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A new national symbol for Israel and the church - The cannabis leaf? (Teaching)
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Minister Ty Alexander

Yom HaAtmaut or Israel’s Independence Day celebrates the formation of the modern state of Israel. However, during this holiday Israel also remembers her ancient history from the Bible – especially after leaving Egypt in the Exodus, because that is when God formed the ancient nation of Israel through the leadership of Moses/Moshe and the giving of the Torah or Law of Moses at Mount Sinai.

Something often highlighted during Independence Days are national symbols and most people associate the Star of David and the menorah lampstand with Israel. But for ancient Israel, there was no Star of David and the highest symbol of Israel was the ark of the covenant, not the menorah, though the menorah was made at the same time as the ark after the Jews left Egypt (Exodus/Shemot 25:10-16, 25:31-40, 37:1-24).

During the last major holiday, Pesach/Passover, I shared the Exodus story, which covered the journey from the morning after that very first Passover night and the last plague of Egypt. The story brought you through the Red Sea crossing, the wilderness wanderings, and ended after the Jews had made all the holy articles of the tabernacle, priesthood, and ark of the covenant at Mount Sinai.

All of those holy items were anointed with a holy oil of anointment, which God described in Exodus/Shemot 30:22-33. It is this oil that is at the center of many claims that marijuana was mentioned in the Bible, but not only that, some claim cannabis also played a role in God’s rituals and ceremonies, such as being used as an incense offering.

Their arguments are compelling, but are they really correct that cannabis was one of the ingredients for God’s holy anointment oil and also one of the incense fragrances that was burnt as offerings to God? Should the marijuana leaf (below) also be a symbol for God and Israel?

I first heard these claims from a lay-preacher who wanted to work with me earlier this year. He wanted to get spiritual insights from me, which is not something I am against. However, the Spirit did not want me to work with him, because, though, he sought more knowledge, he was also a false teacher given to excessive love doctrine (see Ministry Warnings for more) and resisted correction. I cannot work with anyone who refuses to leave the sins and ways of the Harlot Babylon nor with anyone who refuses correction, so to work with this man, I asked him to profess that he had no allegiance to any sect or to anything false, and that he would strive to remove anything that should be removed among God’s people, whether it be lies, sin, false teachings, or any other darkness.

He did not want to do that and so we ended our conversations. However, even though the Lord already guided me that smoking marijuana for recreational use, as well as smoking or vaping in general, is a sin (see God's Proof For Sin for more), what this person claimed about cannabis in scripture needed further looking into. There was compelling evidence for it, and when I looked at this further, I noted a lot of people were also saying cannabis is in the Bible. This scriptural link was even mentioned in a lengthy documentary about cannabis called The God Plant[1.1].

I’m sure the title of the documentary is a willful marketing ploy to link it to God and scripture so that conservatives would stop resisting cannabis use. The documentary was a device to open people and governments up to the legalization of marijuana. They made many excellent points which went with another “God Plant” analogy in that cannabis can also help remedy many ailments, because it helps regulate the cannabinoid hormonal system in our bodies, a system that goes throughout our entire body and affects many functions.

The medical benefits of cannabis is undisputable if you look at the evidence and testimonies objectively. I do not reject medical cannabis use and it should be legalized for that. For recreational use, however, is a different story. God guided me it is sin, as I said, and furthermore, like other documentaries and promotional pieces that try to paint something in a good light, The God Plant and other cannabis advocates also often do not give the whole picture and jump to conclusions about things, portraying things as absolute fact when they are not. The bad effects of smoking or vaping cannabis was completely omitted in The God Plant, and claims that cannabis is simply a natural compound that our bodies generate is incorrect. Our bodies do create cannabinoid chemicals naturally, but they are not the same as the THC and CBD in marijuana (THC and CBC are the chemical compounds in cannabis responsible for its psychoactive and medicinal effects).

THC and CBD are only similar and able to link up to receptors in our body, much like synthetic sugars do the same – they are chemically similar so that our taste receptors perceive them as sweet in the case of synthetic sugars, but they are not the same as natural sugars and some are harmful, just as cannabis can also be very harmful.

This article, though, is not about legalizing cannabis, as common sense would make its medical use approved and both its recreational and medical use should be regulated, like other “mild” drugs and alcohol (as opposed to “hard” drugs, like heroine and cocaine). The main reason for this article is to share what God gave me about whether or not kaneh-bosem in scripture is truly cannabis or not.

As someone who has been in contact with cannabis users and knows how it affects people and that its scent is unpleasant, I could not simply accept these cannabis claims in scripture without sufficient back up and guidance from God. So I asked the Lord to guide me on whether or not the scriptural references really were about cannabis.

The primary place where people say cannabis is in scripture is where God gives the ingredients for the holy anointment oil. It comes from the compound Hebrew word, kaneh-bosem ( קנה-בשם ) in Exodus/Shemot 30:23, which is usually translated as fragrant cane or calamus, which is a pleasant smelling reed-type plant. Kaneh-bosem and its alternate pronunciations do sound very similar to cannabis, and some linguists and researchers suggest the word cannabis came from kaneh-bosem in the Bible changing into the Hebrew qannabbos or kannabbos ( קנבוס ) later[1.5].

However, that is speculation. A more solid linguistic trail traces the word cannabis from Greek, κάνναβις (kánnabis), which came from Scythian (Assyrian) influence[1.2] in the lands far north and east of the holy land (parts of modern day Iraq are included, which is where the capital of ancient Babylon was). The ancient origins of cannabis do come from the Far East and India, and it was in use in the cultures of the East and Middle East for about 5000 years[1.1] (China is one of the oldest users of cannabis and it was documented in ancient Indian society; today, a cannabis milk drink connected to the Hindu god Shiva and holiday of Holi is still used[1.8]). There’s also a lot of evidence for cannabis use in ancient Egypt, which is where the Jews came out of, so cannabis would have been familiar to the ancient Hebrews, which would give claims that kaneh-bosem is cannabis more credit.

However, all these things don’t automatically mean kaneh-bosem in the Bible and cannabis are the same thing. God taught me a long time ago that not everything is as it seems, especially with linguistics. God’s guidance about His names is an example. Words can change through many different ways and words that sound the same can have completely different origins and meanings.

An example I found when studying Irish language is the name Tyrone. County Tyrone in Ireland and the same name from Greek origin are completely different, even though today, they look and sound exactly the same. Ireland’s Tyrone came from the contraction and anglicization of the Irish, Tír Eoghan, which means Land of Eoghan. It is pronounced "tier owen" or "cheer owen," but after centuries of English influence, the name was contracted into Tyrone because English translators wrote it as Tyrone because Tír Eoghan sounds like Tier-own (Tyr-own). Over time, the original pronunciation was lost, so when people see County Tyrone in Ireland, they assume it is the same as the older Greek name, Tyrone.

Because I knew linguistic and phonetic (sounds the same) similarity cannot be definitive proof that kaneh-bosem is cannabis, I needed more proof and God’s guidance. After all, the oil recipe God gave was to be considered holy and never to be made for other purposes, nor used on any laypeople (unanointed priests; Exodus/Shemot 30:31-33). So because it was holy and used only for God’s holy items (the tabernacle, its articles, and priestly garments were for God’s sacred rituals, and the ark of the covenant was where God’s presence resided), the notion that He would use cannabis, which has unholy and unpleasant associations, to anoint what is holy was hard to believe.

And furthermore, because I know what cannabis smells like (the smoke turns my stomach), I couldn’t simply take peoples’ word that kaneh-bosem is truly cannabis. Even cannabis smokers admit and describe its scent as “skunky” or “super dank,” something like extremely earthy and moist soil – all adjectives that are certainly not associated with holiness.

Can you imagine God wanted to make a fragrantly perfumed anointment oil with 17% of something that smells like earthy soil, which is the smell of decaying organic matter, or even worse, skunk? (God gives the proportions in Exodus/Shemot 30:23-24). And would God want cannabis as a burnt offering, too?

God is of heaven, not of the earth, so musky or earthy smells, and certainly not “skunky,” would go with the truly divine. And though God does like fragrant aromas from burnt offerings (Genesis/ Bereishit 8:20-21; Exodus/Shemot 29:18; Leviticus/Vayikra 1:9; Numbers/Bamidbar 15:3), I would not include cannabis with them, not just because of its unpleasant smell, but because of its psychoactive effects, which WAS used in pagan rituals where marijuana’s inducement of an altered state of mind was desired for divination and connecting with the spirits. A pagan shrine dating to the time of the first temple in Jerusalem was even discovered in Israel that had burnt cannabis on its altar[1.4].

These are things God would NOT use in His rituals. The Bible gives no indication that burnt offerings for Him ever made the priests “high,” drunk, or induced any altered state of mind. But furthermore, God does NOT want His anointed leaders, much less, His priests to be under the influence of any drugs when they are making judgments, performing rituals, or giving counsel. This is why God said, It is not for kings to drink wine or for rulers to desire strong drink, otherwise they will drink and forget what is decreed and pervert justice (Proverbs/Mishlei 31:4-5). This verse is not about complete prohibition of alcohol, but of using it properly - those in positions of authority, teaching, and judgment cannot be drunk or "high" when they are working.

Clearly, preachers have not thought things through with these cannabis claims, and to show this further, I will share even more of God’s revelations.

First, I will state that the strange fire or unauthorized fire that killed those who offered it to God was actually an incense offering of cannabis (Leviticus/ Vayikra 10:1). Two sons of Aaron made the burnt offering but were killed because of it. Some would say God killed them because they made the offering without being asked (Leviticus/Vayikra 10:1), but it was actually because they did not treat God as holy and actually dishonored Him by the offering.

Why? Because God said afterwards, By those who come near Me, I will be sanctified, and before all the people, I will be glorified (Leviticus/Vayikra 10:3). Obviously, the strange incense did the opposite of glorifying God. He was dishonored, which kept Aaron silent after God killed his sons, and it is no stretch to say the dishonor was to give a burnt offering of cannabis to God. It was used in pagan offerings and for its psychoactive effects to connect with pagan gods. And because Egypt used cannabis for their ritual offerings, as well as medicine, at the time of the Exodus, it isn’t hard to imagine Aaron’s sons had cannabis.

The meaning in the Hebrew word, kaneh-bosem, also gives further insight. It refers to a fragrant or sweet smelling, reed-like plant (like a hollow tube, not a thin stick), because kaneh means “reed, stalk, bone, balances”[1.6] which is why kaneh is often translated as cane or calamus (a fragrant reed), while bosem means “spice, balsam, perfume, sweet, sweet smell”[1.7]. Cannabis is not reed-like, but looks like a typical green leafy plant with thin branches (nothing tube or reed-like; see photos below).

Kaneh-bosem is supposed to be a pleasant smelling plant, which is further backed up by the use of kaneh in Song of Songs/Shir HaShirim to describe the female lover in a list of pleasant smelling fragrances along with cinnamon (also used in the holy anointment oil), frankincense, myrrh, and aloe (Song of Songs/Shir HaShirim 4:14).

There is no way cannabis would make it into that list of fragrant scents, and in fact, I’ve found no evidence that the ancients used cannabis to make perfume. It was mostly used to make rope and paper from the mild or non-psychoactive variety (hemp) and for medicine and its psychoactive effects with the variety we commonly think of as cannabis or marijuana.

Furthermore, when I was being guided on this cannabis issue, the Lord had me notice this scripture which went with painting a picture of the preacher who told me cannabis is in the Bible. It goes with all those like him who teach lies: "Yet the people do not turn back to Him who struck them, nor do they seek Yahovah of hosts. So Yahovah cuts off head and tail from Israel, both palm branch and bulrush in a single day. The head is the elder and esteemed man, and the prophet who teaches falsehood is the tail. For those who guide this people are leading them astray, and those who are guided by them are led to destruction" (Isaiah 9:13-15/Yeshayahu 9:12-15).

False teachers and prophets often interpret by their own mind and ways of the world, and not by God’s Spirit or Mind, which is how I strive to teach. Even though many preachers ask God to guide them in matters, they also are loyal to what is false which keeps the hooks of the devil in them so that most of their spiritual guidance is not truly from the Lord. The results of this are evident – those whom most believers esteem, teach lies, and none of them can discern it until someone approved by God speaks for Him to give the correct picture. Relying on unapproved servants is to the people's destruction as Isaiah 9 says, because false teaching leads and keeps the people in sin.

I’ve said enough to show that kaneh-bosem is not cannabis and that cannabis was not supposed to be used for God’s burnt offerings. Its properties are not in line with Godliness even if it is useful as a medicine. "Thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us reveals the fragrance of the knowledge of Him in every place" (2 Corinthians 2:14). Amen.

This article was written with God’s guidance and direction and not simply by doing Internet research. Just Googling for information will not give you the best information, because the best information is often not freely accessible on the Internet, such as in print books, behind paid services, or in unrecorded knowledge given by God.

Please help this ministry continue to mature and heal God’s people and kingdom by donating or subscribing. Thank you and the Lord bless you in the name of Mashiach Yeshua for your help. Amen.

[1.1] John K. Webster. "The God Plant". Video Documentary. 2018.

[1.2] "Cannabis". Wikipedia. Retrieved 2024 May 14.

[1.3] Franz Parsche and Andreas Nerlich. "Presence of drugs in different tissues of an Egyptian mummy". Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 1995. Retrieved 2024 May 14.

[1.4] Aristos Georgian. "Cannabis Discovered in Shrine From Biblical Israeli Kingdom May Have Been Used in Hallucinogenic Cult Rituals". Newsweek. 2020 May 28. Retrieved 2024 May 14.

[1.5] "Etymology of cannabis". Wikipedia. Retrieved 2024 May 14.

[1.6] "Entry for Strong's #7070 - קנה (reed, stalk, bone, balances)". Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon. BibleSoft, Inc. 2002, 2003, 2006.

[1.7] "Entry for Strong's #1314 - בשם (spice, balsam, perfume, sweet, sweet smell)". Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon. BibleSoft, Inc. 2002, 2003, 2006.

[1.8] Christine Bednarz. "9 things to know about Holi, India’s most colorful festival". National Geographic. 2023 Mar. 1. Retrieved 2024 Mar. 25.

God's true nature and warnings about mixing good and bad 8/17/2024
A recent conversation with someone who commented about the YouTube version of this article has some important points that the Lord wants shared here, so I will copy the conversation and make comments:
(grammar edits were made, the commentor's user name was changed to Commentor, and additional notes added in red square brackets)
Commentor: I actually went to the kingdom of God (in spirit) smoking haschish [a form of cannabis] and most of the time when high on THC [the psychoactive compound in cannabis that makes people high] was when I saw Jesus the Christ. And from ancient Jewish site there where hemp plant [residue] found on burning altar and they found residues of hash in the lungs of a dead Jewish girl. So I don't really know why all my chakras had been open and my third eye but I swear to have seen the Father and Virgin Mary being high, but to my loss I did sin and can't be brought back to repentance. So I don't really know if cannabis is kaneh bosem [in the Bible]. But I would claim that you would see the King Christ with being high and a true open heart. Shalom to you.

Minister Ty Alexander: Did you watch the whole video? I explained the qualities of cannabis as completely inconsistent with God and His ways. And as servants for The Most High, we absolutely should NOT be high or drunk when we are performing our duties in teaching, prayer, counsel, etc. I also explained that the cannabis found in Holy Land altars were not from God's temple but from temples for other gods.

Just because an ancient Jew had cannabis in her lungs does not mean it was approved by God for His people. It has many connections with bad occult spiritualism, including the ancient Egyptians from where the Jews came out of and were familiar with.

I urge you to stop getting high, as the visions and experiences you get when high on any drugs are not truly from God, but from demons that do reign in the realms of Eastern/New Age and other occult spiritualism.

AND ALSO, it is not too late to come back to repentance with Christ. Believe in Him and His identity as our one true God who saves and atones for us, and maintain loyalty to Christ publicly and you will receive the kingdom of heaven. Sin apart from denying Christ is different, but will still greatly affect you, your life, and your loved ones, so take the removal of sins from you very seriously.

May you not give up on the Faith and remove sins from you, for the Lord is True and Faithful; He will help you improve in your good fight even if you waver, but you must also do your part and not be complacent or the Lord will simply leave you to fall in your ways. More faith and strength be on you in the name of Mashiach Yeshua (Christ Jesus). Amen.

Commentor: I did watch the whole video. I might agree on some of your points, but still. No, I did Hebrew 4-6 and if the vision I had of me being dead, putting Christ on the cross was not from Him but of demons, I wonder what kind of supreme demons can do that.

Also now when I breath through my nose, I hear the Ruach haKodesh [Holy Spirit] talking to me, asking if I want to come back, but clearly saying, "I can't do none," cause I continued smoking hashish after being in Thy kingdom of God. The love I felt there was like no other. Even though it wasn't the first time I came to him, for when I was 5 years of age, He brought me to Him and showed the 3 Talking Suns, which I never knew what it was until, I guess, some New Agers Gnostic man made a video and Christ putting His hand on me while high on THC, crying like a toddler, asking if He was God that I saw.

But I see your point of New-Ager things for when you look at some depictions of the "gods" of Egypt like Amun Ra or others, there is a hemp like antenna on top of their head. Which is how I be feeling lately, that it was the Spirit saying, "You want to come back in you. I can't do." Cause He showed my that our bodies are the Book of Lifes. And I'd say, I've come to follow some alchemical/science/what I believe was truth while being high seeking that 3 Talking Suns.

Minister Ty Alexander: Demons can give people all kinds of spiritual experiences like lucid dreams, visions, and out of body experiences. I've seen them give content of all kinds, including impersonating God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the angels, and saints. Just because a spiritual experience has Christ or God in it, does NOT mean it was given by our one true God. Religious spirits and the modern day Baals are everywhere, so you cannot validate spiritual experiences to be from God simply from how they felt or what the content or messages were.

Please study the topics at https://3rdcompass.org/g?POSTS-BY-TOPIC, especially from Ministry Warnings and further if you want to know more about demons and their reigns in the world and God's kingdom. The voices you are hearing are NOT God in any form, especially when you are high on anything, and especially when they say you cannot come back to salvation in Christ because of sin.

God does not speak to people regularly like that, and the Holy Spirit does not work through chemically induced experiences, but through the power of God.

I don't know what "3 Talking Suns" you are referring to, but there are 3 suns spiritualism in Chinese Confucianism and Buddhism, none of which I would pay any heed to. EVERY religion, INCLUDING Christianity, has their demons that teach lies and bad spiritualism to lead people astray.

Also, there is truly NOTHING but yourself that prevents you from coming back to Christ. Eternal salvation in Christ is based on faith and loyalty to God through Christ and nothing more. Sin, like smoking cannabis, getting drunk all the time, or even seeking the "3 Talking Suns" cannot prevent you from being saved in Christ - for it is God's great gift to us which is NOT dependent on any works of sanctification, so that no one may boast (Ephesians 2:8-9).

However, becoming high or drunk all the time, as well as, living in bad spiritualism, like seeking spiritual guidance from anything other than God or even trying to get too much guidance from God can have very serious and damaging effects and curses. The spiritual realm is much more complicated than people think, especially ministers who have no real experience with the spirits.

So please stop getting high, as I said, and stop trying to seek any spiritual powers that are not truly God Almighty, like this 3 suns and stop pursuing any alchemical/scientific belief systems. All this is very tricky for Christians because the modern day Baals have taken over the lives of most believers by impersonating God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. To learn more about these things, please study the things on the Topics page and then contact me through the 3rdCompass site for more help and clarification on things.

Commentor: It still is funny to me, though, that aw-shan is 420 in Hebrew gematria and that it means smoke which is really close to haschish that is called like this cause of the word assassin.

Minister Ty Alexander: The Hebrew verb ashan/awshan (to smoke, to be angry, to fume) does have a standard gematria value of 420. However, I do not see any version of hashish that is also 420. Hashish is 432 in Old English gematria and 435 Greek, however, hashish is not from Greek so that value has no relevance.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say about hashish and assassin, but assassin does not have any gematria of 420 either. It is 411 for Latin gematria which is relevant because the dictionary says assassin comes from Medieval Latin. Assassin also has a value of 461 in an uncommon English gematria type. In any case, I do not see any significant numeric alignments between ashan, hashish, and assassin.

Commentor: I get your point mate. But the 3 talking suns I'm referring to is pure light without blemish, and also the Trinity, Father, Son, Holy Spirit. But that you can't verify.

Minister Ty Alexander: You are too involved in corrupted Christianity and bad spiritualism from the lies and influences of dark spiritual forces. I am an elder minister and teacher of Christ with much experience in the fight against these forces, so I speak in truth and urge you to take my warnings seriously.

Study what I asked you to, so that you may come out of those dark influences. Also, do not be overzealous with Holy Trinity teachings because God is more than the Father, Son, and Spirit. Those persons of God are the most prominent, and are the most important for the church, but the church has also fallen to much over-religious notions from religious spirits that overemphasize the Trinity. This is not surprising, as other pagan religions love to emphasize spiritual trinities, so again, I suggest you do not continue in the spiritual ways that you have been in and come out of using recreational cannabis. If you need cannabis for medical reasons then use extracts that don't make you high, if available.

Commentor: That's pretty hypocritical of you to say, for you wouldn't know if I'm telling truth or lie. Why do you dismiss my encounter with God like this? Have you ever seen Him? Did He tell you that all that I've said is a lie? Have you been in the kingdom of God within?

I feel that you are pretty arrogant to said what you said. There is not only you. Many things [need to be] looked at [in] what [we] try to understand. And saying God is more that the Trinity is purely wrong, so I can't really trust that if you said that God the Son, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit is not the fullness of God.

"'I am' the way, truth, and life, no one comes to the Father except through Me." He sacrificed [to] save, but that means that you are saved by truth/life and Him, so if you have truth and life and pray to him you can see the Father.

Minister Ty Alexander: I’m sorry that you feel diminished or attacked in my statements, but I have been very plain and honest with you. You have no idea what dark spiritual forces are in God’s kingdom and among His people of every sect. I am not being hypocritical when I have the experience, as I said, to evaluate and discern what is truly from God or not. Study what I asked and see if I speak the truth or not.

I suggest you do not over-value spiritual emotional experiences either. It is a tactic of the modern day Baals, those imposters of God, to emphasize love and emotions while they diminish critical thinking so as to have more control over those they chain [see Light Within for more about this]. So again, I give warning to heed me seriously, for you have no clue what is truly light and dark in the kingdom.

I have God’s kingdom and Him, Himself, within me, being saved in Christ. I have no need to speak of trips to heaven, for God has shown me much without such experiences, and I tell you the truth that demons give people spiritual experiences like so-called trips to heaven that they think are real. This is what God has shown me, so do not be overly defensive, but take my warnings as loving rebuke, because it is meant to break you out of much darkness and sin in following what is false.

Your experiences coming while you are under the influence of a psychoactive drug also speak against you being led or guided by God. If that and the things I stated about cannabis do not make sense to you, then I’m afraid I cannot discuss this with you any further.

And what is wrong when I stated God is more than the Trinity when Christ stated in Revelation that there are 7 spirits of God from which the message came to John? When God was the pillar of fire and smoke, was that the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit? And when God Almighty was a consuming fire on Sinai? And when He said He went through Egypt to kill all the firstborn? Was it the Father, Son, or Spirit?

Remove your preconceptions about God and check the scriptures closer. You will see that what I said is true and that you and much of the church are given to overly religious and erroneous doctrine.

And as for your last statement, the grace of Christ which is eternal life – the life in the way, truth, and life that you brought up, works by the New Covenant, which was declared by God to work by something you did not mention but is absolutely necessary – faith or belief in Christ. But furthermore, the New Covenant was declared by God to have other terms as well, which God revealed to the Apostle Paul and reiterated to me to teach the brethren. See The True Gospel and Imposters for details: https://3rdcompass.org/g?TRUE-GOSPEL

When you said we are saved by truth and life and Christ, it is true if your life is one in the faith/belief and ways of Christ. In that we will see the Father in heaven because of our eternal salvation in Christ, but without faith in Christ, no one can see the Father as far as being saved in heaven. People can see God, the Father, apart from Christ in many ways, for He guides and appears to people of all faiths and no faith as He sees fit. If you have some other point in bringing up Christ’s statement about being the way, truth, and life, then let me know.

Commentor: You bring an interesting point on answers that I want to hear, that is, the seven spirit of God's seal. I could give you the interpretation of many saying that it represents the chakras and because in the Old and New Testament, God calls Himself, "I am," it talks about being one with Himself, so they think that you are the Lamb of God talking in Revelation cause Jesus being the Son of Man, it actually represents you that can do what He did, and even furthermore, to be resurrected from the dead to become plasma, walking like John on water [it was actually Peter that walked on water], or move a mountain with faith the size of a peanut. But I want to hear your interpretation on that. What is the seal in the Lamb of God, Jesus, that gets open.

So 7 in 1, still the Trinity is regarded as the highest for the 1 that is 3 have in 1 the 7. And I don't want to say you are wrong totally, but trying to figure out what is from many points of view, cause yes, many times have I had the experience of Him showing me beautiful things not of this world.

Minister Ty Alexander: Yes, the Trinity is the foremost manifestations of God, but I do not like to focus on the Father, Son, and Spirit, because God is more and much of the church is overzealous or too focused on the Trinity. Too much focus on one thing creates tunnel vision and blindness to what is actually true. You saw it in yourself when you rejected what I said about God being more than the Trinity.

Also, the seven spirits seal is not mainstream Christian teaching, and linking God's 7 spirits to chakras is, again, mixing of Eastern spiritualism with Christian. Many false teachers mix pagan spiritual concepts with Jewish and Christian teachings. This is something I warn about and do not recommend studying anyone or any material that mixes pagan religions with what is Biblical (in the Bible). False-christ spirits use these spiritual mixings, which I bring up in the Ministry Warnings page: https://3rdcompass.org/g?WARNINGS.

Also, even if you are God's anointed teacher, you should not be overzealous to get spiritual guidance and knowledge all the time. Let God reveal as He sees fit, and not through chemical influences. Even for His anointed servants, God does not always give guidance and revelation quickly, but most often does it over very long periods of time using many different things, people, and circumstances.

Most false teachers and false prophets try to get spiritual revelations all the time, every day, and then love to share it, not understanding that most of what they get is false guidance from demons. The great majority of the church that claims to be prophets and getting God's direct words, visions, etc. are deceived by the devil. They often suffer from an affliction I call prophetic gluttony when they think they are getting real revelations from God all the time, they constantly try to get more and more.

Sharing their spiritual guidance also makes them feel important and popular, but of all the spiritual guidance from people I've evaluated over many years, I have not found one person that was not getting much false guidance from imposters of God. That is how much darkness there is in the kingdom of God, and why I urge you to take me seriously. Consuming and believing in too much false teaching and false guidance is certain to bring you curses along with their associated demons, for truly, those who spread false teachings are accursed (Galatians 1:8-9).

So again, do not count "beautiful" or joyful or rapturous spiritual guidance as from God. Satan appears as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14) and many harmful cults and religions were founded by people who thought they were getting amazing revelations from God. Islam was founded this way and many Christian cults are too.

So do not try to figure out what is what "from many points of view" that include false teachings and false guidance. You are sure to get the wrong picture when you include what is false. That is why this ministry focuses on discerning good from bad, true and false, and getting rid of all that is false or bad.

As far as God using plural or unusual versions of "I am", or words like elohim which is plural, in the Old Testament, it basically means that He has multiple manifestations, like Father, Son, and Spirit, but all are still One or Him alone.

Christ or the Lamb of God was speaking in much of Revelation, but it does not represent "you" or ourselves. It is God Himself speaking through His person of Christ. We can be like God as the prophets and apostles were - that we can speak for Him or He can speak through us and we can do miracles through God's power, but still even then, we are not God.

The Seal of the Lamb is actually the Seal of the Holy Spirit within a person who is truly saved by Christ. You may be thinking about another seal that Christ is associated with, such as the scroll with 7 seals that only Christ, The Lamb of God, can open. Those seals have to do with tribulations for our age and the end of our age.
From the conversation, you can see how remaining in false beliefs and false teachings or giving them more importance than corrections has a lot of effect on a person's thinking and what they accept. The commentor did not want to accept plain and true things I said in either the original cannabis material or in our conversation.

This conversation also highlights that God is more than the Holy Trinity and also more than His names in Christ. Overly religious teachings that come from religious spirits have had and continue to have real and powerful effects on God's people so that they reject good and true teaching. The devil truly does chain them to do his will as Paul stated when he talked about rebuking people in false doctrine (2 Timothy 2:26).

The conversation also notes we should stay away from mixing up good Biblical teaching with pagan belief systems and other bad spiritualism. The commentor was trying to figure out how God and the universe really are, but if you include lies, false beliefs, false spiritual guidance, and false teachings in your picture, then you can never get a true depiction of what is what. All that is false needs to be removed, and all that is bad should be taken away from those who want to live, understand, and teach with God in pure truth and spirit.

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