was already being used by the United States at the time, as she was already on coins and in American popular culture
But what about the crown of rays and torch just like the Colossus of Rhodes which is the sun god, Helios? All depictions of the Colossus of Rhodes are not true depictions, but from the imaginations of artists many centuries after the colossus was erected in 282 BC. Most of those depictions are now known to be certain artistic exaggeration, because engineers examined if they were possible
[6.32.3]. No one knows what the Colossus of Rhodes actually looked like because it was destroyed by an earthquake only 50 years after it was finished, and there are no surviving records of what it looked like.
It most certainly had a crown of rays like other ancient depictions of Helios, but did not likely have a torch or any kind of light in one of its hands. After all, a sun god is self-illuminating. What kind of sun god needs a torch or lamp? The Statue of Liberty’s torch, though, represents enlightenment and lighting the way to freedom (liberty)
And while the crown of rays is similar to other depictions of pagan gods used in antiquity, it is not a reference to Lucifer, the light-bearer, but is only in line with the French artists' backgrounds in Greek art and sculpture, which was and still is the ultimate standard for sculpture. The crown of rays is also in line with the artists depicting a Roman goddess as the ancients depicted them. The artists who designed the Statue of Liberty were not occultist freemasons trying to make a subliminal Satan, but were simply trained by ancient Greek technique and followed the designs of the ancients.
Then what about the chains at the Statue of Liberty's feet and 11-pointed star foundation she stands on? Do they link to Satan chained in hell and occult practices?
The chains at her feet are hard to see from most angles of the Statue of Liberty, but they go with a broken shackle. They represent the abolition of slavery in the United States because it was a major motive for commissioning the statue. It was proposed by the president of the French Anti-Slavery Society
[6.32.5] after the American Civil War, which was, of course, all about slavery.
So far the similarities with the Statue of Liberty and Helios or Satan are falling flat. Their heights are not even close if you measure the full height of the Statue of Liberty. Is there even an occult link with the 11-pointed star foundation?
The foundation was actually the old walls of Fort Wood
[6.32.5, 6.32.6], a fortress built on Liberty Island to help defend the harbor in anticipation of British attack in the war of 1812. It was built about 70 years before the site was chosen for the Statue of Liberty. Fort Wood’s interesting star shape is really only an example of a star fort, a design for fortresses that came from trying to eliminate defender “dead zones” that plagued forts with standard round or square towers. These dead zones are areas were defenders could not fire towards because attackers could hide in the crevices around a round tower, for example
So no, there is no occult symbolism in the Statue of Liberty’s foundation either, and the only thing that could possibly link it to Lucifer is that it is a depiction of a Roman goddess. That still does not equate to Satan for me, but there was something else God had me notice when I looked at all the links. It is something I doubt anyone else would notice, because I’ve not seen anyone else be guided on the number 305, and what I noticed was that the Colossus of Rhodes was built to commemorate a successful defense against a siege in 305 BC
[6.32.1, 6.32.2]. That date matched the total height of the Statue of Liberty from the ground, just slightly over 305 feet.
I knew God was trying to say something with this alignment because the number
305 (see The Meaning of Numbers for more) means to fall short of
306, which means to be righteously bold in doing something despite great adversity, pain, or death in its accomplishment. 306 is a number linked to the deaths of Christ and Martin Luther King, Jr., so 305 generally is not good and means to
NOT pursue what is right. For the ancient Rhodians, it was their sins, idolatry, and building that colossus to honor Helios. They thought their patron god saved them from the siege, but God destroyed the colossus with an earthquake, one of the seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
What does 305 mean with the Statue of Liberty? It, too, goes with the sins of the people, because America goes too far to idolize liberty or freedom so that they do not pursue what is right, such as viewing freedom to kill babies in the womb as a “personal right," overvaluing freedom of speech so that hate and harm spread among the people, freedom to try and override God’s definition of what marriage and divorce are, and all kinds of other excessive viewpoints of freedom that oppose God and what is right.
So in the end, God does link the Statue of Liberty to Satan, not as physical forms, just as Aaron is not really equal to Lucifer, but still, Aaron is the same as Lucifer, and so it goes with how America’s Liberty is like Satan who uses lies and mind twisting to have people believe that darkness is light, so that people change what is right and believe and do what is wrong. For that, God will also judge the nations and their colossus idols will also fall.