3rd Compass -> Group News and Articles -> Song of the Messiah (Shir haMashiach)

Song of the Messiah (Shir haMashiach) (Art/Poem/Song)
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Minister Ty Alexander
Updated 10/2/2023

Song of the Messiah (Shir haMashiach/Shir haMoshiach)
By Ty Alexander Huynh, 2022 from Isaiah 26:1-21 and 9:2-7; related Matthew 4:12-16

The lyrics are in the Public Domain (direct translation from the original Hebrew scriptures), so may be used freely. This arrangement and accompanying chords may also be used freely.
Permission is granted to use the recorded versions of this song for non-profit use as long as proper attribution to the artist(s) is preserved.
The recorded versions of this song may not be used for profit in any way without proper licensing.

The Song of the Messiah is one of ten Biblical shirot (songs) that Judaism values, but it is the only one of the ten that Jews don't consider sung or fulfilled because it goes with prophecy that had not started. At least until recently. The Lord guided me to record and have this song sung for Sukkot/Tabernacles in 2022. I long knew it had to be sung because the chapter of Isaiah/Yeshayahu 26, where the song is located, is in the middle of chapters Isaiah 24-28. God had shown me in recent years that these chapters have begun fulfilment. I began talking about that when the COVID pandemic began and have been speaking of the fulfilment of many Old Testament prophecies since, especially in God's Alarm.

So I knew the prophecy about this song being sung, "On that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah" (Isaiah/Yeshayahu 26:1) referred to our days now, and that Judah referred to Christian believers, because God has used that symbolism in prophecy before. It goes with haMashiach, the Messiah, Yeshua coming from the Tribe of Judah (Matthew 1:1-17), so Christians are an extension of that tribe.

In 2023, I remastered the original recording and spoke about the song more during Sukkot/Tabernacles 2023. During worship for the last two years on Sukkot, the singing of the Song of the Messiah was fulfilled. And the prophecies in the song will continue to be fulfilled until all is complete.

Where the song in Isaiah chapter 26 ends, Isaiah 9:2-7 is added, which are considered to be part of the Song of the Messiah. All the words are direct translations of God's original words in Hebrew, except the very last two lines where I changed the last line of Isaiah 9:7 to past tense and added the last line.

Guitar chords are specified in green - See chord charts here...
Capo on 3rd fret - Strum pattern down, down, down, up
Beginning Chords: A - Amaj9 - Esus4 [x2]

Esus4                                       C#5                                                                     Aadd9
We have a strong city... Yahovah sets up walls and ramparts, for salvation...!
Esus4on7                        C#5                                                                    Aadd9
Open the gates...! that the righteous nation may enter, Those who remain faithful...!
C#5                                        Esus4on7                                                  Aadd9
The steadfast of mind, You will keep in perfect peace, because they trust in You...!
Amaj9                                              C#5                                                 A
Trust in the Lord Yahovah... forever in Yah Yahovah...! The Everlasting Rock...!
Amaj9                                         Esus4on7                                      Aadd9
For He has brought low... those who dwell on high, the unassailable city...
Amaj9                      C#5                                                        Esus4on7
He lays it low... He lays it low to the ground... He casts it into dust...
Amaj9                        Esus4on7                             Aadd9
Feet trample it! The feet of the poor, The steps of the lowly...

C#5                                              Esus4                 Amaj9                          C#5                                                           Aadd9
The way of the righteous, is smooth... O Upright One... make the path of the righteous, level!
C#5             Esus4on7                                                 Amaj9                  Aadd9
Indeed... in the path of Your judgments, O Yahovah... we waited for You...!
Amaj9                                                      Aadd9
Your name and remembrance... is the desire of our souls...
C#5                                                           Esus4
At night my soul longs for You... Indeed my spirit within earnestly seeks You...
Esus4on7                                                                                  Aadd9
For when Your judgments come upon the earth, people of the world learn righteousness...
C#5                                                                    Esus4
Though grace is given to the wicked, they do not learn righteousness
Esus4on7                                                  C#5                                  Esus4                                                           A
Even in the land of uprightness, they deal unjustly, and do not regard the majesty of Yahovah
Esus4on7        C#5                                                         Esus4

Yahovah... Your hand is lifted up in anger, yet they do not see it
C#5                                          Esus4on7
Let them see Your zeal, for your people and be put to shame
C#5                                                      Esus4on7
Let the fire for Your enemies, consume them
Amaj9            C#5                                                  Esus4on7
Yahovah... You establish peace for us, All we have done You accomplished for us...!
Amaj9         Aadd9             Esus4
Yahovah, our God... other masters besides You have ruled us
C#5                                                  Aadd9
But Your name alone do we honor...!
Amaj9                                       Esus4
Their dead will not live, Their departed spirits will not rise
C#5                                                                          Esus4
Thus You punished and destroyed them, You eliminated all remembrance of them
Esus4on7                                      A                      Esus4
You increased the nation, Yahovah...! You increased the nation...!
Esus4on7                           C#5
You are glorified...! You extended all the borders of the land...

Esus4on7        C#5
Yahovah... in distress they sought You
Esus4                                                           C#5
They could only whisper a prayer, when Your discipline was on them
Esus4on7                                    Esus4
As the pregnant woman, approaches time to give birth
Esus4on7                                                      Esus4                                                    Aadd9
She writhes and cries out in pain; So we were in Your presence, Yahovah
Esus4on7                         C#5                                     Aadd9                    Esus4
We were pregnant, we writhed in labor; We gave birth, as it seems only to wind
Esus4on7                                                                       Esus4
We could not give salvation for the earth, Nor bring any life into the world

C#5                                         Aadd9
But Your dead will live, Their corpses will rise!
C#5                                            Aadd9
Awake and shout for joy, You who dwell in the dust...!
Amaj9                                             Aadd9                 Esus4
For your dew is as the dew of the dawn; And the earth will bring forth her dead
Esus4                       Esus4on7                        Esus4
Go, my people; Enter your rooms, And shut the doors behind you...
Eusu4on7                               Esus4
Hide for a little while, until His wrath has passed...
C#5                                   Aadd9
For behold Yahovah, is about to come out of His dwelling...
C#5                                                              Aadd9
To punish the people of the earth for their sins...
Esus4on7                                                                         C#5
The earth will show the blood shed on it... The earth will no longer conceal her slain...

Esus4                                                            C#5

The people who walk in darkness, Have seen a great Light...
Esus4                                             C#5
Those who dwell on earth, in the shadow of death
A Light has dawned...!

Amaj9         Esus4on7                                        Esus4
Yahovah, You multiplied the nation! You increased our joy...!
Esus4on7                                            Esus4                                              C#5                                   Esus4
We rejoice in Your presence, As with the joy of harvest, As warriors rejoice, in dividing plunder

C#5                                          Esus4on7                 Aadd9
For You broke the yoke, of our burden! the bar on our shoulders...!
Esus4on7                                     Aadd9
The rod of our oppressor, as in the day of Midian...!
C#5                                      Esus4on7                              Esus4
Every trampling boot, in the roar of battle, and garment rolled in blood
Esus4on7                          Esus4
Will be for burning, fuel for the fire...

Esus4                                              Aadd9                                    Esus4on7
For a Child was born to us, a Son was given to us; And the government is on His shoulders
Amaj9                             Aadd9                                        C#5               Aadd9           C#5
His name is called, Pele Yoetz [“Pel-lay Yoh-ehts” or "Pel-læ Yah-ahts"], El Gibbor
[“Ehl Gihb-bor”], AviAd [“Ah-vee-ahd”], Sar Shalom [“Sahr Shah-lohm”]
Aadd9                                  C#5                    Aadd9                             C#5
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace...

Esus4                                                          Esus4on7
There is no end to the greatness, of His government or peace...
C#5                                          Aadd9
On the throne of David, and over His kingdom
C#5                                                                   Esus4on7
Established and upheld with justice, and righteousness...
Now and

C#5                                                     Aadd9
The zeal of Yahovah of hosts, has accomplished it...
C#5                                                     Aadd9
The zeal of Yahovah of hosts, has brought Yeshua to us...

MP3 Download 128b 12/10/2023

MP3 Download 192b 12/10/2023

Music Video 12/10/2023


3rd Compass -> Group News and Articles -> Song of the Messiah (Shir haMashiach)


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