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Withholding Redemption and Denying Accountability (Teaching)
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Minister Ty Alexander

On the anniversary of the October 7th massacre that started the Israel Hamas War, people are in tearful memory and continued pain over the still unresolved conflict. It has no end in sight because even though Hamas is severely disabled, it still has enough members and support to regroup and strike again. We also cannot forget about 100 hostages are still being held and tortured by Hamas. May they see freedom from their captors soon, through Mashiach Yeshua. Amen.

October 7th brought about all kinds of investigations into failures of leadership and security, and today, the causes of Israel’s failure to bring the Never Again! Holocaust slogan into full reality are major talking points - Why and how did October 7th happen? How are we going to prevent this from happening again?

The dialogue may bring some insight into what was done wrong, and may even bring some bit of reassurance for an improved future, but in the end, the people are spinning their wheels, going nowhere, because they cannot see how they are stuck in so much dark mire. It is exactly the same mentality that happened with the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the U.S., and recently, in the assassination attempts this year on Donald Trump.

The news was filled with, “What went wrong? What were the security failures? What needs to be done to prevent this from happening again?” All the same conjectures that Israel and Judaism roils herself in today – There were lapses in security; We relied on the wrong technologies; There was bad communication between security forces.

The questions are logical and the seeming faults in security measures that were found provide a sense of “this was preventable and we can boost our defenses so this will never happen again.” Never Again.

But oh how lamentable this has been to see the peoples in their debates and rebuilding stronger, never acknowledging the true reasons why God brought judgment upon them. In all these cases, it is easy for the one who has unbiased spiritual eyes to see that it was God who removed protection and blessing because of their sins. The peoples need to see that it is in God that ultimate and unbreakable protection comes, but apart from God’s providence, there is no amount of physical defense or security planning that can withstand God’s stretched out hand.

America was laid low for her excesses of freedom and greed. Israel was laid low for her severe errors in fulfilling the Torah or Law of Moses/Moshe. And Trump, too, was brought low for his arrogance and corruptions of greed, hypocrisy, and lying. Different reasons for judgment, but all for sins, and furthermore, what they all have in common is the inability to accept accountability for their sins or even accept they did anything wrong.

The Lord sent a word to Jacob/Yaakov and it fell on Israel. The people knew of it, but they turned their backs stiff and stuck up their noses. And so they were labelled as Ephraim, asserting in pride and arrogant of heart whose bricks El Elyon, God Most High, broke down (Isaiah 9:8-10/Yeshayahu 9:7-9). They clearly saw destruction at their doors, but then they scoffed at God’s words of rebuke and merely debated amongst themselves, “But we will rebuild shattered bricks with cut stone. Surely it will withstand the next assault. We can prevent it.”

Why cannot the peoples see their mire? They constantly go about with the word of God, even carrying it into war with their adversaries, but they are blind to Who they truly fight and why. The people only cling to words of hope and blessing, hardly giving notice to the words God gave about their mire – Because you are asserting in pride and arrogant of heart, the Lord will raise up superior enemies and unite them against you (Isaiah 9:11/Yeshayahu 9:10).

So because the peoples never repent nor turn away from sins, their Never Again does not come, and their enemies come back with the upper hand. And because forgiveness is not in the peoples’ hearts, the wounds of hate fester in them. This is apparent in the recent protests of former police officer, Kimberly Potter, who was convicted of accidently killing Daunte Wright in 2021. She has served her prison time and has tried to participate in law enforcement seminars about her mistake so she could help prevent fatal accidents from happening again[1.1].

But because Daunte’s family and supporters continue to foster hate and do not acknowledge why God’s providence was not with Daunte, they made many organizers cancel events where Potter was scheduled to speak. Potter is trying to do good with her experiences, but Daunte’s supporters hold the spiteful mentality of, Why should she be allowed to make money off of killing Daunte?

Daunte’s mother said, “Kim Potter had her second chance. She got to go home with her children. That was her second chance. I think that when we’re looking at police officers, when they’re making quote-unquote mistakes, they still get to live in our community. They still get to continue their lives. That’s their second chance. We don’t have a second chance to be able to bring our loved ones back.”

There was and continues to be so much “vitriol” and “partisan politics” against Potter that a lawyer in the prosecution against her resigned during the original case[1.1]. The hate and unforgiveness is still evident in Daunte’s mother with her use of “quote-unquote mistakes.” She continues to deny that Potter killed him accidently, and so, the hate they harbor will come back to them. The people do not take to heart that unforgiveness and hate are just as harmful to people as lethal weapons. It was for no small reason God said that He would not forgive you if you do not forgive others (Matthew 6:15).

The lawyer who quit because he did not want to participate in so much hate was right. Justice cannot be had when there is too much bias. It is rightly so that God commands His people to judge with no partiality (Leviticus/Vayikra 19:15; Deuteronomy/Devarim 16:18; Proverbs/Mishlei 18:5).

I saw the video footage leading to Daunte’s shooting, as well as his past history with criminal conduct. It was obvious Kim Potter accidently killed Daunte, and so she was convicted of manslaughter as opposed to murder, but no one comments on Daunte’s accountability in the incident and previous sins. Potter would not have accidently shot him if he humbly complied with law enforcement.

Daunte’s own actions, in the past and during the incident, were the roots of why God removed blessing from him, so if He didn’t use Potter to fulfil judgment, Daunte would surely have suffered God’s judgment in a different incident. There is no running from the consequences of our sins, for God judges even the angels when they do wrong (2 Peter 2:4-9; Jude 1:6-7; Job/Iyov 4:18; Isaiah/Yeshayahu 24:21) and He will judge all sin (Colossians 3:25; Romans 2:5-16; Ephesians 6:5-8; Ezekiel/Yechezkel 33:12-20; Jeremiah/Yirmiyahu 17:10, 21:14, 25:14, 32:19; Numbers/Bamidbar 14:18; Nahum/Nachum 1:3; Proverbs/Mishlei 24:12; Hosea/Hoshea 7:2; also Hebrews 12:4-11; 1 Thessalonians 4:6; Ezekiel/Yechezkel 3:20).

Eternal salvation in Christ is a different matter, so bringing up the blood of Christ to cleanse our sins should not be used to rebuke what I say. God’s own words speak for themselves – God holds everyone accountable for what they do wrong. The grace of Christ for our sins is a different kind of atonement and forgiveness, but the people of God often teach wrong about it, about sin, and how sin affects them (for more about how salvation in Christ works and how sin affects that, please see The True Gospel and Imposters), and so, the people continue on refusing to believe they do wrong as they ask God for atonement and forgiveness for what they believe they’ve made mistakes on.

But when sin continues, whether the people believe they do it or not, judgment too must continue, and Never Again is never manifest. The endless cycle through the ages of living in sin, unrepentance, and sin's inevitable consequences can stop if the peoples acknowledge their wrongs and turn from them. But I hate to say it, only El Shaddai, God Almighty, will be able to do it by obvious and forceful rebuke with His own appearing; for the peoples refuse their accountability and to change, even God's very own, who profess to listen to and keep His every word.

[1.1] Associated Press. "Ex-cop who killed Daunte Wright shares story with other officers, sparking debate over redemption". MPR News. 2024 Oct. 6. Retrieved 2024 Oct. 7.

Reminder to search further when the people continue to sow in tears 10/8/2024
Today, a Times of Israel article talked about accountability for the failures that brought October 7th. The author wanted government and military leaders to be investigated and held accountable, clearly not understanding where judgment came from and why, which I talked about in the original post here (see The significance of Israel under attack on Shemini Atzeret 2023 and Do not give in to overcompensation for more about why God's judgments come upon the people).

But because the people have consistently denied accountability themselves, I gave a less direct comment to the article, "At separate memorials, families demand accountability as PM touts Israeli ‘strength’ - ‘The legacy of the fallen demands national soul-searching,’ says father of soldier killed battling Hamas on Oct. 7; Netanyahu: ‘We were not defeated; we will continue to fight’":
Minister Ty Alexander: Yes, a national soul-searching is needed for the people, and admittance of accountability, as well, but the blame is not all on government and military leaders. They are accountable for a great part of the people’s suffering, because it is both head and tail that lead the people astray, and so the spiritual leaders and teachers are at fault for the nation’s tragedies, too.

But none will admit they’ve done wrong in how they lead and teach the people, and when accountability is rejected, their wrongs continue on to hurt the nation, for the sins of leaders come upon the whole nation. Didn’t King David learn this when he sought to count the fighting men, not trusting in God’s protection?

The leaders and teachers are head and tail of Israel and all Judaism, but it is the people who live by their ways that also commit the wrongs that bring the disdain of God. Shouldn’t the people of God know why His anger comes? But when He abandoned the nation, who among Israel and Judaism understood why?

Israel, when divine rebuke is given, look for the difference between “indomitable spirit” and the spirit asserting in pride and arrogant of heart. Simply refusing accountability and continuing to re-build and waiting for the reaping of joy, as Herzog said, is not the answer for the people’s suffering, because when there is no acknowledgement of or change from wrongs, the people will keep stumbling in the mire that brings their great sorrows.

Sorrowfully, they cannot see the mire and refuse to acknowledge it even exists, because they have lived in it so long that they believe their stumbling in it is the natural order and way of God. Truly, the people will reap with joy when their stumbling blocks are removed from them. As the wheat cannot grow in thick mire, so the people will not sprout grain to harvest until they are planted in good soil.

Reminder of accountability on Yom Kippur 10/11/2024
Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement beings soon and what most Jews consider the most holy of the Holy Holidays will be observed under a fog of war. This fog, though, only thickened in the past year because Israel and Judaism have lived under a fog for millennia. It has kept them from understanding why God has brought terrible judgment to them since the times of the second temple.

Surely, it cannot be for idolatry or worshipping other gods, they’ve said, because they’ve been loyal to our one true God after He destroyed the first temple in Jerusalem. God made it very plain through the prophets what brought their destruction – their guilt was from idolatry and many other sins – and so Judaism has believed they corrected their sins after the second temple was built.

And so they continued on, free from the captivity of Babylon and Persia, but it was not long until the people came under the fog that continues to this day. That fog which hides their errors in teachings and beliefs which have the people live in sin; it subjected them under the chains of the Greek and Roman empires which ultimately ended the people’s nationhood and destroyed the second temple in 70 AD.

And since then, the people remained scattered throughout the world until the last century, still under the fog, when God fulfilled His prophecy to make a nation in one day despite the people persisting in their sins – Before she was in labor, she delivered; Before her pain came, she gave birth to a boy. Who has heard such a thing, Who has seen such things? Can a land be born in one day? Can a nation be given birth all at once? As soon as Zion was in labor, she also delivered her children (Isaiah/Yeshayahu 66:7-8).

How did the modern state of Israel fulfil that prophecy? In October 1946, two years before Israel was made a modern nation, President Harry Truman declared his support for the creation of a Jewish state[2.1]. And in 1948, a few months before Israel became a state, Truman’s support wavered, so Jewish leaders convinced an old friend of Truman’s to meet again with European Zionist Leader, Chaim Weizmann. After their March 18, 1948 meeting, Truman once again gave his support for a state of Israel, and furthermore this time, he vowed to recognize the state when the British Mandate expired[2.2] – so before modern Israel was birthed, her nationhood was delivered, - before she was in labor, she delivered; Before her pain came, she gave birth to a boy.

So when the British Mandate expired on May 14, 1948, leaving the Holy Land absent of a sovereign ruler, David Ben-Gurion, head of the Jewish Agency, declared the establishment of the State of Israel, and soon after, President Truman kept his promise and recognized the new State of Israel that same day[2.1, 2.2], giving birth to a nation in one day and delivering the Jewish people into their homeland nation - Can a land be born in one day? Can a nation be given birth all at once? As soon as Zion was in labor, she also delivered her children.

Truly remarkable and of infinite grace, El Moshiya, God Savior, restored His people to their ancient homeland. Yet the fog in which the people have lived remained with them as they re-established the nationhood of Israel. The same errors of ages past kept hidden but piled up through the decades until HaShaphat, The Judge, brought rulings to atone for the people’s many sins - Therefore, through judgment Jacob’s (Israel's) wrongdoing will be forgiven. And this will be the full price of the pardoning of his sin: When he makes all the altar stones like pulverized chalk stones; When Asherim and incense altars will not stand. For the fortified city is alone, a homestead deserted and abandoned like the desert; There the calf will graze, and there it will lie down and feed on its branches. When its limbs are dry, they are broken off. Women come and make a fire with them, for they are not a people of discernment, therefore their Maker will not have compassion on them, and their Creator will not be gracious to them (Isaiah/Yeshayahu 27:9-11).

And so this prophecy, too, came to be, and the homestead areas of Israel were alone, abandoned like the desert, when Hamas terrorized the nation. The livestock there grazed on deserted branches, and when the limbs were dry, the women came and made a fire with them. Their Asah, their Maker, did not have compassion on them because they are not a people of discernment, still remaining under the fog that conceals their understanding of sin and redemption, for truly, the Asherim and incense altars remain among the people to this day (see Significance of Israel under attack… for details about the fulfulment of Isaiah/Yeshayahu 27 related to October 7th).

So today and especially for Yom Kippur, when the people seek redemption and acknowledge accountability in front of God, they continue to seek admittance of guilt from their leaders for October 7th, but because they remain under the fog, no one under the Torah, the Law or Teaching, given through Moses/Moshe truly understands or acknowledges their own guilt. It is apparent in the speaking of Jews in past days which I had commented on.

I will share another comment in an article, "‘We failed you’: A Yom Kippur confession from Israel’s leaders," that sought to get direct accountability from the government and military leadership of Israel with a Vidui or Jewish poetic prayer of confession which are commonly used on Yom Kippur.

As I read the confession which was meant for the leadership to speak forth, I knew that not one person in leadership would acknowledge all of its lengthy statements of accountability:
  • We sinned by failing to protect our people…
  • We betrayed the covenant between government and citizen…
  • We plundered the faith you placed in our leadership…
  • We spoke with arrogance and self-assurance, making promises we could not keep…
  • We made grave errors in judgment…
  • We acted wickedly by allowing divisions among us to weaken our collective strength…
  • We willfully erred in thinking we had time, that the worst was behind us so we were slow to respond to rising threats…
  • We allowed violence to seep into our discourse and society…
  • We built a shield of self-deception, convincing ourselves – and you – that our defenses were secure…
  • We gave poor counsel and made decisions that endangered lives…
  • We lied to ourselves, believing we had done enough, that we were ready for every scenario…
  • We mocked the warnings, dismissed the voices that cautioned us…
  • We rebelled against our responsibility, prioritizing political agendas over national security…
  • We disrespected the families of the hostages by exploiting their pain for political gain…
  • We turned away from the most vulnerable of us…
  • We were reckless, and in our recklessness, we failed to protect the sanctity of life…
  • We committed a grave moral failure by failing to do everything in our power to bring those taken from us back…
  • We deepened the anguish of the people who were forced to leave their homes without a clear path to return…
  • We were stubborn in resisting a full investigation into the events of October 7th…
  • We acted in ways harmful and reckless, allowing division, pride, and blind optimism to cloud our judgment…
  • We corrupted the trust you placed in us, allowing our institutions to falter and security to be breached…
  • We were misguided, chasing illusions of security without recognizing the storm that was brewing…
  • We went astray, losing sight of our most fundamental responsibility: the safety and security of every citizen…
And because Vidui or Viduy are traditional and very ritualized prayers that are common for Jewish holiday and other ritual practices to recite, much of them are meaningless when the ones who speak these prayers do not believe the words or take to heart what is said, such as acknowledging the wrongs; truly confessing their sins and expressing repentance. This speaks to going too far with prayers that are lengthy in words, but will have little or no impact; remember what the Lord said about these types of prayers, ones with meaningless repetition, babbling on and on - do not use them (Matthew 6:7).

And because the author of the Vidui could not see his own or his common Jewish kinfolk also having accountability for the nations woes, I made the following comment to bring the perspective of the people to proper focus:

The blame is not all on government and military leaders. They are accountable for a great part of the people’s suffering, because it is both head and tail that lead the people astray, and so the spiritual leaders and teachers are at fault for the nation’s tragedies, too.

But none will admit they’ve done wrong in how they lead and teach the people, and when accountability is rejected, their wrongs continue on to hurt the nation, for the sins of leaders come upon the whole nation, as the people walk in continual sin because they are led astray.

So as I read the vidui here, I can only be dismayed because, truly, no one in Jewish leadership nor their following knows how and why they bring God's anger and His terrible rebuke that brought Oct. 7th and the subsequent warring. The people's faulty understanding and ways of Torah continually bring the curses of the Torah, but who will acknowledge and understand enough to break free of this endless cycle?

What must happen among the people is to truly understand how they sin, accept it, and come out of it, not recite Ashamu prayers of confession when they do not understand or accept how they are guilty before El Shaddai, so be further informed and know that the atonement of Yom Kippur will be fleeting when the people continue on in their sins.
As Yom Kippur passes this year, whether or not you celebrate it, may you also bring your focus into proper perspective, as well, because it is not only Judaism that greatly errs and lives under a fog, rejecting accountability and continuing on in their sins. The sins of the church are many, too, and also largely not acknowledged to exist, just as our Jewish kinsfolk also consistently reject. So may you all heed the many warnings and urgings God has given through this ministry and see that more than loyalty to God, whether through Christ or the One Father, as Judaism is loyal to, is needed to have full blessing and peace in His kingdom.

Continued sin is why atonement and repentance is needed on a regular basis. Yom Kippur was created to take care of it every year and cleanse the people. Even those of us saved forever under the grace of Christ need further atonement and repentance, so to refresh yourselves why and go through prayers for it, you may go through the last Yom Kippur service.

But obviously, yearly or regular atonement is not enough to cleanse or save the people. This is apparent when atrocities, like 9/11 and Oct. 7, happen. What is going wrong? - Too many, and in fact, it is the majority of God's people of whatever faith they believe and live in, reject that they do wrong, do not take accountability, and continue to sin. The Asherim and incense altars remain among all God's people today, as I have talked about much.

The guilt of the priests and leaders fall upon the people, but as their congregations participate in the same sins, so the guilt of all the people increases. Then our Lord God must judge and most often that judgment is much terror and pain for the people, so be reminded as I reminded Israel, do not think you cannot be held accountable in the errant ways of all the peoples of God in our days. Recognize where you and your institutions err, so that you know where to turn when the Lord comes with fire and His chariots like the whirlwind to render His fury; His rebuke with flames of fire; the hand of the Lord was made known to His servants (Isaiah/Yeshayahu 66:14-16).

[2.1] "Creation of Israel, 1948". Office of the Historian, Foreign Service Institute, United States Department of State. Retrieved 2024 Oct. 11.

[2.2] Michael Feldberg. "Jewish Leaders Convince Truman to Recognize Jewish State". Jewish Virtual Library. Retrieved 2024 Oct. 11.

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