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The People's Loss of Discernment (Teaching)
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Minister Ty Alexander
Updated 7/24/2022

This election year brought forward how bad the church and believers in general are at judging people and issues. I saw believers blindly accept and follow falsehoods and untrustworthy people or groups, and be staunchly loyal to them, even when facts show their information is false or skewed.

For example, I saw far too many people blindly support President Trump and his statements, though many have been proven false, while they also blindly ridicule and accuse people and groups that oppose their loyalties, such as demonizing all Democrats and stating people, like Joe Biden or President Obama, are elite pedophiles.

They accept and spread lies far too quickly and do not verify things sufficiently. Some of these things come from conspiracy theorists, like Q-anon and its followers, who are overeager to take anything as plain fact or truth from sources they think are correct and trustworthy. However, I’ve seen much more misinformation, fact twisting, and total error than plain truth coming from these Q-anon, news reporters, social media bloggers, etc. Some things are truly facts, but many things are also twisted or just plain incorrect, whether they were not researched and validated well enough or complete lies.

It is as bad as all the false teaching I’ve seen in the church, and it saddens me that God’s people are lost to good discernment and wisdom, almost as much as the rest of the world. They are lost because they put faith in what is false – false teachers, false spiritual guidance, false prophecy, false news, and misconstrued facts.

In times when the fortified city crumbles, the Lord says my people are not a people of discernment (Isaiah 27:10-11). Their altars have idols of all forms of greed, pride, and people and organizations on pedestals. When your city withers and its branches fall, will you collect dead wood to burn instead of crush your idols and altars?

Have you not heard of swearing falsely and did the Lord tell you not to judge others? Labeling people, like Biden, who is one of the brethren, as well as whole groups, like Democrats, as pedophiles with no real evidence is not only wrong, but it is a sin. Did anyone ever consider the validity of “leaked” documents and other “evidence” that seems to support so much sin and corruption being spread by conspiracists?

Unfortunately, the church has come to be just as the Jews were in Yeshua's (Jesus) time – lost in false teaching, lies, and darkness, and cannot make righteous judgment. So instead of blindly consuming so much unvalidated and misconstrued information, God's people need to stop believing everything from sources that are only superficially thought to be trustworthy; they need to dig deeper. The largest news outlets are not the only channels you should question.

Validate things before making dangerous and slanderous accusations, so you can make righteous judgment and not come to judgment yourself. Aren’t you breaking the Second Greatest Commandment when you slander your neighbor?

"But the one who hates his brother or sister is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes" (1 John 2:11).

Why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you regard your brother or sister with contempt? For we will all appear before the judgment seat of God (Romans 14:10).

Do not judge, so that you will not be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you” (Matthew 7:1-2); “Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned (Luke 6:37-38).

This does not mean we should not judge a person’s actions at all. Who can claim to be sinless as the Perfect One? But God does hold leaders and authority, and even believers in general (Hebrews 10:26-31; James 3:1; Luke 12:48), more accountable for their actions, as we also should. Neither Trump nor Biden are infallible, and in fact have similar faults, so remember also you cannot make righteous judgment if you are partial to one or another and blindly dismiss your favorites’ errors while you emphasize the faults of the other.

"If you really keep the royal law found in scripture, 'Love your neighbor as yourself,' you are doing right. But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers" (James 2:8). Paul affirmed this rule of making righteous judgment when he also said,"I solemnly exhort you in the presence of God and of Mashiach Yeshua (Christ Jesus), and of His chosen angels, to maintain these principles [of judging elders] without bias, doing nothing in a spirit of partiality" (1 Timothy 5:21).

The Lord has guided me much with numbers and their meanings, and I see it as no coincidence that the electoral vote count for the 2020 election now stands, and likely will remain, 306 for Biden and 232 for Trump.

306 is a number that represents acting in righteousness, despite great threat of pain, trials, and death. It is linked to the deaths of Christ and Martin Luther King, Jr. (see the meaning of 306). The number 232, though, is the Latin gematria value for Satan (see the meaning of 55).

Good discernment come to you in the name of Mashiach Yeshua. Amen.

Update 12/8/2020
Updated 12/11/2020

Despite numerous attempts by President Trump and his followers to overthrow official, validated election results through lawsuits and the spreading of lies and misconceptions, he has won no major point, had most lawsuits thrown out, and has failed to prove his claims of massive voting fraud.

An MPR article tonight just reported the Supreme Court threw out his case, brought by Republican Mike Kelly, to overturn the election results for Pennsylvania[6.15.1], a state with a large number of pivotal electoral votes.

The lawsuit tried to throw out 2.5 million ballots cast by mail, but the Supreme Court rejected the case. I have not heard of any legal cases brought by the Trump campaign to have changed election results in Trump's favor, and in fact some recounts found more votes for Biden, as happened in Wisconsin, and after Trump made the state of Georgia recount votes up to three times (ABC World News Tonight), its results remain the same.

Biden still has 306 electoral votes over Trump's 232, and if you recall the initial article, I noted the significance of those numbers. When the Electoral College votes to finalize the election on December 14th, the counts are expected to remain the same, and the MPR article noted another number I am familiar with: 36.

The Lord guided me that 36 means enemy or triumph over the enemy (see 36 in The Meaning of Numbers), and MPR stated that with 306 electoral votes, Biden has 36 more than the 270 majority needed to win. These numbers are God's way of saying that the enemy or Satan in Trump's 232 electoral votes are being triumphed over (36) with Biden's 306 votes.

Another interesting thing about this 36, is that God gave someone a dream concerning the meaning of the number to go with triumph over the enemy. The dream showed the nails pinning Christ to the cross were struck by the hammer 36 times, so you could say, that Biden's 36 more votes than are needed to win aligns with Christ being pinned to the cross with 36 hammer strikes, which helped seal His ultimate victory and triumph over the enemy with the finalizing of the New Covenant.

When I realized these connections with the numbers, it pained me to see, also, that believers and the world cannot tell the difference between the unrighteous ways of Satan and what is truly right, just as they blindly support Trump's obvious lies and unethical ways. I've heard many times that believers think President Trump is a kind of Christ-like savior, but the only things I have seen in his presidency to support this are some legal reforms against abortion.

The majority of news I've seen about Trump during his presidency has shown how he does not uphold or model many Christian values, such as humility, honesty, generosity, and love for everyone. That was Trump's public image long before he campaigned for president, which was why I was not in support of his bid for president and noted years ago that God allowed him to become president to show the U.S. what kind of morals and leadership they support (see America's Simmering).

Can you see how skewed the judgment of the people is, when they are willing to blindly support a person or cause, simply because they seem to promise support for one or two of your own causes, but act completely out of alignment with all your other values?

Too many Trump supporters just accept everything he says as true when they should be prudent to investigate, especially when they make damaging accusations. For example, during one of the Presidential debates with Biden, President Trump made a reference to a laptop that was found with information to accuse Biden's son, Hunter, of money laundering.

Nothing more was said about it during the debate, but I did not know about this laptop, so I looked it up after the debate. I found that the FBI got hold of a laptop from a computer repair tech who allegedly got it from Biden's son[6.16.1]. As I read about it, the circumstances of the laptop became more and more suspicious.

The repair tech said he could not identify the person giving him the damaged laptop, since he was legally blind, but the work order was signed with the name Hunter Biden. It is also suspicious no one returned to get the laptop or recovered data.

It is even more suspicious the tech gave the FBI the laptop when he found "alarming" and "embarrassing" files on the hard drive, which if the tech was doing his job with integrity, wouldn't have even looked in the files being recovered. I have worked with file recovery and know that the process generally does not reveal the contents of the files unless you open them explicitly.

The account of the laptop being a credible source of evidence was lacking, especially when you'd think anyone with something to hide and great wealth would not take it to a public tech and leave it. This is not the first or only example I've seen of Trump or other people running with stories too quickly that cannot be authenticated. It looks more like it was a faked laptop with faked evidence, like other fake "evidence" I've seen being spread all over the Internet.

There is hardly anything a deceitful person or organization cannot fake with today's technology. The Trump campaign even used a changed photo of an old news article to keep control of the election results[6.17.1]. Deep-fake videos can even be made by a layperson with today's personal computers that can make anyone appear like they are committing criminal acts, just as an artist can use Photoshop or other image editing software to create photographic fakes. My background in computer science and graphic arts has made that apparent to me, but this issue of deep-fakes goes far beyond the everyday world, as the Lord has also brought me to understand the "deep-fakes" of the spiritual world as well.

The schemes of Satan are many, but much of God's people are completely unaware of them as they've fallen to them. Now more than ever, the Lord's people need prayers so they would see with eyes not darkened, to open them so that they may turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God (Acts 26:18), because with eyes so darkened, the body is full of darkness, and how great that darkness (Matthew 6:23; Luke 11:34), for you cannot serve two masters (Matthew 6:24; Luke 16:13), and unfortunately, everyone so darkened cannot not even see they are serving dark masters and idols instead of God alone.

Update 1/14/2021
The Electoral College votes were officially confirmed by Congress last week, making Joe Biden the official next president of the United States. But it was after much disruption as Trump supporting rioters broke violently into Capitol grounds and stopped Congress from confirming Biden. I was disheartened to see President Trump doing nothing to stop the violent insurrection and even giving loving praise to his supporters there. His public statements even encouraged the violence when he told his supporters, “If you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

Unfortunately, too many people believe everything Trump says and blindly support him. The insurrection caused the loss of life for a handful of people, including some law enforcement officers, but Congress came back in the evening to complete the confirmation after control was restored.

The Electoral College votes stood as they were certified by the states in December last year – Biden has 306 and Trump has 232. If you recall the original post, I noted what God was trying to say with the numbers 306 and 232, namely that Trump’s 232 linked him to Satan.

And now, I see the Lord brought that number back to my attention in this process of governmental control, and is reaffirming what I stated about its meaning. The House of Representatives voted to impeach Trump for a second time, a historical first, and the vote came to be 232 for impeachment, which included 222 Democrats and 10 Republicans (Trump’s political party), and 197 ‘no’ votes and 4 abstaining from voting, which were all Republican[6.18.1].

The number 232 for impeachment again affirms Trump’s link to be unrighteous and an example of Satan, rather than righteousness. Yet so many believers continue to back him up. I even saw there were two Jewish women blowing shofars at the protests amongst the swarm of far-right supporters holding up Trump flags[6.19.1], many belonging to white supremist, anti-government, and other extremist groups.

I can see that many believers who continue to support Trump, like the Jewish women at the protests, are well-meaning people who truly believe there is great corruption in the government and that the 2020 election was rigged, but as I stated in the previous posts, God’s People have lost their discernment and cannot make righteous judgment.

I do not claim there is no corruption in the government, but I would say there is the same amount of corruption everywhere else, including in the church and other religions. The lies and deceptions of the enemy have prevailed much over the people, but it is not how Trump, Qanon, and other sources of fake news and misinformation have told. Untrustworthy sources have blown things out of proportion and given lies and faked evidence to support it. Some of it coming from false spiritual guidance from preachers influenced by their demons.

Those who consider themselves faithful believers and servants of the Lord, yet continue to support Trump and the agenda of untrustworthy sources, should be especially dismayed. Can you now see how your eyes have darkened, making your bodies full of darkness? (Matthew 6:23; Luke 11:34)

Many criticized the second impeachment of Trump, because it does not help unity and peace for the country, and it does little to change the remaining few days of his presidency. But those who see what is right will understand that impeaching Trump now is an issue of accountability and the holding up of leaders to higher standards.

Trump is a wealthy man who is used to getting his way, and used to getting out of trouble with little consequence. Those who truly know the Lord, know that He will not let His own believers sin without consequence, for He reproves and corrects those He loves as true children and heirs for the improvement of our virtue (Hebrews 12:7). This is the discipline of the Lord, and if you do not have any such reproof then you are either perfected already or illegitimate children and do not belong to the Lord (Hebrews 12:7-8).

This in no way denies love for Trump or others who continually live in sin and darkness. I can certainly forgive Trump for his bad behaviors, but over the decades that I have seen of his public image, I’ve not seen his character change.

That does not change God’s love for him as far as the gospel goes, but that is a separate issue and mainly deals with the guarantee of atonement for the next life, through no works of sanctification of our own (Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 3:19-30; 5:15-16, 6:23, 11:6; Titus 3:5-7), other than public acknowledgment of faith and loyalty to Christ (see The True Gospel and Imposters for details).

In this life, most of us have works of improvement to do, and it is for this the Lord guides, reproves, and punishes us - so we may share in His holiness and be trained in righteousness and the peaceful fruits of the Spirit, of which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Hebrews 12:10-11; Galatians 5:22).

Christian leaders who cannot abide in such fruits and righteousness have further work to do in themselves, and should not be given positions of great authority, which is another point in proceeding with a second impeachment. A political historian I saw reporting on the impeachment noted the founding fathers intended the impeachment process to make clear that people of inappropriate morality do not belong in the White House.

May all this help you make righteous judgment in the people and things you support, through Mashiach Yeshua – Christ Jesus. Amen.

Update - Where does the truth put Donald Trump and supporters of misinformation? 7/24/2022
Updated 7/27/2022

After the last round of Congressional hearings for the January 6th, 2021 Capitol Riot Insurrection, I felt strongly by the Spirit that I needed to talk about the evidence revealed in them. Previous posts in this thread, talked about the People’s loss of discernment, inability to make righteous judgment, and the continued darkening of many believers’ eyes to the truth.

The evidence shown in the last hearings gave much witness testimony and more details about what President Trump did when the violent riot took place on January 6th. Some people commented about the evidence that nothing new was shown, but the evidence and testimony did further seal the truth of what happened and how Donald Trump behaved – the riot was conducted by Trump supporters and he did want them to take violent action to stop the certification of the election. Trump did not even condemn the real threat of death on Vice President Pence and his security officers during the riot. The evidence gave more proof for Trump’s morality and state of mind, of which I had noted in this thread is not righteous or fit for leadership.

Yet even now, there are still many in the community and leading politicians who continue to support Trump, despite so much overwhelming evidence that he has lied, covered up information, used deception and misinformation, and even this weekend, he irrationally claimed the evidence against him in these hearings are a “hoax”[1.1]. Trump and other Republicans even tried to use fake electors to try and overturn the election[1.2, 1.3], which is clearly unlawful and hypocritical when they constantly claim the other side is "stealing" elections.

This puts anyone who denies the plain truth as Trump and his supporters are doing as not only unable to make righteous judgment, but it also shows they are brainwashed by what they believe, because this kind of thinking and behavior is very familiar to me after studying spiritual blindness and brainwashing in people of faith for many years.

One reason why I feel the Lord wants me to speak now of these Congressional hearings and evidence against Trump is to also share what I know of spiritual guidance related to him. In October 2020, before general voting for the 2020 Presidential Election happened, there was widespread spiritual guidance or “words” from people or prophets in the church that stated Trump was “God’s” anointed and that Trump and the Republicans would win the election.

Some of these exact same “words of God”, came from a ministry I know to be following false-Christ imposter spirits of the Lord, and I had also noted the same false guidance and false prophecy was being spread by the Q or Q-anon group and its followers, who I also determined to be following someone or a group of people who are also spreading false spiritual guidance and prophecy from imposter spirits.

Obviously, the spiritual guidance these people are spreading are lies and false prophecy, because Trump and Republicans did not win, but their followers are so completely brainwashed by the lies they believe, and blinded by their allegiance to these demons and the false guidance they get from them, that they completely dismiss plain truth and common sense, such as overwhelming evidence there was no mass election fraud, that all Democrats and many accused of pedophilia and child trafficking is not true, that there is no Jewish “Illuminati” elite controlling the world, and that Trump is not God’s righteous anointed messiah.

Despite the spiritual guidance and “words” having been proven to be lies, and therefore, cannot be from God or the Holy Spirit, for God does not lie and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, many believers still cling to the groups, ministries, and imposters that give the lies and false prophecy. This spiritual brainwashing is exactly the same as has been in the church for millennia and is a reason why false teaching is so hard to get rid of in believing communities of all kinds.

I knew when Trump allowed the rioters to attack the Capitol and by his statements continuing to support lies and not condemning violence, that he was a very dangerous person to be in power. He is not a righteous judge and used his authority and control over his followers to stage a rebellious coup of lawful government, even when he was given overwhelming evidence and truth that the election was valid and that his actions to continue trying to overturn it were unlawful.

After the last Congressional hearing, some people said the evidence defended Trump, like new video footage of him not wanting to say the election was over the day after the January 6th riot happened. However, considering all the evidence, the only way the new evidence defends Trump is that it showed he either truly believed the election was rigged, stolen, and fraudulent, which also shows that he is brainwashed by lies, or he knows the truth but is maintaining his fraudulent position to remain in power.

Either of these mentalities is extremely dangerous, as I can think of some infamous leaders that were or are brainwashed by lies and immorality and/or know they are lying and not doing the right things, but present themselves as being in the right. Hitler and Putin are in this category.

Now, some people have suggested that Trump is one of the hidden leaders of the Q group, which very well is possible, but even if he is unconnected to Q’s leadership, it is obvious to me that he believes in the same lies and false spiritual guidance that is spread by Q and other ministries that are loyal to known imposters of God.

Where does that put Trump and the groups that are allied with this false guidance and false prophecy? If these are imposters of God and false prophets saying Trump is their anointed messiah, what does that say about his anointment? Think carefully about that before you continue to support Trump, lies, and false prophecy.

I praise the Lord that He used Trump for abortion reforms and to help get Roe vs Wade overturned, but remember it was God who did it and not Trump. I see it as God’s fulfilment of our prayers to use him and any leader to work the Lord’s will and righteousness. But going further in support of Trump or leaders like him, overlooking their moral character, and treating them as infallible Messiah-Christs is not the stance of a People who are told to make righteous judgment.

[1.1] "Trump slams Jan. 6 hearings as a ‘hoax’ at Arizona campaign rally, as Pence makes rival appearance". yahoo!news. 2022 Jul. 23. Retrieved 2022 Jul. 24.

[1.2] Tim Pearce. "Michigan AG: ‘Absolutely’ Enough Evidence To Charge 2020 GOP Electors, Seemingly ‘Part Of A Bigger Conspiracy’". DailyWire. 2022 Jan. 19. Retrieved 2022 Jul. 27.

[1.3] "UPDATED Trump’s fake electors: Here’s the full list". AZ Mirror. 2022 Jun. 29. Retrieved 2022 Jul. 27.

More references can be found on the Master Reference List.

Turn to righteous judgment before the final antichrist comes 2/23/2024
In one of the posts here, I talked about the suspicious circumstances related to a laptop that was connected to President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, in 2019[2.3]. It was supposed to have incriminating evidence of corruption against President Joe Biden and/or Hunter Biden, but in the years since, the so-called evidence has not surfaced. The laptop was likely Hunter Biden's laptop, but given the circumstances of how the laptop was brought to authorities, I'm certain it was stolen by devious operatives working against the Bidens and the Biden Presidency.

The data on the laptop appeared to belong to Hunter Biden, however, being an expert in computer systems, I find the analysis of it suspicious and insufficient to prove all the data on the laptop was truly authentic. For one, much of what was analyzed was a so-called "clean copy" of the data that was retained by the computer repair shop tech who initially brought the data to the FBI. But as someone who knows the intricate details of how computers store information, I also know that there is NO WAY to validate a copy of a file as authentic and unchanged because you are looking at a copy that could have been altered in the copy process.

And as far as authenticating an original file on a computer as authentic, this too is nearly impossible to do with absolute certainty, because computer files and their accompanying data on the computer's file system can all be hacked and modified to appear authentic. The data analysts also found multiple people had written files to the laptop, so not all the data can be directly linked to Hunter Biden. And as I said, the unusual way the laptop was gotten to authorities also cannot eliminate tampering by whomever deceptively took the laptop.

The bottom line is, there was insufficient evidence in the laptop to charge any wrong doing by the Bidens. Furthermore, another FBI informant who gave testimony of corruption against the Bidens was recently arrested and charged with lying[2.1, 2.2]. The informant was actually being fed lies by Russian operatives.

Hunter Biden may have been charged with real crimes, like tax fraud and lying to get a firearm[2.4], but those are crimes completely unrelated to the Presidency, so continuing to try and persecute the Bidens and impeach President Joe Biden as the Republican Party is trying to do without sufficient evidence and even with the existence of evidence against their case, such as a proven false witness, it truly shows there is no righteous judgment or good discernment among the people.

Trump appears to be on track to be the Republican Presidential nominee for this election year, but I also saw reports that a majority of those who support Trump for president this year also believe the 2020 election was fraudulent and stolen from him. There continues to be no evidence to support a stolen election, but in fact many people who had supported and worked for Trump during the last election, and Donald Trump himself, were charged and convicted with their own crimes of significant fraud in business, finances, and trying to overturn an election, libel (lying), and other crimes amounting to many hundreds of millions to billions of dollars[2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.10].

It is obvious Donald Trump and his officials are corrupt and unfit for office, even if Trump was not yet legally proven libel (convicted) for insurrection and therefore no longer eligible to become president because of the insurrection clause in the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I've seen more than enough witness testimony and evidence of Trump's liability and corruption in the violent January 6th, 2021 revolt at the U.S. capitol that tried to prevent Joe Biden's election to be certified.

And as I noted in the last post, Trump is even more dangerously corrupt because he and his followers are brainwashed by lies and immoral values. Yet many people want to put him back in power. When Trump was elected president before, despite having very questionable character, I noted it was God's will to show how he reflects the morality and values of the people. Much of the world has lost good discernment and righteous judgment, and this is proven to be true in believing communities as well. The great majority of those who attest to belong to God also continue to hold loyalty to lies, what is false, and the lords of that dominion - the Baals of this age and imposters of God.

Believers seek the righteous to come to power and fix their countries and communities, but I have seen no sufficiently righteous leaders come to power in our days. Countries and communities continue into moral decline despite the work of believers, because believers, too, have not rid themselves of sin and lies either. But I do see it is the end of the age and with it comes the rise of the final antichrist who will use lies and corruption, like we've already seen being used, to take power and trick, even the most devout believers into following him.

His revealing is near, for it will not come unless the apostasy, the falling away from the faith, comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). The apostasy has been fulfilling already all over the world in recent years as believers leave organized religion, especially the established church, because of all the sins and hypocrisy within them. Many countries, including the United States, who were large majority Christian have drastically lost numbers[2.8, 2.9]. This will continue to happen to setup for the final antichrist, so those in power and coming to power in our days will contend with, ally with, and one will be that man of lawlessness, whom none will be able to defeat until the time of the end, when our Savior God and Messiah returns to destroy the antichrist Himself with His coming in glory, that is, in the Rapture of all the brethren, dead and alive (2 Thessalonians 2:8) (see more about the Rapture in Light Within).

Undoubtedly, you have heard much speculation and even spiritual guidance on whom the antichrist and his partner, the false prophet, will be, but I urge not to pursue speculations and conspiracies, as they are only a degree away from the falsehoods that found false teachings. The identities of the antichrist and false prophet will not be obvious before they have gained world authority, and it is God's will the matter is not easily revealed, For Satan comes with all power and false signs and wonders, and with every deception of wickedness, for those who did not accept the love of the truth so as to be saved. For this reason, God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in unrighteousness (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12).

Does love of the truth so as to be saved and they did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in unrighteousness only refer to belief in Christ and eternal salvation? It may be God's will that evil people take control of authority, but how much you love and ally with their lies and unrighteousness will be judged by God, so be rid of all that is false and strive to make righteous judgment.

[2.1] Associated Press. "FBI informant charged with lying about Joe and Hunter Biden's ties to Ukrainian energy company". MPR News. 2024 Feb. 15. Retrieved 2024 Feb. 23.

[2.2] Ryan J. Reilly, Tom Winter, Sarah Fitzpatrick. "Former FBI informant charged with lying about Joe and Hunter Biden re-arrested". NBC News. 2024 Feb. 22. Retrieved 2024 Feb. 23.

[2.3] "Hunter Biden laptop controversy". Wikipedia. Retrieved 2024 Feb. 23.

[2.4] Jerry Dunleavy. "Hunter Biden charges: What punishments could the president’s son face?". Washington Examiner. 2023 Jan. 12. Retrieved 2024 Feb. 23.

[2.5] Rachel Leingang. "Six Nevada Republicans charged with casting fake electoral votes in 2020". The Guardian. 2023 Dec. 6. Retrieved 2024 Feb. 23.

[2.6] Alanna Durkin Richer. "$148 million damages verdict adds to Rudy Giuliani’s financial woes as he awaits his criminal trial". Associated Press. 2023 Dec. 16. Retrieved 2024 Feb. 23.

[2.7] Jonah E. Bromwich, Ben Protess. "Trump Fraud Trial Penalty Will Exceed $450 Million". New York Times. 2024 Feb. 16. Retrieved 2024 Feb. 23.

[2.8] "In U.S., Decline of Christianity Continues at Rapid Pace". Pew Research Center. 2019 Oct. 17. Retrieved 2024 Feb. 23.

[2.9] "Decline of Christianity in the Western world". Retrieved 2024 Feb. 23.

[2.10] "Ex-Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg pleads guilty to perjury charges". ABC News. 2024 Mar. 4. Retrieved 2024 Mar. 4.

How much lawlessness will the people let pass? 5/30/2024
Donald Trump is now the first former U.S. President to be convicted of criminal felony[3.1, 3.2], as opposed to civil crimes, which do not have prison time associated with them. And recall that Trump was already found guilty of significant civil fraud related to his businesses and finances earlier this year[2.7]. He was ordered to pay over $355 million in fines[3.3], but later worked out a deal to pay half of the fine while he tries to appeal the verdict.

Today, in a separate criminal case, a jury of 12 found Trump guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records to try and cover up hush money payments so that his presidential campaign would not be harmed. The payments were to two porn stars whom he had affairs with, and both of these affairs were adulterous because he was married to Melania Trump at the time.

The guilty verdicts are no surprise to me because God has shown me what sort of person Donald Trump is (see previous posts), and even many years before God guided me on him, I could see his demeanor to be arrogant and spiteful. Those attributes alone may not make anyone unfit for leadership or the Presidency, as people may repent and change, but what I’ve seen from Trump throughout his public life is the same kinds of unrighteous behavior.

The only difference now is that we have a much more complete picture of his attitudes and values, and if you read this thread, you’d know that Trump does not exhibit the virtues of a person of God. Yet, even despite a felony conviction, a large number of people are still willing to support him for president. Today, a Minnesota newscast stated that 88% of people in a poll said they would still vote for Trump if he was convicted in this hush money case. I’ve heard polls around the country recently that continue to give Trump support even if he is convicted. Presidential polls continue to have Trump very close to President Biden.

And before, I noted that a majority of Republicans continue to support Trump despite his many serious criminal and civil court cases, as well as his continued unacceptable behavior, not just for a leader but as a Christian, too. Trump was already found liable for significant business and financial fraud, as stated already, but he was also found liable for sex abuse in a rape case[3.5] and still has three more criminal cases against him; two for election interference and another for the mishandling of classified documents[3.4]. With today’s conviction, that is six very serious cases against him. All but one election interference case has substantial criminal evidence against him.

How many so-called “witch hunts,” as Trump loves to call cases against him, will the people, especially people of God, be willing to rally against in order to support Trump? I’ve never seen so much sinful favoritism and unrighteousness judgment given for the benefit of a single person. This is a man who was recorded bragging about inappropriate sexual advances and groping of women’s private parts when he was a reality show star[3.6]. It was in the same timeframe as his affairs with porn stars when he was married to Melania.

Do you support this sort? Must I say you are as hypocritical as this man in the grips of the devil? Why are so many of you continuing to support so much darkness?

God says, Do not judge unfairly. Do not favor the poor or show preference to the rich. Judge your neighbor fairly (Leviticus/Vayikra 19:15); Judge the people with righteous judgment (Deuteronomy/Devarim 16:18). It is not good to show partiality to the guilty, nor to deprive the righteous in judgment (Proverbs/Mishlei 18:5), and do not judge according to appearance [only on the surface], but judge with righteous judgment (John 7:24).

If you think me stern against Trump and that I am an unforgiving sort, let me remind you that his character and walk with evil continues to this day. Or if you think I prejudge and convict him when he continues to say he is innocent and is appealing his cases, then again I say, how many “witch hunt” criminal cases and obviously unrighteous behavior will you let pass?

So I give warning in order that God will not convict you of hypocrisy, too, I will remind that we are not to associate with believers who are sexually immoral, greedy, swindlers, idolaters, verbally abusive, or habitually drunk (1 Corinthians 5:9-13). The Lord may give limited pass if you continue to support and give allegiance to a brethren who lives under one of those sins, but how many have you seen Donald Trump live by?

The only one I have NOT seen him given to is alcoholism. Most of the other sins related to Trump are obvious. He’s been shown to have a long history of lust, adultery, fornication, dishonesty for financial and other gain (remember, too, God hates dishonest gain; Jeremiah 22:13-17; Habukkuk 2:6; Psalm 119:36; Proverbs 20:23, 21:6; Ezekiel 22:13-14; 1 Timothy 3:8; Titus 1:7, 1:10-11; 1 Peter 5:2), and Trump has often been an abusive railer, calling anyone he dislikes all kinds of names and making completely inappropriate comments, even to judges and witnesses in his court cases, which isn’t only illegal in some cases, but is not righteous behavior for any person of God, much less for God’s anointed savior, which many of his supporters continue to believe (I spoke of where that anointment truly comes from in a previous post).

Idolatry in Trump is not as obvious, so I remind that greed is also idolatry (Colossians 3:5) and lust is another kind of greed.

If the people elect such a man to office again, it will show where they go and what they ally with, and that, truly, democracy cannot save the United States nor the world. But if such a man comes back to world power, it will be God’s will, and so for whatever reason the Lord sees fit, I will pray some good come out of it.

[3.1] Associated Press. "Guilty: Trump becomes first former U.S. president convicted of felony crime". MPR News (Minnesota Public Radio News). 2024 May 30. Retrieved 2024 May 30.

[3.2] Adam Reiss, Gary Grumbach, Dareh Gregorian, Tom Winter and Jillian Frankel. "Donald Trump found guilty in historic New York hush money case". 2024 May 30. Retrieved 2024 May 30.

[3.3] "Trump’s legal debts top a half-billion dollars. Will he have to pay?". Associated Press. 2024 Feb. 16. Retrieved 2024 May 30.

[3.4] Michael R. Sisak. "Trump Investigations: Tracking the cases". 2024 May 30. Retrieved 2024 May 30.

[3.5] "Jury finds Trump liable for sexual abuse, awards accuser $5M". 2023 May 9. Retrieved 2024 May 30.

[3.6] Jonathan Lemire. "Trump caught on video making lewd, crude remarks about women". 2016 Oct. 7. Retrieved 2024 May 30.

The lamps of the kingdom emit shadow, not light 6/4/2024
Updated 8/26/2024

It came to my attention that positive views about Donald Trump and belief in the false information he and those who support him, such as fellow Republicans, have a strong international base as well as American, while their negative views of those that oppose him are also wildly overblown, just as it is here in the States, such as viewing Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son, as well as President Biden with more disdain than is warranted for their wrongs.

Hunter Biden’s previous addiction to illicit drugs and lying on a federal form to get a firearm, which he is currently on trial for now, paints him as a “crackhead” and liar by some, while others view Joe Biden as a corrupt and chronic liar as a career politician. People who view things this way are hypocritical and hateful when they completely omit their side’s wrongs, which are often more serious, such as Trump’s lifetime in serious sins that I pointed out in the last update. The Lord even showed me how Trump further embodies a severely immoral man that is defined by scripture in another update here (see 8/22/2024 update for details).

Who has no fault? And what is wrong with devoting your life to public service as a career politician? They are not all bad, though, I find fault in Joe Biden for being overly liberal and exaggerating some things, which may or may not be deliberate lying. Lying and exaggeration is typical behavior of most politicians I’ve seen speaking, including Donald Trump, who I’ve seen perpetuating much more serious dishonesty and sin than others, including Biden.

It is also hateful to spitefully go after someone’s family, like people are doing with Hunter Biden, for their mistakes or attack anyone else because they are against their side, like people are doing with the judges, attorneys, witnesses, and juries that ruled and worked against Trump. Should I have to remind the brethren to not judge others as Christ and the apostles taught? (Matthew 7:1-5; Luke 6:37-38; 1 Corinthians 5:12-13; Romans 14:1-13)

Whose family does not have their problems? Do you want God to bring the measuring rod to your house? The hate, libel, and false gossip the people of God perpetuate will be on your own heads.

And do not think against me for making my judgments against people when the Lord has appointed me as an elder to do such things. The Lord will judge me if I do wrong, as He will judge all of you, so stop excessive judging and slandering when you do not know all the facts and believe in lies. I spoke of this at the beginning of this thread and will repeat:
Validate things before making dangerous and slanderous accusations, so you can make righteous judgment and not come to judgment yourself. Aren’t you breaking the Second Greatest Commandment when you slander your neighbor?

"But the one who hates his brother or sister is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes" (1 John 2:11).

Why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you regard your brother or sister with contempt? For we will all appear before the judgment seat of God (Romans 14:10).

Do not judge, so that you will not be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you (Matthew 7:1-2); Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned (Luke 6:37-38).
It is very clear the brethren and world continue to be deceived by the lies, false news, and false conspiracy that is promoted by Trump, Q followers, and others fallen to dark lies. Where do you think this comes from? Don’t you know who the father of lies is?

After Trump’s guilty verdict last month, which made him the first felon president in history, he raised almost $53 million in 24 hours for his campaign and is now having record contributions[4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4]. It is also clear his supporters, even non-Americans around the world, continue to believe the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and they keep believing the violent 2021 riot afterwards at the U.S. capitol to prevent Joe Biden from taking seat as president was faked.

Truly, the people have lost their discernment. How many witnesses must you hear from and how many false claims thrown out for no evidence[4.5, 4.8] before you realize you were brainwashed by the devil? Well over 100 courts cases were lost and thrown out that supported Trump, and I have seen and heard testimony from dozens against him and the lies being perpetuated by the religious left and Trump followers.

I've also seen the Republican fake elector scheme in seven key states that tried to use unappointed false officials to cast fake electoral votes for Donald Trump in an effort to change the results of the 2020 election (U.S. Presidential elections are won by electoral votes, not popular votes). Many of those fake electors are being prosecuted for election interference and trying to defraud the public, and I'm sure more will be charged, as they should be[4.9, 4.10, 4.11]. How much unrighteousness needs to come out before the people come to their senses?

The left may be too liberal, but much of what I have against them comes from excessive human rights (abortion) and love for people (same sex marriage, excessive LGBT+ support) which comes from love for others (a Godly virtue), but the right and Trump camp has committed so much unlawful and dishonest activity that it is shameful for people of God. Doesn't anyone remember that God hates dishonest gain? (Jeremiah/Yirmiyahu 22:13-17; Habakkuk/Chavakuk 2:6; Psalm/Tehillim 119:36; Ezekiel/Yechezkel 22:13-14; 1 Timothy 3:8; Titus 1:7, 1:10-11; 1 Peter 5:2)

To show how bad Trump and his camp really are, the Lord had me see some surprising things in the word demagogue when I saw an article stated that Donald Trump has become a demagogue – a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power[4.6, 4.7]. The Lord had me see numbers and end times scripture that goes with this. ...

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... The peoples' eyes have gone dark to give so much support for unrighteousness and lies. To make the picture clearer, I made an illustration of what the current majority of believers believe in and follow when they accept more and more lies and darkness (below).

Darkness rules over their minds and lives, while good teaching and truth are pushed back to smaller roles. That is shown in the illustration by how much more black and grey there is than white. That means God has much less direct influence over you than sin and darkness if you overemphasize and over-prioritize what is false and dark. It is for good reason God notes in the New Testament, Your eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is good [or singular], your whole body also is full of light, but when it is bad, your body also is full of darkness. So watch out that the light in you is not darkness. No one can serve two masters (Luke 11:34-35; Matthew 6:22-24).

The Greek word used for a good or "single" eye in this verse is haplous, which refers to simple or single, as well as whole or good; something undivided, which is why the KJV translated it as single. The people of God should have undivided eyes upon what is truly light and of God, which I illustrated below. This has been a primary objective for this ministry, and God has given it much fruit to show it. But the reality is, most believers live and believe by what I illustrated above, showing the influence of bad eyes full of darkness, so that their bodies (their lives), too, are full of darkness. That great darkness is evident in Donald Trump if your eyes are not darkened by lies, as I talked about before, but here, I want to make clear that most of you, too, are living by the same darkness, but hopefully do not allow it to have you sin as Trump does.

So strive to remove all that is dark from you and your beliefs (illustrated below), so that you would open your eyes in order that they may turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God (Acts 26:18). Only then can you keep from serving two masters and only our one and true God.


[4.1]  Julia Ingram, Jacob Rosen. "Trump campaign says it raised $52.8 million after guilty verdict in fundraising blitz". CBS News. 2024 May 31. Retrieved 2024 Jun. 4.

[4.2] Nathan Layne. "Trump, RNC raise $141 million in May, boosted by guilty verdict". Reuters. 2024 Jun. 3. Retrieved 2024 Jun. 4.

[4.3] Bill Allison. "Trump Team Says It Raised $52.8 Million in 24 Hours Post-Verdict". 2024 May 31. Retrieved 2024 Jun. 4.

[4.4] Bernd Debusmann Jr. "The billionaires rallying behind Trump after his conviction". BBC News. 2025 Jun. 3. Retrieved 2024 Jun. 4.

[4.5] Elise J. Bean. "Trump’s lawyers in lawsuits claiming he won in 2020 are getting punished for abusing courts and making unsupported claims and false statements". The Conversation. 2024 Jun. 4. Retrieved 2024 Jun. 4.

[4.6] "demagogue". Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved 2024 Jun. 4.

[4.7] Karrin Vasby Anderson. "Trump’s rhetoric after his felony conviction is designed to distract, stoke fear and ease the way for an anti-democratic strongman". The Conversation. 2024 Jun. 4. Retrieved 2024 Jun. 4.

[4.8] Associated Press. "Wisconsin attorney general files felony charges against attorneys, aide who worked for Trump in 2020". MPR News. 2024 Jun. 4. Retrieved 2024 Jun. 4.

[4.9] "More unpleasant legal surprises for Trump possible, newly revealed investigations suggest". MSNBC. Retrieved 2024 Jun. 7.

[4.10] Betsy Woodruff Swan, Kyle Cheney. "Felons or dupes? Treatment of Trump’s fake electors has varied wildly by state". 2024 May 5. Retrieved 2024 Jun. 7.

[4.11]  Hunter Evans, Adam George, Quinta Jurecic, Emma Plankey. "How States Are Investigating and Prosecuting the Trump Fake Electors". Lawfare. 2024 Apr. 23. Retrieved 2024 Jun. 7.

Dismal failure for Democrats or a sign of what is to come? 6/30/2024
After I watched the first U.S. Presidential debate of 2024 between former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden, the news was full of history setting precedent and disaster. Many Democratic analysts were white-faced in horror because they felt Joe Biden, their party’s presidential runner (neither party has made their nominations official yet) failed miserably, especially to show that his age and vigor were not problems. Many critics thought he was not sharp or focused as he usually is as a speaker. He was also hoarse and had problems speaking, which his campaign said was due to a cold. Despite reasonable issues, analysts and politicians from both sides said Biden should be replaced as the Democratic candidate.

The debate was historic because it was the first between a former president and a current one, as well as one where a candidate was a convicted felon, which President Biden made note of against Trump (for more about Trump’s conviction and record see the last update). It was also an usual debate in that there was no studio audience and rules were put in place to silence the candidate that is not supposed to be speaking (their mic was turn off when it was not their turn). This created a much more civilized debate, which was a concern because of Trump’s uncivil behavior in past debates. However, there were moments the debate that degraded into childish remarks against each other, such as a strange exchange about golf handicaps. It was clear both candidates had disdain for each other from the beginning.

However, was it a disaster for the Biden camp and did Trump breeze through it unscathed, as many people have said? It depends on what you look at and what you value, so I will tell you what I saw in the debate so that you might make righteous judgment.

I did notice Biden appeared to stumble with his words more often than usual, but I never held speaking ability nor quick wit high when it comes to evaluating a person’s morality or aptitude, even if they are normally more sharp and focused. Why? Because quick wit and speaking well on the fly are not as important in a leader as proper experience and the ability to make good judgments.

An ABC News poll a couple days after the debate said that 60% of people felt Trump won the debate, but I noted that people’s criteria for a debate victory varies and those who sided with Trump were most likely making superficial, “surface” judgments or continued to turn a blind eye to the darkness he persists; such surface and preferential judgments are something that God tells us NOT to do, but instead, we are to make righteous judgment not based on appearance alone; Justice and only justice should we pursue and not give preferential treatment (John 7:24; Deuteronomy/Devarim 18:20; Leviticus/Vayikra 19:15; Proverbs/Mishlei 18:5).

How foolish is a people to reject someone with a long history of success and does not show sufficient reason for quitting because they judge an hour of time? Shall we let rule go to the mob and give all those who speak quickly a judgment seat?

Moses, who professed to being a slow and poor speaker (Exodus/Shemot 4:10), would never be elected for his speaking ability, and neither would the Apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 10:10, 11:6). I did not see any concerning speech problems with Biden in the debate, like I’ve seen with other politicians such as Senator Mitch McConnell who has more serious health concerns. I do not rate Biden’s debate performance in the same way and say that anyone who rates his speaking performance last night as a dismal failure is evaluating superficially.

Furthermore, an analyst at either NBC or ABC News stated that a problem with how Biden appeared confused after Trump made clearly untruthful remarks, was because he was more involved in “fact checking” Trump’s remarks in real-time instead of making quick and strong rebukes. I would have to say that Biden’s confused look was not truly confusion on his part, but shock and “confusion” that Trump would make such clearly false, misleading, and arrogant remarks, such as continuing to claim the last election was “rigged” and stolen from him and claiming EVERYTHING was great when he was president.

If you throw out the superficial “confused, elderly” criticisms, you would see that Biden handled most of Trump’s statements and attacks with maturity and more truthful facts, while what I saw from Trump was more of the same chronic lying, truth twisting, and arrogance that has plagued him for decades. He focused on exaggerations to stoke fear, such as presenting millions of illegal immigrants at the Mexico border as terrorists, criminals, and the mentally insane who are killing and raping Americans. Trump also presented himself as a world leader to be feared and boasted that he would end the Israel Hamas War before he would take office and that Russia’s Putin would never have invaded Ukraine if he was still president. Trump’s debate performance was more akin to a modern-day gladiator stoking the support of the mob.

I saw Trump spewing all kinds of lies and misinformation during the debate, which many analysts and Biden also pointed out, even during the debate, but integrity and morality are not a focus for the mob. I hate to say it, but mob rule is where God is letting the world go. You will see it in our days and those who run with it will reap its penalties, so I will remind now, I urge you, brothers and sisters, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and offences contrary to the teachings of righteousness that you learned from Christ and turn away from them. For such people are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites, and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting (Romans 16:17-18).

I thought it interesting that Trump said if you want World War III to begin, then Biden should remain president. Trump stated Biden was a pushover that dictators would have no fear of opposing. However, I see it the other way around. If you want World War III to begin faster, then put Trump back in power, because someone who is quick to anger, spiteful, and supremely arrogant will use violence that will foster more hate in enemies. That is a dynamic that has played out with the leadership of Israel and its enemies, and there too, you see what was reaped by Israel.

The world should worry more about God's will in the U.S. Presidency 7/12/2024
Last night at the closing of the NATO summit, reporters and democrats (those of President Biden's political party) continued to hammer Biden about his age and mental fitness and stated he needed to step down. My comments in a Times of Israel article related to this, ("After gaffes on Harris and Zelensky, Biden faces more pressure from Dems to quit race,")  follows:
Minister Ty Alexander: As addendum to previous articles about Biden's so-called incompetence (https://www.timesofisrael.com/25-democrats-said-ready-to-call-for-biden-to-step-aside-if-hes-shaky-in-coming-days, https://www.timesofisrael.com/top-democrats-rule-out-replacing-biden-despite-calls-for-him-to-quit-2024-race), I will repeat, "How foolish is a people to reject someone with a long history of success and does not show sufficient reason for quitting because they judge an hour of time? [the debate 2 weeks ago]... We can see how the mob judges when they let pass the many immoralities and lies that Trump has displayed for decades, but will constantly pounce on Biden for seeming "elderly" in one event. I hate to say it, but mob rule is where God is letting the world go. You will see it in our days and those who run with it will reap its penalties."

And so nearly all the questions that reporters asked at the NATO conference continued to pound on Biden for elderly slips and mental competence, which I must remind that Trump has also had. I recall him mismatching Pelosi and Kamilla Harris, for one. Biden commented at the end of the questions that there will be no satisfying naysayers, just as there will be no satisfying the mob that is bent on violence at the time.

It may seem I am a Biden backer when I’m not, as I cannot back either candidate because of their moral stances on important issues, but I comment so that people would see how foolish and superficial their calls for Biden to step down are.

Biden’s general state of righteousness and experience as an effective and moral leader still far surpasses Trump’s history, which is full of much more serious morality issues that his side constantly and consistently ignore and mask out because they actually believe the many lies and misconceptions coming from the Trump camp.

What the world should ponder is not Biden’s competence, but what God’s will is in the U.S. Presidency. Neither side is righteous, which is why I cannot back either, but how will God use the next president? What should you fear more? Massive masked corruption and arrogance in Trump or Well-meaning intent for all but still incorrect about some issues like abortion and same-sex marriage in Biden?
The assassination attempt on Donald Trump 7/14/2024
On Saturday afternoon, July 13th, there was an assassination attempt on former President Trump at one of his campaign rallies. The shooter was quickly killed by Secret Service and only managed to graze Trump’s right ear, which had blood flowing from it. However, an audience member was killed and two others were seriously injured from the shooter’s bullets.

I saw live TV coverage as it unfolded, and noted some things after the attack. One was Trump’s immediate response after he got up from being shielded by Secret Service agents. He held up an very angry fist in the air accompanied by words that were not audible, but clearly spoken in anger by the expression on his face. The expression was definitely of defiance in the face of severe danger. Then I noted some of his supporters in the audience also expressed much anger and contempt, apparently for those who oppose Trump because the shooter failed to kill him.

These very angry reactions instead of worry and gratefulness that Trump was not seriously harmed highlighted what I recently wrote about in this thread – that the quick to anger and unthinking “mob” is on Trump’s side. In an interview afterwards, a witness in the audience thought Trump yelled, “Stay strong,” and commented that she thought he was very charismatic in the moment.

What I saw was a very angry and scowling politician with blood on his face, a bloody nose, so to speak, because it was God’s nudge; not to show the people or Trump that he is God’s anointed leader, saved from the bullets because of his righteousness, but because God gave him a taste of the violence, bloodshed, and death that he caused for many, many others when he incited the mob to storm the capitol on January 6th, 2021.

Whether or not Trump interprets God’s nudge correctly is to be seen. An old friend of his made comments about a phone call with Trump after the incident and said Trump had the fist in the air with screams of, “Fight! Fight!”

And when asked if Trump showed any introspection about the incident, he did not say Trump gave any indication of that, nor did he mention any expressions of gratitude to be alive or thanks to God[5.1].

What I’m sure of, though, is that God did prevent Trump from being killed, which can be called a miracle, but I’m afraid it is not a sign of divine favor, at least not favor for a righteous person. I’m afraid that Trump and his followers will learn no humility from this, but only continue to believe that he is divinely protected for his so-called righteous ways and missions.

And to show how much of the mob mentality there is, there were many claims from Republicans (Donald Trump’s political party) blaming President Biden for the assassination attempt because he made a remark, saying, “We’re done talking about the [presidential] debate [two weeks ago]. It’s time to put a bullseye on Trump”[5.2]. That remark was from a private phone call to election campaign donors that was recorded and leaked to CNN.

To the reasonable person that keeps context correct, it is obvious Biden did not mean literally to put Trump on an assassination hit list in that bullseye statement, so for political leaders to use it and blame Biden for the attempted assassination, as well as say that Biden's campaign rhetoric is also to blame, such as statements that Trump would destroy democracy, is more unrighteous judgment and loss of discernment that I’ve been speaking about here, especially when Donald Trump is often the one who speaks argumentatively and belligerently about anyone who is against him, and uses as much, if not much more, exaggerated and hostile rhetoric as others. There is no discernment in the mob.
The desire of the righteous is only good, but the expectation of the wicked is wrath (Psalm/Tehillim 11:23)

It is not good to accept the person of the wicked, [to show partiality for the wicked while you] overthrow the righteous in judgment (Proverbs/Mishlei 18:5)

I have seen everything during my lifetime of futility; there is a righteous person who perishes in his righteousness, and there is a wicked person who prolongs his life in his wickedness.

Do not be excessively righteous, and do not be overly wise. Why should you ruin yourself?
Do not be excessively wicked and do not be foolish. Why should you die before your time?
It is good that you grasp these things and not withdraw your hand from them, for one who fears God goes forth with them all (Ecclesiastes/Kohelet 7:15-18)

[5.1] Katy Tur, Joe Kernen. "Trump confides in friend after assassination attempt: 'I've heard from people I wasn’t expecting to'". MSNBC. 2024 Jul. 14. Retrieved 2024 Jul. 14.

[5.2] Eric Bradner. "Post shooting, Republicans fault Biden’s past rhetoric about Trump". CNN. 2024 Jul. 14. Retrieved 2024 Jul. 14.

More about Trump's attempted assassination 7/16/2024
Now that more details of the assassination attempt on former president Trump have surfaced, I can reaffirm that it was God's will the shooter was able to get onto the roof of a relatively close building with an AR-15-style rifle during a political rally that was under heavy security. The news, though, is full of blame for the Secret Service and local law enforcement for severe negligence or some terrible flaws, and politicians have called for the head of the Secret Service to resign - Unrighteous judgment.

All the blaming of people reminded me of the mass shootings I talked about a couple years ago, where I said, they were God's judgment on the people and communities, and the terrible stumbles that law enforcement made were clear examples of what happens when God is against you, such as the shooter at Uvalde, Texas was not confronted by law enforcement for 77 minutes when they were in the building almost the entire time (see Who's Fault Was The Massacre In Uvalde, Texas? for more). There were bad judgment calls in handling the Uvalde shooter but other cases did not have the same kind of failures. They still happened because of God's judgment.

Furthermore, examples of God being against you and with your enemies was shown to Israel, as well, in the October 7th Hamas attack (see The significance of Israel under attack on Shemini Atzeret 2023 for the evidence). These things show how sin very seriously harms you, your family, and your communities.

So when people start finger pointing and screaming for dismissals and firings, I give another heavy sigh for the people's unrighteous judgment and shortsightedness. And in this case, it is heavier because, those in Trump's camp were very quick to state God's divine protection for him while they missed the point I brought up in the last update - the shooter was able to bloody, but not kill, Trump because God wanted to give him a sign or nudge, as I called it, to learn humility and get a taste of the violence he incites with his mob.

They see Trump as God's divine anointed savior for righteousness, so they spin things in his favor while giving nothing bad. But now that details of the circumstances are clearer, I hope you see that I speak the truth.

The security at Trump's rally was heavy as usual (noted by many reporters who were there) and the building that the shooter climbed onto was where local law enforcement made their base for the event. The shooter was also spotted by bystanders who quickly notified law enforcement, and an officer tried to confront him, climbing on the roof, but when the shooter pointed the gun at him, he lost grip and fell down.

That gave the shooter the opening to start firing. Lapses in security were not the problem here, but it was that God wanted Trump to be shot so he'd learn a lesson. God was with the shooter for that purpose, so when Trump's side raises their fists with him, saying things like, EVERYONE AGREES! It was divine intervention from God that saved him!, which I acknowledged before, I must clarify again for God's people; that message is not complete.

One of Trump's supporters said, “I have to believe there is some divine purpose for that... There is some mission God has for President Trump’s life"[6.1], which I also agree with, but God's purpose for Trump is not what his followers think it is.

In the last update, I said there was not clear indication from Trump that he thanked God for saving him. Since then, he posted on his Truth Social platform, “Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness”[6.2], and many outlets used that statement to say he thanked God for saving him, though, his exacts words were that he thanked people for their thoughts and prayers, but he credited God for saving him, so the thanks to God was indirect there, and whether or not he directly thanked God was not evident from all the news I saw about Trump thanking God.

What I do know is, that like others who I've seen with unsure faith and fallen in sin, he is uncertain about giving God all the credit for something very clearly was not coincidental, because in an interview about the shooting, he said, "I’m not supposed to be here. I’m supposed to be dead. By luck or by God, many people are saying it’s by God, I’m still here"[6.1].

[6.1] Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz. "Consensus agree: Trump saved by Divine Intervention". Israel 365. 2024 Jul. 16. Retrieved 2024 Jul. 16.

[6.2] Lindsay Kornick. "Politico seems baffled at Republicans crediting 'divine intervention' for saving Trump from assassination". Fox News. 2024 Jul. 16. Retrieved 2024 Jul. 16.

Division vs Lies and Hypocrisy 7/18/2024
Updated 7/19/2024

This thread has had a lot of political and presidential campaign issues brought up, but I will remind that I am for no political sides but speak when there are important spiritual issues to discuss. Today, the Lord wants me to point out how Democrats, those of President Joe Biden's political party, are growing more fervent in demands that he drop out of the presidential race because they think he cannot win or is ineffective.

They come as recent reports showed Biden recently got COVID and was walking slowly onto Air Force One, the Presidential Airplane. However, I count the recent critics as continuing to be superficial. Since the perceived debate failure some weeks ago, Biden has been very active in campaigning and I still have not seen anything from Biden to make me think he is incapable or will soon be incapable of being president, so I must state that Democrats are shooting themselves by making superficial judgments and calling for him to drop out, because instead of fighting the other parties, Biden must focus on fighting his own as well. It is not Democrats perceived inadequacies in Biden that are hurting them, but their own division.

While on the other side, the Republicans, are rallying united with Trump but showing much hypocrisy when former enemies of Trump who said they'd never back him, like JD Vance whom Trump recently picked for Vice President, have joined the Trump camp to bolster him and their party. The Republican National Convention is currently being held where many are speaking to rally behind Trump, but I see much twisting of facts and lying there, so I must remind also of the hypocrisy of lying and misconstruing of facts on the Republican side, as well[7.1]. Do appropriate and objective fact checking and you will see truth.

So perhaps, most historic about this presidential race are the spiritual implications and battles in it, as I noted before - one side has much masked corruption and arrogance and the other well-meaning for all but wrong about important issues. There is also corruption on both sides, but how you weigh them depends on your viewpoints. One side must win and God will use them no matter how much unrighteousness they have, but where can those who refuse to ally with any unrighteousness stand?

No one is righteous, and that will be what the world finds true in her woes as our days continue.

Addendum 7/19/2024:
Yesterday, I watched the last night of the RNC (Republican National Convention) where Donald Trump made his acceptance speech to be the official Republican presidential candidate. I usually do not have interest in political rallies and conventions because they are typically full of hype, exaggerations, and lying for political gain, but this was also the first major speech Trump made after the assassination attempt, so I wanted to gauge whether or not the experience changed him and also whether or not he would directly thank God for saving him.

The first things I noticed about the convention was that Trump had two famous modern-day gladiators (Hulk Hogan from wrestling's WWE and Dana White from the UFC) speak before him, and the most prominent theme before Trump took the stage was the Fight! Fight! Fight! that he made famous with his angry fist in the air after being bloodied by the assassin. Those words were also obvious in the inappropriate (for the conservative Christian-oriented Republican Party) song performance by Kid Rock, who used "coarse words" and an insinuated 's' word that was changed to "shhh" or a shush, which the audience obviously found comical, though I did notice some in the audience were not pleased by the song.

There was also much speech from Trump himself about never giving up the fight, never compromising, and so on. All these things reminded me of how I stated that Trump was more like a gladiator stoking his mob in the presidential debate a couple weeks ago. He used all kinds of lies, hype, and "smart" remarks that the mob loves but cannot pass critical analysis. So what I found in Trump last night was the same as what political analysts said about him afterwards, it was the same Trump as in years past with grossly distorted facts, rhetoric, and plain lies, and I will add, he continued to bring his arrogance, as well.

And as far as his spiritual demeanor, which I was most interested in, what I saw was that Trump mentioned God six times before the closing God bless you and God bless America statements. Some of those times he again acknowledged God saved him from the assassin's bullet, but he never thanked or praised God, nor did he mention Christ. But also very telling, was the split screen focused on Trump and his running mate JD Vance during the Reverend Franklin Graham's prayer.

I saw Vance to be focused during the prayer, as most people should be and many people were, but Trump's expression was a slight frown, tight-mouthed, and disconnected. And when the reverend talked about the salvation of Christ, I saw Trump twitch and move his jaw, body language I see as discomfort. Then as the prayer went on, Trump lost focus in it and opened his eyes a few times to look around. He was obviously disconnected in the prayer, and I will add that even though Trump acknowledged God saved him from the bullet, he also stated, it was "probably" providence when he brought up people told him it was God's providence or divine care that saved him; another sign of uncertain faith which I saw before.

Now I know Trump was brought up as a Christian, and he obviously mentions God and gives God credit for some things. However, I also see he is very much like the corrupt politicians that he hypocritically states are "crooked" in that he often says what he thinks will please people and improve his image, so after these past weeks, I must question whether Trump even believes in Christ anymore, if he ever did. Most believers express much gratitude, thanks, and praise to God and Christ after a life threatening incident, but Trump is disconnected and he still has not directly thanked or praised God publicly.

That should be important for people of faith who are supporting Trump because they think he is God's anointed savior, but they obviously continue to believe in many lies, dismiss many red flags of an immoral man, and do not see past the easy, "smart" humor, and grand promises of prosperity coming from Trump, which I have to say, are more reminiscent of a disingenuous prosperity gospel preacher than a righteous God-anointed leader.

[7.1] Glenn Kessler. "Fact-checking Day 3 of the 2024 Republican National Convention". 2024 Jul. 18. Retrieved 2024 Jul. 18.

President Biden submits to the mob 7/21/2024
Updated 7/23/2024

President Joe Biden just announced that he is dropping out of the presidential race[8.1, 8.2]. It was surprising because he was very firm to continue running, but the calls from his party to quit just kept piling on, and so, I'm afraid he gave into the mob mentality of over-worried Democrats, still white-faced in horror after Biden's bad debate performance and counting other superficial things, like Biden getting COVID the week after.

This is God's will to show you how the people judge things unrighteously - that mob mentality - which is not only on the Trump and Republican camp. And it is another opportunity to see Donald Trump's true colors with his response to Biden dropping out.

It was not with humility, grace, or respect, but with statements he is famous for - continued mocking, lying, and exceptionally hypocritical comments considering his state of sin, his own fake news and conspiracies, and chronic lying for gain; truly a greedy, swindler, idolater, and verbally abusive, as I said in a previous update, which classifies him as a believer whom the Lord does not want us to associate with (1 Corinthians 5:9-13).

Trump's comments from his Truth Social platform follows[8.3]. Judge for yourself if what I say is not true.
Donald Trump: Crooked Joe Biden was not fit to run for President, and is certainly not fit to serve - And never was! He only attained the position of President by lies, Fake News, and not leaving his Basement. All those around him, including his Doctor and the Media, knew that he wasn't capable of being President, and he wasn't - And now, look what he's done to our Country, with millions of people coming across our Border, totally unchecked and unvetted, many from prisons, mental institutions, and record numbers of terrorists. We will suffer greatly because of his presidency, but we will remedy the damage he has done very quickly. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Woe to the world that allows the mob to rule. These are days of darkness and not light. It is the Lord's will, for it is the time of His judgment.

Addendum 7/23/2024:
Soon after President Biden announced that he would end his campaign, Donald Trump continued to rant and mock him and his enemies, posting 10 times with messages that reporters likened to a temper tantrum[8.4, 8.5]. One article was titled, "Donald Trump rails against Biden's decision to drop out," and note how I called Trump an abusive railer before, matching the Bible's description of an immoral believer which we should not support, especially in the KJV translation (1 Corinthians 5:11).

Trump's many conservative and moderate Christian followers dismissing so much obviously immoral, immature, and unsanctified behavior that goes against core values shows how much the superficial mob mentality has taken over their thinking.

Furthermore, consider also how the following scriptures testify against Donald Trump as one who practices evil and hates fellow believers, like Joe Biden, a Catholic, and other believing Democrats, as well as his maintenance of extreme division by refusing to work cooperatively with those who do not align with him. His own words and actions convict him.

"The one who says that he is in the Light and yet hates his fellow believer is in the darkness until now. The one who loves his brethren remains in the Light, and there is nothing in him to cause stumbling. But the one who hates his fellow believer is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes" (1 John 2:9-11)

"Everyone who hates his fellow believer is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life remaining in him" (1 John 3:15)

"If someone says, 'I love God,' and yet he hates his fellow believer, he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brethren whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from Him, that the one who loves God must also love his fellow believer" (1 John 4:20-21)

"If you know that [Christ] is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness also has been born of Him" (1 John 2:29)

"Now the work of the flesh are evident, which are: sexual immorality [and adultery], impurity [and lustful greed], indecent behavior, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred [or hostility], strife, unjust zeal [and jealousy], outbursts of anger, selfish ambition [and strife], dissensions [or divisions], maintaining factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness [or meekness], self-control; against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Mashiach Yeshua (Christ Jesus) crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let’s follow the Spirit as well. Let’s not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another" (Galatians 5:19-25; also 1 Corinthians 1:10)

In arrogance the wicked hotly pursue the needy. Let them be caught in the plots that they devised.
For the wicked boasts of his soul’s desire, and greedily blesses what is contemptible and shows disrespect to Yahovah.
The wicked, in his arrogance, does not seek Him. There is no God in all his schemes.
He twists his ways [to succeed] at all times, yet Your judgments are high above, out of his sight.
As for all his enemies, he snorts at them. He says to himself, “I will not be moved. Throughout the generations I will not be in adversity.”
His mouth is full of cursing, deceit, and fraud; under his tongue is harm and injustice.
He sits in the lurking places of the villages. He kills the innocent in the secret places. His eyes secretly watch for the unfortunate.
He lurks in secret like a lion in his lair. He lurks to catch the poor. He catches the needy when he pulls them into his net.
Then he crushes the poor one, who cowers, and unfortunate people fall by his mighty power.

He says to himself, “God has forgotten; He has hidden His face; He will never see it.”

Arise, Yahovah! God, lift up Your hand. Do not forget the humble.
Why has the wicked treated God disrespectfully? He has said to himself, “You will not require an account.”
You have seen it, for You have looked at harm and provocation to be repaid into Your hand.
The unfortunate commits himself to You; You have been the helper of the orphan.

(Psalm/Tehillim 10:2-14)

[8.1] "Election 2024 live updates: Biden says he will end his re-election bid, endorses Harris". NBC News. 2024 Jul. 21. Retrieved 2024 Jul. 21.

[8.2] "'Ludicrous': Donors leave call with Harris frustrated and annoyed". NBC News. 2024 Jul. 21. Retrieved 2024 Jul. 21.

[8.3] Adeola Adeosun. "Donald Trump Reacts to Joe Biden Dropping Out". Newsweek. 2024 Jul. 21. Retrieved 2024 Jul. 21.

[8.4] Brett Samuels. "Trump rails against Biden’s decision to drop out". The Hill. 2024 Jul. 22. Retrieved 2024 Jul. 23.

[8.5] Ben Blanchet. "Donald Trump Fumes Over Biden Leaving Race In Unhinged Late Night Rant: 'It's Not Over!'". Huff Post. 2024 Jul. 22. Retrieved 2024 Jul. 23.

Further warnings to attain proper discernment 7/26/2024
Ever since President Biden dropped out of the presidential race, focus has shifted to Kamala Harris, the current Vice President, as the primary opponent to Donald Trump and J.D. Vance, his choice for Vice President. In recent political battles, JD Vance's sexist remarks a couple years ago have resurfaced. He stated the Democratic Party, and the government as a whole, was run by and ruining the country because of "a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too"[9.1, 9.2].

That remark has been coupled with JD Vance's position that people with children should have more voting power than the childless, because people with children have more at stake for the future of the country. He said, "If you don’t have as much of an investment in the future of this country, maybe you shouldn’t get nearly the same voice."

Both remarks are full of unrighteous judgment, and the notion to give people with children more voting power is anti-democratic and prejudicial, as it denigrates and subjugates people without children underneath those who have children. It also stereotypes the childless as having no care for society or its future. Children may be blessings from God (Psalm/Tehillim 127:3-5), but God never said being childless was wrong, nor that women must have children, nor that women had to choose marriage and child-rearing over a career. Everyone has their own destiny and purpose with God, with or without children or a family of their own.

Vance's remarks are yet another instance where I have to remind why Christ said, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you" (Matthew 7:1-5; Luke 6:37-38), and so now, the public is very critically judging Vance as he judges others, and rightly so. I did not know much about him before, but his defense for the remarks as sarcastic fall short, as they are full of unrighteous judgment.

Though I do not know much about Vance, his thinking is familiar to me because of evaluating false teachings and the corruptions in God's people. These kinds of remarks come from shortsighted and dangerous worldviews that some note are kin to communist, socialist dictatorships, while others correctly note that the Republicans, like Trump and Vance, represent society hundreds of years ago when white Christian males were the primary powers in government and subjugated women and other ethnicities to have little or no say.

That stance obviously has much of the world against them, because it represents loss of equality and liberty; two things that have been hard fought over with civil rights in recent centuries, so why should anyone back such views? Such far right views are NOT God's, as He is not a misogynist and He wants us to treat people fairly with no preferential treatment (Leviticus/Vayikra 19:15-18; Deuteronomy/Devarim 16:18; Lamentations/Eicha 3:35; Proverbs/Mishlei 18:5; John 7:24).

However, these positions are favored by conservatives because too much freedom is also against God, such as over liberal support of abortion, sexual immorality, reproductive rights, and same-sex relations. Taking liberty and equality too far also goes against God, which is where much of the left is, the Democrats, which Biden and Kamala Harris represent.

So it leaves the people in a fight with the left and right, while truly righteous leaders would be neither, more moderate and able to balance what is good and Godly. But there is no one and no parties that have this righteous discernment in leadership. I've not seen it in world politics and authority, and I certainly don't see it in the parties of the U.S. Presidential Race.

The racist and sexist church views that the Trump Vance team support come from corruptions of scripture that tell wives and women to submit to husbands and men, such as:
"Wives, be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord" (Colossians 3:18)

"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church, and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore, as the church is subject unto Christ, so let wives be to their husbands in everything" (Ephesians 5:22-24).

"A woman should learn in quietness with all submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man. She must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived. It was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner" (1 Timothy 2:11-14).

"As in all the churches of God's people, women are to keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law [of Moses] also says. If they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home, for it is improper for a woman to speak in church. Or did the word of God first go out from you [women]? Or has it come to [women] only?

If anyone thinks that they are a prophet or [have a] spiritual [gift],
let them recognize that the things which I write to you are the Lord’s commandment. But if anyone does not recognize this, they are not recognized"
(1 Corinthians 14:33-38).
I bolded the words that overly religious people zone in on and say are God's commands that women MUST submit to men, especially wives to their husbands, in all things, and that no women should teach or minister for God. However, many of these teachers of the law are unapproved, for they also say a wife cannot divorce an abusive husband and they snicker and grin when these verses are brought up in relation to a wife's so-called required sexual submission.

How degraded and depraved they are! For they also forget that God teaches both husbands and wives must submit to each other, that the husband should treat the wife honorably, that sexual submission was not a command from God, and they do not understand what marital unfaithfulness truly means (1 Corinthians 7:4, 7:6; 1 Peter 3:7; see Sex and Marriage for more about marital and family relations).

These teachers not only cannot understand God's words correctly, but also cannot keep the context of the times of those words either. Societal norms that God does approve of, such as more equality with the sexes, has changed a lot in the 3500 and 2000 years since the Law of Moses and the New Testament were respectively given. Goes DOES approve and anoint women to teach His people now, but even in those days of old, God never meant wives to have absolute submission to husbands. The approved servant for God knows this.

Note also, that I added [of Moses] to Law when I quoted Paul talking about the Law and commandment to keep women silent in church. Most people think that law was God's order of making woman after man and that He cursed women to be ruled over by their husbands (Genesis/Bereishit 3:16). However, neither of those instances are God making a law or command for all women to be under submission to all men, nor prohibitions for women to teach men. God has given women rule and authority over kingdoms, as well as over His people, throughout history. God never made a command or law saying all women must be under the authority of men.

Paul was speaking of law in the Law of Moses when ...

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Content available to subscribers:
  • What was the exact command of God that Paul referred to when he said women must be silent in church or public gatherings?
  • Does God's command subjugate all women under the authority of men, especially in the church?
  • Does God's command only apply to women?

But because much of the church and all believing sects do not truly understand scripture, God's commands, or the times in which they were made, we have God's kingdom full of darkness and lies that lead to the abuse of power and of women and others, and to excessive religious zeal to promote and evangelize.

My people and brethren, don't you see the New Covenant and Church Age is coming to an end? We are no longer at the beginning, yet you, like our Jewish kinspeople, are stuck in the long past and see God's words in much error and in that dead past that held much that needs to die. But great swaths of you fight for what needs to die and will die, for it is the end when God's judgment comes upon all the earth and the Great Mystery Harlot comes to her destruction; that Harlot in whom nearly all of God's people still remain in.

God created her and had her rule in this age with the corruptions of the devil and great evil, for that was His will and plan, but in the multitudes of evil committed by His people in that time, God has been patient, long-suffering, and slow to anger. But now is the time He remembers her sins, and Yahovah El Elyon, God Most High, will judge them and her ways will end. They cannot remain when the Lord returns to continue in the corruptions of multitudes of immoralities. Our One and Only True King will not rule such a kingdom when He takes seat as the One and Only King on earth (Zechariah/Zecharya 14:9), so be mindful of what sides you join and support, for many go to destruction in our days.

[9.1]  Caitlin Yilek. "JD Vance defends "childless cat ladies" remark amid backlash". CBS News. 2024 Jul. 26. Retrieved 2024 Jul. 26.

[9.2] "JD Vance Vs. ‘Cat Ladies’ And The Childless: VP Candidate’s Views Explained". Forbes. 2024 Jul. 26. Retrieved 2024 Jul. 26.

Reinvigorated, the people remain blind to their darkness 8/22/2024
Updated 8/26/2024

Last month I talked about the RNC (Republican National Convention) and what I saw in it and its leaders, especially Donald Trump. This week is the opposing party’s convention, the DNC (Democratic National Convention), and last night I watched its third day where Kamala Harris’ pick for vice president, Governor Tim Walz, was the main topic as he accepted the nomination to be vice president under Harris.

Walz is the governor of Minnesota where I have lived most of my life and where I still make base, so I’ve been exposed to Walz a long time now and can comment on his performance as governor. He was governor when the COVID pandemic hit and the great civil unrest from the killing of George Floyd happened. In those very serious events, I did not find any fault in his governance and consider him to be a reasonable and objective leader overall, if I do not consider his more liberal stances of excessive abortion rights, same-sex marriage, and recreational cannabis legislation.

I see Walz truly cares about people and wants to make their lives better. And like most other Democrats, I see Walz’s liberal positions coming from a love of others and the rights of every person to have adequate person freedoms, which I noted in a previous update here. Their love for the well-being of others, no matter their religion, orientation, or values is virtuous, but becomes ungodly when love supports immorality, like same sex marriage and liberal abortion.

Many political analysts label Walz, as he portrays himself - a commonsense politician championing the less well-off and middle-class. Kamala Harris picked him for vice president because of how well he aligns with her values, as well as how well he connects to the middle class, which analysts say, the Democrats had lost connection with. Walz portrays a lot of pep and energy in his public speaking that are extensions of his background as a school teacher and high school coach.

This joyful, energetic connection with more people in general has been very obvious in the renewed Democratic campaign since President Biden was forced to quit. I saw it in the rallies that announced Walz as Harris’s running mate, and it was very obvious in the first days of the DNC this week. The Democrats went from white-faced horror and panic because of President Biden’s fumbling in the presidential debate with Trump to happy optimism after Biden gave the race over to Harris, and now to absolute exuberance with Walz by her side.

But did the Democrats really need the change? Biden was statistically equal with Trump before he quit the race and he certainly could have won with his greater maturity, honesty, and big record of successful legislation, while Trump kept displaying much immorality, lying, and hypocrisy. More and more people are acknowledging that Trump really is unfit to be president. But as I talked about before, the mob mentality took over in Democrats and chased Biden out of the race because of superficial judgments against him. Now they are overjoyed because energetic and youthful hope replaced what one analyst said was the same old “two angry men” in Trump and Biden.

The spiritual analogy I see in all this is how much God’s people also overvalue joy and energy, like the more superficial unbelieving world does. I’ve seen it in the church since I started ministry, and I saw it in Judaism as the Lord moved my focus to them these past years. But despite great exuberance, there is much darkness in them that brought and will continue to bring much pain, like God’s judgments in the pandemic and the Hamas attack on Israel. Like God’s people, the Democratic Party, is not using proper discernment, but making unrighteous, superficial judgments and overemphasizing joy, which was a highlighted word at the DNC last night. Every major speaker brought up joy to connect it to the joy in Kamala Harris and the hope in a better future that the Democrats want to fight for.

I see that focus on joy and hope as exactly like the modern church and much of nonorthodox Judaism. The joys and blessings of God are foremost, and sometimes the only thing, on their minds, while they neglect harder to deal with truths and sins that should be rid of. It ends up bringing God’s judgment to them, which I’ve emphasized these past years, will become worse.

So while I see the great enthusiasm in the Democrats as good for the general well-being of their presidential race, as far as temporary morale and reaching younger voters go, and good for society as far as equality and liberty for all is concerned, there cannot also be freedom from the very bad consequences of over liberal support for sins, like abortion and homosexual relationships. Like the church and all of God's people who focus on spiritual enthusiasm and joy, it will not be enough to save the people from what they reject and don't focus on.

Then on the other side, the Republicans are full of their own darkness and sin, where I found the Trump camp decidedly more corrupt. There has been a huge amount of dishonesty, arrogance, hate, immaturity, and hypocrisy on that side, as I have been noting much in this thread. But furthermore, in the last week, the Lord had me see that Trump further embodies scriptural immorality, like I pointed out in a May update here where I noted that Trump had and continues to live in 5 out of 6 sins that the New Testament says we should not associate with anyone who does them (1 Corinthians 5:9-13). Drunkenness was the only sin I have not seen Trump afflicted with.

Now, I will bring up Proverbs 6 and 26, where God had me see more verses that Donald Trump fulfils:
There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to Him:
  1. Haughty eyes [or arrogant demeanor]
  2. A lying tongue
  3. And hands that shed innocent blood
  4. A heart that devises wicked plans
  5. Feet that run rapidly to evil
  6. A false witness who declares lies
  7. And one who spreads strife among brethren
(Proverbs/Mishlei 6:16-19)

One who hates, disguises it with his lips, but he harbors deceit in his heart. When he speaks graciously, do not believe him, because there are seven abominations in his heart. Though his hatred covers itself with deception, his wickedness will be revealed in the assembly
(Proverbs/Mishlei 26:24-26)
So in addition to the sins of 1 Corinthians 5, it is revealed that Trump matches the arrogant, deceitful, hateful, immoral person who conceals his immorality with a lying tongue. God hates such a person and calls them abominable. How then, can this man be God’s anointed savior for righteousness, as many claim Trump to be?

I already shared where his anointment came from. It was not God, but to make things concrete if you are one who continues to back Trump as a righteous God-anointed leader, I will explicitly state how Trump fulfils the immorality of Proverbs.
  1. Haughty eyes – Trump’s public arrogance and self-pride speaks for itself
  2. A lying tongue – Trump is a chronic liar about nearly every topic he speaks of, especially of his “great and wonderful” track record as president, and of others’ so-called poor or unacceptable performance compared to his; he lied about his financial worth and affairs for personal gain through much of his business life, which he was legally convicted of and fined for more than $450 million[2.7] above; a recent example of lying is Trump claimed he called the National Guard to save Minneapolis in the George Floyd riots instead of Governor Walz, but being a witness to those events in my home area, I know that to be a lie, which has also been pointed out by the press to be a lie[10.1]; Trump only offered federal support for the riots, but it was Walz that got the National Guard involved while Trump gave approval of Walz’s handling of the riots at the time[10.1];

    A fact check of one of Trump's recent speeches counted 162 lies and distortions[10.7], while a fact check of Kamala Harris' DNC presidential nomination speech, which I did watch live, only counted 12 misleading statements[10.8]. Consider the words carefully. Harris only made some misleading statements and did not outright lie, while Trump made many, many outright lies. These fact checks are consistent with how I have evaluated Trump and his Democratic opponents, like Biden and Harris.
  3. And hands that shed innocent blood – Trump instigated the capitol riot on January 6, 2021 that tried to prevent the presidency from transferring to President Biden; I've seen more than enough witness testimony to verify that, and moreover, Trump, even called that mob at the capitol, "my crowd"[10.7], further noting that it was Trump's supporters that was rioting. Those events resulted in the deaths of police officers who tried to control the mob, one by heart attack and others by suicide afterwards; others died during the rioting, but it is unclear which were willing participants of the violence, so their innocence cannot be verified[10.2, 10.7]; Trump also expressed approval of the mob’s chants to hang his vice president, Mike Pence, because he would not step out of his constitutional authority and reject and not certify the 2020 election results as Trump urged him to;
  4. A heart that devises wicked plans – Not only does Trump’s long history of financial and business fraud fit here, but covering up sexual immorality, rape, and adultery, as well as his attempts to overthrow the 2020 election results despite being told by his advisors that they had no grounds to do it
  5. Feet that run rapidly to evil – Trump has often run quickly to social media to rant abusively about anyone who opposes him; chronic lying also convicts people of running to evil when they quickly generate lies for their gain; those who do not give much thought in using deceit instead of what is right fall into this category as well
  6. A false witness who declares lies – Trump’s chronic lying in many aspects of his life obviously fits this
  7. And one who spreads strife among brothers – Trump is well known to cause division and strife, even among his Republican Party
There is so much darkness in Donald Trump that it puts into serious question the judgment of anyone who supports him. This has been used by Democrats and Tim Walz, especially, when he portrays himself and Democrats as the side for commonsense while he states those on the other side are “weird.” When I first heard Walz’s “weird” comment, I thought, I would have used much stronger language to describe what is wrong about Trump and Republicans, but I also understand what Walz is talking about.

I understand how it is when you are labeled strange and irrational or out of line with logic and commonsense. That is the walk a new Christian takes against the world when we come out of the ways and thinking of the world. We are mocked as “sheeple” who do not think, but simply follow whatever is told us, completely irrational and unlogical compared to the commonsense of science and pure fact.

Many in the Republican side were embarrassed by the weird label, but many believers take pride in being different and removed from the world, or what some Bible translations say, we are a peculiar people reserved for God (Exodus/Shemot 19:5; Deuteronomy/Devarim 14:2, 26:18; Psalm/Tehillim 135:4; Titus 2:14; 1 Peter 2:9).

Peculiar is a synonym for weird or unusual, something not normal, and that adjective is used by God to describe His people… or is it? If we look closer, “peculiar” is not used by most translations. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word, סגלה [“segullah”], means possession, property, treasure, or peculiar treasure, as in something unique, and in the New Testament, the Greek words refer to someone’s possession or property with no notion of uniqueness[10.5, 10.6]. So God did not describe His people as weird or unusual, but more as valued and of His own possession – the notion of set aside for God that the church often uses.

We are peculiar as unique and valued people for God, different from the world, but not “weird” or nonsensical. Weird was used by Walz in a negative way and most people interpret that word as negative. It is the very negative “weird” darkness that the Republicans represent with Trump and much fanaticism and misinformation that is a big problem for everyone who sees the corruption. In fact, last night, Walz stated the Republicans represent darkness.

It is a very dangerous darkness, as I have talked about in this thread and other places (see Hosea 7:5-7 in God's Alarm), because there is a lot of “sheeple” mob mentality there. A large majority of Trump supporters really do believe the lies and false conspiracy theories his side promotes without thinking any further about them or doing appropriate fact checking. I’ve also heard many believers say they won’t believe anything that isn’t absolute truth, like stated in the Bible or from someone they trust.

How little do they know that they blind themselves to the truth when they completely reject correct interpretations of scripture that are different from what they think the Bible says, and reject everything from everyone they think they cannot trust, like typical news outlets, because people, like Trump and conspiracists, say everyone else is lying and spreading fake news.

That is the same tactic used by Putin’s Russia and other authoritarians. They want people to reject and dismiss everything they do not approve, so they can control what people believe so that their “truth” and commands are what people follow. That is how the mob is brainwashed to follow so much darkness. The "commonsense" side understands that, and it is lamentable that the devout in God on the Trump side cannot see this in their own darkness.

Neither side in this presidential race is sufficiently righteous; both sides will end up bringing God’s judgment to the people. The people and its leaders have all lost discernment; they are all led astray, and all lead astray, the head and the tail. Where is the truly righteous? What will God do with the ones He lets come to power?

[10.1] Steve Karnowski, Associated Press. "Trump praised Minnesota Gov. Walz in 2020 for response to unrest over Floyd's murder, audio shows". MPR News. 2024 Jul. 27. Retrieved 2024 Aug. 22.

[10.2] Robert Farley. "How Many Died as a Result of Capitol Riot?". FactCheck.org. 2021 Nov. 1. Retrieved 2024 Aug. 22.

[10.3] Soo Rin Kim, Lalee Ibssa, Kendall Ross. "Cassidy Hutchinson: Trump said 'hang' while rioters called to 'hang Mike Pence' on Jan. 6". ABC News. 2023 Sep. 26. Retrieved 2024 Aug. 22.

[10.4] "Entry for Strong's #5459 - סְגֻלָּה (possession, property, treasure, unique treasure)". Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon. BibleSoft, Inc. 2002, 2003, 2006.

[10.5] "Entry for Strong's #4041 - περιούσιος (one's own possession)". Thayer's Expanded Greek Definition. BibleSoft, Inc. 2002, 2003, 2006, 2011.

[10.6] "Entry for Strong's #4047 - περιποίησις (a preserving, possession, one's property, an obtaining)". Thayer's Expanded Greek Definition. BibleSoft, Inc. 2002, 2003, 2006, 2011.

[10.7] Domenico Montanaro. "162 lies and distortions in a news conference. NPR fact-checks former President Trump". NPR (National Public Radio). 2024 Aug. 11. Retrieved 2024 Aug. 26.

[10.8] Domenico Montanaro. "12 misleading or lacking-in-context claims from Harris’ DNC speech". MPR News. 2024 Aug. 25. Retrieved 2024 Aug. 26.

A great masked darkness put back into power 11/6/2024
Donald Trump is again the President Elect after Election Day 2024 yesterday. It was what I expected to happen because of what the Lord guided me to speak on before – that the mob will rule – and because I understood God’s will in bringing him back to power. It is not to make America great again or bring righteousness into government, but for the assertion of God’s plans for the end of this age.

There is no way someone with such a long and dark list of immorality that Trump embodies and very publicly shows for all to see could come back to the highest office of the United States if his supporters were able to discern and acknowledge the truth. Election results showed that Trump’s Republican strongholds were consistently backing him, despite many of the most distinguished in his party publicly turned away from him and supported Kamala Harris in the opposing party.

This shows how dismissive and blind Trump’s core supporters are to the many evils he embodies. Basically, they do not acknowledge the plain facts and actual truth, but continue to hold onto the lies and misconceptions Trump and his primary partners perpetuate. The mob mentality has set the minds of those in the Trump camp to think he is God’s righteous savior for the country, if not the world, but without proper discernment and acceptance of the truth, the mob, without thinking enough, has put Trump back in power where he will undoubtedly allow the unrighteousness he embodies to be empowered and grow.

This is God’s will, as is the temporary spiritual protections He gives Trump, just as it was God’s will for Hitler and Nazi Germany to fester and grow. I had felt that by the Spirit for years now, and so my prayers concerning Trump have been few and do not try to oppose God’s will with him. Believers on the other side are surprised and dismayed they lost to such an obviously unethical and unfit person. They represent God’s people who have an overly liberal and love-based view on God and the world, but unfortunately, they are also often very mistaken about how God truly works and judges His people and the world – it will be as I warned before in this thread; be afraid of what God will do with the next president, for the woe upon woe, destruction upon destruction of the Day of the Lord has surely only begun.

God's Divine Protection of Donald Trump 1/14/2025
Department of Justice prosecutor and Special Counsel, Jack Smith, who was responsible for prosecuting Donald Trump for election inference during and after the 2020 Presidential Election resigned soon after Trump won the 2024 election, and now he has dropped the pending case, even though there was sufficient evidence to convict Trump on charges of illegally trying to stay in power after losing the 2020 election[11.1]. Smith also said there were reasonable arguments that Trump violated the Insurrection Act which says that anyone who incites, assists, or engages in any rebellion of insurrection against the authority of the United States or its laws shall not be able to hold any office under the United States.

Smith’s resignation and the dropping of cases against Trump were expected after Trump won the 2024 election, because the Justice Department does not prosecute sitting presidents. In addition, it was recently announced that Trump was given a so-called “sentence” of “unconditional discharge” for his 34 felony convictions in his hush money, sex scandal case[1.2]. That means Trump was only given a slap on the wrist, again, when there was more than enough evidence for conviction, but because the judge in the case deemed he should not impede against the office of the president, he did not order a reasonable sentence. Trump and his camp cheer for these outcomes because they think justice was done for a wrongly persecuted, righteous man in what they call unfounded “witch hunt” trials.

However, none of these outcomes says Trump is innocent. He is still a convicted felon on those 34 accounts in the hush money case, he was convicted of mass business fraud over decades in a separate New York case[2.7, 3.3], he was convicted, or more specifically, determined guilty, of sexual abuse which DOES involve rape, even though the E. Jean Carroll case did not say he was guilty of rape because of how New York defines rape[3.5]. For the ones who judge righteously, though, none of these thrown out cases, reduced sentences, or technicalities mean anything. Trump continues to be the embodiment of immorality I defined here before, and I have seen more than enough evidence and witness testimony to determine his guilt in the Insurrection and Election Interference case that Jack Smith dropped.

Many in Trump’s camp would say that all the evidence, including live news and recorded social media streams, and numerous witness testimonies were all “fake news” and fabricated, or everyone opposing Trump is lying and trying to persecute him for some kind of personal or political gain. These streams of thought are obviously narrated by Trump himself, as well as the hordes of conspiracy spreaders brought to believe in lies because of their gullibility and naiveness to think that Trump is not a chronic liar and swindler, and that all spiritual guidance supporting him, supposedly from God, is truly from God and the truth. How little do they know of the devil’s tactics and the Baals of this age.

It is utter foolishness to label all mainstream news as staged and faked, while they go about with the so-called proofs of the “truth” from the gossip and unproven theories of the much-talking speculators and conspiracists. Yet these are the ones more than half the people trust and believe in. How dark is the state of things; I’ve never seen such an unrighteous person get so much pass and help, even from God, to remain in the positions of power he does. This thread has shown where Trump’s morality is and also shows how opposed to God and godliness he actually is, so you must ask, Why is God helping and protecting such immorality? I have said it is not for righteous greatness.

"I have seen everything during my lifetime of futility; there is a righteous person who perishes in his righteousness, and there is a wicked person who prolongs his life in his wickedness. Do not be excessively righteous and do not be overly wise. Why should you ruin yourself? Do not be excessively wicked and do not be foolish. Why should you die before your time? It is good that you grasp one thing while not letting go of the other, for one who fears God will come forth with them all" (Ecclesiastes/Kohelet 7:15-18)

In all I’ve seen of Trump these past years, I see no real reverence, nor fear of God in him. Look at his many hateful, spiteful public comments, even now[11.1] after getting his way with Jack Smith resigning, cases dropped, and non-existent sentencing. He continues to be an abusive railer against everyone he thinks is against him.

But shouldn’t his supporters exhibit godliness? The majority of them are Christian and Conservative, so a great many of them do show a great zeal for God and what they think is right, but I’m afraid they are far too “right” or far right, ultra-conservative to the point of fanatic cultists; for many of them come out, too, with the spiteful anger of Trump and attack everyone against their camp. Utter foolishness and evil intent, within the fields of God’s kingdom even. But what did God say through the Teacher?

Do not be excessively righteous and do not be overly wise. Why should you ruin yourself?
Do not be excessively wicked and do not be foolish. Why should you die before your time?
It is good that you grasp one thing while not letting go of the other.

That is, Do not have excessive zeal for false righteousness and do not be overly proud in your own understanding. Why should you ruin yourself?
Do not excessively fall in sins, and do not be foolish in what you do and support. Why should you die before your time?
It is good that you understand these things and not let go of their wisdom, for the one who fears God will go forth with them all.

But this is not what I see the peoples do, the peoples of God. They’ve erred so in their righteousness, thinking they fight for God and godliness, thinking they are wise with what they know. But their eyes are full of darkness; their bodies full more so. What they do not perceive is that God has turned their arrogance and evil upon them, and they are struck blind to what they have become, for it is now the zealot Christians are as it was and remains for the zealot Jews.

They refuse the truth because God has set their minds on futility and forced frozen their eyes in gray obscurity, so they cannot see the path, though, they boast much in the right ways. Though they learned from the fathers and forefathers to not forget God and to hold confidence in the Lord, lo, they yet refuse to walk in His commands, though they know the warnings of the forefathers, Do not be as in days of old, a stubborn and rebellious generation; a generation that did not set its heart right and whose spirit was not faithful to God. For who provoked Him even when they had heard? And with whom was He angry for forty years? And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest? But it was to those who were disobedient; it was because of their unbelief.

So today, the peoples of God remain in disobedience and unbelief, for discernment has gone from them once again.

[11.1] Josh Meyer, Bart Jansen, Aysha Bagchi. "Special counsel Jack Smith's final report says there was enough evidence to convict Trump". USA Today. 2025 Jan. 14. Retrieved 2025 Jan. 14.

[11.2] Graham Kates, Kathryn Watson, Katrina Kaufman, Shana Mizelle, Nathalie Nieves. "Trump sentenced in felony "hush money" case, released with no restrictions". CBS News. 2025 Jan. 11. Retrieved 2025 Jan. 14.

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