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How much can we trust Trump, His Loyalists, Elon Musk, and other Conspiracists? (Prophecy)
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Minister Ty Alexander
Updated 12/29/2024

I've talked about conspiracy theorists and their movements before (see Ministry Warnings for more). They spread news and teachings that are based on lies, misinformation, and corrupted truths. Donald Trump, Elon Musk, FOX News anchors, and other Trump loyalists, are some of the biggest names that believe in and adhere to the cult-like lies and teachings of these movements, like the Q or Q Anon movement. Though I've evaluated a lot of these movements' claims and teachings, I've never spoken in detail about what I found in them and their analysis.

Even the non-spiritually discerned but unbiased thinker can see many of their teachings and insights are false and designed to create a cult influence of brainwashing on people, so I haven't felt great need to speak of their claims and devices explicitly. I've already spoken much on how the devil uses lies, twisted truths, and usurps God's identities to chain believers in all that is false (see Light Within for more), and these Q and conspiracy groups are one and the same with ministries that follow the modern-day Baals believing they are following God but actually spreading false teachings and false guidance.

More and more, though, God has reminded me that a very large portion of His people believe in and follow these lies and those who spread them, such as Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Trump and Q loyalists, and other lie and conspiracy spreaders, like Steven Bannon and Joe Rogan, who are popular podcasters. Rogan and many of his guest speakers also emphasize they're getting at the real truth and doing the right research and analysis to prove it.

But woe as me, I've seen no end to the peoples' loss of discernment. These people think they do the best research and have the best evidence of the truth when every time I analyze their statements, I find serious flaws and bias in them that prevents them from delivering what they claim - true and unbiased reporting and analysis. Though at times, they can have good insights and needed information, they too much base judgment on corrupt and flawed works while they are puffed up in their popularity and seemingly righteous causes of truth.

But woe, this is exactly how false teachers and false prophets spread their lies as well, thinking they know better and are God-led. And because these much-talking podcasters and social media influencers also speak of religious and spiritual matters, they bring upon themselves the Lord's rod given to those whom teach for God. How often have I reminded these much-speaking ones that the apostle James warned the brethren to not become teachers in great numbers? They will be given stricter judgment for their roles (James 3:1)

So now I will be more explicit in what I found in all those whom spread false and hyped-up conspiracies and speculations. Though they speak much of their knowledge and research, they also do not have the wisdom, nor training, nor knowledge necessary to understand or discern what they research and speak of, whether it is in the sciences or of spiritual matters. They believe lies, such as "everything the education system teaches is a lie," "the Deep State controls everything," or "all mainstream news media is faked and propaganda," so that they throw out good and valid knowledge while they believe in the darkness the devil has fed them.

And so, they believe in so-called "original and true doctrine," such as "the Earth is flat" and "God created Earth at the center of the universe," because they throw out everything that says they are wrong. How ironic and little do they know that techniques in brainwashing are at the center of their world to make them believe only what dark forces want them to believe.

Woe to those who refuse the truth, for their eyes are so darkened that they cannot see the devil's chains on them. Woe to their followers, for all their eyes will be further darkened and ears further stopped. For they do not heed the one sent from God, saying, Do not pay attention to myths and endless genealogies which give rise to useless speculation. Though many of these people have good intentions, they have strayed and turned to fruitless discussions, wanting to be teachers even though they do not understand either what they are saying or the matters about which they make confident assertions (1 Timothy 1:4-7).

What does God do to those whom think themselves wise and prudent? He will destroy their wisdom and confuse their understanding (1 Corinthians 1:19). Such is the path of those who speak much, thinking they are wiser and more prudent, and so it has become in this age where everyone has a podium at their fingertips. Much of the people are lost and confused in their understanding while they are puffed-up with the multitude of what they've presumed to have seen and learned, but they are undiscerned of how full of darkness they are; for they believe to discern spiritually and by God, but cannot understand the spiritual corruptions they've come to be loyal to.

Related to this are comments to a Times of Israel article, "As RFK Jr. pushes to stop fluoridation of water, US might want to look to Israel." It spoke about different reasons for removing or keeping fluoride from drinking water and had reader comments that emphasized conspiracy theories: (my additional comments in blue; red highlighted comments are noted for further discussion)
NoaB: The idea that the fluoride that naturally occurs in water is the same thing as the toxic chemical slurry inserted by industry is irrational and insane. Clearly someone is brainwashed here or they drank too much fluoride growing up and now they can't think clearly. You can look at Oregon and see fluoride is NOT good or needed. Never had it, and yet everybody is just fine. Israelis have to deal with the incredible trauma of being bombed every day and those children having to go to bombs shelters all the time. Stress and trauma changes the microbiome in the mouth. You cannot blame it on fluoride in the water! The type of Fluoride put in water is not the "safer" kind but a toxic industrial waste substance that cannot be contained anywhere else. It eats right through every container possible. Only diluted in water can they get rid of that byproduct. And it is dangerous. It is a correlation not a causation to look at oral health in Israel.

me_notyou90250: Fluoride is indeed industrial waste. Aluminum factories did not know what to do with the fluoride waste - how the hell it got into water and toothpaste and mouthwash has got to be more funky and aberrated than the Mrna pLandemic vaxx -

I googled: fluoride byproduct of aluminum

AI results top of search page:

Yes, fluoride is a byproduct of aluminum production.

During the smelting process, aluminum oxide (bauxite) is mixed with cryolite (sodium aluminum fluoride) and coal to produce aluminum metal. As a byproduct, fluoride gas is released.

This fluoride gas is typically captured and converted into hydrofluoric acid, which is used in various industrial applications, including:

Production of aluminum fluoride (AlF3), Etching glass, Manufacturing of pesticides and refrigerants, and Treatment of water for dental health.

It's important to note that the fluoride released during aluminum production is not typically a significant environmental concern, as it is captured and processed. However, high concentrations of fluoride can be harmful to humans and animals.

Minister Ty Alexander [in response to me_notyou]: I would not rely on AI to research or analyze for you, knowing how these systems cannot truly think or reason, nor replace the true intelligence of God's creations whom were designed by Him to be like Him. Please study the AI Morality article I have at 3rdCompassORG if you want to see how bad AI is for the peoples.

mansikkamarmeladi [in response to NoaB]: Doesn't Oregon have a high level of naturally occurring fluoride in ground water?

NoaB: Nope! We have lithia in our water. And some parts have large amounts of arsenic. So we have filters that take out fluoride and arsenic just to drink safe water. Besides. The type of fluoride that naturally occurs in water is NOT the industrial waste version that is put in artificially. Someone further up in the comments put a great study in to let you know about this [referring to me_notyou's comments above]. It is a byproduct of the aluminum manufacturing industry that has put in your water. It is bound to the wrong chemical because we don't just get the element of fluoride. It has to be tied to another element to be a complete molecule. The type that nature put in the water is a completely different kind that does not damage the body the same way.

Minister Ty Alexander: Why is it that people dismiss the large negative effects in dental health after removing fluoride in municipal water in many different areas while they hype up "industrial waste" and unproven conspiracies? The sensible ones will look further and do proper unbiased research. They'd see that fluoride is already naturally occurring in water and different foods, and U.S. water supplies have been fluoridated decades before I was born and I've been living on fluoridated water all my life, yet it is certain that I did not get any chronic health problems from fluoride.

What is certain is the sins in your lives are the root causes for the peoples' problems, so I would look to that first and keep fluoride in the water and keep using it for dental health, so that tooth decay does not skyrocket underneath the troubles the people already make for themselves.

Yet despite logical reasoning, people back the leadership and reform of those whom are incompetent with making right judgments, such as JFK Jr. and the entire Trump loyalist camp. Still, it is by El Elyon, God Most High, these sort come to power, but it is for reasons their loyalists cannot discern. The peoples will be put under a veil to further darken their minds, for they have shown their loyalties to what is not right and true, and allowed depravities to think and act for them believing God is with them. Such is this corrupt generation.

Additional notes about article comments
One commentor, NoaB, said the state of Oregon never had or needed fluoride in its water systems. Oregon is one of the states with the lowest amount of water fluoridation (fluoridation of water supplies is under local, not federal management), but many of Oregon's cities do add fluoride to their water. An Oregon Health Authority publication notes that 22% of Oregon residents have fluoridated water as opposed to about 75% across the U.S.[1.1]. NoaB said Oregon residents never needed fluoride, but a recent article about a vote to remove fluoride in the small city of Lebanon, Oregon notes that long-time residents remember the days of non-fluoridated water had widespread tooth decay in children[1.2].

NoaB also said Oregon water had lithia, which sounds like a lethal chemical (it is related to lithium which is used to make batteries), but I found no widespread indication of lithia water in Oregon, and in fact, I found that natural lithia water is very rare and is simply a form of mineral water that many people consider beneficial to drink[1.3, 1.4, 1.5]. NoaB might have gotten notions of widespread lithia in Oregon because Ashland, Oregon has a famous lithia water spring.

Lithia and lithium do have medical benefits, but like other minerals, the concentration you ingest very much affects the outcome. The same goes for fluoride, which can be harmful and even deadly in high concentrations. However, put that in perspective, because even plain sodium (salt) is very bad for you and deadly if you consume it in excessive quantity.

And consider chlorine, such as chlorine bleach, a highly toxic chemical, can also be deadly but is also used to sanitize our water. Why aren't people raving about removing chlorine from water systems? I can smell the chlorine coming from my city tap water and I've used it to make well water suitable for drinking. I'm not worried about drinking it. Without chlorine or other chemicals, like iodine, or good but expensive filtration methods, you'd be drinking bacteria, viruses, and parasites from either human waste water or natural runoff that supplies the ground water from local wells. What sounds more healthy?

And what about fluoride coming from “industrial waste”? Is the fluoride put in our water different from natural fluoride? What I found about this is that there are many different kinds of fluoride that municipalities put into water systems, and you cannot say that all of it comes from industrial byproducts, nor specifically always aluminum smelting as suggested by a commentor.

Furthermore, just because a chemical or mineral is a byproduct of an industrial process does not mean it should automatically be labelled a poison or regarded as a useless hazard.

My point in these comments is that conspiracists and false teachers share a common methodology. They are all given to poor analysis, uneducated judgments, and ultra-biased thinking that overblows both positive and negative things and removes needed context, so that their corrupt and incorrect interpretation of things appear to be sound thinking and logical. This applies to all reason and analysis that includes scripture and spiritual matters, as well as, every other discipline.

These faults in proper discernment and wisdom are what God has shown me in decades of analysis of His people’s many corrupt doctrines and teachings. He used my background in the sciences to help with this learning, so may you heed the many warnings God has given through this ministry about believing in and spreading what is false. Truly, those who spread it are accursed (Galatians 1:8-9), which is no small reason why so many are cursed to be blind to what has blinded them.

Praise be to Yahovah Sabaoth El Shaddai, Yahovah of hosts God Almighty, for His many wonders in guiding me to much needed corrections in both me and His people.

For more details and analysis about the fluoride toxicity report used by a federal court decision
that said there was "unreasonable risk of injury" in its use, see Why bad things happen...

[1.1] "Current Research on the Safety and Effectiveness of Fluoride". Oregon Health Authority. Retrieved 2024 Dec. 29.

[1.2] Zane Sparling. "A small Oregon city is in the national spotlight over fluoride". The Oreganian. 2024 Nov. 20. Retrieved 2024 Dec. 29.

[1.3] "Lithia water". Wikipedia. Retrieved 2024 Dec. 29.

[1.4] "The Health Benefits of Lithia Water". blipfoto blog. 2019 Jul. 14. Retrieved 2024 Dec. 29.

[1.5] Mahmoud Shelton. "Viewpoint: The virtues of Ashland’s Lithia Water". Ashland.news. 2023 Dec. 27. Retrieved 2024 Dec. 29.

3rd Compass -> Group News and Articles -> How much can we trust Trump, His Loyalists, Elon Musk, and other Conspiracists?


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