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The Actual Names of God and Christ - God gives the proof for His names and that Christ did state He was God
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Minister Ty Alexander
Updated 6/16/2023

God uses scripture and the structure of languages to prove Christ is God

Introduction 2/19/2023

I had started writing this article a couple years ago, but the Lord stopped me and moved me to different projects. God sometimes does this, as He did for the Apostle Paul and his companions when they wanted to preach farther into Asia, but the Holy Spirit prevented them (Acts 16:7). However, I didn’t see the reason for holding off on this project until recently when the Lord moved me to go back and look further at some variations of His names. The new revelations would not have come through when I first started this project, because they needed to connect with other revelations God gave in these last couple years.

In the earliest years of my ministry, I noted people using many variations of God’s names around the world, but I personally only used those that the church I was most involved with used – namely the name of Jesus. However, as the years went on, my knowledge and use of God’s names and titles changed quite a bit. When I was a new Christian, like with most doctrine, all I could do was accept what the church around me taught. I simply didn’t know any better, but now that I’ve had many years as a teacher of Christ, I see the Lord has given me much discernment of not only spiritual teaching, but He has also guided me in His names, many of which the church and Jews have forgotten and do not use or pronounce correctly, such as some titles people use for God are not names, like Lord or the Hebrew equivalent, Adonai, are simply titles.

Jews also replaced God’s actual names with HaShem, which is Hebrew for “The Name.” However, I’ve not seen any scripture were God states His name is either “Hashem” or “Adonai.” All the instances you see in the Bible saying, I am the Lord or I am Adonai are actually translations that replaced God’s actual names with Lord or Adonai. We will look at issues like this in detail.

I will focus on getting at God’s true names and how they are pronounced. In speaking to God it may not matter how we pronounce His names or their many translations or versions, so long as we know who we are speaking to and about, BUT it is important where there are imposter spirits of God that use His various names. These are the modern day Baals that I have spoken of, and because they claim to be God and use His many names, people with these spirits in their lives are actually speaking to and interacting with these Baals first, and not God as they believe.

However, because we have our one true God in mind when we speak and pray, God isn’t completely left out. He goes to the background of spiritual life, ultimately deciding how much control these Baals have over people while the imposters are in the foreground interacting with them.

Ever since I saw this dynamic in believers’ lives, it brought me to seek and use God’s actual names and how they were originally pronounced in ancient times. However, there is much false guidance and flawed analysis on God’s names and I’ve seen many ministries whose information is incorrect, so it can be very confusing on who to trust on this.

The names and titles I list here are ones I collected over decades of ministry, and they have been double-checked with scripture and references, so this list is as good as the Lord had me make it. But also, just as with good and true teaching, the Lord has given me much guidance and proof to confirm His names too. It was only in recent weeks that He brought me by the Spirit to confirm how God’s holy name should be spelled and pronounced.

We are at the end of the age and the Lord’s return is ever close. The Lord has guided me on His names so His People can go back to our Hebrew roots and have a more standard way of using His names and addressing Him, not these imposter spirits that have saturated all believing communities. God certainly will recognize any name we’ve used for Him in any language, but when Christ returns, won’t He use the ones He answered to and used when He was a man? He definitely did not use or answer to the name of Jesus, which came from translation upon translation.

Look at it this way, if a Germanic traveler (English has a lot of origins in the Germanic areas of northwestern Europe) came to Jerusalem when Yeshua (Jesus) was alive and asked His name, wouldn’t He simply answer as He pronounced it (Yeshua) and not translate it into the traveler’s language (Jesus)? Likewise, when God appeared as an angel to people and told His name to them, didn’t He speak it as it is supposed to be spoken and not translate it to fit a foreign language? Don't we all do the same if a foreiger asks our name?

Because of many centuries of false guidance and linguistic mangling across languages, the names we commonly use for God and Christ are not the ones that were originally used by Them or the ancient Hebrews or first Christians. There are also many dialects that can change pronunciations within a language as well, and because languages can change a lot within only a generation, it is nearly impossible to get the pronunciations of the ancients without God’s help.

To make this matter more difficult, ancient Hebrew did not record the vowel soundings of words. These markings can be seen as dots and dashes next to modern Hebrew letters, such as in " בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ ". This system of vowel sounding, though, was introduced in relatively modern times, around 600 AD[3.1.126]. Ancient Hebrew, like other Semitic languages, only wrote down the consonants and assumed through common knowledge and context what the exact word was and how it was pronounced, so ancient Hebrew scripture actually looked more like, “ בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ ”; with no vowel markings to further identify a word and show its pronunciation.

This is like English if you omit the vowels. For example, if we convert the previous Hebrew text to Roman characters we are familiar with, we get “BRASHYT BRA ALHYM AT HSHMYM VAT HARTS” (Note: ‘A’ here is not the vowel but the Hebrew letter aleph ( א ) which is silent unless a vowel sound is associated with it). This is completely unreadable to non-Hebrew speakers, so it is essential to have knowledge of the language.

We have to go one step further and translate the phrase into English, but omit the vowels, for most English speakers to recognize it. Can you read, “N TH BGNNG GD CRTD TH HVN ND TH RTH”?

If you read the first line of the Bible then you got it right, “IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH.” Most people can easily read text that has the vowels omitted because we are so familiar with the language, especially if we have context to work with. This is fine when a language has few words that use the same letters but are pronounced differently and/or have different meaning.

Ancient Hebrew relied on the readers’ linguistic knowledge for text to be read correctly. But if that linguistic knowledge is lost and as language progresses and gets more complicated over time, adding more words, this approach can fail to preserve exact words because the vowel sounding and exact word is not recorded.

For example, “I took the lead,” can mean “I took first place” or “I took the lead metal,” or “They heard the bass jump” could mean “They heard the low rhythm jump” or “They heard the bass fish jump.”

Context often makes the correct word apparent, but this is not always the case. This means that scripture manuscripts that have vowel markings were interpreted by people many centuries after the words were recorded, and that means the interpreters could have gotten words wrong. This is important to note to get at what was actually recorded in scripture, but for this article, it is more important to understand that pronunciations of Hebrew words were not recorded in ancient manuscripts, so when the Jews stopped using Hebrew often, their linguistic knowledge of the language was lost, which also lost the pronunciations of God’s names.

Scholars believe the Jews started losing their knowledge of Hebrew when Greek became a dominant language in the 3rd century BC[3.1.120], and some ancient Jewish sources say they stopped public use of God’s holy names during the Babylonian captivity, centuries earlier in the 5th and 6th centuries BC. So by the time of Christ, nearly a half millennium of not using or pronouncing God’s names had past.

The Jews were taught and conditioned to be too afraid to use, write, or even pronounce God’s many names and titles, and that tradition continues to this day. Obviously, the Lord allowed this to happen, so many think that truly knowing and using His names does not matter. That viewpoint, though, does not take into account the whole picture, because it was God’s plan to allow the corruption of His kingdom through the ages. Even in the Old Testament, He stated this, though, it is not obvious.

Referring to the coming of Christ, God said, "'Behold, days are coming,' declares the Lord Yahovah, 'when I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man and the seed of beast.'" (Jeremiah 31:27). The seed of man is the Messiah Christ we got in Yeshua (Jesus), but what is the seed of beast?

It makes no sense for God to speak of an analogous birthing of animals in His house or kingdom (the house of Israel and of Judah) that could go with Christ. Through the millennia since that word was spoken, there has been no significant seeding of beasts or animals in Jerusalem, the nation of Israel, in Judaism, or in the church.

But this word or prophecy has already been fulfilled, and if you are familiar with what I teach, you already know the answer. The seed of beast is a spiritual seeding, much like it was spiritual for the Son of Man, our Messiah Christ. God spoke of seeding His kingdom with the products of The Beast, that same beast He showed Daniel in a terrifying vision, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong, and it had large iron teeth. It devoured and crushed and trampled down the remainder [of kingdoms] with its feet. And it was different from all the beasts that were before it and it had ten horns (Daniel 7:7).

God showed the Apostle John more visions of this same Beast, of which the Harlot Babylon sat (Revelation 13:1, 17:3-18). This Beast is widely known to be the product of the Roman Empire, and in it are the seeds and weeds of the devil, of which Christ said of His kingdom in the Parable of the Tares or Weeds and Wheat, Allow both [the tares and wheat] to grow together until the harvest… the enemy who sowed the tares is the devil and the harvest is at the end of the age (Matthew 13:30, 13:39).

So now we can see that God spoke of creating the Beast in the time of Daniel that is linked to the Roman Empire and the church that came out of it, for God creates all, the good and bad, the light and dark (Deuteronomy 32:39; 1 Samuel 2:5-7; Isaiah 45:7; Lamentations 3:38; Job 12:23; Jeremiah 31:28; Ecclesiastes 7:14; 2 Chronicles 25:8; Proverbs 22:2; Habakkuk 3:4-7), and the same is true of all nations and kingdoms, even spiritual ones, no matter what good or darkness is in them (2 Chronicles 20:6; Psalm 82:8; also Acts 14:15).

God’s seeding of the Beast happened at about the same time and continued in conjunction with the seeding of His kingdom with Christ, because the corruptions of Satan with false teachings happened even during the time of the first apostles. The Apostle Paul often talked about these corruptions in the New Testament and tried to correct the church.

So now we are at the end of the age, when the harvest of the tares and wheat is happening (Matthew 13:39-40). They and their products, the fruits or seeds of the weeds in God’s kingdom – the false teachers and teachings - are being gathered and burned – all stumbling blocks are being removed from the kingdom now (Matthew 13:41). I can testify by the Spirit of God that these works of the angels have already begun.

And I have noted in other teachings I shared, that a part of this removing of stumbling blocks is in revealing the enemy, the tares in the kingdom, and how they deceive with false teachings and guidance, and that they use God’s names to impersonate Him. So today, as in Jeremiah’s time, the People have forgotten God’s name, perhaps not in spirit, but in essence and completeness, for the spiritual teachers and ministers of today are no different in the ways they teach falsely, including to forget God’s names except for that of Jesus or its variants.

They speak from their own errors just as when God said through Jeremiah to the teachers of that day, How long will it be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies from their dreams? When? They are prophets of deceit and the error of their own minds, who think to cause My people to forget My name by their dreams which they tell everyone to his neighbor, just as their fathers forgot My name for Baal. (Jeremiah 23:26-27)

The name Baal or Ba’al is an ancient Hebrew title that means Lord, Master, or Husband, and was used as a title for God before the ancient Baals lured away God’s people to worship them instead. This is why Baal is no longer used for God and a reason why God said the people forgot My name for Baal.

This has happened today, with today’s Baals, for they use all the variants of God’s name, especially in Christ Jesus, to lure the people away from good and true teaching. How many times have you heard the church say, “only in the name of Jesus?” or “Jesus is the only name by which we are saved?”

If you look through the New Testament, there is not one verse stating Jesus or Yeshua is the only name. The church has misconstrued where Yeshua said, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me (John 14:6). This is a statement about being saved by the New Covenant through Christ – truly, no one can come to the Father by the New Covenant unless it is through belief in Christ.

This verse also affirms that Christ will be the Judge at the Judgment at the end of the next age (John 5:22, 5:25-27) when He and the saints and angels will judge all, even the angels, to determine whether or not they make it into heaven (1 Corinthians 6:3; 2 Peter 2:4, 2:9; Revelation 20:12-15). So certainly, there will be people in heaven who do not go through the New Covenant, for when Christ returns, the mysteries of the Gospel and of Mashiach Yeshua will be finished, the New Covenant will be shut, and the next age will begin.

Also scripture shows that Abraham, Moses, Elijah, the Queen of Shebah, and even the whole ancient city of Nineveh are examples of those who make it to heaven (Matthew 12:41; Luke 11:32; Matthew 12:42; Luke 11:31; Revelation 20:12-15), and that is not through the New Covenant.

So yes, at the end of the age of mankind – the end of the next age - all will have to come before Yeshua as the Judge to make it to the Father in heaven. Yet, this says nothing about Yeshua/Jesus being the only name, and so the prophets and teachers of today have erred as God said through Jeremiah, and His People have forgotten God’s names today for those the Baals use and have taken over.

This is unbelievable to many in the church, but God showed me proof in scripture of this truth when I was compiling this document about God's names. Hosea 2:16 is in prophesy of New Covenant times, which reads, ’And it will come about in that day,’ declares Yahovah, 'That you will call Me my husband [Ishi] and no longer call Me Baali [a parallel term for Master, Lord, or Husband]. For I will remove the names of the Baals from her mouth [His people's mouths], so that they will no longer be mentioned by their names (Hosea 2:16-17).

The whole chapter of Hosea 2 is a prophecy still unfolding now (Hosea 2:18 has not fulfilled), but it is clear it refers to New Covenant times because Apostle Paul refers to it in Romans 9:25-26 referencing Hosea 2:23, I will sow her for Myself in the land. I will also have compassion on her who had not obtained compassion, and I will say to those who were not My people, ‘You are My people!’ And they will say, ‘You are my God!’ This refers to the salvation of the gentiles or all non-Jews by the New Covenant.

The reason God uses my Husband with Baali or my Baal/master/husband with the sense of the Baals in Hosea 2:16-17 is not just because the New Covenant under Mashiach Yeshua is a light yoke, but because of the imposters of God, the Baals of this age, that use God’s names, especially those of Christ Jesus.

This is why God says He will remove the names of the Baals from her mouth (the mouth of His people in entirety who became loyal to imposters of God – Jews, Messianic Jews, Christians, and even Muslims (see God’s Alarm for details why Muslims are included)), for a great majority of the church and believing communities are using the names that today’s Baals have taken over, and so they are unwittingly being loyal to these imposters instead of God, and so His people are in harlotry and idolatry for it (see God’s Alarm, Light Within , and Baal Testimonies for more).

Hosea 2 is a prophecy about our times now, and with God’s use of the name and title of the Baals in Hosea 2:16-17, it is direct evidence from God that His people today are truly being deceived by the modern-day Baals, as I have been guided to see for some years – they are addressing God through the Baals, which is why God’s says you will no longer call Me Baali [my Baal]and "I will remove the names of the Baals from her mouth" (Hosea 2:16-17).

The Baal name invokes an image of a Master-Slave kind of relationship. Even today’s Jews do not like to use this word for husband because of its sexist overtones[6.25.3]. This Master-Slave relationship directly correlates with today’s imposters of God being literal spirits of slavery, who enslave with false teachings of strict commands of obedience (see Light Within for more).

God wants the names of these Baals removed (Hosea 2:17), and it is another reason why the Lord calls me to write this article now; to show what God’s true names are, so His People leave behind the incorrect ones that the Baals have taken over, such as Jesus and Jehovah. It is time for God’s People to focus on Him truly instead of these Baals, and continue on into the complete fulfilment of the prophecy of Hosea 2. Because of this, I will replace Jesus with Yeshua in teachings more and more as time goes by.

So let all remember now that God told His people to remember His ancient name forever, not the name of Jesus, for He said, "Thus you will say to the children of Israel, ‘Yahovah, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is My name forever, My memorial to all generations" (Exodus 3:15).

It is the Hebrew name Yahovah ( יהוה ) that God gave and used more than 6000 times in the Old Testament. It is the one He explicitly told us to remember. However, this doesn’t mean the name of Mashiach Yeshua (Christ Jesus) is not important, it is simply another of God’s names (used almost 1000 times in the New Testament).

We will go over God’s names now and what the preferred versions are. I prefer to use God’s Hebrew names and get as close as possible to the correct pronunciations, especially since I found out years ago that Jesus is not a correct pronunciation of Christ’s given name, but came from the errors introduced by translation.

I used to spell God’s Hebrew holy name ( יהוה ) Yehovah, as that is the most common way to spell it, but being someone who has studied multiple languages and notes finer detail in pronunciation, I didn’t like that the spelling of Yehovah did not match how I was guided to speak it – Yahovah. But because I had no evidence God’s holy name should be translated as Yahovah, I used the most common way to spell it.

This has changed recently, though, because God moved me to check the gematria for Yahovah against Yehovah, Yaweh, and all the other variants of God’s holy name I knew about. I even checked variants made from every possible vowel combination the Hebrew letters that God’s name ( יהוה ) could produce. I felt God must have given something to show that Yahovah is linked or equivalent to the original Hebrew name, so let us examine God’s holy name,  יהוה (Yahovah), and its transliterations (translations that favor proper pronunciation).

Pronunciation Key
Pronunciations are in square bracket quotes, such as [“ah”]
Most pronunciations are for Hebrew and Greek.

Apostrophes ( ‘ ) separate sounds for easier reading but do not separate the syllable.
   'æ' is the A sound, as in ash and cat, not ‘ah’ or ‘ay’
   'ah' is the A sound, as in fah and lah
   'aw' is the A sound, as in saw and claw
   'ay' is the long A sound, as in hay and say
   'e' or 'eh' is the short E sound, as in peck and heck
   'ee' is the long E sound, as in see and bee
   'i' or 'ih' is the short I sound, as in pick and sick
   'yy' is the long I sound, as in bye and eye
   'o' is the short O sound, as in ore and bore
   'oh' is the long O sound, as in woe and glow
   'oo' is the long OO, as in flu and shoe
   'uh' is the short U sound, as in muck and run
   'hk' is an h with a k sound, which is not found in English, Hebrew has guttural consonants that are sounded at the back of the throat; they may be difficult for English speakers to distinguish from plain ‘h’ or 'k' sounds in Hebrew and equally as hard to pronounce. In translated Hebrew words, this ‘hk’ sound is often written as either 
'kh' or 'ch', which refers to the German hard ‘ch’ that sounds like ‘k’ such as in Bach and loch. Because translators can use ‘kh’ or ‘ch’, you often see the same Hebrew word being spelled with either variation, such as in the Hebrew word for Bible, Tanakh and Tanach. So if you see 'ch' in a Hebrew word, it should be pronounced like 'hk' and not the soft-ch sound in English, like in chew

Names of God 2/19/2023
Names and Titles of God in the Father and in general:
  • Yahovah ( יהוה ) – [“Yah-oh-vah/Yah-hoh-vah”] ; Emphasis is on first syllable, the first 'h' in second syllable is diminished, and the 'v' (vav/waw) is soft;
    Short version is Yah ( יה ) ; (Common variants: Yehovah, Jehovah, Yahweh, Yahwe, Jahwe, Yahveh, Yahoweh, Yahuah, Yahuwah) – God’s Hebrew name is called the Tetragrammaton by scholars, which is spelled in the Latin alphabet as YHVH or YHWH. It means “Existing One” or “Self-existing One”.

    This is the name of God I associate more with the Father than the Son in Christ, though I use them all interchangeably. Yahovah is used over 6000 times in the Old Testament. And as already stated, it is the only name God explicitly said He wants us to remember – say to the children of Israel, ‘Yahovah, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is My name forever, My memorial to all generations" (Exodus/Shemot 3:15).

    God also said, "I am Yahovah, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another, nor My praise to graven images" (Isaiah/Yeshayahu 42:8). This states that God will not give His glory or stature to any other - no idols (graven images), nor persons nor spirits, including other gods. Yet we see that when Christ comes, Yeshua (Jesus) is given God’s glory. Is God contradicting Himself?

    No, God is showing that Yeshua is equal to Himself. We will examine this equality throughout this article.

    As far as pronunciation, though, there is no good written record of God’s Hebrew name that shows its true pronunciation. Some think ancient cuneiform tablets or Greek translations preserve it, but this is not true. I address this later.

    To make this harder, the Jews lost their knowledge of pronouncing God's names many centuries before Christ, because ancient Hebrew manuscripts did not preserve vowel sounds, and the public use of God’s name in Yah and Yahovah was lost sometime in the centuries after the last of the prophets (Malachi, ~5th or 4th Century BC) and the Babylonian exile, which started in the 6th Century BC.

    It became teaching and tradition to replace all forms of God’s name with Adon [“ah-dohn”] or Adonai [“ah-dohn-yy”] (Lord) or HaShem [“hah-shehm”] (The Name), which brought about the misconceptions that Adonai and Shem or HaShem are actual names of God. They are not.

    Adonai is simply the title, Lord, and HaShem is a label (The Name) and not truly a proper name. God did not use these titles or labels as His name in scripture. They were introduced by scribes and translators who replaced His names in scripture. This replacement of God’s actual names with LORD transferred to our modern Bibles because the practice of not using God’s actual names was common by the 4th Century BC[3.1.121], one hundred years before the Septuagint, the ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, the Tanach/Tanakh (the Old Testament scriptures), was written[3.1.120].

    God’s Hebrew names disappeared in later versions of the Septuagint, and the ancient Greek New Testament does not use God’s Hebrew names either, so it does not appear that Christ commonly used them. This should not be a surprise because by the time Christ came, many centuries of not using God’s names had past, and the Septuagint was widely used by Jews and people of the period[3.1.124]. Greek was a dominant language at the time and was used by the first disciples of Christ who also wrote the New Testament in ancient Greek.

    The oldest fragments of the Septuagint still contained God’s name, Yahovah, in Hebrew characters[3.1.122], until about the 2nd century AD, but the social and religious traditions of first century Jews influenced the use of God’s names for the writers of the New Testament, and since newer manuscripts of the Septuagint completely replaced God’s names with Lord (the Greek word Kurios), it also removed them from most of our Bibles because the Septuagint was often a reference for later Bible translators.

    This elimination of God’s actual names from scripture for many hundreds and thousands of years is a spiritual parallel of God’s prophesy through Jeremiah/Yirmiyahu, saying that His people who continue to worship what is false will not be allowed to use His name.

    Jeremiah had fled with some others to Egypt after God destroyed Jerusalem, where they wanted to continue pagan worship despite God having told them plainly that it was He who destroyed Jerusalem and killed and exiled the people because of their sins.

    Their response was that they were better off when they satisfied the ritual sacrifices of the pagan gods (Jeremiah/Yirmiyahu 44:15-19), so God replied through Jeremiah, Hear the word of Yahovah, all Judah who are living in the land of Egypt, ‘Behold, I have sworn by My great name,’ says Yahovah, ‘That My name will never be invoked again by the mouth of anyone of Judah in all the land of Egypt,’ saying, ‘As the Lord Yahovah lives’ (Jeremiah/Yirmiyahu 44:26).

    The fulfilment of that prophesy happened at that time when God would not allow most of those who fled to Egypt to live (Jeremiah/Yirmiyahu 44:27-30). The parallel of that prophecy goes with God’s people in the spiritual Egypt, in which they enslaved themselves with false teachings, false teachers, and imposters of God to this day. This is true of both the church and Judaism, for God knew His kingdom would be corrupted by dark forces - the tares or weeds in the kingdom (Matthew 13:24-30, 13:36-43) - and His people would become loyal to what is false - the imposters of God or modern Baals and their teachings. They have taken over nearly every believing community, and so God made His name disappear from the scriptures since the times of exile in ancient Babylon.

    The absence of God’s actual names in Greek manuscripts of New Testament scripture does not prove Christ or His disciples never used them. It only shows they respected the social norm of using Lord instead of God’s names, at least in public. There was no prohibition against using God’s names verbally in Jewish law, since they were still partially pronounced in the reading of scripture[4.1.9]. Yahovah was replaced with Adonai, so scripture like ( יהוה רפאך ) (Yahovah rapha) would be read as “Adonai rapha” (“the Lord heals,” which was originally “Yahovah heals”).

    Today, the Jewish norm of not using God’s names went ever further into not even writing the word God. You may have noticed modern Jews often write G-d instead. This is overly religious, though, and I do not suggest doing it. The disappearance of God’s names was God’s plan for this age, but the age is coming to an end and His people should be knowledgeable about His actual names and use them correctly.

    The pronunciation of Yahovah was lost through many centuries, because there was no historical preservation of its pronunciation. However, it is possible to get closer to correct pronunciation by using linguistics. The short form of God’s name was preserved through the word hallelujah ( הללו־יה ), which comes from the Hebrew, halal ( הלל ) combined with God’s short name, Yah ( יה ). Halal means “to shine or praise,” so hallelujah means to “hallel-u-jah” or “shine-with-Yah”[ 3.1.125] which is often translated simply as “praise Yah” or “praise God.”

    You may wonder where the ‘Y’ sound comes from in hallelujah. God’s short name is encoded in the last syllable, “jah,” but because of how English changed over the centuries[6.25.2], Y-sounds which were originally written with an ‘I’ but sounded like a ‘Y’ in Old English changed to a ‘J’ in written form. However, the pronunciation did not change and so today we still correctly say God’s short name, Yah, in hallelujah.

    Also note that Hebrew does not have a ‘J’ sound, so any versions of God’s name that uses J, such as Jehovah, are incorrect. The translators who came up with Jehovah obviously were not native Hebrew speakers and were not aware of the linguistic changes in English that changed written I’s that sounded like Y’s into J’s. This also means that names and words in the Bible with 'j' in them were originally pronounced with the 'y' sound.

    Understanding these linguistic details gives us the correct pronunciation of God’s short name and the first syllable of His full name. Finding the correct pronunciation for the rest of God’s name, though, was more problematic. Over the centuries, scholars and priests referred to more modern Hebrew manuscripts that had vowel markings on them, as well as speculated, and came up with Yahweh, Jehovah and other variants. But no one had any concrete evidence from the Lord as to the correct pronunciation. Over many years, I had settled on using Yehovah, but as I said, this spelling does not correctly convey the correct pronunciation, in which the first syllable should match the short form of God’s name, Yah.

    If you have been with me a while, you know the Lord has guided me much with the meaning of numbers and gematria, the numeric value of words. The other week, the Lord led me to find more concrete evidence in Yahovah by comparing gematria for it with gematria for other variations and the original Hebrew. I felt God should have made some kind of link between His Hebrew name and the correct translation of it. I already knew the Hebrew gematria value for Yahovah ( יהוה ) is 26, which the Lord guided me to see a special link and meaning in (see 26 in The Meaning of Numbers).

    But when I first looked at gematria values for Yahovah, I could see no interesting links with the Hebrew name. None of the English values for it matched values for the Hebrew numbers, nor did any relevant numbers for root languages of English, such as Latin and Greek. Then I looked at the gematria for variations of Yahovah.

    The best link I found was that an uncommon way of calculating English gematria for Yaweh (an alternate spelling of Yahweh) also equaled 26, the Hebrew value for God’s name. However, I also noticed the plain English value for it was 62, a reverse of 26 and a number I immediately saw meant “not-divine” or “short of divine” because I already knew the gematria for “divine” was 63.

    I had also left behind the popular Yahweh pronunciation of God’s name many years ago. God never guided me to use that name, and now I understand it cannot be a valid pronunciation because God’s full name should be more than two syllables, since short versions of names are almost always one or two syllables. I also found other problems with Yahweh, which we will see.

    After some searching through the numbers of name variants and not finding anything interesting, I stopped for a day or two. Then I felt again by the Spirit to keep looking. This time, since I already looked at the most common ways to calculate gematria did not reveal a good link, I looked at numbers that I was spiritually guided to calculate when I first started studying gematria – the “embedded” values that come from combining letters of a word or name into different groups.

    As far as I know, I am the only person to look at these numbers, and sometimes I have found very interesting and meaningful links in them. However, I must note that I did not make the tools or methods I use for calculating these alternate gematria values public, because I was also guided that mishandling them and any gematria is dangerous. People can easily fall to divination using them, such as done by numerologists and astrologists, so I suggest you do not pursue these methods or use publicly available gematria databases unless you are certain the Lord guides you to. Such tools and the people using them become cursed when they are used for divination and other sins.

    In the past, I found a significant link in embedded gematria when I looked at Hebrew values for Satan, I saw that 309 was one of its embedded numbers. 309 is a number that God guided me can mean “going too far,” so Satan containing that number refers to Satan going too far in sin.

    For the Hebrew values of Yahovah, there are very few embedded numbers since there are only four letters in God’s name, so all the different ways you can group them is small. It had no embedded numbers I would consider bad, such as 309, 666, or other numbers associated with the devil. The only embedded value that was of significance was 611 appeared twice. This is a number that means “servant” to me because of how God guided me with it (see Predestined for details).

    611 is embedded in the Hebrew for Yahovah as follows:
    Hebrew Aik Bekar Appended values:

    Hebrew Aik Bekar Appended Chesad values:

    Then I looked at the embedded numbers for the preferred English translation of God’s name, Yahovah, and I was surprised to see that it also has 611 appear twice. But significant, it also does not have any bad numbers in its English values.

    611 is embedded in Yahovah as follows:
    English Aik Bekar values:
    [Y]7 + [aho]186 + [vah]418 = 611

    English Aik Bekar Mercy values:
    [Y]7 + [aho]186 + [vah]418 = 611

    Of course, this prompted me to check every other variant to see if there were correlations (see Combinations Searched For God's Name for the complete list). Most variants did not have 611 appear at all, some variants had 611 appear once or more than two times. Out of more than 400 variants of Yahovah that keep the first syllable the same, there were only 6 that had 611 embedded twice. Most of them got eliminated because they had bad numbers embedded as well. The others were eliminated because their grammatical structure was not correct, such as Yahua, an uncommon variant of God’s name, borders on only having two syllables and does not include the Hebrew letter vav, the V or W sound, in God’s name.

    This means Yahovah is the only valid translation out of possible hundreds that has an exact match to God’s Hebrew name, and even more amazing, the match shares a type of gematria calculation (Aik Bekar) but uses two different types of combining the numbers (appending and summation). I also consider it no accident Yahovah matches the pronunciation I settled into over the years. God’s wonders never cease! And if you continue reading to the section about I Am, you will see why God hid 611 in His actual names twice and why the Chesed or Mercy gematria values are included.

    I also noted that God’s name in Hebrew and the correct translation, Yahovah, do not have any bad embedded numbers. In contrast, I found the following in the most popular variations:
    • Yehovah contains 309, like the Hebrew Satan does; Yehovah does not have 611 appear at all
    • Jehovah contains 666, the number of the Antichrist; Jehovah does not have 611 appear at all
    • Yahweh contains 232, the Latin value for Satan, and 216, a value linked to 666 because 6x6x6 = 216; Yahweh does not have 611 appear at all
    • Yahuah contains 309, which is also found in names for Satan; Yahuah does not have 611 appear at all in its English or English root values
    • Yahuwah contains 309, which is also found in names for Satan, and 216, a value linked to 666 because 6x6x6 = 216; Yahuwah does not have 611 appear at all in its English or English root values
    • Yahavah contains 666, the number of the Antichrist, and 216, a value linked to 666 because 6x6x6 = 216, and 383 a number related to sin; Yahavah does not have 611 appear at all
    • Yahava contains 216, a value linked to 666 because 6x6x6 = 216; Yahava does not have 611 appear at all
    • Yahwe or Jahwe is a popular variant that comes from Sayce's 1898 findings of ancient Babylonian tablets that date to around 1800 BC (King Hammurabi tablets); These tablets are thought to record the ancient pronunciation of God's holy name[6.27.1, 6.27.2], however, this is a bad assumption (See this update for details). Also, like Yaweh noted above, Yahwe has an English value of 62 which I see as "not divine"; it also does not have 611 appear in it at all, but contains 216 which has been linked with 666 because 6x6x6 = 216; Note, Jahwe also contains 216 and does not have 611 either

    Modified Versions of Yahovah

    • Yahovah-Asah [“ah-sah”] (Yahovah Maker/Creator; Isaiah/Yeshayahu 44:24, 51:13)
    • Yahovah-Avinu [“ah-vee-noo”] (Yahovah Father; Isaiah/Yeshayahu 63:16)
    • Yahovah-Elohim [“ehl-oh-heem”] (a combination of Yahovah and Elohim (Mighty One, Judge, Sovereign, or God); Genesis/Bereishit 2:4; see Elohim for more information); often translated as Lord God in Bibles
    • Yahovah-Mekoddishkem [“mehk-ah-dish-kuhm”] (Yahovah Sanctifies You; Exodus/Shemot 31:13)
    • Yahovah-Nissi [“nee-see”] (Yahovah My Banner; Exodus/Shemot 17:15)
    • Yahovah-Raah [“rah”] (Yahovah My Shepherd; Psalm/Tehillim 23:1)
    • Yahovah-Rapha [“rah-fah”] (Yahovah Who Heals/Will Heal; Exodus/Shemot 15:26)
    • Yahovah-Sabaoth/Tzevaot/Tseva'ot /Tsebaoth [“sah-bay-awth”] (Yahovah of Hosts/Armies; James 5:4; 1 Samuel/Shmuel I 1:11, 17:45; Psalm 80:4/Tehillim 80:5; Isaiah/Yeshayahu 1:24)
    • Yahovah-Shalom [“shah-lohm”] (Yahovah Is Peace/Our Peace; Judges/Shoftim 6:24)
    • Yahovah-Shammah [“shah-mah”] (Yahovah Is There/Is Always Present; Ezekiel/Yechezkel 48:35)
    • Yahovah-Tsidkenu/Zidkenu/Tsedeq [“sihd-kih-noo”, “sah-deek”, “seh-dehk”] (Yahovah Our Righteousness; this title is also given to Mashiach Yeshua in Jeremiah/Yirmiyahu 23:6, which gives scriptural proof that God and Mashiach Yeshua are the same person)
    • Yahovah-Tsur-Olam [“soo-oh-lahm”] (Yahovah the Eternal Rock; Isaiah/Yeshayahu 26:4)
    • Yahovah-Yireh/Jireh [“yihr-æ”] (Yahovah Provides/Will Provide; Genesis/Bereishit 22:14)
  • Yah ( יה ) – The short version of God’s name, Yahovah ( יהוה ). It is also used like a title or modifier, such as in the Song of the Messiah (Shir haMashiach), Trust in the Lord Yahovah... forever in Yah Yahovah...! The Everlasting Rock...! (Isaiah/Yeshayahu 26:4) and Psalm 68, You have ascended on high, You have taken captivity captive. You have received gifts for men. Even for the rebellious, so that Yah God might dwell among them (Psalm 68:18/Tehillim 68:19).
  • Ehyeh/Eh'yeh/Eh'hyeh/Eheyeh ( אהיה ) “I Am - I Will” – [“eh-heh'yeh”] from the root hayah ( היה ) "to be"; Ehyeh has the aleph prefix ( א ), which changes the tense of a word to future-tense. That is why Ehyeh also means "I will." However, like Adonai (Lord) and HaShem (The Name), Ehyeh or I Am, is not truly one of God’s names. This notion came from Exodus/Shemot 3:14 where it says, God told Moses, ‘I am Who I am’ and He said, ‘Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I Am’ sent me to you.’

    The first part, I am Who I am, is simply a statement and not a proclamation of God’s name – God is Who He is. The second use of I Am in the verse is more of a name-like usage, however, God never calls Himself “I Am,” using Ehyeh, anywhere else in the Bible. In Exodus/Shemot 3:14, God is affirming that His actual name, Yahovah ( יהוה ) which He gives in the next verse, means “To Be,” “To Exist,” or “I Am - I Will.” This is why Yahovah means “Existing or Self-Existing One.”

    Right after saying, I Am, God explicitly states His actual name. This is lost in most translations of scripture because His name was replaced with Lord or Adonai or Hashem in Jewish Bibles. After stating, Ehyeh Ashare Ehyeh [I am-will-be Who I am-will-be]… God furthermore said to Moses, ‘This is what you will say to the children of Israel, ‘Yahovah, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is My name forever, My memorial to all generations (Exodus/Shemot 3:15).

    This should be very familiar, because I quoted this above when I spoke of God’s holy name. Yahovah is God’s name that He used throughout the Old Testament. Why then did He say, tell the people, Ehyeh [I Am] sent me?

    The Hebrew, ehyeh( אהיה ), is simply “I am” or "I will" and is used throughout the Old Testament as those forms of “to be” that have nothing to do with God’s name. With “I Am” in Exodus/Shemot 3:14 though, God is stating He is existence, itself – life - and that is affirmed by the Hebrew word for “to live,” hkayah ( חיה ) that sounds nearly identical to the root of ehyeh, hayah, meaning "to be." But there is more reason to say Ehyeh [I Am] sent me to you.

    This part of Exodus is a famous part of scripture and Jewish heritage, so the Jews remembered this pseudo-name, Ehyeh or I Am, for good reasons. God never used it as a name again in the Hebrew scriptures, but when Christ came, it became important in defining the deity and equivalence of Mashiach Yeshua with God.

    When the Jewish teachers and leaders were questioning Yeshua about who He was, they were proclaiming their Father Abraham and Father God (John 8:1-41) while Yeshua proclaimed that anyone who believed in Him (Yeshua) would be free and live forever (John 8:31-36, 8:51). Yeshua gave them hints of Who He was throughout the conversation, that He was from heaven, from above… not of this world (John 8:23), and two times He used I am in a way to hint of God’s Ehyeh [I Am] in Exodus 3:14 – saying, Unless you believe I am, you will die in your sins (John 8:24) and When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am, and I do nothing on My own, but I say these things as the Father instructed Me (John 8:28).

    Christ used I am twice, exactly as God wanted Him to say it - as subtle hints to link Him to the I Am and God in Exodus/Shemot 3:14. When I saw this as I was writing this article, I knew why God hid the number 611 (servant) twice in His holy name in Hebrew and had the correct translation of it also have two hidden 611’s. It goes with Christ giving the two hints to the Jews when He spoke with them in John 8, before He used I am to explicitly state Who He was – the Jews continued to rebuke Yeshua when He talked about their father Abraham, saying, You are not yet fifty years old and You have seen Abraham? Yeshua said to them, ‘Truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am (John 8:58).

    If Yeshua was speaking to the Jews in Hebrew instead of the recorded ancient Greek, which is most likely, Christ would have used different forms of "I am" or "to be"; the first "I am's" would be ani ( שאני ), pronounced ["ah-nee"] which is present tense, I am, and corresponds to the two hidden 611's in God's name, but then in His final statement, Yeshua would have used ehyeh, which the Jews definitely would have recognized from scripture as equating to God.

    In a mixed translation, Yeshua would have said, Unless you believe Ani [I am], you will die in your sins (John 8:24) and When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that Ani [I am], and I do nothing on My own, but I say these things as the Father instructed Me (John 8:28). Then after the Jews rebuked Yeshua, seeing He was not very old, yet stated He knew Abraham, He would have replied, "Truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham was born, Ehyeh [I am - I will] (John 8:58).

    Yeshua made it clear He was equal with God, and the Jews recognized His last use of I am, but they did not believe it was true, and so they judged Him a liar and blasphemer and tried to kill Him with stones, but He hid and left the temple area (John 8:59).

    God also guided me that the number two means Love, so the two hidden 611’s or servants in God’s holy name, Yahovah, in Hebrew and English, also go with the role of Christ coming to show God’s love in the New Covenant – Yeshua came in a servant’s role (611) to proclaim and enact the New Covenant of Grace or eternal forgiveness in Mashiach Yeshua. God did this to show His love for all people (2) and furthermore, the two gematria types that link include the calculation of Chesed or Mercy values (see Yahovah above), which is done by removing nine, the number for judgment, from the values. This goes with God’s infinite mercy to anyone who truly believes in the Grace of Christ and rightly remains loyal to God through Him.

    But why would 611 or servant be encoded in God’s name when He is above all, not a servant, but King of kings and God of gods (Deuteronomy/Devarim 10:17)? It goes with God becoming a man in the flesh and in the role of a servant with the coming of Yeshua, but it also goes with God stating that He and Yeshua Mashiach (Jesus Christ) are one and the same (the titles Yahovah-Tsidkenu (Yahovah Our Righteousness; Jeremiah/Yirmiyahu 23:6), El Gibbor (Mighty God; Isaiah 9:6/Yeshayahu 9:5), and AviAd (Eternal Father; Isaiah 9:6/Yeshayahu 9:5) given to Yeshua also confirms this).

    We will look more at the equality of Mashiach Yeshua to God in the section for His names in Christ.

Other Titles For God 2/19/2023
Other Titles For God:
  • AviAd/AbiAd/Aviad/Abiad ( אביעד ) [“ah-vee-ahd” or “ah-bee-ahd”] , Ab Ad/Av Ad [“ahb ahd”, “ahv ahd”] ; Eternal/Everlasting Father; this title is also used for Mashiach Yeshua (Isaiah 9:6); this title should not be confused with the Arabic/Jewish name Abyad/Abiad [“ah-bee-yahd”], which means “fair-skinned, white” from the same Arabic word; Abyad sounds like title, AbiAd, and the Hebrew phrase, Abi Ad, which means “My Everlasting Father” and is how some people pronounce the Hebrew title in Isaiah 9:6, though, this would not be the correct translation; the title in Isaiah 9:6 literally reads "Father of Eternity"
  • Ab Olam/Av Olam ( אב עולם ) [“ahb oh-lahm” or “ahv oh-lahm”] ; Eternal/Everlasting Father; this title is also used for Mashiach Yeshua (Isaiah 9:6); Note: the Hebrew word, olam, here should not be confused with the one used in the phrase "tikkun olam" which means "repairing the world"; it uses the Uzbek Arabic definition of the word olam meaning "world or universe"[6.26.2]; the Hebrew word, olam, though means "eternal or eternity" and literally translates as "beyond the hozizon"[6.26.1]
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Names of Christ 2/19/2023
Names of Mashiach - Christ, the Son, Messiah
  • Yeshua ( ישוע ) [“yehsh-oo-ah”] (Common variants: Jesus, Yahshua, Yehsu); It means “Yahovah saves, Yahovah is salvation” and “He is saved, Salvation.”; Long version is Yehoshua ( יהושוע ) [“yeh-hoh-shoo-ah”] , though it is never used for Christ's name in scripture so I do not use it for Christ; The original Greek New Testament only uses the transliteration for the short version, Yeshua

    Because I’m a multi-lingual person who grew up in a bilingual house (English and Vietnamese) and have studied different languages over the years (French, Spanish, Irish, and Hebrew), I know there are subtleties in language that are lost by translators, especially if they are not native speakers of the languages they translate. Non-native speakers may not even hear the languages they are translating correctly, because the audio range of people who grew up in languages with more limited tonal variation lose their perception of tones that are not used in their native tongue.

    In my college studies of child psychology, I found out that if a child is not exposed to the greater tonal ranges of another language, they lose their ability to distinguish those tones at a very young age, and even lose much tonal recognition before they reach one year old[6.25.1]. Different exposure to sounds may explain why people hear different words from the exact same recording, and this inability to distinguish the tones of a foreign language explain why English speakers, for example, often cannot hear Asian languages correctly or with the fidelity to distinguish more subtle tones and inflections.

    It’s because of this varying ability and background in translators that the same Hebrew word or name is sometimes translated differently in the Bible. For example, the Hebrew name, יהושוע, is translated as Jehoshua (actually it was translated as Yehoshua because Hebrew has no ‘J’ sound and English changed ‘Y’ sounds to ‘J’, as noted above) in Numbers 13:16 and 1 Chronicles 7:27 in the KJV, but the exact same name is translated Joshua or Jeshua (actually Yoshua or Yeshua) in other places.

    This suggests different people did the translation, and because of my multi-lingual background and focus on tonal details, I would say the translators who translated יהושוע as Yehoshua instead of Yoshua had more discerning ears or were native Hebrew speakers and knew Hebrew better. Those who translated Yehoshua into Yoshua likely couldn’t distinguish the first syllable [“yeh”] from the next [“oh”], because they were non-native speakers. Another possibility is that some translators were more familiar with the shortened version, Yeshua, and used Yoshua instead. The KJV was made many centuries after the name Yehoshua was shortened to Yeshua in ancient Hebrew.

    Remember also from the section above about God’s holy name, that vowel markings were not used in original ancient Hebrew manuscripts, so translators had to use their own knowledge about how Hebrew was spoken, and of course, this knowledge would have been influenced by listening to native Hebrew speakers, which some translators may not have been hearing accurately, especially when native speakers do not slow down to enunciate each syllable. I see this inability to distinguish tonal range often, especially with English speakers describing how Asian words and names sound – their transliterations are often far off the mark.

    Furthermore, the translation of a word or name into more than one language is another reason we have names and translations that don’t sound anything like the originals. We will see how Jesus came from these processes of less than perfect translation, so let’s look at the name of the Mashiach (Messiah).

    Jesus is the English translation of what was originally ישוע (Yeshua), the Hebrew name the angel Gabriel told Mary to call Christ, And behold, you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a Son, and you shall name Him Yeshua (Luke 1:31). But how do we get to Jesus from Yeshua? They sound nothing alike.

    First, let’s look at where Yeshua comes from. It is actually the short version of the name Yehoshua I brought up earlier – the name most English speakers know as Joshua. Yeshua sounds like Yoshua, but Yeshua did not come from translators that mishandled the name Yehoshua. Yehoshua was mainly used in scripture until the shortened version of the name, Yeshua, began to appear in the times after the Babylonian exile (in or after the 5th Century BC)[3.1.123], as it only appears in books of the Old Testament that date to the post-exile period (1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah).

    The shortened version is, Yeshua ( ישוע ) where the full name is, Yehoshua ( יהושוע ). You can see the “hoh” sound is taken out with the removal of the Hebrew letters הו (hey and vav). And like most shortened versions of names, Yeshua became more popular than the original version. How many people do you know prefer to use Christopher rather than Chris or Johnathan instead of John?

    By the time of Christ, the name Yeshua was common, and it was the name Gabriel told Mary to use for the Child Messiah, because the apostles who originally wrote the New Testament in Greek chose to transliterate the Hebrew of Yeshua into Ιησους/Iēsous/Ιēςους ["ee'yuh'ay-soos" or “ee’ay-soos”] because Greek does not have ‘Y’ or ‘SH’ sounds, and male names do not end with ‘A’ sounds. So the first sounds and two letters in Ιησους is supposed to be a one syllable dipthong that stands in for the 'Ye' first syllable of Yeshua, and the last syllable of Yeshua was dropped[3.1.123].

    The apostles did their best to make a Greek version of Yeshua that was phonetically similar and linguistically correct. If you try to pronounce the ancient Greek transliteration "ee'yuh'ay-soos", the dipthong has a 'yuh' sound between the iota and aeta[3.1.123], so if you pronounce it quickly and replace the Greek final 'S' with the Hebrew 'A', Ιησους sounds much more like Yeshua.

    And because the New Testament only uses Ιησους which transliterates Yeshua and never transliterates the longer version of the name (Yehoshua), I don't believe anybody called Christ by the long version. So now we have Christ’s true Hebrew name, Yeshua, and its pronunciation is as it appears and is commonly spoken, [“Yehsh-oo-ah”], because unlike God’s holy names, this name remained in common use so its pronunciation was not lost. The same is true of the original long version, Yehoshua[4.1.10].

    But then how do we get Jesus? Here is where we need to consider translation into more than one language. When Yeshua was translated into Greek (the most widespread language in the centuries before and during the coming of Christ), the translators transliterated Yeshua as Ιησους/Iēsous/Ιēςους, and further examination of these linguistics show that Yehoshua and Yeshua are the closest English phonetic transliterations for the Hebrew names. In Joshua Ensley’s examination of the Greek transliteration[3.1.123], he notes the translators picked Greek letter combinations that did sound like the Hebrew, which rule out translations like Yahushua, Yehushua, Yahusha, and Yahshua, because the letters in the Greek translation, Ιησους/Iēsous/Ιēςους, do not produce ‘yah’ or prominent ‘uh’ sounds.

    However, the Greek "ee'yuh'ay-soos" does not sound like Jesus. Now we have to look at translation into Latin, which came centuries later when Latin became the preferred language of the church. Latin translators transliterated the Greek Ιησους/Iēsous/Ιēςους into Iesus, which sounds the same as the Greek[3.1.123]. The Latin, Iesus, looks more like Jesus, but it wasn’t spoken like Jesus today.

    Many more centuries past when the scriptures needed to be translated into English. Jesus came from this translation when the Latin, Iesus, turned into Jesus after ‘Y’ sounds that were originally represented with ‘I’ were changed to ‘J’, and the name picked up English pronunciation style instead of Latin, so it no longer sounded like the Greek Ιησους. You can see the transition from Iesus to Jesus when you look at the original 1611 KJV Bible. It shows Christ’s name as Iesus, which was a direct copy of the Latin translation of the Greek, Ιησους/Iēsous/Ιēςους.

    This means the name Jesus was not spoken by Christ or His disciples in the early church, but it is interesting to note that the Old English gematria values for Jesus and Joshua are both 444, which puts a stamp of authenticity for the two names being equal and meaning “full/absolute hope” (see 444 in The Meaning of Numbers for more).

    Also very uncoincidental, the Old English value for messiah is also 444. These are amazing linguistic and numeric alignments that God worked to show that Mashiach Yeshua (Christ Jesus) was the true Messiah and embodied His namesake – the original Hebrew name Yehoshua from which Joshua came means “Yahovah is salvation or Yahovah saves,” while the short version, Yeshua, the name from which Jesus came, means “he is saved.”

    So Yehoshua = Joshua  = Yahovah God is salvation/Yahovah God saves = 444 = Jesus = Yeshua = he is saved = 444 = Messiah = Mashiach = Christ = Anointed = 444 = Full Absolute Hope. These equalities, which fully depend on the structure and development of languages (Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and English in this case) because gematria values depend on the value assigned to each letter in a strict logical order, cannot be manipulated by mankind, especially when you consider how these equalities solidified through the course of four languages over many centuries.

    Clearly, God is in control here and He is stating what the scriptures and the church has been maintaining for millennia – Mashiach Yeshua is equal with Yahovah God, the One who gives Full, Absolute Hope in our salvation in this life and the next.

    And to solidify this point even further, when I was looking at words related to God’s names for this article, I found another linguistic numeric link. The Hebrew word for Savior or Deliverer is ( מושיע Moshiya) [“moh-shee-ah”], such as found in “Yahovah gave Israel a deliverer [moshiya]...” (2 Kings 13:5). Its standard Hebrew gematria value is 426, in which I see 4 and 26, which I had been guided to see mean Hope (4) and Yahovah (26 is the gematria value for God’s holy name), so this value of the Hebrew for Savior encodes Hope in Yahovah God.

    But furthermore, I also saw that 306 is an embedded number in the Hebrew for savior/deliverer, just like I found 611 contained in God’s holy name and its correct translation, Yahovah. Why is 306 significant here? This is a number that means “to pursue a righteous goal despite great adversity, pain, and even death,” which the Lord had guided me to connect to Christ dying on the cross and the martyrdom of Martin Luther King, Jr.

    These further numeric links encoded in the Hebrew letters for Savior/Deliverer obviously show that Mashiach Yeshua truly is and was the Messiah Savior who willingly died on the cross with great suffering to atone for all sin (306), and Whom is equal with Yahovah God (26), and is Who His people should have hope in (4 and 426). Truly amazing! These many linguistic numeric alignments have significant meaning that are extremely hard for any skeptic to dismiss.

    However, I must also note that the Old English gematria value for Lucifer, which is a Latin name for Satan, meaning “light bringer/bearer,” is also 444 (recall that Jesus = 444 = Joshua = 444 = Messiah), so God also put an obvious link to the corruption of God’s true names that came through the use of Jesus. In this case 444 would mean the opposite of Christ’s 444 – Fully Corrupted Hope.

    In contrast, the name Yeshua has an English Mercy value of 7 (Mercy values are where nine, the number of judgment, is cancelled). Seven is a number that means Whole, Divine, God, or Godly. That is a very interesting alignment to the great mercy given through Christ in which eternal judgment is negated by the New Covenant.

    However, unlike God’s holy Hebrew name and its correct translation, Yahovah; the English, Yeshua, contains 309, which I noted is a bad number that the name Satan also contains. This doesn’t negate that God would use Yeshua, but goes with the name being common and not reserved only for God. 309 and other numbers I would consider bad are not contained in the original Hebrew name ( ישוע ), Yeshua, though.

    A very interesting note, is that the Strong’s number for Yehoshua ( יהושוע ), the long version of Yeshua, is 3091, so 309 is also in the Strong’s number for Yehoshua, which gives a link to 309 contained within Yeshua. We’ll see why links with the Strong’s number show Godly influence as well.

    God gave even more proof for the validity of the name Yeshua for Christ, which means “he is saved.” The Hebrew word for salvation, deliverance, prosperity, and victory is yeshuah ( ישועה ). It is pronounced almost identically to Yeshua, only its last syllable is emphasized. That word, though, is never used as a name in the Bible, but the phonetic alignment is a very interesting affirmation of Yeshua Mashiach’s role in salvation – Yeshua = yeshuah.

    Also, the Strong’s number for yeshuah (salvation) is 3444, in which I see 3 and 444. Remember 444 is the Old English value of Jesus, Joshua, and Messiah, while 3 is a number for Christ. This and the numbering for Yehoshua are very significant, because Strong’s Reference only uses words found in the Bible’s original language manuscripts, and they are numbered alphabetically by language, so think about how anyone can manipulate these numeric alignments.

    You would have to have control of all the Hebrew words used in the Old Testament and how Hebrew developed as a language, because the words are ordered alphabetically. Just adding or removing one word from scripture could throw off the number alignments. Obviously, this and other linguistic numeric alignments are no work of humankind. They show God’s influence on languages, words, names, and their numeric equivalents, which I have also seen in God’s holy name and many other words. Truly, there is no one like the Lord.

    And to look at that one of a kind nature further, I will share something I saw about Christ when someone asked me to evaluate John 3:16 recently. Obviously, the Lord worked this in time to go with this article.

    John 3:16 is a very popular verse used by the church. It is commonly translated as, For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. The person wanted me to show him the best translation and shared many translations. The translation from his native language, Portuguese, as well as many others, used the word “unique” instead of “only” before “Son.”

    I knew many translations preferred “only begotten Son” and that some have said there is special meaning to “begotten,” saying that the word denotes a special nature to the thing or child begotten – that it shares its nature with the parent as opposed to anything else made, like a craftsman’s object.

    I didn’t look further into these statements until this person asked me to give the best translation of John 3:16. So when I looked at the original Greek, I noted the word, μονογενής (monoganace or monogenes), which is translated as “only begotten” has a sense that the child is one-of-a-kind or unique or special, which is why some translations use “unique.” However, when I looked through the list of translations, I did not see one that conveyed what Apostle John was trying to say with the word monoganace – that Mashiach Yeshua was truly a one-of-a-kind person, like God who has no equal. Not even my preferred Bible translations conveyed this well.

    The word begotten does not convey this nature, which is why “only” is added to it in translations. However, that does not really convey John’s thought. An only child is not one-of-a-kind in the same sense that Christ and God are one-of-a-kind -– that they can have no equal, no other like them.

    Furthermore, the definition of the word “begotten” does not include any special meaning of the offspring having the same nature of the parent. That is implied since a biological child must have the same nature of the parent, however, that is not a trait of other things that are also begotten (created or fathered).

    I did not feel that the most common words used to translate monoganace were appropriate or adequate to convey the thought of Christ’s true uniqueness. This is more apparent when you understand that God also begat other sons, who are called sons of God in scripture (Genesis 6:2). They are the angels, but Mashiach Yeshua is more one-of-a-kind than the angels.

    I also saw that the Greek word, κόσμος (kosmos/cosmos), in John 3:16 is translated “world or mankind” but can also mean the “universe, government/order, arrangement of stars/heavens, multitude,” so context is very important to choose the correct translation. Technically, “world” in the sense of humanity is a correct translation, but Christ came to save mankind specifically, so “mankind” is a better translation, however, the translation of kosmos is not as important as that of monoganace.

    To give the best translation of John 3:16, I would say, For God so loved mankind that He gave His only Son, whom there is like no other, so that whoever believes in Him would not perish, but have eternal life.

    Christ’s one of a kind nature is very important, as He is equal with God, who also has no equal. This was very clear in the section about God’s names above, especially when He said, "I am Yahovah, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another, nor My praise to graven images" (Isaiah 42:8). And since it is obvious Mashiach Yeshua does have God’s glory and also is truly one-of-a-kind, having no equal, God is affirming over and over again that He and the Messiah in Mashiach Yeshua are truly one and the same.

Other Names and Titles of Christ 2/19/2023
Other names and titles for Mashiach Yeshua
  • Advocate/Intercessor – a title referring to Christ’s role as mediator of the New Covenant and our Advocate who intercedes on our behalf over the eternal penalty of our sins (1 John 2:1)
  • The Amen ( האמן ) [“hah-ah-mayn”] ; this title refers to the word amen, which comes from the same Hebrew word, meaning “truly, verily, so be it” (Revelation 3:14)
  • Anointed, The Anointed One – see Mashiach
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Titles of the Holy Spirit or Spirit of God 2/19/2023
Titles of the Holy Spirit or Spirit of God

Unlike Yahovah God and our Savior Mashiach Yeshua (Christ Jesus), the Holy Spirit is not given any proper names in scripture. This distinction needs to be made, because we should understand the nature of the Holy Spirit as an extension of God, which is equal with God and is God’s presence, but not really a different person.

God’s presence is embodied in the Holy Spirit, but unlike false teachings and people who have imposters of God and the Holy Spirit in their lives, the Holy Spirit is not a completely separate entity whom we pray and speak to. No one in the scriptures talks to the Holy Spirit. They speak directly to God or Christ and address Him by name or title.

This is not done with the Holy Spirit, so anyone who claims to have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit and references the Spirit by a name is being deceived by imposters of God and the Spirit. I’ve seen many people fall to this deception (see Ministry Warnings and Light Within for more), so I want to make it clear that the Holy Spirit enables spiritual gifts of God within a person (1 Corinthians 12:4-11), such as allowing us to hear God’s voice, and is God’s presence in all reborn, saved believers (1 Corinthians 6:15-20; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 ; Romans 8:9), but the Holy Spirit is not a completely separate person in which we speak or pray to.

This is why the Spirit is not given any proper names in the Bible and no one has a relationship with the Holy Spirit or talks to the Spirit in scripture. We are supposed to have a relationship with God directly, which goes through His names and titles in the Father Yahovah and the Son in Mashiach Yeshua, so simply speak to God by His names and titles, not to the Spirit. Think of the Holy Spirit as God’s presence and power within and upon us, not as an entirely different person.

To further show this, in John 14, Yeshua tells His disciples that God will give them another Helper, referring to the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-17), because He would have to go away and be crucified. His disciples were troubled by this (John 16:5-6), but it was necessary for Christ to die so He could finalize the New Covenant and so the Holy Spirit would replace His physical presence on earth (John 7:39, 16:7). God's Spirit would be an actual and eternal indwelling part of believers saved and reborn by the New Covenant (John 14:16), which is why our physical bodies are literal temples for God (1 Corinthians 6:15-20; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18).

But because Yeshua was leaving His disciples, He told them He would not leave them completely alone, "as orphans" (John 14:18), and says, "I am coming to you. After a little while, the world will no longer see Me, but you are going to see me, because I live, you also will live" (John 14:19).

In those verses, Yeshua is not just referring to His resurrection and the disciples joy in seeing Him again after He dies. Christ is also talking about the Holy Spirit coming to indwell within them too, because He is talking about the Spirit in the previous verses, and He also notes because He will live, referring to His resurrection, they will also live [eternally], referring to the Holy Spirit reborn in them by the power and promise of the New Covenant. This means when He said, "I am coming to you," He also meant He was coming to them as the Holy Spirit, the Helper, who would be with them forever (John 14:16), and indeed, the New Testament refers to the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Mashiach Yeshua (Acts 16:7 NASB, NIV; Philippians 1:19).

Then Christ continues to say, "On that day you will know that I am in My Father and you are in Me, and I in you," (John 14:20) referring to Christ, His Spirit, and God's Spirit are all the same and will indwell in them as well. This is also affirmed in Acts 3 where Peter tells the people to repent and accept Christ so that God's presence would refresh them (rebirth and renew them by the Spirit), and so God would send Yeshua Mashiach to them (Acts 3:19-20), referring to God's Spirit indwelling them once they are saved into God's kingdom. Peter is speaking of the Spirit because Yeshua at this time was killed, resurrected, and re-ascended to heaven (Acts 1:9-11), so obviously would not physically come in angelic human form to every saved believer.

Another verse showing that the Holy Spirit is not a different person of God is, "Now the Lord is the Spirit... But we all, looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Lord's Spirit" (2 Corinthians 3:17-18). This refers to God's indwelling Spirit ("we all looking in" ourselves) which helps us transform into God's image ("the same image from glory to glory") by the work and help of God's Spirit in us.

Unlike names of God and Christ, the Lord has not shown me any special linguistic or numeric links in titles for the Holy Spirit, which also goes with the Spirit not having a proper name. All of the “names” given here are more titles for the Holy Spirit.

However, I looked at a name being used by an imposter of the Holy Spirit (Mother Shekinah) and found it to have a Latin value of 444, which I noted earlier, links to Lucifer, another name for Satan, so God has given proof that the devil has corrupted the personality of the Holy Spirit.
  • Advocate – see Helper
  • Comforter – see Helper
  • Counsellor – see Helper
  • Helper (Greek παράκλητος Parakletos) [“pah-rah-klee-tohs” or “pah-rah-klay-tohs”] ; this title comes from the Greek paraketos (John 14:16, 14:26), which can also mean “comforter, counsellor, advocate or intercessor,” however, because the Spirit’s role is more as God’s Helper (His extension in which He resides and His powers manifest), rather than of a separate person than God, Helper is most appropriate, while Comforter, Counsellor, Advocate, and Intercessor should be reserved for God and Christ, as God is behind the role of the Holy Spirit
  • Holy Ghost – an older translation of Holy Spirit that is no longer appropriate because the word, ghost, is now mainly associated with the deceased and dead souls
  • Holy Spirit ( רוח קדש Ruach Kodesh/Kadesh) [“roo-ahhk koh-dehsh” or “roo-ahhk kah-dehsh”] (Greek πνεῦμα ἅγιος Pneuma Hagios) [“pee’ew-mah hah-gee-aws”] (Psalm 51:11; John 14:26)
  • Intercessor – see Helper
  • Ruach Kodesh/Kadesh ( רוח קדש ) [“roo-ahhk koh-dehsh” or “roo-ahhk kah-dehsh”] ; the Hebrew for Holy Spirit (Psalm 51:11)
  • Spirit, The Spirit ( רוח Ruach) [“roo-ahhk”] ( הרוח HaRuach) [“hah-roo-ahhk”] ; the Hebrew word ruach means “wind, breath, mind, spirit” (Ezekiel 11:1)
  • Spirit of...

    • Spirit of God (Genesis 1:2; Matthew 3:16)
    • Spirit of His Son – this title notes that the Holy Spirit belongs to Mashiach Yeshua, and therefore is the same as the Spirit of God from Father God Yahovah (Galatians 4:6)
    • Spirit of Holiness (Romans 1:4)
    • Spirit of the Living God (2 Corinthians 3:3); see also Living God under God’s names
    • Spirit of Truth – this title goes with God’s and Christ’s titles: God of truth and The Truth (John 14:17, 15:26, 16:13; 1 John 5:6); it also goes with God’s character in that He does not lie (Titus 1:2; Hebrews 6:18; Numbers 23:19), so any spiritual guidance that is untruthful cannot be from the Holy Spirit or directly from God
    • Spirit of Yeshua (Jesus), Spirit of Yeshua Mashiach (Jesus Christ) – like the title Spirit of His Son, this title links Mashiach Yeshua to Yahovah God (Acts 16:7; Philippians 1:19); see also Spirit of His Son

Update - Addressing Refutes of Yehovah Variants 2/19/2023
After I posted this article, someone made me aware of things that try to refute that Yehovah or Jehovah, and therefore, also Yahovah which I was guided to use, are correct pronunciations of God’s Hebrew name. Most of them say Yahweh is the true pronunciation.

The variants of Yehovah and Jehovah, I already negated because God’s name must start with Yah, but as I noted in the section about God’s holy Hebrew name, I also negated Yehovah, Jehovah, and many other variants, including Yahweh, because they also contain numbers related to Satan, while God’s original name in Hebrew and the translation, Yahovah, do not.

I also noted a special fingerprint of God’s Hebrew name that contained two 611’s, which I was led to see have significant meaning with Christ coming as the Servant Messiah. Go over the original article if you don’t remember this. Other variants, including Yahweh do not have 611 at all or in the correct fingerprint of appearing two times.

Let’s assume, though, that this fingerprint which God gave me through revelations of the Spirit means nothing, and go over the main refutes:
  • Claim: Ancient cuneiform tablets show the true pronunciation of God’s holy Hebrew name.

    The variant Yahwe which came from Jahwe is said to be the transliteration of God’s Hebrew name from ancient Babylonian Hammurabi cuneiform tablets that date to the time of Abraham (around 1800 BC).

    These tablets being contemporary to Abraham was an assumption of Sayce or whomever linked King Hammurabi to Biblical kings of Genesis. The name Hammurabi, though, is not in scripture, and I have yet to double-check if Biblical timing was correctly estimated. King Hammurabi is said to have reigned from about 1792 to 1750 BC[6.28.1]. More recent archaeological findings place the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, which was in Abraham’s time, at 1650 BC[6.28.2].

    In 1898, Sayce published that he found God’s Hebrew name in three of these Hammurabi tablets. However, C. H. W. Johns, a contemporary of Sayce published an analysis of these findings in 1902, and said the findings were errant conclusions. Johns stated, “the way in which the cuneiform names involving such an occurrence of Yahweh could be read and interpreted, were very conflicting”[6.28.3].

    Johns said that these findings were influenced by over eagerness to “assert and opine” (assert and deem or make judgment), which is something I see often in the church. When people find things that appear to back up their positions and teachings, they tend to run with them without double-checking or researching the claims. I have to admit, I had done this in the past, but praise the Lord He has guided me much through the years to correct this behavior.

    Sayce and those who agree with him claimed that names found on these tablets, like Jakub-ilu, Jasup-ilu, and Jahwe-ilu, which use a Babylonian name suffix, “ilu,” that can mean “is god or reigns” were instances of proclaiming Yahovah is God in cuneiform. Johns correctly surmised that is quite a stretch, as it would also mean names like Jakub-ilu, which is Jacob-ilu also mean Jacob/Yaakov is God, which obviously is wrong.

    But to completely disprove the claim that these tablets have the correct transliteration of God’s Hebrew name, I noted that the language of these tablets is the Old Babylonian form of Akkadian[6.28.4], and Akkadian, though a Semitic language like Hebrew and Arabic, does not even have the correct vowels and consonants to accurately transliterate Hebrew, much like I noted in the section about the names of Christ, that Greek does not have the correct phonetics to accurately transliterate the Hebrew name Yeshua. Greek does not have a ‘Y’ sound as well as other phonetics that are in Hebrew.

    Similarly, Akkadian lost some very important phonemes used in other Semitic languages, like Hebrew. It lost the letters, aleph, ayin, hey, and chet, and does not have ‘o’ vowels[6.28.4]. This is significant for God’s holy name because it consists of the letters yod-hey-vav-hey and the pronunciation God revealed includes the sound of the vowel ‘o’.

    Furthermore, all forms of Akkadian are long extinct. It was reconstructed by scholars using knowledge of Semitic languages from the times of Sayce and Johns (around 1890 up to today). The last common usage of Akkadian as a spoken language was in the times of Alexander the Great (around 300 BC)[6.28.4], so no irrefutable pronunciation characteristics can be made from it. Good references will acknowledge this. Wikipedia states, “Because Akkadian as a spoken language is extinct and no contemporary descriptions of the pronunciation are known, little can be said with certainty about the phonetics and phonology of Akkadian.”

    Knowing these things about Akkadian, it is easy to see that relying on cuneiform tablets to get at the true pronunciation of God’s name is fruitless, even if Sayce was correct about finding God’s name in them, which he wasn’t.
  • Claim: Transliterations of God’s name are given in Greek manuscripts.

    If you read the section about Christ’s names, then you know that translating Hebrew into Greek to exactly preserve pronunciation is impossible. Like Akkadian, Greek does not have the phonetics needed to accurately preserve Hebrew, so trying to use Greek translations to prove a version of God’s name is fruitless.

    Furthermore, Hebrew was not translated into Greek until about 100 years after the Jews stopped public use of God’s names in the 4th Century BC[3.1.120, 3.1.121]. This means it is very likely the Jews of the time did not have enough knowledge of pronunciation for God’s name to do it correctly.
  • Claim: God’s name is all vowels because the ancient Jewish historian Flavius Josephus wrote, “The sacred name: it consists of four vowels.”

    This argument is mainly used to affirm the translation, Yahweh, for God’s name as the correct one. Yahweh basically is all vowel sounds. However, it is also only two syllables and not four "vowels." Also, in ancient manuscripts, the letters for Hebrew, like other Semitic languages, don’t actually record the vowels that are sounded in words. I talked about this in the section about God’s name. Vowel markings for Hebrew were invented in relatively modern times (around 600 AD[3.1.126]; some sources say 200 AD), well after Josephus.

    I have to conclude the quote from Josephus was either mistranslated, he did not label the letters in God’s name correctly (educated ancient Greek speakers, like Josephus, should have known the difference between consonants and vowels in both ancient Greek and Hebrew), or he had incorrect knowledge about God’s name, which is almost guaranteed by the time of Josephus, since God’s names were out of public use for about half a millennium at the time. Counting on Josephus or any of the Jews of the time to correctly know God’s name is assuming too much. See the section about Yahovah for more about why Yahweh or variants like it were negated.
  • Claim: A ‘w’ sound, not a ‘v’ sound, is the original sound for the Hebrew letter ( ו ) vav/waw.

    This is important for God’s name because its third letter is vav. People argue that the Hebrew letter vav was originally a ‘w’ sound instead of ‘v’, so vav should be waw, and God’s name should be like Yahweh, Yahuah, or Yahuwah instead of like Yahveh or Yahovah.

    This assumption comes from two major dialects of Hebrew that are present today – Ashkenazi and Sephardi. Ashkenazi is dated later and has language influences from northeastern European countries, such as the German language, which is presumed why Ashkenazi Hebrew uses the ‘v’ sound more instead of ‘w’[3.1.127].

    On the other side, some Sephardi Jewish traditions, claim their dialect is the original, pure form of Hebrew[3.1.127], and dates as far back as the first temple in Jerusalem. I’ve heard of claims like this from the church before, too, but they often turn out to be false (see the Be not of hard heart update for more about this claim of having pure, original Hebrew).

    Linguistic scholars also often say the Sephardi dialect, which prefers the ‘w’ sound, is closest to Biblical ancient Hebrew. They use linguistic rules rather than historic proof to confidently affirm that waw must be the original form and not vav.

    This is pretty presumptuous, though, considering that ancient Hebrew goes back many thousands of years. As someone who has studied multiple languages, I also know they can change quickly, even within a generation, and there are regional variations (dialects) that are very different, even within small areas. For example, the island of Ireland has four major Irish dialects today and some words are pronounced very differently from one dialect to another. In Irish, as well as other languages, like Vietnamese, some dialects are so different that speakers of the same language but different dialect cannot understand each other.

    It is a very big assumption to maintain that Hebrew did not change enough through its thousands of years of history to say one modern dialect is the pure, unchanged one. It is another big assumption to say that the ‘w’ phoneme MUST be the original sound used in Hebrew.

    Did these scholars and analysts consider that both ‘w’ and ‘v’ sounds were in use? Or did they consider that grammar rules are not ALWAYS adhered to in language?

    One commenter named Nehemia or Nehemiah said his name is pronounced “N’chem-Yah” which is actually phonetically more like [“N’hkehm-Yah”][4.1.12]. It means “Yah comforts,” but stating “Yah comforts” in Hebrew would be pronounced, “Nee-chaym Yah.” Why is the name pronounced like N’chem-Yah?

    Nehemia declared, “Kachah!” (Just because!). He has no idea why, and this is the case in the linguistics of many words and names. You cannot assume grammar or linguistic rules are always rigid. As far as the hey-vav-hey (HVH) in Yahovah goes, Nehemia notes that God’s name comes from the HYH root, which is hayah, meaning “to be or I am,” and not the HVH root from which the Hebrew word for destruction comes. God confirms that in Exodus 3 (see Hayah for details).

    Why does God’s name have HVH instead of HYH then? I’ll have to proclaim, Kachah! like Nehemia did, because only God knows. Though, I would have to say that His wanting to link His Hebrew name to the 611 fingerprint and Christ had a part in it.
In my study of languages, it’s been easy to see that grammar and linguistics are not always simple and straightforward, so we cannot presume things simply from appearance or that rules remain rigid. Another example of this, is the name Tyrone. It looks exactly the same from its Greek roots of turannos, meaning king or absolute ruler, as the same name in modern Irish for County Tyrone, which came from Irish Gaelic, Tír Eoghan.

Tír Eoghan means Land of Eoghan (Owen), who was an Irish king, and it is actually pronounced "tier owen" or "cheer owen." But over time, Tír Eoghan was Anglicized (converted towards English) and contracted into Tyrone because the syllables sound like Tyr and Own. Then the name lost its original Irish pronunciation, so today it is pronounced the same as Tyrone from Greek origin.

Coincidence? I doubt it, because both names are linked to kingship and I have given more than enough proof in this thread and elsewhere that God has controlled languages around the world through the millennia.

A big point in all this is that we cannot rely only on logic and data to understand things. That’s what many scholars, even in the church do. It leads them astray. I’ve even seen academic over analysis take away the faith of believers.

Through decades of analyzing other people’s analyses, I have found that using only scientific or seemingly logical analysis fails when you assume too much and/or do not have all the facts correct or enough information.

This is why I emphasize needing God’s help – His guidance and Spirit to get correct revelation. I could never have figured out the things I have shared with linguistic numeric alignments and other revelations without God’s guidance. They are proof God is in exacting control of our languages and scripture. How can the skeptic dismiss such significant alignments, not just in God’s names, but in all the numeric alignments He has shown?

Too often, people jump to conclusions, take things out of context, or simply interpret things the wrong way and then keep to their error despite much evidence against them. I have often warned errant ministers that their errors and thinking comes too much from a carnal, worldly mind and not enough from the Spirit.

We must remember that a carnal mind is enmity or hostility against God and cannot understand God or spiritual things correctly (Romans 8:6-8). God also hides things from those who consider themselves wise (Matthew 11:25, 13:15; Mark 4:11-12; Luke 10:21; Acts 28:27; 1 Corinthians 1:19-29, 3:19-20; Isaiah/Yeshayahu 6:10). This is one reason why He speaks in riddles and parables.

Another reason is because people are cursed to be blind to the truth because of sin. This happened to the Jews, other believers, and atheists alike (Isaiah/Yeshayahu 6:9-10; Matthew 11:25, 13:14-15; Mark 4:11-12; Luke 10:21; Acts 28:26-27; Romans 11:7-10; 1 Corinthians 1:19-31; John 9:39; Galatians 1:8-9; 2 Corinthians 4:3-4).

When I reviewed the arguments of ministries that use the rebukes I addressed here, I found them to have a spirit of arrogance. One went so far as to say they wouldn’t let anyone teach unless they used the name Yahweh. However, "The Lord captures the wise by their own cleverness and the advice of the cunning is quickly thwarted" (Job/Iyov 5:13; Isaiah/Yeshayahu 29:14; Jeremiah/Yirmiyahu 8:9; 1 Corinthians 1:19-27, 3:19-20).

I urge all to be humble in your roles as ministers and teachers, and to do your jobs correctly – Acknowledge the guidance God gives to others seriously and fully evaluate it, and correct your teachings and beliefs when you are given details that contradict you. It is often that despite my telling people plainly that they are blinded by demons and imposters of God, they do not take me seriously, and I find that they don’t even read material I give them, since they do not address the corrections but respond simply by repeating old arguments. They cannot see that the gods they follow are misleading them with lies and false guidance in the names of our one true God.

How long will this generation argue aimlessly? The Lord instructed me to proclaim the way of peace – to stop your arguing in circles (Isaiah/Yeshayahu 28:11-12). The Lord’s longsuffering to withhold judgment in the world is coming to an end in our times at the end of the age.

Devastation and destruction are in their paths. They do not know the way of peace, and there is no justice in their tracks. They have made their paths crooked, whoever walks on them does not know peace (Isaiah/Yeshayahu 59:7-8).

Update – What happened to Ancient Hebrew’s Vav? 3/4/2023
When I was reviewing other Biblical names the other day, the Lord gave me a revelation as to why scholars and linguists are incorrect about ancient Hebrew having a ‘v’ sound. I noted in the last update about ‘vav’ vs. ‘waw’ that scholars believe the ‘v’ sound came from European language influences on Hebrew.
However, as I looked more at Greek transliteration of the Hebrew scriptures, I noted again that Greek does not have the phonology (sounds) to accurately transliterate Hebrew. I first brought this up in talking about the translation of Yeshua and how it became Jesus. The other day, though, I made a fuller review of Greek phonology and noticed it has no ‘v’ or ‘w’ sounds, which I find are very similar in vocalization no matter what linguists say about them. In practical terms, unless you are trying to enunciate clearly, ‘v’ and ‘w’ sound alike.

Once I saw that Greek had no ‘v’ or ‘w’ sounds, I realized that Ancient Hebrew must have lost its ‘v’ sounds and preferred the softer ‘w’ sounds when Greek became the dominant language of the Middle East and Mediterranean after Alexander the Great conquered the region in about 300 BC. I also noted in the discussion of God’s name that the Jews already had 100 years of not using His names by this time, so the loss of pronunciation was well along for generations even before the Greek language became dominant.

Scholars acknowledge the Jews were Hellenized (assimilated towards Greek culture and language) in the generations after Alexander the Great, and they say Hebrew was lost as a public spoken language during that time, only being used for religious study. Modern Hebrew is not the same as ancient Hebrew, which is what the Hebrew in the scriptures is, and modern Hebrew went through revival time in recent centuries that brought linguistic influences from today's languages as well[4.1.13], so like other languages that went through long periods of change, we cannot assume too much about ancient Hebrew from its modern counterparts.
Scholars may acknowledge that modern Hebrew speakers have dialects influenced by other regional languages and that Greek nearly made Hebrew extinct in spoken form, but they apparently didn’t see the very logical reason why ‘vav’ would be absent from spoken history – the Greek language killed it off.

This gives yet another piece of opposition to those who remain skeptical that the numeric, linguistic revelations I got are from God. There was already quite are large amount of information that is very difficult for naysayers to refute, but for some reason the Lord compelled, or rather commanded, me to write of this ‘vav’ vs ‘waw’ issue now.

I was feeling an urging by the Spirit to write about it today, but it is a Sabbath and I was feeling very tired, and didn’t feel like I needed to post this immediately, but then just a little while ago an email hit my inbox about “Tetzaveh/tsavah" [“sah-vah”] the Hebrew word for “command” and also a term used for the annual weekly Torah (Law of Moses scripture) reading for Jews.

This week’s Tetzaveh corresponds to instructions for lighting the menorah lampstand in the Temple or Tabernacle, the preparation of priestly vestments, and instructions for daily offerings and sacrifices which God told Moses to “tsavah” or command the children of Israel to do.

I immediately knew the email was God’s nudge to make me talk about this ‘vav’ revelation now, because it helps His People make proper offering and sacrifice, which is a part of our reasonable worship to Him (Romans 12:1-2), so that we can better represent His true Self as His lamps, by using His names as they should be used and pronounced. The Lord’s miracles never cease! His names in Yahovah and Mashiach Yeshua be blessed forever and ever. Amen.

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  • Linguists and scholars overlooked the best reason ancient Hebrew's vav disappeared

Update – More about the HVH in God’s name 6/16/2023
In a previous update, I noted that the HVH (hey-vav-hey) in God’s Hebrew name ( יהוה  or YHVH) and its proper translation as hovah, appear to be the same as a Hebrew word for destruction or ruin, which uses the exact same Hebrew letters and sometimes same vowel sounds[2.900.4.4] that are in the translation for God’s name that I was guided to use – Yahovah. Biblical scholars pronounce the Hebrew word for destruction or ruin ( הוה ) as hovah, while modern Hebrew speakers pronounce it as hoveh. These differences may note that the "destruction/ruin" that is part of God's name does not necessarily always mean that God is a god of destruction.

Still, there is no getting around the fact that the last three letters of God's Hebrew name are exactly the same as the Hebrew word for destruction or ruin, so pointing out that the translation I was guided to use, also sounds the same as a variant for a Hebrew word for destruction is pointless. God obviously made His name that way, as well as made the Hebrew word for destruction the way He made it. They match for good reasons.

Before, I noted one big reason why God used “hovah” in Yahovah was to link it to the 611 (Servant) fingerprint that links to Christ (see Yahovah for details). But since that update, I felt I should also note another big reason why God would have destruction or ruin in His name.

There is a lot of pervasive false teaching that try to remove all so-called bad things, like curses and destruction, from God – they say nothing bad can come from God and blame Satan for it all - so when people see a possible link to “bad” like hovah (destruction or ruin) in God’s name, they reject it despite all the other information that supports Yahovah as the true and proper transliteration for God’s name.

After the last updates, though, I noted that God also put “hovah” or “destruction” in His name to deliberately make it clear where all life and destruction actually come from. In previous discussion about His name ( יהוה  or YHVH), we saw that it means “to be,” which comes from Exodus 3:14 where the Hebrew word hayah (היה ; hey-yod-hey ; HYH) is combined with the Hebrew letter aleph ( אהיה ; aleph-hey-yod-hey; AHYH) to mean I am/I will,which is pronounced "ehyeh" (see Ehyeh for more about this).

However, God’s name does not contain hey-yod-hey or HYH, but instead has hey-vav-hey or HVH, which translates into hovah, the Hebrew word for destruction or ruin. And as I was saying, that may appear horrible to people who don’t truly know God, but I will remind that both good and bad, light and dark comes from the Lord (Deuteronomy/Devarim 32:39; 1 Samuel/Shmuel I 2:5-7; Isaiah/Yeshayahu 45:7; Lamentations/Eicha 3:38; Job/Iyov 12:23; Jeremiah 31:28/Yirmiyahu 31:27; Ecclesiastes/Kohelet 7:14; 2 Chronicles/Divrei Hayamim II 25:8; Proverbs/Mishlei 22:2; Habakkuk/Chavakuk 3:4-7).

He said, See now that I, I am He, and there is no god besides Me. It is I who put to death and give life. I have wounded and it is I who heal (Deuteronomy/Devarim 32:39); I am Yahovah. There is no God besides Me… I am Yahovah, and there is no one else. The One forming light and creating darkness, causing peace and creating disaster. I am Yahovah who does all these things (Isaiah/Yeshayahu 45:5-7).

So if you want to understand God and His name correctly, it is obvious you must include life and existence as well as death and destruction. He truly is Creator of ALL. If we look at Hebrew more, we can see this duality is in the language as well. Another hey-vav-hey HVH word, which are the exact same letters used in God’s name, is havvah[2.900.4.3] which also means destruction, ruin, and the bad sense of desire. This word is pronounced the same as the similar hava, which ends in aleph-A, so it looks like HVA ( הוא ), and also means “to come to pass, become, to be; to fall, exist, happen”[2.900.4.1, 2.900.4.2], which have both “good” and “bad” definitions.

And as further note, these words also sound like Eve’s actual name ( חוה chet-vav-hey HkVH), which is pronounced like Havah, but with more of a ‘k’ sound at the beginning. I spoke about her name before and noted it means “life and living.” Did God intentionally have the words for “fall” (hava above) and “bad desire and destruction” (havvah above) which sound very much like Havah, because she was involved with the original sin in Eden?

The answer is obvious if you see words that sound like her name also mean “to be, to exist” which goes with her being the Mother of all the living (Genesis/Bereishit 3:20). We can see in all this that names and words often have multiple meanings, which don’t absolutely always have to be “good” or “bad,” so like there should be no chauvinist teachings that blame Havah (Eve) for the sin of man (Adam was equally responsible; see Hosea 6:7 here for more), there should be no more incomplete and naïve understandings of God and His name.

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