Updated 1/25/2025
It is of utmost importance that everyone, and not just people seeking to learn more about spiritual things, to get good and true teaching. I cannot overemphasize how important this is, because a great deal of society's woes come from the wrong beliefs and teachings they accept and walk in. It hurts our communities so, because when people think and act wrong, it brings sin and the consequences of sin upon them and their loved ones, even if they protest to be devout believers who are trying to pursue what is right by God. How little to people understand what they believe to be true and what is actually true can be quite different, and so when the world and believing communities live in error and sin, it ultimately brings God's judgment, which unfortunately can also seriously harm our families and loved ones.
So, to combat the real and negative effects that lies and bad teaching have on everyone, I share a list of ministries, religious groups, spiritual books, and references that I evaluated to have false and harmful teaching. Their materials should be avoided and any ministry that uses their resources should be warned about their use of false guidance and teaching, and if they refuse to correct their work afterwards, they, too, should be avoided.
Keeping these dark influences out of our lives is important, not just because accepting false teachings will bring sin and spiritual blindness, but it also allows the demons and sins associated with them to spread, which happens very easily when we accept false teaching, like false gospels (see The True Gospel and Imposters for more) and other false spiritual teachings. Using them is a sin, which is one reason why Apostle Paul said those who preach "another gospel" or false gospels would be cursed (Galatians 1:8-9).
The groups listed here are largely composed of well-meaning Christians and other spiritual believers, so we should not be too judgmental of their members. Most of them were just taught wrong or
believe in the wrong things. However, we should judge their teachings and
organizations - examine everything carefully and keep only what is good and true (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22).
Most people in these groups are completely unaware of the devil's influence on them and their beliefs. Many of their members are also not in leadership or teaching roles, and so should not be viewed too negatively just because they claim to be Catholic, Mormon, Pentecostal, etc.
I was privileged throughout my life to be helped by members of many Christian organizations that are listed here. My local Catholic community was especially supportive for my family as refugees of the Vietnam War. It is the false teaching and other bad things these groups spread that need to be avoided.
I am not advocating complete isolation of people that belong to
these groups either, though the New Testament does say we should not associate
with people who teach to deny Christ had come (2 John 1:9-11), which are antichrist beliefs. I give these warnings so God's people leave these organizations and their false teachings. Most of them belong to the Harlot Babylon of Revelation, which we are told to "come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive her plagues..." (Revelation 18:4). God has reaffirmed this call to leave her recently. See God's Alarm for details.
God has used people in the Harlot and groups listed here to do His
will, whether they truly belong to Him or not. He has control over all things
in creation, even demons and people influenced by them, but not all
things are directly from God, like all the acts of Hitler and the Nazis or
pagan societies. God brought these people and kingdoms into being and
some of their acts were and are God's will, but they also live or lived
in sin and are influenced by much darkness, so not everything is directly
from God.
Some groups listed here do get some good guidance from God, but their interpretations and teachings are also heavily influenced by the enemy (demons). I do not want to diminish the contribution of anybody in the Body of Christ, even if they are influenced by much darkness. I had believed in false guidance, as well, since false teaching is everywhere and in every religious sect. Running into false teaching and false guidance is absolutely unavoidable, so if you claim to be immune from the enemy or that your teachings are immune, then you have fallen to a common deception of the devil; remember that even the elect of God will be misled (Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22).
I can say my ministry is different because the Lord brought me through well over a decade in the good fight against darkness and false teachings. The path was full of sorrows, especially to see so much darkness and lies in God's kingdom, but God gave me this good fight to show the truth of all the negative influences on God's people of every sect. They bring great harm to people, but the Lord anointed me specifically in this role to break the chains of the devil with the truth (see Predestined for details), so may you trust me to lead you into further spiritual freedom, maturity, and righteousness. If you scoff at my claims, then see what the Lord gave for evidence of this predestiny in my background testimony.
I could only fully see what was wrong with the church and God's people as a whole when I realized how much the blindness and lies that false guidance and teaching create hurt our communities. Praise El Shaddai, God Almighty, that He showed me the truth, though they were hard truths, because I could never become an approved servant for God without truly knowing good from bad.
You will also need this discernment, so you, too, will have to come out of bad things you've accepted if you are to understand correctly, but if you want to look at the teachings of any groups listed here, I urge caution and that you fully study what I teach first, so you better understand the difference between good and bad spiritual teaching and guidance. It takes much experience and an objective mind, free from false beliefs and false teachings, to correctly identify bad teaching and false spiritual guidance.
This experience and objectivity is very lacking in the church and other believing communities, even with ministers and preachers having decades of experience, so I do not suggest you ask your own pastors and preachers about what is what, because they can only evaluate and answer according to their own beliefs and doctrine, which I must make clear, the great majority of believing sects are full of bad and false teaching. This reality should be evident by all the flagged groups, sects, and denominations described here.
Like the rabbinate and teachers in Judaism, they have no idea how wrong they are in much critical doctrine, and as you will see later here, their following of false teachings and guidance from imposters of God, whom are the Baals of this age, will keep them blind to the truth because they remain absolutely loyal to what they learned and their version of "God."
Thinking that being saved in God's kingdom, having His Spirit or God's Mind and guidance or spiritual gifts to keep you from falling to error and bad discernment, is an especially bad assumption that many in the church believe will protect her from the wrong spiritual paths. The problem is, it is impossible for anyone to interpret and understand correctly if you've already accepted lies and false teaching. What you believe affects your thinking and interpretations, especially when the demons associated with false teaching often override the spiritual guidance and truth that God tries to give for correction.
Also keep in mind that the majority of spiritual gifts exhibited in the church are false ones from demons, and I've seen no one in the church with a gift of the Spirit that gives them absolutely infallible discernment and wisdom. None of the first apostles claimed that or gave evidence of it; the first disciples and apostles did NOT know everything and they made their mistakes, as did even the Old Testament prophets. I have made mine as well, and I will never claim to be perfect or infallible.
But in fact, Incomplete guidance and allowing us to err is God's way, even for His first disciples and apostles. God taught the apostle Paul this, and so he said, "For we know in part, and we prophesy in part... For now we see through a glass darkly... [until when that which is perfect is come, that is, when the Lord returns and we are transformed into our heavenly bodies]... then shall I know fully... So abide now in faith, hope, and charity" (1 Corinthians 13:9-13).
The Lord will not tell us everything with perfect clarity in this age. That is a very important lesson the Lord taught me, as well, - no one can expect to be guided perfectly or discern perfectly in this age, even if they have gifts of the Spirit. The devil has too many strongholds in the church and I have found the teachings of Satan in every believing sect and ministry I have come across. The weeds of the devil have corrupted nearly every aspect of God's kingdom with false gifts and teachings. God allowed these weeds to grow freely in the fields of His kingdom after multiple millennia, just as the Lord stated in the Parable of Weeds and Wheat (Matthew 13:30, 13:39-40), so you should not be surprised by what I say. This is why we need leaders with the proper God-given experience and discernment, and not simply any elder or leader from any sect or background.
Ministries And Churches To Avoid A summary of the kind of bad teaching these ministries and churches promote is provided below with their descriptions. Many of these groups are influenced by false guidance from imposters of God, His Spirit, saints, and angels, who claim to be the real thing and can give real supernatural miracles to back up their false guidance. They are the Baals of this age, as I said. The guidance and miracles they give can be very hard to discern from true guidance from God, so if you are interested in learning common tactics of the enemy, see Light Within after this article.
A Note About Miracles and Deliverances Furthermore, many of these ministries tout real miracles and deliverances (the casting out of demons). These things make them appear very attractive and authentically and ONLY influenced by God, however, false miracles are common in believing sects, for Satan comes with the working of spiritual power, signs, and wonders (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10). And God's gifts and grace work alongside false gifts of the devil, so just because someone can cast out demons with authority, does not mean they or their ministries are free of works of the devil.
Didn't the Jews cast out demons in the name of the Lord even though they are synagogues of Satan? (Matthew 12:27; John 8:44; Revelation 2:9, 3:9) Haven't many Christian sects been casting out demons since the beginning of the church despite of their allegiance to false teachings from demons and imposters of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the saints and angels? The Catholic Church is famous for exorcisms. But furthermore, I have also seen pagan priests and nonbelieving psychics cast out demons, so this power is clearly not fully dependent on belief or purity in Christ or God. This truth must be considered when you see scripture where Christ talks about casting out demons and that He did it by the Spirit of God (Matthew 12:22-29; Mark 3:22-26).
And a caution about using and seeking the casting out of demons. Deliverance often does not cast out all demons because sin, especially
continuing in sin, like remaining in false teachings, will allow demons
to remain or come back worse (Matthew 12:43-45; Luke 11:24-26). See this testimony of deliverance for the truth of this...
- Take His Heart Ministries and Roy Sauzek[3.1.50] - I have evaluated most of the workings and spiritual guidance of Take His Heart. They have deceived a great many believers because the logic of their core teachings make sense on the surface and they had many supernatural signs that backed up their guidance. But these things are not sufficient to verify that their guidance and teaching is truly from God. Roy is their lead pastor and writes most of the teachings on their website. They did get some good guidance from God and truth mixed with false guidance, but I found they are misled by a false-christ spirit and spread a spirit of slavery with their Brideship or "three spots" teachings, such as mandatory tithing and other mandatory acts. They use a form of guided meditation and emphasize spiritual revelation that is also used by many groups listed here. These practices invite demons since they are forms of divination. Take His Heart's website includes a lot of false guidance, like dreams, words, and visions that are not truly from the Lord. I talk about some in Light Within.
We need to understand that God's powers and gifts work independently and at the same time as false
gifts and powers from demons, so just because a ministry or person
performs deliverances or seems to get good guidance from God does not
mean they are free from corruption by dark forces. Everything gets mixed
up when people have imposters and demons working in their spiritual
lives, so evaluating signs, guidance, or miracles by matching scripture
or accepting spiritual powers and miracles does not truly validate them as being from
God. We need much better discernment than matching things to be in line with scripture, which can also be corrupted with bad translations and interpretations (see How To Choose A Bible for more).
- God Calling[3.1.72] book and ministry and other teachings by the "Two Listeners,"[] such as God Calling 2: God At Eventide
- Arthur James Russell (A.J. Russell) and his book For Sinners Only - AJ Russell is also the editor for God Calling and God Calling 2: God At Eventide. In fact, the Two Listeners started their spiritual practices because one of them read AJ Russell's book, For Sinners Only[3.1.73]. However, after studying the God Calling book, I found it is false guidance from a false-christ spirit that is very similar to the one spread by Take His Heart Ministries.
I actually got the God Calling book from Roy Sauzek at Take His Heart, who said it should be called God Speaking. His ministry believes it is God's direct voice, but after our true God revealed to me that the God Calling spirit and Take His Heart's spirit contradict each other, I could see they could not both be God or Christ, but in fact, both are imposters of God and Christ that use truth, especially misconstrued partial truth, more carnal ways of following God, and techniques of brainwashing to control and prevent deeper thought in their followers. One of the Two Listeners was also Roman Catholic[3.1.73], which is a denomination that gives false gospels and teaching.
- Jesus Calling book (subtitled "Devotions for every day of the year; Enjoying Peace In His Presence") and ministry by Sarah Young - After someone sent me an excerpt of this book, I could immediately see that it was just like the God Calling books that share what the author believes is direct guidance or words from the Lord. However, what these imposter spirits say contradict the truth in how God truly speaks and uses people.
- Paramahansa Yogananda and his teachings and books, like The Yoga of Jesus: Understanding the Hidden Teachings of the Gospels - Paramahansa Yogananda teaches meditative spiritual practices that invite demons. These practices are similar to Take His Heart's, A.J. Russell's, and the Two Listeners - trying to listen for spiritual guidance in quiet surroundings and recording what you get. I noticed similarities in how these groups get shared revelations and spiritual guidance, like the same visions and words given to more than one person. Roy Sauzek of Take His Heart thinks this shared revelation is a sign things are from God, but I found that demons can affect more than one person at the same time and over great distances, so shared revelation is not a test of validity for guidance from God.
Also, even if you pray and ask for God by name when you try to get spiritual revelation or guidance, demons will interfere and often replace God, because meditation or self-realization techniques to focus on getting spiritual guidance is a form of divination, which demons attach to. We should simply pray and let God speak and guide as He sees fit, which is often not immediate. We should not focus on getting spiritual guidance in the moment, because God does not always reply quickly or through individual guidance. He can use other people and events you encounter to guide as well.
- Deepak Chopra and his teachings and books, like You are the Universe, The Book of Secrets, and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - Dr. Deepak Chopra's teachings are similar to that of Paramahans Yogananda above. They use meditation, which they call "mindfulness exercises" and mix Eastern Buddhist/Hindu/Taoist spiritualism with Christian beliefs.
Meditation mixed with spiritualism is a form of divination that other ministries I mentioned here teach and practice, and using them invites demons as I noted above.
I also noted on a PBS special that promoted Deepak Chopra's material, he used Christian symbols, like a sculpture of an angel, and an Old Testament verse, "Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10/Tehillim 46:11), which he used to emphasize the importance of silence in prayer and meditation. That scripture and overemphasis on silence is also used by other ministries listed here.
Dr. Chopra used these Christian symbols alongside Eastern spiritual symbols and teaching. However, the great majority of his teaching was not Biblical and expressed Eastern religious concepts and laws, like karma and spiritual energies.
This mixing often gets Christians hooked into unhealthy spiritual practices that have demons associated with them. I recommend staying away from any teachings that mix Christian beliefs with Eastern or other forms of spirituality, such as tribal spiritualism and yoga.
- Amighty Wind Ministries and Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu)[] - Their teaching includes guidance from a false-holy-spirit, which they call Mother Shkhinah/Momma Shekhinah (Mother Shekinah). They treat this spirit as God and pray to and worship her much like some Catholics worship and pray to the Mother Mary and other saints. However, no one in scripture talks to the Holy Spirit and there's a reason God did not give His Spirit a personal name in the Bible. God's Spirit is simply Himself, an extension of Himself, and not a different person, so we should speak to God directly by His names and not address a separate Holy Spirit entity (See the Titles of the Holy Spirit in God's Names for more).
Amighty Wind Ministries also have many prophecies and other spiritual guidance on their website that are not from the Lord. Elisabeth Elijah has spiritual roots in the Pentecostal Church, which overemphasizes direct personal revelation and spiritual gifts like the first groups listed, however, these groups do not realize that many of their spiritual gifts are not truly from God or His Spirit, but are actually fakes from the enemy, who have real spiritual power to work signs and miracles (2 Thessalonians 2:9).
- Pentecostal or Apostolic Church, Charismatic Church, Word of Faith, and other churches and ministries emphasizing spiritual gifts and prophecy - These branches of Christianity overemphasize baptism of the Holy Spirit and often overemphasize a personal relationship with God that include excessive prayer and seeking of spiritual guidance that is similar to the groups above.
Eternal salvation through a personal relationship with God is a false gospel and spiritual powers and false-gifts-of-the-spirit are easily faked by the enemy. Things like visions, words, and dreams should always be tested and carefully examined (1 Thessalonians 5:19-21).
Ministries in the apostolic, charismatic, and prophetic sects, like the House of Prayer Movement and Jeremiah Johnson, often have the same kind of false-christ, false-holy-spirits working in them as the above groups that give false prophetic guidance and spiritual gifts that appear authentic, which are also found in the Catholic Church below.
These sects are also blinded by much false teaching, including heavy emphasis on manifesting or "claiming" God's blessings that are similar to The Secret methods below. I would recommend leaving any group or ministry and their teachings that belong to these sects. I personally know of several people from Pentecostal churches who are afflicted by imposter spirits of Christ, like other sects listed here. They get guidance from "God" that are obvious lies and so these spirits reveal themselves to not be God, Christ, or the Spirit, for God does not lie (Titus 1:2; Hebrews 6:18; Numbers/Bamidbar 23:19) and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth (John 14:16-17, 15:26, 16:13; 1 John 5:6).
Pentecostal Churches and other denominational ministries are often obscured behind non-denominational names, like the famous Hillsong Church. True non-denominational churches will hold no allegiance to associations or institutions that are controlled by denominational sects (remember it is sin to promote division, factions, or sects; Galatians 5:20; 1 Corinthians 1:10). However, truly non-denominational ministries can be hard to identify when churches and ministries do not obviously state their associations. Hillsong belongs to the ACC (Australian Christian Churches; acc.org.au), which is a Pentecostal ministry. Hillsong states their association with the ACC on their website, but unless you investigate more fully what the ACC is, it is not obvious what denomination they represent.
For more details showing the false teachings and miracles in the Pentecostal/Apostolic Church and other ministries inspired by the Word of Faith movement, see "Evaluation of Christ Embassy's beliefs" by Enoch Alademerin[3.1.109].
- Ministries showcasing frequent miracles and spiritual guidance (see also Prophetic Ministries), like healings, words, dreams/visions, and prophecy, should be highly scrutinized (1 Thessalonians 5:20-22). More often than not, these ministries are not showcasing true gifts of the Spirit or guidance from God, but are either faking things or showcasing false gifts and guidance from demons.
There are true gifts of the Spirit, but they are not meant for showboating, exalting a certain ministry or church, or for getting funds. God gives them for the common good of the kingdom and righteousness (1 Corinthians 12:7), but too often I've seen ministries seek funding in conjunction with showing gifts.
I have seen true workings of God and the Spirit in the church, but have seen false gifts in operation much more often. I've even seen ministers faking healings, such as Alexandru Iordan, who I examined because a Christian brother brought his Facebook stream to my attention. He spoke far too often of healing people with little evidence from the people he healed. Photos and videos can be easily faked, and I suspected something wrong with his ministry, but still I was willing to give him the benefit of doubt.
But then I noticed he posted about healing the same woman with different ailments (arthritis in one post and hip surgery in another), a couple months apart. He used photos of the exact same woman with crutches each time. This proved he was faking things, and so I had to confront him so he could explain it. His response completely avoided the contradictory posts showing he healed the same woman and he blocked me before I could respond further.
That is not the response of a righteous minister, so I felt his deceptions should be posted here as an example. For more examples, Enoch Alademerin gives testimonies of fake miracles, both from spiritual imposters as well as human fakes, in Pentecostal/Word of Faith ministries here: "Evaluation of Christ Embassy's beliefs"[3.1.109]. I give many examples of how the enemy fakes gifts and guidance in Light Within.
- Prophetic Ministries and Ministries focusing on prophecy and spiritual guidance, like visions, words, and dreams. These ministries are not hard to find, as they are some of the most prolific posters, streamers, and podcasters on the Internet. Many of the ministries and people listed on this page fall into this category, but I feel I need to address this separately so you are aware of the dangers of consuming so much false prophecy and the false teachings that go with it.
These ministries are some of the most popular, but they are also responsible for nearly all the unhealthy religious zeal and conspiracy theory, like in the far right and Q movement, that are brainwashing faithful and well-meaning but naive believers into spreading and acting in very dangerous lies and false teachings. I've evaluated a lot of the so-called words, visions, and dreams from "God" shared by these ministries over the decades, but still today, I've not found anyone to be hearing from God without the imposter Baal spirits giving most of the spiritual guidance and revelation.
Many of these people call themselves prophets and are associated with the false prophet whom God showed me fulfilled Zechariah/Zecharya 13:2-6 - that minister who claimed to not be a prophet, but only a teacher for God. In fact, many of the people listed on this page and their spiritual guidance was used directly by that false prophet. It is that false prophetic and spiritual guidance that has all of them fulfill Zechariah 13, as they increasingly go about to share false guidance, making them false teachers and false prophets, because they were tricked by their Baal imposters of God to be completely submissive and obedient to them and their false guidance. Some of their guidance is truly prophetic, foretelling things that happen, but this is just another device of the enemy, for the devil has real power to prophesy and foretell (2 Thessalonians 2:9; Acts 16:16).
They give seemingly good truth and prophecy so that trust is given, but then later much lies and false guidance comes (see Light Within for more about the devices of the enemy). This prophesy is coupled with false teachings that emphasize complete obedience and submission to "God," and easily makes the faithful and elect servants of God pawns for the doctrine of demons (Matthew 24:24; 1 Timothy 4:1-3).
Complete reliance on false prophecy and guidance is another reason why the prophecies of Hosea apply to today's people of God. God said, "My people consult their wooden idol [imposter spirits], and their diviner’s wand informs them [they use divination and false guidance from imposters of God], for a spirit of infidelity has led them astray [today's Baal imposters of God], and they have been unfaithful, departing from their God” (Hosea/Hoshea 4:12) (see God's Alarm and Hosea for more).
People who rely on and are loyal to these imposter spirits, their guidance, and ways are being unfaithful to God, so even if you do not actively participate in the ways and teachings of these false prophets and false teachers, but still believe in and accept their false guidance, you, too, are relying on them and not God. That puts you in idolatry, as well, and into their sect, which are building blocks for The Beast and the Harlot Babylon.
But perhaps even worse, accepting all that false guidance, false teaching, and false prophecy truly does brainwash you and gives the devil hooks in you that are very hard to remove. I know first hand how that works after many years of rebuking false teachers and prophets, like the one who fulfilled Zechariah/Zecharya 13. They are given very clear proof that they are following lies and imposters, even pointing out that they fulfill Old Testament prophecy by their statements and ways, yet it is only a very few that come back to me asking for help to correct their ways and be rid of their imposters.
All the rest, including that false prophet who fulfilled Zechariah/Zecharya 13, remain loyal to their imposter spirits and false teachings to this day, continuing in the way of false teachers and prophets, which God help them, will not end with the assurance of victory and protection that their demons are prophesying to them for the end times.
Many of these prophetic ministries also talk about miracles, deliverances, and spiritual breakthroughs, but as I noted above, anyone can cast out demons, and false spiritual gifts and powers work alongside true gifts and powers that are directly from God. So praise the Lord that He uses anybody no matter their true state with darkness to give freedom to others, but realize the spiritual darkness in people who cast out demons does not prevent deliverance. And remember that deliverance does not cast out all demons because sin, especially continuing in sin, like remaining in false teachings, will allow demons to remain or come back worse (Matthew 12:43-45; Luke 11:24-26), such as seen in a testimony of deliverance in Testimonies Prove the Baals...
- Rhonda Byrne, The Secret book and movie series, Ultra Manifestation books and products, and other sects teaching how to manifest blessings are linked to spiritualism that tries to manifest things, like healing, wealth, and wishes, by using focused thought. This is a form of greed and idolatry, as it bypasses God and puts the manifestation of what is wanted into the hands of the person. This is also related to teachings in the Pentecostal/Word of Faith movement and other ministries listed here where manifesting or "claiming" blessings is also taught. For more about this see Light Within.
- The Catholic Church teaches false gospels or ways to be saved and other bad teachings. They also practice the worship of saints and angels, which is idolatry and has brought imposters of the Lord, saints, and angels that perform miracles and other signs in their names. These miracles and wonders are not truly of God but are "in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, and the deception of wickedness..." (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10).
God's true saints and angels will not let themselves be worshipped (Acts 10:25-26; Revelation 19:10, 22:8-9), so stay away from practices and teachings that put saints and angels into the center of prayer and worship.
See Transcendence and the Traditional Catholic Movement for more.
- The Orthodox Church teaches a false gospel of salvation by works of righteousness and have many accounts of miracles, many of which are false miracles from the devil. They also claim to teach the original doctrines of the first apostles, but after examination of their teachings and stories of miracles and wonders, I had to conclude they are being deceived by the enemy and blinded by false teachings.
The Lord even gave me evidence to counter their claims of the miraculously preserved bodies of dead saints about a week before I needed to use it in reply to a Greek Orthodox. For a deeper look at that and Orthodox teaching, see What Does Spiritual Blindness Look Like?
See Transcendence for more.
- Many Protestant and Reformation denominations, like the Presbyterian Church, adhere to false gospels and doctrine, such as "sola fide," or eternal salvation "by faith alone." Faith in Christ is certainly necessary for salvation in Christ, but it is only the beginning - the justification of our salvation in Christ, "For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified" (Romans 10:10), but it is by your public confession of that faith by which you are saved into God's kingdom, that is, "it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved" (Romans 10:10). The I talk about the details of this working of the New Covenant in The True Gospel and Imposters.
Other false doctrine that is common among Protestant and Reformation churches is the concept of "sola scriptura" or "by scripture alone." This notion is often expressed in teachings where scripture is held as completely inerrant and where all other testimony and spiritual guidance is not considered to be God's word or to have the same authority as God. These teachings are very common among the ultra-religious and by people with religious spirits. They act as if their Bibles are God and hold the translations they have above what God actually says through His servants.
Much of my teaching and testimony would be dismissed by people holding to sola scriptura, even when I appropriately reference scripture to back it up, so be reminded by the error of the Jews, who only had the Old Testament and their interpretations of it, a position very much like sola scriptura. They dismissed Christ when He came and what His apostles taught, because it didn't match their notions of what they thought scripture meant.
However, approved servants for God know that much of the wisdom in scripture was hidden on purpose and the Lord does many things contrary to how the carnal mind understands. We must also recognize that there are no inerrant scripture or Bible translations, as translation and interpretation is heavily affected by the darkness and carnal thinking contained in people. There are better translations than others, though, so please see How To Choose A Bible for recommendations.
- The Mormon Church or Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS Church) - Teach a false gospel and maintain false-scripture, such as the Book of Mormon[3.1.35]. The Lord also singled out the Mormon church in guidance related to the misuse of His funds (see below and What Does God Say About 383? for more). It is also their doctrine to mandate 10% tithes and tie it to getting eternal salvation, which is part of their false gospel[].
Angel Studios, the film studio that created popular productions, like Sound of Freedom and The Chosen, was founded and run by people from the LDS or Mormon Church. God had me watch the movie Sound of Freedom to go with guidance about sexual abuse, but He also had me notice and talk about things in the movie that were not righteous, like the fabrication of the rescue of an abducted girl that was made a major point of the film (see God shows something missing from Sound of Freedom and sex abuse fight for details).
This major lie is a big problem for a movie that is marketed to be based on true events and tries to use the truth of child trafficking to fight it. The false story dramatically improves the ending of the movie, which also greatly improves support and donations. This very bad choice in presentation is not only dishonest gain, which God hates (Jeremiah/Yirmiyahu 22:13-17; Habukkuk/Chavakuk 2:6; Psalm/Tehillim 119:36; Ezekiel/Yechezkel 22:13-14; 1 Timothy 3:8; Titus 1:7, 1:10-11; 1 Peter 5:2), but appears to go with the Mormon Church's chronic lust for generating vast amounts of income, the majority of which is used unrighteously. There is also a problem with fabricating things that go with God, angels and demons, and God's works, which I also talk about in God shows something missing from Sound of Freedom and sex abuse fight.
- Jehovah's Witnesses teach a false gospel and adhere to misinterpretations of scripture (their New World Translation Bible). For example, they do not believe in the complete divinity of Yeshua (Jesus) or that the Holy Spirit is a person of God[3.1.29].
- Preterism, Preterists – Preterism is a false doctrinal view that most or all prophecies in the Bible, including all of Daniel and even Revelation, have already happened. Many in Preterism view everything being fulfilled when the second temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by Rome in 70 AD[6.31.1], while others state that the return of Christ was fulfilled spiritually. Preterism has its roots in the 17th Century and its ideas have continued throughout church history since, though, it never became mainstream.
However, because I’ve been hearing believers preach Preterism (as of 2024), I need to address it here, and reiterate that these false teachings, like most others, are the teachings of demons, though those who teach them do not realize it. Many founders of false teachings think they got these revelations by God’s revelation or from great and true insight by their own reasoning through reading and interpreting scripture.
However, while some revelation is from God and some deductions are from one’s own mind, most religious false teachings come from and are backed by the invisible but very strong influences of the devil upon one’s mind, so that the lies of the weeds will spread and grow throughout the kingdom of God. How lamentable that most believing communities have no idea that the devil has them chained to do his will (2 Timothy 2:25-26).
In the Internet Age, when everyone can have a podium, these dark urges are everywhere and spread quickly with overeager believers thinking they are working for God, but they do not have the experience nor anointment to teach, and so go about in hoards as false teachers and false prophets. There’s no end to their talking because of their itching ears and mouths dripping for recognition. And it is these false teachers that most believers flock to have their ears soothed.
Praise be to Yahovah El Elyon, God Most High, that He will put an end to all this falsehood and evil in the kingdom! For truly, a kingdom cannot stand divided (Matthew 12:25; Mark 3:24-25), and surely, God’s kingdom never stood united after the first apostles; it was even divided in their time. A divided kingdom will not stand in eternity either, because God will destroy that Harlot Babylon who loves and teaches what is false (see God’s Alarm for more). So to rebuke Preterism, I will go over things I addressed years ago with another ministry that preached the Lord already returned in a spiritual way (see Light Within for more).
First, the Lord’s return is real and physical, for His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives at Jerusalem (Zechariah/Zecharya 14:4). Where was God in 70 AD when the temple was destroyed by Rome? He was not standing on the Mount of Olives in the form of the Messiah or otherwise, because the mount was not split into a large valley as God said would happen (Zechariah/Zecharya 14:4). Like our faith has the foundation in God’s promise that we, too, will be physically resurrected and remade when the Lord returns (The Rapture; for more see Myths about the Rapture in Light Within), the return of Christ also will be real and physical.
It is in spiritual returns and domains, though, that the Baals of this age, those imposters of God and the saints, that have tricked God’s people to believe Christ had returned so that these dark powers could rule over them with more lies and false teachings. One ministry was even made to replace holy communion by their already returned "Christ" with a different ritual.
The Lord’s return and our gathering up in the clouds with Him is real and physical. And the dead in Christ will rise up before us who are living (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17). When did either masses of the dead and living in Christ get resurrected yet? It will not happen until after the final antichrist is revealed, as Apostle Paul said, so do not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or letter as if from us, [the apostles], to the effect that the day of the [Lord's return] has come (2 Thessalonians 2:3).
Many believe that the Roman Emperor Nero was the man of lawlessness or final antichrist spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2, but the apostasy or falling away from the faith, did not happen in Nero’s time (2 Thessalonians 2:3). Christianity was growing in those days, while the falling away is happening in our days now, because the world is seeing more and more how hypocritical and sinful believing institutions and their leaders are. Recall, also, that the Mount of Olives is not split.
It is true that most of Daniel’s prophecies are fulfilled, including 69 of the 70 Sevens given to him (see There was not enough oil but the menorah remained lit - Proof most of Daniel's Sevens fulfilled for details), but there is still more to be fulfilled in our days. This is especially true for the Book of Revelation. For more points against Christ already returning, see Light Within.
- Unitarian or Free Christian Churches - Unitarianism does not believe in the divinity of Christ, nor in His atonement for sins and the eternal life it promises[3.1.119]. Christ's atonement for sin, promise of eternal life through Him, and His divinity being equal with God are all very important beliefs for a healthy life with God in Christ. Rejecting one or more of these points puts your spiritual fate and health at risk of being negated, because if you do not believe in or have hope in God's promises of forgiveness and resurrection after this life, then what do you look forward to? And if Christ was only another human prophet, like Islam's Muhammad, then your King of kings has died, as well as God's eternal kingdom which the New Testament states Mashiach Yeshua (Christ Jesus) is the Eternal Heir, our Lord and King forever.
- Shincheonji Church of Jesus and founder Lee Man-hee - This denomination is growing at an impressive rate, but when I looked at their doctrine I could see it is yet another sect of Christianity being deceived by lying seducing spirits and mind-control tactics that I talked about before. See details of this in Light Within.
- The Church of Scientology[5.2.2], like Islam, is not a truly Christian organization, but is listed here because their spiritual beliefs and teachings should be avoided. They also use spiritual revelation like the first groups teach. They are also known to use intimidation and brainwashing techniques[5.2.1, 6.3.4], and like other cults, they support the disintegration of family and healthy relationships with excessive isolation from parents and family members[2.5.4]. Scientology even misleads people by using Christian symbols, like the cross and dove, on their website homepage[5.2.2]. However, they do not believe in God or the divinity of Yeshua (Jesus). Their notion of God is of a supreme being universe "force" or "urge toward existence as infinity" they call the Eighth Dynamic[5.2.3].
- Islam was founded in the 6th or 7th Century[5.1.1], but is not a continuation or correction of Christianity as some Muslims claim. It is a corruption of the truth and scripture. The founder of Islam, Muhammad, claims to have been taught by the Archangel of God, Gabriel[5.1.1], but much Islamic teaching contradicts the Bible - text written many hundreds of years before Islam - and Muslims do not believe in the divinity of Yeshua (Jesus). They maintain false-scripture in their bible called the Quran. See Conversation About Islam for more details on Islam and how to handle a Muslim's beliefs.
- Judaism - True, untainted Judaism is now extinct because of thousands of years of corruption from pagan and dark forces since the times of the first kings of Israel and even before. The state of corruption in Judaism is the same as that of the church. Many Jewish traditions and "law" today are not truly of God, but came from man-made rules and Satan, like found in the Jewish Halacha, like the Talmud and Mishnah, which are texts that came after the Babylonian exile in the 7th Century B.C. and many centuries after the time of Christ.
These texts are not to be considered scripture or inspired by God in the same way as Biblical scripture (the authenticated scripture of the Old and New Testaments; see Errors of Truth for more) or the Tanakh (the Jewish Bible, which is the same as the Old Testament). However, they may be treated in the same way as other theological texts which may have some truth and historical record, but they must also be treated carefully because they have false teachings and opinions based on false spiritual guidance. Authenticated scripture is not tainted by those forces, though translation of God's original words and interpretations of even good Bible translations are often influenced by darkness.
Jewish teachers (rabbis) have changed much of what God originally gave His people, but know that the Lord warned against changing His words and laws (Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32/Devarim 4:2, 13:1; Proverbs/Mishlei 30:6), and Yeshua (Jesus) told the Jews they wrongfully upheld traditions of man over that of God's word (Mark 7:6-13; Matthew 15:3-9). Christ even called some Jews and their synagogues, "of the synagogue of Satan" because of their corrupted ways (Revelation 2:9, 3:9).
Jewish teaching and understanding remains darkened and can be seen by their translations of the Old Testament. Their Hebrew manuscripts are translated no better and in many cases even worse than done by the church that is also in error. An example from Israel 365, a Messianic Judaism ministry, quoted Deuteronomy/Devarim 21:12 as "You shall bring her into your house, and she shall shave her head and grow out her nails" when a correct translation is "Bring her into your home and have her shave her head, trim her nails." God's meaning is actually opposite of what they interpret the words to mean (Note, The Israel Bible, which is promoted by Israel 365, does translate the word for "trim/pare" correctly, though I do not recommend The Israel Bible because it has more bad translation than others that comes from interpretation from Jewish traditions; see Choosing a Bible for more about good Bibles).
Rabbi Pesach Wolicki suggested the interpretation of the Hebrew word, "mashal," in Deuteronomy/Devarim 28:37 should be "parable" as in "myth or fable," something "not factually true; it didn’t happen" in his words[4.1.14]. I acknowledge this suggestion goes with his argument that the nations think that Israel has no hereditary claim to the lands in and around Israel because they were exiled for millennia, therefore making Jewish claim to the land a "parable fable" or myth.
However, that interpretation is not the primary meaning for "mashal" in Deuteronomy/Devarim 28:37. God may have wanted the fable meaning of "mashal" to be included here, but the correct interpretation is "proverb or saying," as in an example or common saying to take note of. But if someone insists "parable" is the correct interpretation for this verse, it must be noted that whenever God uses a parable in scripture, He gives it, not as a "not factually true; it didn't happen" myth, but in fact, He is telling us the opposite - something that did or will happen, that is true, but is told in a way to hide its meaning. Parables in scripture are more accurately labeled as riddles and not fables or myths.
Deuteronomy/Devarim 28:37 reads, "And you will become a horror, a proverb, and object of taunting among all the nations where Yahovah drives you" (Devarim/Deuteronomy 28:37). This is part of God's statements of what will happen to His people if they do not obey ALL the Law of Moshe/Moses (Devarim 28:15-69/Deuteronomy 28:15-68; also Melachim I/1 Kings 9:7; Divrei Hayamim II/2 Chronicles 7:19-20; Yirmiyahu/Jeremiah 24:9), a multitude of curses which includes exile. However, Pesach also incorrectly suggests that verse's context only goes with being exiled. This is incorrect because God is speaking about all the curses for breaking the Law of Moses as a whole context there.
Pesach's view of scripture and history is a common way I've seen Jews (and the church, for that matter) interpret things. They don't keep correct context and often do not admit to doing any wrong, and so they skew the true meanings of God's words to fit their viewpoints. However, the curses God spoke of for His people are no fables, but have been happening to the Jews through the millennia because they have not been able to keep all the commands in the Judaic Law. I spoke of this to Israel as the reason they have had many exiles and curse upon curse.
These translation and interpretation errors come from false beliefs and false teachings, as well as not having God's Mind or Spirit to give correct interpretation. They also come from insufficient anointment and training from God, and so, like the church that is also in error, they interpret with a carnal or worldly mind that is influenced by darkness and bad and false teaching.
And like the corrupted church, their beliefs and viewpoints are often out of touch with the world and truth. This was also proven to me when I saw the Israel 365 ministry using a photograph of a waning (dying) crescent moon with a bright star set centered at the opposite edge of the crescent as the header for a 2023 article (image below). This is symbolism that directly refers to Islam but their material had nothing to do with Islam.
Perhaps they knew this and wanted to attract Muslims, but this is
doubtful. Muslims avoid and shun material from other religions, and Israel 365 paired
this image with singing a new song to God in Psalm/Tehillim 96:1, whom they
incorrectly call Hashem (The Name), and God's instatement of the first
month for the Jews in Exodus/Shemot 12:2, which is supposed to be paired with a
New Moon (waxing moon, not waning or dying moon; compare this to the waxing moon symbolism God used for the 3rd Compass ministry), so like Muslims, Jews
do not know how darkened their understanding of things is and that their
beliefs and ways are linked to death rather than life with God.
Their use of incorrect "names" for God also go with the church doing the same and submitting to the rule and false teachings of imposters of God, which I mention in The Actual Names of God. Being out of touch with reality also goes with the Jews remaining in the Old Testament laws for Jewish living, which were given for that age - Bronze-Age society three thousand years ago; many commands in the Law of Moses are not appropriate and are obsolete for our times.
Christ came to bring the Jews out of those ways and heavy yoke in the Law of Moses, and into His "new thing" and "new covenant" prophesied by Yirmiyahu/Jeremiah when the Lord said to His People, "How long will you go here and there, O faithless daughter? For Yahovah [the Lord] has created a new thing in the earth — A woman will encompass a man... Behold, days are coming,' declares Yahovah, 'when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not like the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, although I was a Husband to them... But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days... I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. They will not teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord Yahovah,' for they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them... for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more" (Yirmiyahu 31:21, 31:30-33/Jeremiah 31:22, 31:31-34).
Those words of Jeremiah have been fulfilled, because the "woman" that "will encompass a man" is the Bride of Christ or the church, the "new covenant" is the New Covenant that Yeshua (Jesus) brought into force with His first coming, and God's law written onto our hearts is the ways of Christ and His Law emphasizing forgiveness, mercy, and love for each other and God. The part about "they will not teach again... saying, 'Know the Lord Yahovah,' for they will all know Me," refers to how nearly all nations and peoples around the world now know who Mashiach Yeshua (Christ Jesus) is, so if you are a Jew reading this, take into account Yirmiyahu's prophecy and how Christ has fulfilled it and forgives all our sin through the New Covenant. May it give you confidence in leaving the old ways given to Moshe and see that your God and Mashiach Yeshua is the very same Lord (Adonai) speaking through Yirmiyahu. God gave proof of this in His actual Hebrew name and its proper translation (see God's Names for more). For more about the New Covenant, see The True Gospel and Imposters.
See Transcendence for more.
- The Church of Satan - While it may seem obvious that any Satanic group be avoided, it is not so obvious how they attract people and that they have members in popular media, government, authorities, and our communities. Actor Christian Bale gave thanks to Satan publicly at the 2019 Golden Globe awards, and I remember seeing someone wearing a necklace with an upside down cross pendant and wondered what it meant. I thought, maybe it was like the sideways cross pendants that often symbolize Christ and our own carrying of the cross under burden, suffering, and pain.
However, later I found the upside-down cross is used both in the church and by atheists and Satanists. The church uses it as a symbol of the apostle Peter being crucified upside down (the Petrine cross), which came from an old belief passed down by tradition but is not verified[3.1.118].
Outside the church, atheists and Satanists use the upside down cross as a symbol of opposition to Christianity and God. Upside down crosses can be found in the Church of Satan's "Black House" main hall and in artwork with pentagrams and the Baphomet or goat head within an inverted 5-pointed star. The Church of Satan also uses a Patriarchal cross (traditional Christian cross with two cross bars) with an infinity sign underneath it as an official symbol.
The Church of Satan officially denounces worship of any spiritual beings, even the devil[5.3.1]. But whether that statement is in ignorance or deception is unclear. What is clear is their beliefs and pursuits are atheist[5.3.1], driven by demons, and centered on gratification of the self. Many of their beliefs directly oppose what Christ teaches[5.3.2], but they make their morality sound sensible and attractive by opposing the hypocritical and seemingly impossible promises made by the church and other religious sects, while they promote what appears to be reasonable and healthy self-wellness. This is seen in their statement in support of Christian Bale's gratitude to Satan: “To us, Satan is a symbol of pride, liberty and individualism, and it serves as an external metaphorical projection of our highest personal potential”[6.14.1].
This emphasis on personal success and potential seems harmless and even healthy, but it is also used as a lure by imposter spirits of the Lord and other demons that are linked to the other groups mentioned here (see Light Within for more details).
- Other ministries using false scripture and teaching include:
Facebook, Twitter (now called X), YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumblr, WordPress, and other social media, Internet groups and forums - I avoid most social media and Internet groups dedicated to spiritual teaching, spiritual news, or other spiritual focuses, including those of popular preachers, because very often, the most active posters are either laypeople or deceived ministers who spread false teaching, false guidance, and speculation from conspiracy theorists.
Also, group owners and administers, even if they are long established ministers, often do not have the experience to properly evaluate teaching or spiritual guidance, or they are so committed to erroneous teaching that they refuse to accept any correction or criticism.
I've seen a lot of misinformation and fake news being spread on these social media platforms, from which the Lord showed me why Paul said, "Do not dispute about words [spiritual teaching], which is useless and leads to the ruin of the listeners… Refuse foolish and ignorant speculations, knowing that they produce quarrels” (2 Timothy 2:14, 2:23) and “Avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and strife and disputes about the law [of God], for they are useless and worthless” (Titus 3:9).
There can certainly be good posts and content in these forums, and God does use their content whether it is good or bad, for He works all things for the good of those who love Him and are called for His purposes (Romans 8:28), but the majority of things I've seen on them are bad and false teachings spread by people without enough training or knowledge in spiritual things. They have no idea how harmful lies and cleverly disguised doctrine of demons is. People with religious spirits trying to spread skewed teaching and false spiritual guidance are usually the most active posters in these forums, and some of the content can be very harmful and give hooks to demons. It is for no trivial reasons that Paul said those who preach what is false are accursed (Galatians 1:8-9).
Too many trusting believers flock to social media and blindly accept its content, which keeps God's people in darkness and spreads lies and fake news. It has led many to think the COVID-19 pandemic is not from God when it IS His judgment on the nations and church (see COVID-19 for more), and that President Donald Trump is God's anointed leader that somehow got the 2020 election "stolen" when he is definitely not God's example of a righteous leader and the election was legal and valid, but it actually was also corrupted by Russia to favor Trump[6.20.1] (see The People's Loss of Discernment for more).
Groups and forums that encourage the sharing of erroneous teaching and misinformation put up many stumbling blocks for the people, so that they continually fall into pits of lies and false teaching. That always brings people to sin. So the Lord said of those who spread these stumbling blocks, "It is inevitable that stumbling blocks come, but woe to one through whom they come!" (Luke 17:1), and "at the end of the age, the Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom [the tares of the devil]; all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness" (Matthew 13:40-41). So expect all the resources of groups, ministries, and sects with false teachings and works of the devil to be destroyed in the coming days of this age.
Blind faith is not for those who want to be loyal to God and what is right, so do not believe and spread everything you hear. All spiritual teaching and guidance should be evaluated, and secular news and facts should be double-checked, so a detailed evaluation of groups and their content should be made before accepting of their material and teachings.
Unfortunately, most people have no choice in the media they consume, because of the lack of outlets that are without error or contamination from darkness. And most people do not have the experience or discernment to identify what is bad in the media they accept, so if you have any spiritual group or content you want evaluated, feel free to ask for an evaluation through the contact form.
There are far too many lay-preachers on the Internet, too eager to teach and spread spiritual guidance without enough experience, and worse, they often spread lies and false teaching and guidance from demons. So remember the warning of the apostle James, “Do not become teachers in large numbers, my brethren, since you know that we who are teachers will incur a stricter judgment” (James 3:1), meaning true teachers of the Lord will get worse penalties for sin and we are held to higher standards than other ministers.
If you believe to be called by the Lord to teach, then make yourself one who is approved (2 Timothy 2:15-20) by learning more and getting rid of all the lies and false teachings you have, for what partnership do we have with demons? You do not know how much darkness of the devil you believe in and spread.
May you not take great offense to what I say about social media or your own beliefs. My rebuke is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from a sincere faith. But many have strayed from these things and have turned aside to fruitless discussion, wanting to be teachers, even though they do not understand either what they are saying or the matters about which they make confident assertions (1 Timothy 1:5-7). Remember that you help the enemy and darkness by keeping and spreading lies and false teaching. As a servant of the Lord, you would not wish to help the enemy or continue in the dark, would you?
The Urantia Foundation and Urantia Book[].
They tout testimonies of miracles and communication
with angels, however, Islam does the same, but was deceived by an
imposter of the Archangel Gabriel (see Islam above). Just because
spiritual signs, wonders, and miracles are given does not mean they are from God. Writings and teachings need to be examined closely and can often be quickly rejected by identifying red flags, such as the use of false gospels (see The True Gospel and Imposters for more), overly religious teaching, and uncommon and un-Biblical "cult" language that refer to things in unusual ways.
- Churches, ministries, and groups showing gross misuse of funds - The Lord has shown me that a sin of the Harlot Babylon is in the misuse and theft of ministry funds. The LDS Church, above, was especially singled out (see God's 383 guidance and God's Alarm for more), but the Lord also guided on many other ministries, denominations, and megachurches.
Revelation 18 says how the Harlot made "the merchants of the earth rich from the excessive wealth of her luxury" (Revelation 18:3), and that "she glorified herself and lived luxuriously" (Revelation 18:7). The church has fallen to sins of greed, extravagant luxury, and misusing the Lord's name for unrighteous and dishonest gain throughout her history, but perhaps that sin is even worse today when there are ministers of megachurches and large ministries that collect millions of dollars in donations that end up in their personal bank accounts rather than to benefit God's work or the community.
Much of those misused funds are actually God's sacred portion, the tithe, so in taking what is God's for personal profit or unrighteous use, they are truly stealing from God, just as prophesied for our Christian Age in Malachi 3:8-9. And what's more, those who give to these churches and ministries can also be accused of robbing God because we are accountable as a People of God to correctly handle what is sacred. You should not give your tithes to any ministries that do not handle funds according to how the Lord has shown in Properly Handling God's Money.
And because of God's Alarm to leave the Harlot Babylon, you should not remain loyal to ministries that are not conducting ministry righteously and with good, correct doctrine.
There are many ministries and churches in this group. They can largely be identified by their greed and extravagant luxuries, both in their personal lives and ministry assets. I will only list some here that were brought to my attention: The Mormon Church/LDS Church, Lakewood Church/Joel Osteen Ministries, Prosperity Gospel ministries, Pentecostal/Word of Faith churches, Catholic and Orthodox denominations.
- Churches and ministries exhibiting excessive control over members - It came to my attention that Hillsong College, which is run by the large Hillsong Church ministry (made most famous because of their Hillsong music group, which I also noted problems with), has policies of excessive control over students[6.29.1], such as not allowing them to date in their first semester and that dating someone who does not attend the college should be discussed with staff. These policies appear to be extensions of the primary Hillsong Church policies for their congregation, which I also found to be excessive and hypocritical when their leadership has failed to conduct themselves righteously in sexual matters[3.1.128, 6.29.2, 6.29.3].
The college also apparently quizzes new students about their sex lives and then are labeled "unsafe," presumably publicly, if they admit to having had sex or using pornography. I will remind that there should be no condemnation under Christ (Romans 8:1), so we should not publicly "label" people, like used to be done with women who committed adultery, or even today, divorcees are seen as unacceptable by many Catholics and other denominations.
Many personal issues should remain private, but there are times to publicly rebuke believers for sin, so that all would heed the warning not to sin (1 Timothy 5:20; Titus 1:13; Galatians 2:11-14). However, that should be done by God's direction and not simply as a policy for every case, as it can also be a sin to hurt people's feelings and unjustly hurt someone's public standing (breaking the Second Greatest Commandment and spreading liable, slander, or false accusations, which is bearing false witness).
These policies reminded me of when I reviewed the ABWE's (Association of Baptists for World Evangelism) policies for staff a few years ago. They said staff members could not marry anyone who did not submit to ABWE's doctrinal beliefs. That policy also likely extended to any romantic relationships, though, I cannot recall now. I told ABWE that their policies were excessive and that God does not force divorce when a spouse is a non-believer (1 Corinthians 7:12-16), though having a non-believing spouse can become a problem and is grounds for a valid divorce (see Valid Divorce in Sex and Marriage for more). I also noted to them that several of their doctrinal beliefs were in serious error, but I never heard back from them.
Some churches and ministries do require both fiances to submit to their doctrinal beliefs, such as Catholics often require a couple both belong to the congregation and be baptized (and, therefore, hold to their belief system) before a marriage ceremony will be allowed. This however, does not ensure a couple is evenly yoked, as true faith or belief in Christ is needed by the individuals, so making someone go through "submission" to certain beliefs with a public statement really does no good if belief is not there.
Pastoral counsel is certainly needed before a couple is married, but I would not extend formal policy to include dating outside the membership or congregation, like Hillsong and other ministries do, unless a problem is noted with the relationship. I certainly would not make policy to restrict a person's romantic life, for example, after I did more research into Hillsong's policies, I noted they even tell couples not to kiss for a year.
Instead of these useless policies, for the New Testament says about, "'Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch!'... in accordance with the commandments and teachings of man... [they] have the appearance of wisdom in self-made religion and humility and severe treatment of the body, but are of no value against fleshly indulgence" (Colossians 2:22-23), I would instead inquire as a pastor (not an academic teacher) into a person's romantic life and give appropriate guidance.
The article that brought Hillsong's policies to my attention was focused more on their teaching that wives must submit sexually to husbands, which a commenter said promoted "rape culture," which I am sad to have noticed too much in the church, as well. I've even seen video of a male dominated congregation chuckling when a preacher proclaimed that wives must submit sexually to husbands. Such ministries and people are not of God, but are abominable.
Many churches and ministries use Ephesians 5:22-24 telling wives to submit to their husbands in everything, to also mean wives must be slaves, even sexually, to husbands. This is a doctrine of demons and the misconstruing of good and true teaching, which is balanced with 1 Corinthians 7:3-5 saying that both husbands and wives must submit to each other and 1 Peter 3:7 telling husbands to be considerate of wives and to honor them as coheirs with Christ. God never gave husbands the right to rape or abuse wives in the holy covenant of marriage, so any church, ministry, or preacher that promotes unconditional submission of wives are teaching falsely and should be left. See Sex and Marriage - The Plain Truth for more about what submission in marriage actually means.
Likewise, I would red-flag and leave any ministry that tries to exert too much control over their membership, as I noted with Hillsong's and the AWBE's policies.
- Transcendence and Choosing a church or sect because of how it, its teachings, or its worship services feel; related: Traditional Catholic/Trad Catholic/Traditionalist Movements, the Orthodox Church, and Judaism - The Traditionalist Catholic Movement is relatively new[3.1.129], and stems from the younger generations' wish to remove modern notions from church and to go back to ancient worship practices. They try to remove modern, contemporary music and ways of worship from services, which are also very popular because of how they make people feel in worship - exuberant and rapturous.
However, when I saw what Traditionalists say about feeling more connected with the eternal and God through more natural (countryside/forested) settings and that a feeling of mystery is maintained because they like to use Latin liturgy, I was reminded about how a lay-minister recommended choosing a church for the type of experience you want from it, whether it is modern or traditional. Basically, pick a church for how much it aligns with your preferences, which is often based more on how it makes you feel rather than if you are being taught correctly.
The person who was recommending different sects did not mention false teachings and the darkness or effects that come with them. He did not truly understand the impact of sin related to false teachings, and so recommended the Orthodox Church's services, which he said focuses more on the experience and on ritual and symbolism, to someone who wanted to participate in something transcendent (much bigger than herself) and coming together as a community.
What she wanted in a church was very similar to what I saw with the Traditionalist Catholic Movement - they emphasized connecting with the transcendent and eternal, and on abstractions and ancient ritual. The Orthodox Church is also an ancient church, like the Catholic Church, but both are saturated with false teachings, as is another ancient religion - Judaism. Sometimes the attraction of something founded long ago is very important to people seeking spiritual experiences, but unfortunately, the age of a religion has no correlation to how good it is for you.
Going into natural settings, like forested areas, also reminds me of the ancient appeal of pagan religions, like Celtic druid religion, Wiccan, and other religions that emphasize and worship the natural world. But how good is that for people? The origins of the word, wicked, coming from Wiccan religion gives you a clue.
Trad Catholics, the Orthodox Church, and Judaism may not worship earth or natural deities, like Wiccan, druidic religion, and the spiritualism practiced by many indigenous peoples, but it should be noted how the appeal of nature affects things. Overemphasizing them can influence how a sect teaches and worships, which can become idolatry in worshipping things of Creation instead of God.
Going with that, the focus on ritual, symbolism, abstraction, and use of unintelligible languages, which are big factors in Judaism, Catholicism, Orthodoxy, and other ancient religions, may feel mystical and transcendent, but they can also overtake teaching and worship. It can make you feel like you're involved with something ancient and powerful (transcendence), which goes with generating rapturous feelings that should NOT be a focus in worship or holy gatherings. Those kinds of feelings are a big factor in making megachurches and large gatherings. People love how rapturous worship feels, so like with addiction to other feel-good things, they flock to it and depend on it rather than on God directly and the things that bring more maturity and blessing - good and correct teaching that removes sin from you and the world.
I also do not like using language, like Latin, in teaching, worship, or services that the people attending do not understand. We should always be understanding what is said and sung. If you don't, then you aren't connected to prayer and worship with understanding, and therefore not fully connecting with God either, but instead simply giving your OK with whatever the minister is saying with the closing amens.
And with false teachings, that means you are OKing lies and the doctrines of demons, so always strive to understand what is being done and said in church and worship, and do not pick churches or ministries that do not use common language, nor pick them simply because they seem to feel good. How little do God's people know what they are being loyal to when they do not understand what is associated with rapturous teachings and feel-good ministries (see Testimonies Prove the Baals and Imposters of God are among His People and Light Within for more).
- Non-denominational Churches and Ministries - Though there is nothing wrong with non-denominational ministries as a sect or denomination (this ministry is one), but there are churches that do not make it apparent what denomination they belong to. Some are actually planted by and submit to parent denominations, like the Pentecostal Church, but don't make it obvious in their names or About pages, so sometimes you have to research further if a seemingly non-denominational church is truly non-denominational.
Truly non-denominational is the preferred way to conduct ministry and church, as there is really only one Church or Body of Christ, which are the believers in the Lord, and not the institutions or sects. I've also never liked promoting division in the church because we are to be all One People under Christ (Romans 10:12-13; 1 Corinthians 12:12-26; Galatians 3:26-29; Ephesians 2:11-22, 3:6; Colossians 3:11; 1 Peter 2:9-10; also Romans 12:4-5) and holding to division, sects, or factions is a sin (Galatians 5:20; 1 Corinthians 1:10).
- Churches and ministries using and promoting any false gospel (how to be saved in Christ) - The majority of churches and ministries fall into this category. I explained some false gospels in ministries above. However, it can be difficult for even experienced ministers to identify false gospels because bad and completely false teaching is so prevalent in the church. Please study and remember what the True Gospel actually is, so you may identify what is wrong with other gospels commonly taught in the church (see The True Gospel and Imposters). There are very serious and damaging consequences to living in false gospels and any false teachings, really. And getting teaching, and especially eternal salvation with Christ correct, has become more important now that we are at the end of the age. God has been urging all believers out of these things and has given much guidance and proof that it truly is He that is giving the word to leave churches and ministries that remain loyal to what is false. See God's Alarm and Leaving the Harlot Babylon for more.
- Churches and ministries using too much "love doctrine" (teaching that excessively focuses on spiritual rapture and exaggerates God's love) - The majority of ministries listed above fall into this category, but because people are so addicted to love and rapture ministries that use overly sweetened truth about God's love and having rapture with God, especially in worship and prayer, I feel I must explicitly list this category and talk more about it.
The Bible teaches to joy in God, not to live in rapture, carnally-focused relationships with God. Those carnal relationships with spirits are taught by demons. But like other false and bad teachings, many ministers have no idea they are teaching in bad ways and promoting doctrine that came from demons. These teachings are hard to identify if you are not acquainted with them, so please study what is stated about ministries here, in Light Within, and other documents on this site.
Ministries in excessive love doctrine overuse and misconstrue God's love and forgiveness, overemphasizing or even speaking lies about God's blessings while hardly mentioning or completely omitting sin, judgment, and God's complete character as Judge of all, including the angels who are also not exempt from judgment (2 Peter 2:4-9; Jude 1:6-7; Job/Iyov 4:18; Isaiah/Yeshayahu 24:21). They often do not accept or understand that God is Judge of all sin, as well. However, we must understand fear of the Lord correctly, as that fear includes knowing that God will repay accordingly for all wrongs (Colossians 3:25; Romans 2:5-16; Ephesians 6:5-8; Ezekiel 33:12-20; Jeremiah/Yirmiyahu 17:10, 21:14, 25:14, 32:19; Numbers/Bamidbar 14:18; Nahum/Nachum 1:3; Proverbs/Mishlei 24:12; Hosea/Hoshea 7:2; also Hebrews 12:4-11; 1 Thessalonians 4:6; Ezekiel/Yechezkel 3:20). Too often the church thinks that being saved in Christ negates all consequences of sin, even in this life, when the New Covenant is for wiping away its eternal consequences, not judgment for it in this life.
Love doctrine ministries also often solicit funds by always emphasizing God's blessings for giving, such as using Malachi 3's, "'Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and put Me to the test now in this,' says Yahovah of hosts, 'if I do not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows" (Malachi 3:10). Never have I seen the church use that verse in correct context with their soliciting tithes and donations. It goes with them robbing God because they misuse His money, and so understanding how that happens and how to correctly handle tithes and ministry funds must go with it. They also do not understand that God will remove the bad stewards from handling His money and teaches how to repay what was robbed, which does not include continuing to give to ministries and churches (the bad stewards) that remain in ways that steal from Him (see Properly Handling God's Money for details on this).
These ministries will also guilt people excessively to give, such as using scripture like, "He who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be answered" (Proverbs/Mishlei 21:13) or "He who gives to the poor will never want, but he who shuts his eyes will have many curses" (Proverbs/Mishlei 28:27). Though these scriptures are true, using them in the wrong ways to guilt people and make them afraid not to give is also coercion. That is not how we are to solicit donations. The New Testament teaches free-will giving as the person feels he or she should do (2 Corinthians 9:6-15). See Properly Handling God's Money for more on this.
- KJV-only or single-Bible-version-only Ministries - Churches and ministries that refuse to use Bibles other than their single preferred one, such as the King James Version or a translation that was approved by their leadership, should be avoided. Policies like this are a big red flag for immature and spiritually blinded ministries that are sure to be loyal to false teachings that often come from mistranslation and error in their preferred Bible. People who adhere to single-Bible policies do not understand the full nature of scripture and that there is no one perfect Bible translation. They also often do not understand that error also comes out of the original language words of scripture (Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic) because of interpretation, and do not understand how dark spiritual influences promote these Bible policies to keep believers trapped in false teachings.
Proper interpretation of God's words, whether from the original languages or from translated versions, requires God's Spirit or Mind within us as well as proper knowledge and training of the scriptures that is free from the influences of false teachings. Your beliefs greatly affect interpretation, whether or not you have God's Spirit or anointment as His servant, and they will often override good interpretation that is given by God through His Spirit in you or through His approved servants who try to give correction. The church's and other believing sects' vast amount of bad interpretations and false teachings attest to the truth of this.
We must use multiple good translations of the Bible for study to help us properly understand scripture. See How To Choose A Bible for guidance about which ones to use. However, do not be fooled to think using many Bibles and Biblical resources will make you error-free in understanding God and the scriptures. Many ministers and scholars boast in their lengthy experience and amount of academic knowledge, but if you are accepting too much bad and erroneous teachings, your experience and resources can limit you and keep you to error, which is something I have noticed with many ministers that boast academic credentials - academic over-analysis leads astray, as can be seen with a debate about God's Names...
- AI and computer driven ministries; related, spreading spiritual “chain letters” – It may seem like common sense to avoid ministries or anything spiritually oriented that are run by AI (artificial intelligence) chatbots or other computer programmed God replacements, but because some have millions of followers, I feel the Lord wants me to speak on this. These things, like the TikTok @dailybeliever Jesus[3.1.130] and other Jesus apps, use the name and face of Christ to proclaim, interact, and teach people. I have already spoken against AI technology and warned not to replace God with it, but there are so many well-meaning believers flocking to AI generated religious services, it needs to be listed here for a more obvious warning.
Recently, there was a report of the first AI robot acting as a real company CEO[6.30.1] and I’ve seen other news stating how people run their businesses primarily with AI. For people who don’t know much about AI technology and its limitations, these things may sound revolutionary considering that the big AI companies developed their chatbot databases by mining as much information from the Internet and wherever they could get it, even if they were not legally authorized to do so (see The Morality of Using AI and Deepfake Technology for the spiritual implications of that).
That sounds like their AI tech would be the smartest, most knowledgeable entities on earth, but one of my first thoughts with the first AI CEO was, “Who would take that leadership seriously?” I know advanced computers systems very well, and even the best AI chatbots today do not have real intelligence. There is no true morality or emotions in them either. They are “smarter” databases from previous generations of computer systems because they categorize and connect data better, but in essence, their technology is as intelligent as other computer systems – they are only as smart as their designers tried to program them to be.
AI systems are still only regular computers and data storage that go through millions and billions of computer instructions and pieces of data using some kind of programmed logic. They can mimic a real person’s knowledge and responses well, but because they have no real intelligence or moral code, they also can’t tell the difference between fact and fiction, or between truth, twisted truth, and lies, nor between right and wrong, and so have been found to give erroneous and immoral statements.
But because today’s AI chatbot-type technologies are so good at mimicking a real person's speech, a lot of people accept them to replace people. However, as AI has no true intelligence, asking a chatbot, even one trained on the whole of scripture and other scriptural resources, is hardly better than asking a laypreacher or even a very experienced and long-time minister who are not approved servants for God, meaning they do not truly understand scripture and often do not interpret or teach it in correct context. Relying on such people and so-called "intelligent" systems will not give you good and true teaching, but much more speculation and uneducated reasoning that is thrown off because of lies and false beliefs in the case of people, and because of no real intelligence in the case of AI.
An example of AI's fudgy intelligence, here is a Bible Chatbot's answer to a question that was shown on their advertising page: "Why does Eve give Adam the forbidden fruit?" It answered, "Tough question, though it seems like Eve didn't quite know if it's forbidden to give the fruit to Adam. It seems like the snake played a huge part here." (This Q&A was shown on the BiblePics website page promoting its AI Chatbot Bible search feature at biblepics.co)
Furthermore, unfortunately, as I warned about doing, some are replacing God with these chatbots, like with TikTok Jesus, Jesus chat apps, and other AI Bible apps, like BiblePics AI Chat (also called AI Powered Bible) and other apps by BiblePics.
Most of these chatbots are not very popular, but some, like on TikTok, have millions of followers. They get masses of people to interact and spread these fake AI Christs’ teachings, some of which is truly false teaching and false prophecy, such as telling people they must share a video and comment “I believe” and they will get a blessing within one hour[3.1.130]. This is no different from other people spreading similar “chain letter” messages on social media and email, which I have seen through the years.
It can amount to false teaching and false prophecy, which are cursed (Galatians 1:8-9), so I urge not to participate in such things. The people using these AI Christs to get followers and clicks are likely in it for monetary and social gain as well (social media platforms like TikTok and YouTube give money to accounts that get more clicks, interaction, and followers), but they too are cursed for using the technology to imitate God and speak for Him without authorization, as well as using God’s name and authority for selfish gain. These are obviously not sins you want to be a part of, so take seriously the warnings I’ve made on this page about taking very seriously a teaching role for God and that there should not be many teachers among us. Teachers for God will be judged by their station and given worse penalties for sin (James 3:1), and anyone who proclaims authority in God, whether they are true, anointed teachers or false ones, will also get judgement according to that.
- Educational, news, litigation, and other organizations - Some organizations do not fit a sect or category that have been listed above, such as the ACLJ (American Center For Law and Justice), ICR (Institute for Creation Research), and general news organizations. I have listed the ACLJ and ICR in the alphabetical list below for some time, but I feel I should clarify why these popular Christian organizations are flagged.
The ACLJ is a Christian organization focusing on law and other legal challenges, such as working to fight abortion protections in law and providing legal support for persecuted Christians around the world. These are good focuses, but I have also seen the leadership and lawyers of the ACLJ also hold to unrighteous, biased judgment, lies and false beliefs from conspiracy theories and false teachings, such as so-called "deep state" conspiracies that put every non-Republican in a demonized, child trafficking, election-rigging group.
This inability to make righteous judgment is obviously a serious problem for a group that focuses on legal battles. Like the rest of the church and other believing communities, they do good where their focuses are correct, but they sin in unjust attacks and making unrighteous judgment on people and issues where they have no solid proof except for conspiracy theories, false or misconstrued news and facts, and false spiritual guidance.
Overzealous support for these kinds of lies resulted in the violent January 6th, 2021 insurrection riots at the United States capital and more recently in 2022 they resulted in a military coup attempt against the German[6.23.1] and Brazilian governments[6.24.1, 6.24.2]. At their core, these attempts had people given into lies, false news, and conspiracy theories that are spread by Q groups and other misguided and corrupt people, especially those in power, such as Donald Trump, who blindly believe these things so much that they use violence and illegal means in the name of God.
However, I talked about how God made a link to Satan with Donald Trump in the last presidential election results, and since then much more information about Trump and his ways have surfaced, such as his illegal possession of hundreds of classified documents and his business dealings were found guilty of bank fraud and tax evasion over many years[6.23.2].
Lies and deceit are the works of Satan, as he is the Father of Lies (John 8:44). Christ told Jews they could not understand Him because they were given to their father's ways, the devil, who had them blinded in the darkness of lies and corrupt ways (John 8:43-44). The world has seen how lies and skewed truth are being used to overturn God-ordained authority and true righteousness. These dark forces will only become worse as the final antichrist, that man of lawlessness, comes to power.
News organizations, both secular and Christian or conservative, have the same biases and problems I noted above. This is why I avoid most Christian or conservative news outlets. Their false beliefs and biases are just as bad as secular ones, while some are even worse. I'm more concerned with getting unbiased truth from news, but because I have not found any completely unbiased reporting, I keep informed by reviewing news from many more respected organizations, compare the information they give, and double-check their information, and if they are ministries, I will use news and information from them but not accept their spiritual teaching until I have evaluated their details.
Evaluating news and facts is similar to evaluating good and bad spiritual teaching. It requires experience and knowledge to see what is good and bad and what is true, false, or misconstrued. After all, you cannot see the difference if you are not aware of the differences or know what the actual truth is. This is a more involved topic that I won't get into here, but as a quick evaluation, if you see reporting that often jumps to conclusions without proper evidence (such as condemning all law enforcement for bad policing) or over exaggerates facts and statistics to support a position, then I would avoid their reporting.
The ICR is an organization focused on proof and support for creation science as opposed to evolution and a universe that does not need a God Creator to exist. Like general apologetics that try to give proof for God, their focuses can be good, but also like other groups here, they are also biased and blinded by their false beliefs and false teachings. Science and research organizations may seem to only deal with facts and evidence, but like their secular scientist counterparts, their biases and beliefs greatly affect how they interpret facts and evidence.
Creationists, like at the ICR, often completely dismiss huge amounts of evidence, such as found in fossils, DNA, and geologic evidence. Contrary to what they say about evolution not having any basis in fossil evidence, my studies in fossils and anthropology make it clear to me there is evidence of what the secular world thinks is evolution. There are more logical explanations for this that still fit Creationism, but this is another topic of more detailed discussion that I will not get into here.
The main point here is to note that believers, like at the ICR, are often so biased that they will not account for evidence that refutes their theories and beliefs. They "shoehorn" the evidence to fit their ideas and then dismiss the evidence that they cannot reconcile. This is exactly the same behavior that teachers of false doctrine have in using and understanding scripture.
These biased and serious errors of judgment have brought much criticism to and greatly reduces the credibility of creationists. If the goal of creationists is to evangelize people to the truth of God and creation, then we cannot be judged as blind and opinionated people.
Furthermore, spreading lies and false beliefs about creation and God (as well as any other spiritual topic) falls into the sin of false teaching which has serious consequences that I have spoken much of (see Light Within for more). It is no trivial matter that Paul says false teaching is accursed (Galatians 1:8-9). These curses are why many creationists and other believers are so blinded by their beliefs that they will not accept valid evidence that contradicts them, but dismiss it and overzealously force other evidence to fit their theories.
- Donald J. Trump, MAGA, and associated initiatives and ministries - President Donald Trump is technically not a ministry leader or preacher, but as the head of many Conservative Christian movements, like his MAGA (Make America Great Again) Movement, and because many Christians, in general, consider him to be God's anointed Christian leader, I will treat him as religious leader even though I do not believe he truly believes in Christ (for details, see updates in Lost Discernment concerning Trump's assassination). The Lord moves me to add him to Ministry Warnings now (1/25/2025) after he came back to power in the White House and further showed himself to be a perfect example of Bible-defined immorality.
God first showed me in May 2024 how Trump embodied 5 out of 6 sins from 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 which also states we need to avoid people who live in those sins. Then a month later, God showed again how Trump fulfilled the evil character of Romans 16:17-18. Soon after, in the summer of 2024, Trump continued to show his character of arrogance and faithless unrepentance after the assassination attempt on him. The updates in Lost Discernment gave an ongoing picture of his character during the 2024 Election and how Trump further embodies unrighteousness defined in scripture.
In August 2024, the Lord showed again, more scripture that Trump embodies as an evil person, satisfying all 7 abominations that God hates in Proverbs/Mishlei 6 and 26. Then in the last two updates to Lost Discernment, I talked about Trump's public character after he won the Presidential Election. He clearly showed embodiment of wickedness and sin, and was linked to yet another Biblical example of evil with Proverbs/Mishlei 18:3.
I saw how Donald Trump's twisted and spiteful view of the world was clearly shown in official White House government documents and policy after he got back into the White House, so because of all this, God has me list Trump, his associates, and associated Christian and other religious initiatives as a threat to God's people and what is right. See the links to The People's Lost of Discernment for full details of Donald Trump's embodiment of anti-Christian values.
- Alphabetic Index - Includes all the groups above as well as other people and ministries evaluated to be guided by false teaching and imposters of the Lord, His Spirit, and/or saints and angels or that have serious errors of discernment for good teaching. Some of these groups share false spiritual guidance, like words and visions, that are identical to ones above, and like them, they may get some good guidance, perform successful deliverances, and have true gifts from God, but they are misled by their demons with so much false guidance, or are so seriously in error, that I would not use their teaching or materials unless you have much experience discerning what is good and bad. Names are listed in alphabetical order by first name or ministry name and names are repeated from above to make them easier to find.
- 30 Days With Jesus by Lysa Terkehurst and Dr. Joel Muddamalle - Errors of doctrine, promotion of a false gospel, false teaching, and false teaching that overemphasizes carnal
intimacy with God; see first eight ministry warnings above for more;
- 444 Prophecy News and Associates (444prophecynews.com) - False prophecy; see Prophetic Ministries
- ABWE (Association of Baptists for World Evangelism) - See above
- ACC (Australian Christian Churches) - See Pentecostal/Charismatic Church
- ACLJ - American Center For Law and Justice (aclj.org) - Biased, unrighteous judgment - See other organizations
- ADVANCED RIGHTLY DIVIDING (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- AI driven ministries and spiritual chain letters - See above
- A.J. Russell (Arthur James Russell) - See God Calling and Prophetic Ministries
- Alan MacDonald and "Non Traditional Bible Study" - Serious errors of doctrine and false teaching
- Alexandru Iordan (ReleasingTheSpirit.com) - See above
- American Vision, The American Vision (AmericanVision.org) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teaching
- AmightyWind Ministries - See above and Prophetic Ministries
- Angel Studios - See Mormon Church for details
- Answers In Genesis (AnswersInGenesis.org); Ark Encounter, Kentucky - Serious errors of doctrine and false teaching - See other organizations
- Apostolic Church - See Pentecostal/Apostolic Church and see Prophetic Ministries
- Apostolic Triumphant Church International, Bala Success Abraham, and associated ministries - see Misuse of funds and Prosperity Gospel,
Pentecostal/Apostolic Church and Prophetic Ministries - Ark Encounter, Kentucky; Answers In Genesis (AnswersInGenesis.org) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teaching - See other organizations
- Arthur James Russell (A.J. Russell) - See God Calling and Prophetic Ministries
- Bala Success Abraham, Apostolic Triumphant Church International, and associated ministries - see Misuse of funds and Prosperity Gospel,
Pentecostal/Apostolic Church and Prophetic Ministries - Baptist Church - See ABWE above and over emphasis on spiritual gifts in the Pentecostal/Charismatic Church and Prophetic Ministries
- BE READY FOR THE RAPTURE (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- Bill Gothard, IBLP (Institute in Basic Life Principles, iblp.org), Josh Duggard, and associates - Serious errors of doctrine, false teaching, serious failures in leadership, harlotrous ministry focuses, and KJV-only teaching
- Book of Revelation & Bible Prophecy Church by RevelationScriptures.com - Serious errors of doctrine and false teaching; see also Prophetic Ministries, Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
- Brian Charles [3.1.114] - False prophecy, false teaching, and loyalty to imposters of God and/or the saints and angel; see Prophetic Ministries
- Buddhism/Buddhist, Hinduism, Yoga, Taoism/Daoism, and other Eastern Spiritualism - See Paramahansa Yogananda and Deepak Chopra
- Burn 24-7, Inc., Sean Feucht (John Christopher "Sean" Feucht), Sean Feucht Ministry, Inc., Camp Elah (CampElah.com), Light A Candle Project - See Pentecostal/Charismatic Church and misuse of funds
- Camp Elah (CampElah.com), Sean Feucht (John Christopher "Sean" Feucht), Sean Feucht Ministry, Inc., Burn 24-7, Inc., Light A Candle Project - See Pentecostal/Charismatic Church and misuse of funds
- Catholic Church - See above, misuse of funds, and Transcendence and Traditional Catholic Movement
- CGM Enterprises, Dr. Cint Gilstrap, Cint Gilstrap Ministries, and associated ministries - False prophecy and promotion of false gospels, false teachings, and false teachings that overemphasizes carnal
intimacy with God; see also Misuse of funds and Prosperity Gospel,
Pentecostal/Apostolic Church and Prophetic Ministries - Chain letters and AI driven ministries - See above
- Charles E. Newbold, Jr. [] - False prophecy, false teaching, and loyalty to imposters of God and/or the saints and angels; see Prophetic Ministries
- Christian Spiritual Warfare (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- Christy Johnston, Nate Johnston, Remnant Ministry (Remnant School of Commissioning) and affiliates
(rmnt.co, youtube.com/@NateandChristy, facebook.com/nateandchristy) -
False prophecy, false gospel, and false teachings overemphasizing carnal
intimacy with God and false spiritual guidance from imposters of God; see first eight ministry warnings above for more; see also Prophetic Ministries
- Church of Satan - See Above
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS Church) - See Mormon Church and misuse of funds
- Church of Scientology - See above
- Dr. Cint Gilstrap, Cint Gilstrap Ministries, Down 2 Earth Talk, and associated ministries - False prophecy and promotion of false gospels, false teachings, and false teachings that overemphasizes carnal
intimacy with God; see also Misuse of funds and Prosperity Gospel,
Pentecostal/Apostolic Church and Prophetic Ministries - Creekside Messianic Fellowship and Wayne Davis (john1415.org) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teaching
- Dana Coverstone - See Pentecostal/Charismatic Church and false visions and dream; see also Prophetic Ministries
- Deepak Chopra - See above
- Derek Prince's Teachings (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- Diana Pulliam and 444 Prophecy News - False prophecy and loyalty to imposters of God and/or the saints and angels; see Prophetic Ministries
- Donald J. Trump (President Donald Trump), MAGA, and associated initiatives - see above
- Down 2 Earth Talk, Dr. Cint Gilstrap, Cint Gilstrap Ministries, and associated ministries - False prophecy and promotion of false gospels, false teachings, and false teachings that overemphasizes carnal
intimacy with God; see also Misuse of funds and Prosperity Gospel,
Pentecostal/Apostolic Church and Prophetic Ministries - Eastern Spiritualism and Meditation, Yoga, Buddhism/Buddhist, Taoism/Daoism, and Hinduism - See Paramahansa Yogananda and Deepak Chopra
- Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) - See AmightyWind and Prophetic Ministries
- Elizabeth Marie and 444 Prophecy News - False prophecy and loyalty to imposters of God and/or the saints and angels; see Prophetic Ministries
- Empower Church (empowerchurch.co.za, youtube.com/@EmpowerChurchMain) and Gebhardt Berndt and Shannon Berndt - Arrogance and hypocrisy in following their own Statement of Belief (they rejected correction from an elder), false teachings, and false gospel
- End Times, 666 & Second Coming (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- End Times Prophecy (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
- Eslick Manuel and 444 Prophecy News - False prophecy, carnal false teachings, and loyalty to imposters of God and/or the saints and angels; see Prophetic Ministries
- EXPOSING LUCIFER AND HIS DEMONS DECEPTION (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- Facebook Groups and other social media, Internet groups and forums - See Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
- Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (Unification Church or Unificationism) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teaching
- Free Christian or Unitarian Churches - See above
- Followers of YAH!!! (YaHWeH YESHUA) (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- FOX News and other right-leaning, conservative Christian reporting - FOX News has a long history of spreading false news and false conspiracies from many of its most popular reporters and hosts; FOX News agreed to pay, Dominion, a voting machine company. $787 million in 2023 to settle a defamation lawsuit because of FOX's false information about election fraud being committed by their machines[6.33.1, 6.33.2]; See other organizations for more
- Gaffney Bible Study and Jerry Shaw - False gospel by works and false teachings; see also Social Media
- Gebhardt Berndt, Shannon Berndt and Empower Church (empowerchurch.co.za, youtube.com/@EmpowerChurchMain)
- Arrogance and hypocrisy in following their own Statement of Belief
(they rejected correction from an elder), false teachings, and false gospel
- GEMINI (Global Elite Ministries International Network Inc), CGM Enterprises, Dr. Cint Gilstrap, Cint Gilstrap Ministries, and associated ministries - False prophecy and promotion of false gospels, false teachings, and false teachings that overemphasizes carnal
intimacy with God; see also Misuse of funds and Prosperity Gospel,
Pentecostal/Apostolic Church and Prophetic Ministries - God Calling & God Calling 2 - See above and Prophetic Ministries
- GOD Is Powerful (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- Gods Heart Carriers (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- Gospel Of Grace (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- Grace Community Church (gracechurch.org), John MacArthur, and Affiliated Study Bibles and Ministries - Serious failures of leadership[3.1.131] and false teachings due to incorrect handling and understanding of scripture, including but not limited to outdated chauvinistic doctrine
- Greek Orthodox Church - See Orthodox Church and misuse of funds
- HARDCORE SPIRITUAL WARFARE (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine, false teachings, and naive (potentially harmful) deliverance ministry; see also Social Media
- Haredim, Rabbinate, and Rabbis - See Judaism above
- HeavensGate Church, New Zealand [3.1.116] - Serious errors of doctrine, false teaching, and loyalty to imposters of God and/or the saints and angels
- HELL, HEAVEN AND RAPTURE REVELATIONS, TESTIMONIES AND END TIME MESSAGES (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
- Hillsong Church, Hillsong College and associated ministries - See above, Pentecostal/Charismatic Church, and misuse of funds
- Hinduism, Buddhism/Buddhist, Taoism/Daoism, Yoga, and other Eastern Spiritualism - See Paramahansa Yogananda and Deepak Chopra
- House of Prayer Movement - See Pentecostal/Apostolic Church
- IBLP (Institute in Basic Life Principles, iblp.org), Bill Gothard, Josh Duggard, and associates - Serious errors of doctrine, false teaching, serious failures in leadership, harlotrous ministry focuses, and KJV-only teaching
- ICR - Institute for Creation Research (ICR.org) - Biased, flawed analysis and false teaching - See other organizations
- Instagram and other social media, Internet groups and forums - See Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
- Islam - See above
- Israel365 News / Israel 365 - See Judaism above
- Jehovah's Witnesses - See above
- Dr. Joel Muddamalle, Lysa Terkehurst, 30 Days With Jesus - Errors of doctrine, promotion of a false gospel, false teaching, and false teaching that overemphasizes carnal
intimacy with God; see first eight ministry warnings above for more;
- Joel Osteen Ministries/Lakewood Church - See misuse of funds and Prosperity Gospel
- Jeremiah Johnson and affiliates [,] - See Pentecostal/Apostolic Church, Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
- Jerry Shaw and Gaffney Bible Study - False gospel by works and false teachings; see also Social Media
- Jesus Calling by Sarah Young - See God Calling and Jesus Calling and Prophetic Ministries
- Jew and Greek Ministry, Rod Saunders - Serious errors of doctrine and false teaching; see also Pentecostal/Apostolic Church and Social Media
- John MacArthur, Affiliated Study Bibles, and Affiliated Ministries (Grace Community Church, gracechurch.org) - Serious failures of leadership[3.1.131] and false teachings due to incorrect handling and understanding of scripture, including but not limited to outdated chauvinistic doctrine
- John Shorey - False prophecy and loyalty to imposters of God and/or the saints and angels; see also Prophetic Ministries
- Josh Duggard, IBLP (Institute in Basic Life Principles, iblp.org), Bill Gothard, and associates - Serious errors of doctrine, false teaching, serious failures in leadership, harlotrous ministry focuses, and KJV-only teaching
- Judaism - See above
- Julie Green Ministries International (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- Julie Whedbee and 444 Prophecy News - False prophecy and loyalty to imposters of God and/or the saints and angels; see Prophetic Ministries
- Justin Peters and Justin Peters Ministries - Serious errors of doctrine and false teaching; see also Social Media
- Kat Kerr [] - Serious errors of doctrine, false teaching, and loyalty to imposters of God and/or the saints and angels
- King James Bible - Rightly Divided (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine, false teachings, and single-bible only; see also Social Media
- KINGDOM OF HEAVENS AND DECEPTION FROM HELL (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- Lakewood Church/Joel Osteen Ministries - See misuse of funds and Prosperity Gospel
- Lee Man-hee, Shincheonji Church of Jesus, and affiliate churches - See above
- Light A Candle Project, Sean Feucht (John Christopher "Sean" Feucht), Sean Feucht Ministry, Inc., Camp Elah (CampElah.com), Burn 24-7, Inc. - See Pentecostal/Charismatic Church and misuse of funds
- LinkedIn and other social media, Internet groups and forums - See Social Media
- Lucia (My Hiding Place) and 444 Prophecy News - False prophecy, carnal false teachings, and loyalty to imposters of God and/or the saints and angels; see Prophetic Ministries
- LynL and 444 Prophecy News - False prophecy, carnal false teachings, and loyalty to imposters of God and/or the saints and angels; see Prophetic Ministries
- Lynn Hardy and affiliates - Agape Christian Fellowship [], To Heaven And Back Again [], HeavensGate Church, New Zealand [3.1.116] - Serious errors of doctrine, false teaching, and loyalty to imposters of God and/or the saints and angels; see also Prophetic Ministries
- Lynn Johnson and 444 Prophecy News - False prophecy and loyalty to imposters of God and/or the saints and angels; see Prophetic Ministries
- Lysa Terkehurst, Dr. Joel Muddamalle, 30 Days With Jesus - Errors of doctrine, promotion of a false gospel, false teaching, and false teaching that overemphasizes carnal
intimacy with God; see first eight ministry warnings above for more;
- MacArthur (John), Affiliated Study Bibles, and Affiliated Ministries (Grace Community Church, gracechurch.org) - Serious failures of leadership[3.1.131] and false teachings due to incorrect handling and understanding of scripture, including but not limited to outdated chauvinistic doctrine
- MAGA, Donald J. Trump (President Donald Trump), and associated initiatives - see above
- Manifestation and Ultra Manifestation - See The Secret and manifesting
- Mid-Acts (Pauline/Right-Division) Dispensational Bible Believers (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- Mikel Clark or Mike Clark Bible Studies - Promotion of false gospel of salvation by prayer alone and excessive "love" doctrine
- Mormon Church - See above and misuse of funds
- Nate and Christy Johnston, Remnant Ministry (Remnant School of Commissioning) and affiliates
(rmnt.co, youtube.com/@NateandChristy, facebook.com/nateandchristy) -
False prophecy, false gospel, and false teachings overemphasizing carnal
intimacy with God and false spiritual guidance from imposters of God; see first eight ministry warnings above for more; see also Prophetic Ministries
- Nondenominational Churches and Ministries - See above
- Non Traditional Bible Study and Alan MacDonald - Serious errors of doctrine and false teaching
- ODX.TV, Open Door Experience, Open Door Church, Troy Brewer, and related ministries - Dishonest hyping of material and teaching as prophetic when it is not; false prophecy; See Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
- Olasubomi Williams and 444 Prophecy News - False prophecy and loyalty to imposters of God and/or the saints and angels; see Prophetic Ministries
- Open Door Experience, Open Door Church, ODX.TV, Troy Brewer, and related ministries - Dishonest hyping of material and teaching as prophetic when it is not; false prophecy; See Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
- Orthodox Church - See above and misuse of funds
- Orthodoxy, Transcendence, Traditional Catholic Movement, Judaism - See above
- Paramahansa Yogananda - See above
- Pastor to the Pastors (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teaching; see also Social Media
- Pentecostal Church/Pentecostalism - See Pentecostal/Apostolic Church, misuse of funds, and Prophetic Ministries
- Pinterest and other social media, Internet groups and forums - See Social Media
- Presbyterian Church - See Protestant and Reformation
- Preterism, Preterists - See above
- Prophecies, Words & Fulfilment For This Season (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
- Prophetic Eye's Ministries, Kay Jolly (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
- Prophetic Utterances, Prophecies, Dreams & Visions (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
- Protestant Church - See Protestant and Reformation
- Rabbinate, Rabbis, and Haredim - See Judaism above
- Rapture and Revelation (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teaching; see also Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
- Rapture and the great tribulation (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- RAPTURE (END TIME) (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- RAPTURE IS VERY SOON (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- The Rapture Of The Church (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- RAPTURE PROPHECY WATCH (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- RAPTURE WATCHERS (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- Reformation Church - See Protestant and Reformation
- Remnant Ministry (Remnant School of Commissioning), Nate and Christy Johnston, and associates
(rmnt.co, youtube.com/@NateandChristy, facebook.com/nateandchristy) - False prophecy, false gospel,
and false teachings overemphasizing carnal intimacy with God and false
spiritual guidance from imposters of God; see first eight ministry warnings above for more and Prophetic Ministries
- RevelationScriptures.com - Serious errors of doctrine and false teaching; see also Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
- Rhonda Byrne - See The Secret and manifesting
- Richard H. Perry - Serious errors of doctrine and false teaching; see also Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
- Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH SIMPLIFIED (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- Rod Saunders and Jew & Greek Ministry - Serious errors of doctrine and false teaching; see also Pentecostal/Apostolic Church and Social Media
- Roxanne and 444 Prophecy News - False prophecy, false teachings, and loyalty to imposters of God and/or the saints and angels; see Prophetic Ministries
- Roy & Faith Sauzek and affiliates - See Take His Heart Ministries and Prophetic Ministries
- Sarah and 444 Prophecy News - False prophecy, false teachings, and loyalty to imposters of God and/or the saints and angels; see Prophetic Ministries
- Sarah Young and Jesus Calling - See God Calling and Jesus Calling and Prophetic Ministries
- Scientology - See Church of Scientology
- Sean Feucht (John Christopher "Sean" Feucht), Camp Eloah (CampElah.com), Sean Feucht Ministry, Inc., Burn 24-7, Inc., Light A Candle Project - See Pentecostal/Charismatic Church and misuse of funds
- The Secret books and movies - See The Secret and manifesting
- "SEERS" Can you Prophesy? (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine, false teachings, and false prophecy; see also Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
- Shellee Norman [3.1.117] - False prophecy, false teaching, and loyalty to imposters of God and/or the saints and angels; see Prophetic Ministries and Prophetic Ministries
- Shincheonji Church of Jesus, affiliate churches, and Lee Man-hee - See above and Prophetic Ministries
- S. J. Nuell and The Objective Believer - Serious errors of doctrine and false teaching; see also Pentecostal/Apostolic Church and Social Media; see the rebuke given to Objective Believer
- Social media, Internet groups and forums, like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, WordPress, etc. - See Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
- Spiritual Warfare & Deliverance (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine, false teachings, and naive (potentially harmful) deliverance ministry; see also Social Media
- Take His Heart Ministries - See above and Prophetic Ministries
- The Book of Revelation (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- The End Times Pre-Trib Believers Group (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- THE GOSPEL & SPIRITUAL WARFARE (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- THE MYSTERY TEACHINGS OF PAUL; RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH; KJB ONLY (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine, false teachings, and single-bible only; see also Social Media
- The Rapture Of The Church (Facebook) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teachings; see also Social Media
- The Secret books and movies - See The Secret and manifesting
- Tony Lamb (TonyLamb.org) - False prophecy, serious errors of doctrine, and loyalty to imposters of God and/or the saints and angels; see Prophetic Ministries and Prophetic Ministries
- Transcendence, Traditional Catholic Movement, Orthodoxy, Judaism - See above
- Troy Brewer, Open Door Experience, Open Door Church, ODX.TV, and related ministries - Dishonest hyping of material and teaching as prophetic when it is not; false prophecy; See Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
- Tumblr and other social media, Internet groups and forums - See Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
- Twitter (now called X) and other social media, Internet groups and forums - See Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
- Two Listeners (TwoListeners.org) - See God Calling
- Ultra Manifestation - See The Secret and manifesting
- Unification Church (Unificationism or Family Federation for World Peace and Unification) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teaching
- Unitarian or Free Christian Churches - See above
- Urantia Foundation - See above
- Victoria Ang [3.1.113] - False prophecy and loyalty to imposters of God and/or the saints and angels; see Prophetic Ministries and Prophetic Ministries
- Wayne Davis and Creekside Messianic Fellowship (john1415.org) - Serious errors of doctrine and false teaching
- Word of Faith Movement - See Pentecostal/Apostolic Church and misuse of funds
- WordPress and other social media, Internet groups and forums - See Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
- Sarah Young and Jesus Calling - See God Calling and Jesus Calling and Prophetic Ministries
- X (formerly Twitter) and other social media, Internet groups and forums - See Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
- Yoga, Buddhist, Hinduism, Taoism/Daoism, and other Eastern Spiritualism - See Paramahansa Yogananda and Deepak Chopra
- YouTube and other social media, Internet groups and forums - See Social Media and Prophetic Ministries
Much of the contemporary church and ministries teach false or incomplete gospels (see The True Gospel and Imposters for details) and share other bad teaching like the groups above. In fact, I now recognize teachings from local churches I attended as a new Christian to have come from false teachings, like found in the God Calling books. Bad teaching is so common in all believing sects (Christian, Jewish, Muslim) that no one can assume they have things correct.
It is also hard for even experienced ministers to correctly identify false or erroneous teaching, especially when they believe in them themselves. They can give scripture and what appears to be valid Biblical arguments for their beliefs, but unless you are one approved by the Lord to correctly handle His word and have the necessary anointment and discernment, it can be very difficult or impossible to see what is wrong with their arguments.
I would leave the churches and organizations listed above, but I would give other churches and ministries the benefit of doubt. However, I would use discretion and evaluate whatever is taught, as all of God's people should not simply follow blindly (1 Thessalonians 5:20:21; Deuteronomy 13:1-3/Devarim 13:2-4). I would especially be wary of and closely examine people and ministries sharing a lot of spiritual guidance, like visions, words, and dreams. I invite everyone to examine the spiritual guidance I got as well.
It is not the pattern of true prophets and ministers to constantly and publicly share a lot of words, visions, dreams, etc., nor to give their interpretations. Interpretation belongs to God and not man (2 Peter 1:20-21; Genesis/Bereishit 40:8). The original apostles and Biblical prophets did not conduct ministry or share spiritual guidance like I see being done everywhere on the Internet.
Also be wary of churches and teaching that preach eternal salvation by having a personal relationship with God or adoration for Him and other saints and angels. It is a false gospel and is similar to the Pentecostal Church's and other Evangelical beliefs [3.1.38]. The first groups I listed emphasize this kind of more carnal, worldly way of following God. It invites imposters of the Lord that usurp your relationship with God. They want your adoration and attention so they can take control of your lives as a replacement for God. They will take the love you give God and use it against you to make you follow them and accept false teaching. I have seen this dynamic play out over and over in believers' lives.
God never taught more carnal adoration for Him in the Bible. That is not the kind of love for the Lord we should show (see True Love - What does it mean to God? for more about loving God). God wants our loyalty and righteousness, and He values our enthusiasm for Him, like when King David danced and rejoiced in public when they brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6:14-15).
The enemy, though, will use our love for God against us. This happened to ministries above when they were urged by their spirits to spread teaching and guidance. One person said she was afraid to not obey out of fear of sinning, and others have behaved similarly. We should certainly fear God if we do sin, since He judges all sin, and it is what He refers to by "fear of the Lord" (Colossians 3:22-25; Ephesians 6:5; Psalm 34:11-22/Tehillim 34:12-23, 111:10; Proverbs/Mishlei 1:7, 9:10, 10:27, 14:27, 16:6, 19:23; 22:4; Job/Iyov 28:28; 2 Chronicles/Divrei Hayamim II 19:7-10).
However, that refers to true sin. Imposters and religious spirits preach false sin, like from mandatory tithing or mandatory church attendance, and use fear to get absolute obedience. This method of using this fear to get obedience is a part of brainwashing people. They offer a solution (their ways and thinking) to remove punishment and pain they inflict to get obedience [6.3.5, 6.3.6].
God does not shackle us with a demon or spirit of slavery just because we stop tithing or obeying a teaching. We do not receive "a spirit of slavery leading to fear again" when we live in Christ (Romans 8:15). Yet I have testimony that this is what happened to people who tried to stop practicing their false ways, like mandatory tithing. A literal spirit of slavery actually interfered with someone physically and tried to control them after they stopped tithing, but "where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom" (2 Corinthians 3:17), since we are not slaves to law and our yoke with Christ is easy and light (Matthew 11:30).
Most of the time, the Lord will let people sin and do as they wish, especially when they refuse rebuke (Psalm 81:11-12/Tehillim 81:12-13; Proverbs/Mishlei 1:23-33). God gave us freewill, after all, and He uses our mistakes and failures to bring people back to Him (Romans 11:32; Galatians 3:22). That is why "God shut up all in disobedience, so that He may show mercy to all" (Romans 11:32).
However, also recognize there are times when the Lord prevents people from doing things that He does not want. I have experienced this, much like Apostle Paul, when he tried to go and preach in Bithynia, but the Spirit did not let them (Acts 16:7). God's oversight in believers, and especially in His ministers, is why the apostles and even the angels are called bond-servants or bond-slaves of Christ (Romans 1:1; 2 Corinthians 4:5; Philippians 1:1; James 1:1; 2 Peter 1:1; Jude 1:1; Luke 1:38), and why many parables in the New Testament refer to God's servants as slaves.
This is a different kind of control than what I've seen with imposter spirits of slavery. God will let people do what they wish despite His objections, like He let Paul go on to Jerusalem even though he was warned by the Spirit to not go (Acts 21:4). Paul went anyways despite a prophet telling him he would be imprisoned in Jerusalem (Acts 21:10-15). After going, he was in prison for over two years (Acts 24:27). I bring up these comparisons because seeing the differences between God's ways and the ways of imposters can be difficult. It is a reason the Lord guided me to teach on these matters.
I would also be wary of ministries and teaching that overemphasize evangelizing, like the Jehovah's Witnesses do by going door to door or going to public places and evangelizing or preaching at random. Overzealous evangelizing is a symptom of religious spirits, and we do not need to be so zealous in our recruiting for God, because most of the world already knows who Christ is.
This was prophesied by Jeremiah/Yirmiyahu, "They will not teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them" (Jeremiah 31:34/Yirmiyahu 31:33).
Most nations and communities now know who Yeshua (Jesus) is and what the church believes. However, I am not saying we should never evangelize or preach. There are still peoples and individuals who need to turn to God, and missionaries are doing good work around the world. We should be witnessing and using our knowledge and Godly wisdom to help people we encounter and live with, but it should not be an overzealous preaching, which is often driven by religious spirits.
We should not be constantly pestering people about Christ or trying to teach them what is right. Instead, try to correct people, especially believers, a few times and leave them alone if they don't want to change (2 Timothy 2:14-18; Titus 3:9-10). This is what God does and teaches (Psalm 81:11-12/Tehillim 81:12-13; Proverbs/Mishlei 1:23-33; Romans 1:24-32; Acts 7:42-43).
May you be blessed by further knowledge and truth, through Mashiach Yeshua. Amen.