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The Lord said, Let no one argue and let no one rebuke (Prophecy)
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Minister Ty Alexander
Updated 4/28/2022

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Update 12/2/2021
Updated 7/14/2024

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I have not publicly written about the meanings of 272 or 374 before, but in recent days I’ve seen some extraordinary things related to them and other numbers that show God’s love for us as individuals and not just as a People.

In previous years, the Lord used 272 as more personal guidance for me and someone who I try to counsel and minister. This person is a young man who often has trouble coming away from sin and the ways of the world, and the Lord brought the number 272 up in his life many times, until he asked me what it could mean.

I noted it meant “love and obey” (from 2), “me” as a minister (from 72), since two means “love and links to righteous obedience” (see The Meaning of Numbers and True Love – What does it mean to God? Are Soulmates real?), and I was born in 1972, so the 72 referred to me and my counsel.

Then later over some years, the Lord kept giving me the same number often, 272, but in my case it refers to “love myself” - stop working so hard and taking care of others while I neglect myself. The 272’s I saw in the account balances were related to this need to stop my self-neglect, because my work in ministry and spiritual things has been full of trial and hardship, and I had never stopped or gave up the good fight.

But in my defense for self-neglect, there is personal renewal I have been waiting for, that is the kind only the Lord can provide, so I have focused on what I could do until that renewal happens. This largely keeps me working on ministry, taking care of people, and seeking extra income from what I call my "tent building," referring to how apostle Paul was a tent maker and likely supplemented his income by selling tents. For me, my "tents" are in creative works from my history in the arts.

Some of you may think that a truly anointed minister of God should have plenty of income from "threshing the grain," which is a Biblical reference to God's shepherds and priests being paid by their ministry work (1 Corinthians 9:8-14; 1 Timothy 5:18; Deuteronomy/Devarim 25:4). After all, the church is well supplied by God, is it not? Look at their grand cathedrals and well-stocked churches on every corner.

How superficial! How rich are sects that are against God? How rich are those who sow unrighteousness, even among the brethren? They are rich because God allows them to be rich, not because all their work is righteous, for He gives rain to both the wicked and the righteous (Matthew 5:45). He blesses as He sees fit for any number of purposes, which includes to increase those in the dark and allied with great evil so that His will is done.

So I will remind that the Lord's apostles went without great supply and wealth (1 Corinthians 4:11-13; Acts 3:6), and Paul, specifically, noted to the brethren that they did so for the good fight of the spreading of the Gospel (1 Corinthians 9:3-18), because if they focused on fund raising from the brethren as most churches and ministries do, people would turn away because evangelists would be judged as schemers and swindlers, benefiting unjustly from the name of God, which they do to this day, robbing from God.

Of this unrighteousness I have noted much through the years, but how do the People of God judge? They are well pleased to give abundantly to those who rob God and benefit from speaking sweet words, but it is still the one in rags with poor speaking ability and no well-stocked benches or spires that is regarded as not to be trusted or helped, and so this ministry has suffered in material riches, but praise be to the Lord in Mashiach Yeshua that He remains faithful and blessed me with great abundance of that which are riches in heaven - not those of a servant's reward in the end, but the great blessings of God's wisdom and guidance.

And so despite the neglect of the fellowship, God has reminded me often with 272 to "love myself" and not to neglect personal things. In just a day past, the Lord reminded me again of 272 and His love for us, and me personally, when I saw on a new PBS Nova episode, a galaxy cluster named ARP 273 (image below). The fact that the cluster was labelled 273 and called the “Rose Galaxy,” which is actually two colliding galaxies, caught my attention, because I had gotten guidance about the number 273 as well.

Number sequences in my guidance have had meanings (for a good example, see the sequence, 306, 307, 308, 309, in The Meaning of Numbers), and I felt that the 273 sequence was related to coming out of my self-neglect in 272 and linked to getting personal happiness and into the next part of my personal life. Then I noticed the ARP 273 galaxy cluster looks very much like how I used to draw roses since my young years as an artist. Compare the rose on the left below, which I created from a freehand drawing, with another image of ARP 273 scaled to the same size. It's not hard to see the similarities.

This link to my creative past was an obvious link to my 272 self-neglect, because through many years in ministry, I moved farther and farther away from creative works, though I still have desire to do them. I also moved farther from the mentality of a romantic; that of seeing the world with hope in the wonders of destiny and "true love," which the rose also connects with.

I was amazed to see God moved galaxies to link to personal guidance with 272 and 273. There is no one like the Lord. Who can move the stars and whole galaxies to do such things? Praise Him for His great works and lovingkindness!

Seeing how God made me a very big reminder of 272 and 273 linking to personal guidance, I will pay more mind in taking care of my self-neglect and personal affairs, which includes creative pursuits, since the ARP 273 galaxy cluster goes with that. But furthermore, God reinforced this 272 guidance to me with another strong confirmation. Some time after this 272 Galaxy guidance, I found that Strong's Concordance, Greek Entry #272 was ameleo (ἀμελέω), which means "to be careless of, to neglect."

This is no insignificant alignment, because Strong's Reference only lists words used in the original language manuscripts of scripture and the entries are numbers alphabetically, so ameleo coming out to be #272, like other significant alignments with language and numbering (see Gems That Prove Destiny, True Love, and Christ Are Real), very much says that God orchestrated scripture and the Greek language so that ameleo would come to be #272.

Absolutely mind blowing! Not only in that God made scripture and language align precisely, but when I found Strong's #272, it also coincided with guiding a brethren about doing better to be righteous. So God worked this 272 revelation to have double-meaning that aligned with previous guidance about it - the 272 references do not only speak about my own self-neglect but also that of others' in resisting my counsel, as I said above when I introduced 272.

This guidance is also in line with the Lord saying, Stop rebuke or stop trying to correct the church and the People, as I talked about earlier, because they will not listen and the end is coming, so it is ok to spend less time in ministry and go back to creative and personal affairs.

As far as ministry affairs go, though, I didn’t share what 374 went with. On November 15th, the day I noticed the reimbursements and account balance coming out to be $374, I had also noticed earlier in the day that a PDF file I was copying was 374k in size (Enoch’s article). I was moving it from the 3rd Compass website to a different location in anticipation of shutting down the website, but when I noticed the 374 links, I had to tell the brother of the Lord who the file was linked to, because I was certain the Lord was also telling him to feel better about his ministry efforts. He had expressed much sadness in recent months over the corruption in the church and that his efforts to combat false teaching seemed to be fruitless.

I told him I was guided to link 374 to Psalm 37:4, which is in the number sequence from 373 in my guidance with racing and the spiritual race (see Predestined), and linked to Psalm 37:3. Those verses are Trust in the Lord Yahovah and do good. Live in the land and cultivate faithfulness [to the Lord]. Delight yourself in Yahovah, and He will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:3-4).

Because of all these links to my own guidance - that I began a new life of ministry with the 373, trust in the Lord, and because even though I failed in many things I thought would be successful, as my brother in the faith has also failed to really change the church - we both still keep faith in the Lord and delight in Him, as Psalm 37 says, so I told this fellow minister in the numbers that came up that day, the Lord wanted him to feel better and that he’s on the right track with what he has done for God.

Truly, the Lord works in mysterious ways. I hope everyone gets joy and pride in being one of His own through what I’ve shared here. The Lord may yet keep this site running, as it has much teaching that will be of importance in the next age, but through His guidance, our ministry focuses will shift from trying to correct and unify God’s People. Only the Lord’s return will accomplish that, because people are too loyal to their own community of belief and doctrine, so may He bless us in the pursuits we follow until then, through Mashiach Yeshua (Christ Jesus). Amen.
Update 12/9/2021

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Update - A real Christmas Star 1/18/2022
If you keep up on all postings at 3rdCompass.org, you know that I was in Florida tracking a Christmas Star alignment...

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Update - Meaning of 727 and further affirmation of God's Alarm 3/7/2022
Updated 4/28/2022

Yesterday, March 5th, I started writing this update, but I only got a few paragraphs before I stopped for the night. I didn’t continue because it was getting late after I updated the meaning of the number seven with many new affirmations from the Bible for things I was going to talk about here. Then today I thought I would leave the update for tomorrow, but then when I was watching the nightly news on TV, I noticed the Iowa tornado reported yesterday killed SEVEN people and spanned a track of FOURTEEN miles[1.1, 1.2, 1.3] – two numbers that caught my attention, because of things I updated for the number seven yesterday (see 7 in The Meaning of Numbers).

Seven and fourteen, which is two sevens, came up a lot in those updates, so when I saw the tornado also had seven and fourteen linked to it, I took it as the Lord urging me to finish this update. I went to find news references for the tornado and I was shocked to see, the tornado was reported to have touched down only minutes before I posted the updates for the number seven. That means the tornado was forming when I was updating the meaning of seven.

All these links are obviously no coincidence, and I knew it all connected with what I was going to talk about, so let’s see why the Lord has given this urgency.

My last update in this Stop Rebuke thread was to share further guidance related to what God gave me with ministry and Ireland. If you didn’t see the details, it basically said, though, my life has been moved towards Ireland and Irish culture, I am not just an “apostle to Ireland” like St. Patrick was. The Lord anointed me for His kingdom as a whole, and that has not changed because of all the guidance related to Ireland I got in recent months.

The purpose for this update is to share what God has shown me related to my role as His servant. It began in the last week of January when someone told me they got a dream vision of the number 727. I was never guided about that number before, but I noted I didn’t believe it means a reverse or opposite of 272, which I brought up in this thread on December 2nd last year. God used that number to guide both me and a young Christian.

The person who got the vision of 727 is actually the same believer I talked about with the number 272. God gave him the number many times to say “heed and obey my counsel.” However, this person also had problems keeping in my counsel, and trusting that I truly knew the real meanings behind scripture or that I had much better discernment than others in the church, because of how God taught me and continues to guide me.

When he brought up 727, I knew it had to refer to me again, where the 72 continued to represent me and my counsel as a minister. That leaves the seven to understand. I already knew 7 refers to being Godly, divine, complete or whole, and is God’s number. This is backed up by much scripture and how God used it in the Bible. You can go to The Meaning of Numbers if you want to see the details.

Because of the meaning of seven, I didn’t feel 727 could mean the opposite of 272. I actually found very few numbers to mean their opposite when reversed, and it would make no sense for the Lord to tell someone to listen to and obey my counsel for years, and then all of a sudden say, don’t.

I had never gotten guidance about the number 27 either, so 727 had to refer to 72-7, which would represent the nature of my state now as the Lord’s minister and teacher – being Godly and complete in my teaching, or what Apostle Paul said was an approved workman for the Lord in 2 Timothy 2:15 – one who accurately handles the word of truth.

It was just the day after that I felt strongly by the Spirit that I was correct about what 727 means, and later on in the day, this was affirmed when I was reviewing a brethren’s teaching and gave him better translations for scripture than he used and what I saw in the translations I usually use (the NASB, NIV, and KJV Bibles).

When I saw the Lord timing things in my life to synch to spiritual guidance and affirm what I felt 727 meant, I thanked the Lord. Praise Him for His work in us! Because I had asked the Lord to make me an approved workman for Him many years ago. This took much time, experience, and hard work, and didn't happen just from reading the Bible and studying. The Lord taught me much more through experiences and trials coupled with spiritual guidance, like He does throughout the church, but it is the kind of experiences and anointment I got, and my drive to get the actual, untainted truth and remain loyal to our true God that mattered most in coming to be approved by the Lord.

I speak this now not out of ego or to commend myself. It is the Lord who worked things to say this through His hand, so I will boast in the Lord. For it is not the one who commends himself that is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends (2 Corinthians 10:17-18). So now I will share what He showed me, because I would not share it of my own will, knowing what people would say of pride and conceit.

I thought what I understood about 727 was all the Lord would give about it. He used it to tell someone I am indeed an approved workman and to go back to listening to my counsel and take me seriously, because he was turning away from it. But like with the number 383, I saw links to 727 later on that gave more confirmation of related spiritual guidance. I was guided to talk about all the real-world links God gave with 383 to show how certain sins truly do anger the Lord, so that His People would take heed and change.

Now the Lord is doing that with 727. It doesn’t only have to do with the tornado in Iowa with links to the number seven. On Friday night, just two days ago, and the day before the tornado, I was watching the ABC News 20/20 feature about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, when I noticed they showed a photo of Ukrainian President Zelensky next to a background with the numbers 72,7 next to him, and when the camera panned down, I saw the numbers 27,3 directly underneath.

If you read this whole thread, you’d know 273 was significant as well, and refers to the Lord guiding me to not work so much and focus on creative things and personal happiness. So when I saw 727 and 273 on the show, I had to find out what those numbers referred to.

I thought they referred to 72.7 and 27.3 because many countries outside the United States use commas instead of periods to separate the decimal place in numbers. I quickly found that Zelensky’s exit polls in the 2019 Ukrainian election gave him 72.7% and the incumbent’s tally was 27.3%[1.4]. I also saw some polls gave the incumbent 27.2%, which also links with the 272, 273 number guidance I spoke of before.

I started wondering why the Lord would have these very specific numbers come up in the 2019 election. They exactly match numbers the Lord has brought up in this thread and in spiritual guidance to me and others for years. To investigate further, I did a search for events that had 72.7 linked to them. To my surprise, I saw the number linked to more elections and things I was guided on before.

One article said, at the time, Joe Biden had 72.7 million popular votes in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election[1.5]. Another article said Donald Trump had 72.7 million “followers”[1.6], also during the same election, which I believe referred to the number of his Twitter followers before he was banned from Twitter.

Another article linked to Trump’s comments about being “lynched” by Democrats stated 72.7% of people actually lynched from 1882-1968 were Black[1.8]. His comments were about an investigation into his dealings with Zelensky when political favors were being questioned. Trump's comment about being lynched brought outrage from social activists who doubted he really knew what being lynched was like. I would agree with them that his choice of words was insensitive, and that his trying to make himself look like the victim is valid. There should be no reason to hide White House records and silence people during that or any other investigation if he had nothing to fear. His illegal removal and possession of many boxes of documents, including top secret documents, that he was supposed to hand over to the National Archives when he left office in January 2021[1.12, 1.13], shows further that he considers himself exempt from the law. And because he had the documents for over a year and destroyed some before the National Archives could retrieve them[1.13], very likely affirms he was attempting to hide or destroy sensitive and incriminating evidence against him. Trump has a history of hiding records, which is a red flag for whether or not he can be trusted. Recently, New York held him in contempt for not supplying records and cooperating with an investigation[1.16, 1.15].

Another article talked about 72.7 million Nigerians collected Permanent Voter Cards in their 2019 general election[1.7], which took place only months before the 2019 Ukrainian election when Zelensky got 72.7% on exit polls.

I also found a survey stated 82% of Ukraine was Christian and 72.7% of them declared themselves in the Orthodox Church[1.10].

And another article stated 72.7 million women were in the United States workforce in 2010[1.9]. This article talked about “self-satisfied, know-it-all” egotistical men.

There are a lot of references to voting, heads of state, and pride here. Most of the 727 references linked to elections, Zelensky, Biden, and Trump. What is God trying to say in all this? Is He saying I’m an egotistic proud preacher since the 727 referred to me?

I’m sure some would say that, but that would not be putting everything into correct context or letting God interpret. The Lord is reaffirming things I’ve talked about with the 2020 Presidential Election and Donald Trump that link him to Satan and that speak of the loss of discernment in God’s people.

However, God isn’t only reminding you to trust what I say about lies, fake news, and false teaching. This is where 727 links to egotistical people come in. It isn’t just about Donald Trump’s ego, but also goes with people in the church and other believing communities stubbornly believing they have no error, and who constantly argue and fight over doctrine while they refuse correction.

I’ve seen too often, groups and sects of the brethren calling each other names and poking fun at each other while they give what appears to them to be flawless arguments and rebuke for doctrine. This does not glorify God or the church.

Apostle Paul said, they have strayed from [the command to treat each other with love and a pure heart] and have turned aside to fruitless discussion, wanting to be teachers of the Law, even though they do not understand either what they are saying or the matters about which they make confident assertions (1 Timothy 1:5-7).

These fruitless debates must stop, because all that happens is the arguing parties run in circles, not convincing either side to change, while they make a mockery of the church and God’s kingdom. Thank the Lord, He taught me to not do that early on in ministry. Over the years, I learned why Paul told us not to argue about scripture or teaching. People become blinded by what they believe to be true, and they must be completely objective and willing to let go of lies and what is wrong if they are to see correctly.

This presumption of inerrancy in believers has often made them dismiss what I say, but obviously, the Lord is making me speak about this here, in a thread that showed the fulfilment of Zechariah’s prophecy about false prophets and teachers today, and the sin of God's people in Hosea.

This is linked to the tornado that killed seven people yesterday, which included children, because the Lord is reaffirming His warning and alarm call to change and leave the Harlot Babylon, as He said you’ve become like those who stand against a priest, so the people will fall, the prophet with them, your mother will be destroyed, and He will forget your children (Hosea 4:4-6).

I’ve stated who the Lord has revealed the Harlot Babylon to be, and that she is the mother who will be destroyed in Hosea 4. God’s People have remained loyal to her, the church and other believing groups that teach in serious error, instead of Him, so heed the urgency in His call now.

The links to heads of state with 727 refer to the Lord’s anointment in me, as one chosen and elected by Him. I was anointed like Jeremiah/Yirmiyahu and strengthened like Moses/Moshe when He called me through ministry. And He gave me a promised word years ago, which was Exodus 34:10, saying He would use me, like He did Moses, to perform miracles never seen before to be shown among all the people.

For years now, and even more so in the last few months in posts like this, I have been sharing these miracles, which are also God’s wonders on the earth prophesied by Joel/Yoel for The Last Days (Joel 2:30; Acts 2:19). The Lord has worked so much movement of the earth with real world objects and events, in numbers, in languages, and in people to guide and affirm through correlations that are impossible to explain as mere random coincidence, you would have to call them miracles and God's work.

But it isn’t wonder or awe that the Lord wants to convey here, it is danger and urgency, for He said in Exodus 34:10, It is a fearful thing that I am going to perform with you. Seven people, including children, were killed in a tornado that was on the ground for two sevens or 14 miles, not simply to move me to speak now, but to show God’s hand in it; remember seven is God’s number. These people died in God’s judgment.

Ukraine has come up in many of the 727 links here because God’s judgment is on her, and He is showing her to be the first country belonging to the Harlot Babylon to be judged in the coming wars of the Tribulation. That is affirmed because Ukraine is a large-majority Christian nation (82% or more) and 72.7% of Christian Ukrainians are Orthodox, a sect of Christianity I found to have false teachings and practices that put her in the Harlot Babylon.

The Lord also revealed to me parts of the army of Revelation 9 through Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. See the February 27th update to God’s Alarm thread for those details. And I'm certain you've seen the reports of atrocities happening to the people of Ukraine in the invasion, which again, includes the suffering and killing of children. Russia even targeted a children’s hospital, which resulted in casualites[1.14].

Everything I brought up here should make you pay careful attention, because even though the Lord gave me wonderful, inspiring guidance towards creativity, romance, and personal happiness with guidance related to 272 and 273 in this thread, I noted those numbers were linked to the incumbent president that lost the 2019 Ukrainian election.

I understood this to mean, much like with guidance related to Ireland, it is a reminder that my primary role is to serve the Lord and His kingdom as a whole, and not just to focus on Ireland, so any 273 pursuits towards personal happiness will come second to whatever the Lord calls me to do.

And if all these things weren’t enough, the Lord timed yet another discovery to go with this update. Yesterday, I came upon an article about an archaeological find showing proof that merchants in ancient Jerusalem used dishonest weights[1.11], despite God telling His people not to use them, but to have honest, true weights in Deuteronomy/Devarim 25:13-15.

The archaeologists found a two gerah weight that weighed almost three times as much as it should have. It’s true weight should be 0.944 grams. Why that’s interesting here is it links to the bank account I designated for God’s tithe funds. These are funds the Lord taught me must be treated with extra care because they are truly God’s sacred portion.

I’ve been teaching correct ways to handle God’s money for years and have had the bank account since 2015. I had no way to control account numbers when I opened the account, but the account number ends prominently with the numbers 944, matching the true weight God’s people should use.

The Lord is saying that my teaching on tithes, offerings, and sacred money is the true measure, and that is important here because it further affirms my role to lead in teaching, and that misusing God’s money, like tithes, is another sin of the Harlot Babylon. This misuse of God’s money was highlighted in God’s 383 guidance.

There is much in this update, but the Lord wants His people to heed His calls to leave the Harlot, and her ways; to change towards further righteousness in these times, because that is what will protect. It is the end of the age when simply believing in Christ and trying to follow God's general commands as the church commonly teaches from scripture, won’t be enough to save from the trials that have come and are coming.

Following the wrong things that popular churches, temples, synagogues, and preachers teach will keep you living in sin that will leave you unprotected in the greater Tribulations that are coming. The traumas you are seeing unfolding now will only get worse, so heed God’s call to leave the Harlot and change.

These amazing alignments of miracles or wonders on the earth to show the truth in more fulfilment of prophesy, not just with God’s promise to me in Exodus 34:10, but they fulfill also prophecy of the Bride with eagle’s wings in Revelation 12, who is saved in the "time, times, and half a time" of the Great Tribulation (Revelation 12:14).

And the serpent [Satan] hurled water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, so that he might cause her to be swept away with the flood. But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and drank up the river which the dragon had hurled out of his mouth. So the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Yeshua[/Jesus] (Revelation 12:15-17).

The flood that Satan tries to drown the Bride in here is a huge mass of false spiritual guidance to mislead believers. I’ve seen this flood of lies everywhere for many years in the church now, and it has convinced many to unflinchingly follow Trump, Q and other Conspiracists, and false prophets and teachers.

But the earth opened its mouth and drank up the river from Satan - This is God’s working of His wonders on the earth I’ve been sharing that show the truth to counter the flood of lies from the enemy. However, this help from the Lord will only save you if you accept the truth in all these miracles of alignment that I have been giving.

But furthermore, it is not only things on the earth that God is using to show the truth, God's complete statement is, "I will show wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below" (Joel 2:30/Yoel 3:3; also Acts 2:16-21), and you can see God has also given my things in the heavens to guide and show the truth as well.

It is the Bride that has earned the wings of an eagle who is saved and kept apart from the worst Tribulations of our times, "so that she could fly into the wilderness to her place, where she was nourished for a time, times, and half a time, away from the presence of the serpent" (Revelation 12:14), while the rest of the church and Christianity, like Messianic Judaism, those who "keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Yeshua" (Revelation 12:17), will face the dragon’s rage as he makes war through the Beast and final antichrist and false prophet, just as it says in Revelation 12. Simply believing in Christ and following God's commands as the popular ministries and churches teach is not what grants protection for the Bride with wings.

Why is God moving His People like this? Through movement of "wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below?" It's because we're in an age when we cannot blindly trust spiritual guidance from sources that say they are the Lord or of the Lord or they come in the name of the Lord. There is too much false guidance and teaching coming from imposters of the real thing, so the Lord has moved the nonspiritual, tangible, physical world and universe to show you the truth.

The Lord bless you with discernment, wisdom, and strength through Mashiach Yeshua (Christ Jesus). Amen.

[1.1] NBC Nightly News. 2022 Mar. 6.

[1.2] Andy Rose, Melissa Alonso. "Tornado kills 7, including 2 children, near Des Moines, Iowa, officials say". CNN. 2022 Mar. 6. Retrieved 2022 Mar. 6.

[1.3] "Live updates: Officials release names of the 6 people who died in the Winterset tornado". Des Moines Register. 2022 Mar. 6. Retrieved 2022 Mar. 6.

[1.4] "Zelensky leads with 72.7%, followed by Poroshenko with 27.3% – TSN exit poll". yHIAH Information Agency. 2019 Apr. 21. Retrieved 2022 Mar. 6.

[1.5] Kail, Benjamin. "Defiant President Trump, without evidence, claims election is a ‘fraud’ in blatant attack on democratic process". Advance Local. 2020 Nov. 5. Retrieved 2022 Mar. 6.

[1.6] Thornton, Paul. "Opinion: We turned over our letters page to Trump readers for a day. Here’s what they wrote". Los Angeles Times. 2020 Nov. 14. Retrieved 2022 Mar. 6.

[1.7] Idowu Bankole. "Just in: 72.7 Million Nigerians collected PVCs – INEC". Vanguard. 2019 Feb. 21. Retrieved 2022 Mar. 6.

[1.8] "Words matter". The Lousiana Weekly. 2019 Oct. 28. Retrieved 2022 Mar. 6.

[1.9] Green, Emma. "Helen Keller Puts the Smackdown on Mansplaining". The Atlantic. 2015 Feb. 11. Retrieved 2022 Mar. 6.

[1.10] "Ukraine". Wikipedia. Retrieved 2022 Mar. 6.

[1.11] “Weight used to cheat in trade during First Temple era found in Jerusalem”. The Jerusalem Post. 2021 Sep. 2. Retrieved 2022 Mar. 6.

[1.12] Zengerle, Patricia. "Trump took classified material from White House to Florida, National Archives says". Reuters. 2022 Feb. 22. Retrieved 2022 Mar. 8.

[1.13] Dareh Gregorian, Daniel Barnes. "National Archives says Trump took 15 boxes of White House records to Florida". NBC News. 2022 Feb. 7. Retrieved 2022 Mar. 8.

[1.14] Zinets, Natalia. "Ukraine accuses Russia of genocide after bombing of children's hospital". Reuters. 2022 Mar. 9. Retrieved 2022 Mar. 9.

[1.15] Tierney Sneed and Sonia Moghe. "New York AG asks court to hold Donald Trump in contempt". CNN. 2022 Apr. 7. Retrieved 2022 Apr. 8

[1.16] Kates, Graham. "Judge holds Trump in contempt for failing to turn over documents". CBS News. 2022 Apr. 25. Retrieved 2022 Apr. 28.


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Update 4/20/2022
I feel the Lord wants me to speak to address some things that have come up since I made the last update. If you recall, the last post talked about my anointment as the Lord’s servant, and that He affirms me as one who is called to a higher role and who is approved and trustworthy. The Lord’s commendation gives me great joy, as it was through no little work and trial that I have been able to come to this day, and it was only with God’s help and strength, and hope in Him that I could keep in the good fight.

Yet, it was many years ago that I knew the Lord set me aside to a role in His kingdom very unlike other ministers. It was obvious because of my ministry roles and by the huge amount of spiritual guidance God affirmed through the movement of the world and universe – the wonders in the sky and on the earth, which I brought up last time, from Joel 2:30/Yoel 3:3 and restated by Apostle Peter at Pentecost in Acts 2:19.

Even though God gave so much physical proof to affirm what I say, some have treated me and God’s guidance with disdain, especially the “self-satisfied” preachers I brought up last time. The Lord had me rebuke some by telling them to stop their ways of shameless and endless arguing over doctrine, where I gave them plenty of scripture and further proof of the truth, like found in this thread.

Their response was to mock me and call things I said and shared “garbage.” And that was after I took care to present myself as an elder of the Lord. I usually don’t bring that up, but I wanted to make it apparent from the beginning, so they would know who they were speaking to and give proper respect. Truly, it is as the Lord said, your people are like those who contend/argue/stand against a priest (Hosea 4:4), which I quoted in the first post of this thread.

When I spoke of the fulfilment of Hosea 4 before, it was coupled with the Lord also saying, [Stop rebuke -] Let no one argue and let no one rebuke, for your people are like those who stand against a priest (Hosea 4:4). Someone brought up recently that I’m contradicting the Lord’s call for stopping rebuke by giving further warnings and reproof for God’s people. That is one issue I need to address so it is clear that I’m not misguided or confused about what I’m doing.

When I first spoke of Hosea 4, it was at a time when I was trying to correct believers who did not want to listen, and so the Lord brought the scriptures of Hosea 4 and Zechariah 13 to me to speak about publicly. The scripture also answered my prayers to confirm guidance that said, leave the person to their ways. I would normally simply leave and ignore people who refuse correction, but some people you can’t completely cut out of your life, so I asked the Lord for further guidance.

Then soon after, the Lord guided me in the website shutdown, which I also connected with the guidance about stopping rebuke. I assumed the website was not going to be brought back because of the prophecy being fulfilled in Hosea 4 and Zechariah 13, and so I thought I should change my ministry focuses a lot and focus more on creative pursuits. However, I also knew not to jump to conclusions about guidance either, and so, I let the Lord continue to guide over time.

That was one reason why the Lord gave me the dream stating I was lax or careless in acting related to the Internet services. Over the years, He taught me to not blindly accept any spiritual guidance, like dreams or words, or to jump to conclusions about them or other spiritual guidance, like significant numbers, such as the numbers I saw in the phone IMEI (see above).

Interpretation and thinking by the carnal or worldly mind is enmity against God (Romans 8:7), and true interpretation of God’s guidance belongs to Him (His Spirit) (2 Peter 1:20-21; Genesis 40:8), so when I’m not sure about things, I wait on the Lord to guide further, which He was faithful to do. But I should also note, the dream said I was careless or lax in acting, and so the Lord also said He gave me enough guidance without need for the dream. The numbers in the phone IMEI, at least, were enough to keep the Internet services, because I noticed the numbers referring to salvation from destruction in the IMEI before I got the dream.

But the numbers alone didn’t tell me if I should bring the website back up. However, I did notice the Lord had me guide people with teaching that was on the website before I shut it down, so combined, the IMEI and still needing the website should have been enough for me to bring back the website or not shut it down in the first place.

The dream was also a rebuke for my excessive care in testing spiritual guidance. The Lord is patient and kind, though, so it was a mild rebuke, as He knows well why I do not jump to conclusions and run with guidance before I’m certain I know it is from the Lord and have its true meaning.

So to address this seeming contradiction with “stop rebuke” while continuing to rebuke, we need to look at the whole picture. It was not the Lord’s intent to shut down the website or drastically change ministry. I assumed the website would not come back and that my pursuits would shift A LOT more to creative things, but since then, especially with guidance in the last update, the Lord reminded me of my role in His kingdom to continue ministering, including to rebuke people, and that my creative and other pursuits for personal happiness would come second to ministry duties.

The stopping of rebuke pertains much more to people who refuse to change or listen after correction is brought to them a few times, which is how the Lord taught me to rebuke (2 Timothy 2:23-26; 2 Timothy 2:14-16; Titus 3:9-11). It directly relates to people, like the false prophet I tried to correct in the first post and others who I couldn’t help any further. That false prophet continues to publish his periodic newsletters spreading false prophecy while he denies being a prophet, just as Zechariah 13 states.

Stopping rebuke does not apply to those who need it or those who would listen, because I have not been able to reach everyone. The Lord has been prompting me to give further affirmations and warnings related to His Alarm and call to leave the Harlot Babylon, as well as rebuke those who need correction. He still wants to reach more people and warn them that continuing in sin will have them share in the judgments that will destroy the Harlot Babylon (Revelation 18:4), which I said Ukraine's people belonged in.

The most recent updates have given more proof of the truth with how God moves the world to speak, yet still, people mock and scoff. One suggested the guidance with numbers and the stars and galaxies were from Satan.

These are serious things the Lord has brought me to speak out, so I’ve warned the scoffers to watch their words and ways in order to keep them from blasphemy. I am also explicit to say the things I’ve been sharing are the Lord’s guidance, not mine, so when they call it garbage, they are blaspheming the Lord.

Can I move the stars and whole galaxies, or orchestrate hundreds, thousands, and millions of people, and many, many events and physical objects in the world to correlate with numbers and spiritual guidance? Can I manipulate how alphabets and languages develop to give special meanings with numbers that come from words? Can I manipulate the numbers found in scripture or Bibles to also correlate with the spiritual guidance I get?

Think very carefully and clearly on how many real-world things and people need to be orchestrated and linked together for this guidance to come forth and who can do it. Satan cannot move the heavens or stars or so many multitudes. And if you doubt “my” interpretation of things, then very seriously study the scripture I bring up and the evidence and truth that goes with it. If you find flaw in what I say or teach then I am open to examining and receiving correction, as any minister of the Lord should be. Simply speak to me.

We are at the end of the age and the times we’re in are very much more serious for everyone, including God’s people, much of whom wrongly think they will be safe in the Tribulation. Biblical prophecy closely linked to the end times just before the Lord's return is being fulfilled now. The Lord has been having me point that out, especially in this thread and God’s Alarm, so if you still do not take me seriously, I urge you to fully consider everything again.

After I rebuked the mockers who called God’s guidance garbage, the Lord pointed out to me I was like Elijah/Eliyahu who just confronted and killed the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel (1 Kings/Melachim I 18:17-40). You can see how true this is when you understand that the Baals or Ba’als refers to pagan gods that still to this day, impersonate the Lord. They are the mother (Hosea 4:5) and spirit of infidelity (Hosea 4:12), I brought up in the first post who have led God's people astray (in all sects of believers; Judaism, Christian, and Islam). The Lord will destroy them and their institutions. They are the demons impersonating God, His Spirit, and saints and angels.

Ba’al from ancient Hebrew means “master” or “lord” and used to be a title for God in ancient times before it was taken over by these spiritual imposters, the Baals. Archaeology confirms the Baals were imposters of God when it shows their temples were organized in similar ways to God’s tabernacle and temple in Jerusalem, where there is a “holy of holies”[2.1], like God's tabernacle and temples. I’ve seen today’s Baals, who claim to be the Lord and use His names, also use similar temple structures for their rituals. This impersonation of God makes people feel even more that their false teachings are truly and actually from God.

However, ministers and preachers who are loyal to these imposters or their false teachings directly correlate to the prophets of Baal whom Elijah confronted on Mount Carmel, so now you can see why the Lord connected me to that event. This spiritual correlation is further affirmed by the Lord moving me to hand some of the mockers over to Satan for blasphemy, like Apostle Paul had done to some who had corrupted their faith (1 Timothy 1:20), so in a way, I also “killed” the prophets of Baal as Elijah did.

Handing people over to Satan is not something I take lightly and am reluctant to do, as I was for these scoffers, but it is necessary sometimes. The Lord moved me to do it this time, because of the extreme disrespect these ministers showed, even after I was very explicit about things and said I was trying to help them understand the truth and come out of sin. God’s seriousness here reinforces why Apostle James said, Do not become teachers [of the Lord] in large numbers, my brethren, since you know that we who are teachers will incur a stricter judgment (James 3:1).

God is very serious here, as extremely bad things are happening that He wants the righteous to be saved from. That is why He has been affirming His Alarm, and there will be another update soon, as the Lord has called more guidance to my attention in these past weeks.

The Lord bless you all in wisdom and faith, through Mashiach Yeshua (Christ Jesus). Amen.

[2.1] "Rare ‘smiting gods’ among artifacts found at 12th century BCE Canaanite temple". The Times Of Israel. 2020 Feb. 17. Retrieved 2022 Apr. 20.

Update - Fulfilment of Isaiah 28 4/28/2022
Last time I said there would be another update to God’s Alarm soon, but you may have noticed I didn’t get to it. Other things have come up and the Lord was continuing to guide on what I was going to speak about, so I will let that go until it is time.

Today, I felt the Lord wanted me to talk about Isaiah/Yeshayahu 28 after I found something extraordinary. I was reviewing things I wrote  in Light Within related to false guidance and Isaiah/Yeshayahu 28, and when I first wrote it years ago, I did not realize how the whole chapter of Isaiah/Yeshayahu 28 actually is a continuation of Isaiah 24 through 27, which is prophecy coming to fulfilment now.

I discussed this in the thread about COVID-19, and showed how the pandemic and other things in our time were fulfilling Isaiah/Yeshayahu 24 through 26, but I only spoke briefly about Isaiah/Yeshayahu 27.

It was many years ago, that I knew Isaiah/Yeshayahu 27’s Leviathan represents the enemy, especially demons that give false prophecy and teaching. God says in Isaiah/Yeshayahu 27:1, On that day the Lord Yahovah will punish Leviathan, the fleeing serpent, with His fierce and great and mighty sword, even Leviathan the twisted serpent, and He will kill the dragon who lives in the sea.

And those years ago, when I began seeing how the Lord brought me to expose this Leviathan with the truth and scripture - God’s great and mighty sword - I understood I was acting with Him to punish the twisted serpent of the sea, just as stated in Isaiah/Yeshayahu 27:1 (see Light Within for more).

Isaiah/Yeshayahu 27:1 says Leviathan will be killed, but that will not happen until the Lord returns and locks away Satan for the Millennial Reign (Revelation 20:1-3). It is the end of the age now, though, and the enemy is being exposed and punished. The fulfilment of Zechariah 13 I first brought up in this thread is an example of that.

And in the last update, I told of how I had to rebuke and “kill” ministers of false teachings, which further affirms how Leviathan is being punished now.

That brings me to Isaiah/Yeshayahu 28. I didn’t think that chapter continued prophesying about the times we’re in now, but after I went back to review it the other day, I saw how my rebuke of the mocking preachers I talked about last time, also fulfilled Isaiah/Yeshayahu 28. They and other believers in false teachings today are the spiritual Ephraim and drunkards of that prophecy, because like ancient Ephraim who did not drive out the Canaanites from their territory and ended up worshipping idols and the Baals (Joshua/Yehoshua 16:10), today’s Ephraim also let the Baals invade their spiritual lives and made them their God, as I said in the last update.

They are today’s prophets of Baal and today’s Ephraim is allied with those idols (Hosea 4:17), along with the rest of Israel and the church (Hosea 4:16). If you’ve kept track of scripture in this thread, you should recognize Hosea 4, which I just referenced. I first brought up Hosea 4:4’s Stop rebuke in the beginning, and if you continue to read the rest of Hosea, you can see how the prophecies for ancient Israel also apply to God’s people today – priests in false teachings are a trap to the people (Hosea 5:1) and the rebels or today’s arrogant ministers have gone deep in depravity (Hosea 5:2). The Lord will rebuke them, but their deeds will not allow them to return to their true God, because the spirit of infidelity is within them (the imposter spirits and Baals they are actually following and continue to be loyal to instead of God) (Hosea 5:2-5).

It was only after I saw how my rebuke of those arrogant ministers connected with the verses of Isaiah/Yeshayahu 28:11-12 that I could see the rest of Isaiah/Yeshayahu 28 continues prophesying for our times today. The preachers I rebuked had mocked, specifically, my poor verbal speaking skills and could not understand me despite being as explicit as I could in writing. Those are the stammering lips and foreign tongue of Isaiah/Yeshayahu 28:11, respectively.

And I told them to stop endless arguing in circles, which would bring them to the place of quiet and resting place to give rest to the weary in Isaiah/Yeshayahu 28:12. But they would not listen, and instead responded with mocking, while they continued to only perceive disjointed truth and incorrect wisdom – order on order, line on line, a little here, a little there (Isaiah/Yeshayahu 28:13) – when they should be seeing the complete and correct picture of God’s built-up wisdom – order on order, line on line, a little here, a little there (Isaiah/Yeshayahu 28:10).

I will repeat Isaiah/Yeshayahu’s words of chapter 28 now with a clearer tongue, so the Lord’s prophecy may make you sober of the truths I’ve been speaking.
Today’s spiritual Ephraim, Woe to your proud crown of the habitually drunk on the wine and new wine of the prophets and the apostles. Woe to the fading flower of your crown’s glorious beauty, which is at the head of the fertile valley.

Behold, the Lord has a strong and mighty one, which has a tempest of hail and a destroying storm of overflowing waters. The Lord has thrown down to earth the splendid crown of your habitually drunk and will trample it underfoot. And the fading flower of its glorious beauty, which is at the head of the fertile valley, will be like the early fig that ripened before summer and is devoured.

On that day, Yahovah of hosts will become a beautiful crown and a glorious wreath to the remnant of His people. He is a Spirit of justice for him who sits in judgment, and strength to those who repel the battle at the gate.

But as with the habitually drunk, the priest and prophet also reel with wine and err from their strong drink. They are confused with it. They reel while having visions. They stumble in judgment. For all the tables are full of filthy vomit, so there is no place clean.

To whom would the Lord teach knowledge, and to whom would He interpret the message? To those just weaned from milk? Those just taken from the breast?

His wisdom is built up, order on order, order on order, line on line, line on line, a little here, a little there. The infant cannot consume it whole, but shouldn’t the mature stomach it?

Indeed, the Lord will speak to this people through stammering lips and a foreign tongue, who said to them, “This is the place of quiet. Give rest to the weary,” and “This is the resting place,” but they would not listen.

But the word of Yahovah was not whole to them, but a disjointed, order on order, order on order, line on line, line on line, a little here, a little there, so they may go and stumble backward, be broken, snared, and taken captive.

Therefore, hear the word of Yahovah, you scoffers, who rule this people in Jerusalem, His kingdom. Because you said, “We are protected. We made a covenant with death, and with Hades we made a pact. The gushing flood will not reach us when it passes by, because we made falsehood our refuge and we concealed ourselves with deception.”

Therefore, this is what the Lord Yahovah says, “Behold, I am laying a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for the foundation, firmly placed. The one who believes in it will not be shaken. I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the level. Then hail will sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters will overflow the secret place – the hidden place of your Baals.

Your covenant with death will be cancelled, and your pact with Hades will not stand. There will be no protection when the overwhelming scourge passes through. You will be trampled upon. As often as it passes through, it will seize you, for morning after morning it will pass through, day or night, and it will be only terror to understand what it means.”

The bed is too short on which to stretch out, the blanket too small to wrap oneself in. For Yahovah will rise up as at Mount Perazim/P'ratzim against the Philistines; He will be stirred up as in the Valley of Gibeon/Giv'ron against the Amorites; to do His task, His unusual task, and work His work, His extraordinary work.

And now do not mock, or your shackles will be made stronger, for I have heard from the Lord Yahovah of decisive destruction on all the earth.

Listen and hear my voice, pay attention and hear my words. Does the farmer plow continually every day? Does he continually break up his ground? Should the servant in God’s fields do the same?

Does he not level its surface and sow dill and scatter cumin, and plant wheat in rows, barley in its place and rye in its area? For his God instructs and teaches him properly, because dill is not threshed with a threshing sledge, nor is the cartwheel driven over cumin. But dill is beaten out with a rod, cumin with a club, and grain for bread is crushed. Indeed, he does not continue to thresh it forever, because the wheel of his cart and his horses will damage it.

This wisdom also comes from Yahovah of hosts, Who is wonderful in counsel and excellent in wisdom.
(Isaiah/Yeshayahu 28:1-29)
May the Lord’s words make you sober and see that the Day of the Lord has already begun, for it is as Yeshua (Jesus) spoke of this generation that will not pass away (Matthew 24:34; Mark 13:30; Luke 21:32), a span of this age, so the Day of the Lord is also a span at the end of this age.

The day of Yahovah is darkness, and not light. As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a snake bit him. Shall not the day of Yahovah be darkness, and not light? Even very dark, with no brightness in it? (Amos 5:18-20)

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