3rd Compass -> Group News and Articles -> What does Judaism need to remember on Yom HaShoah?

What does Judaism need to remember on Yom HaShoah? (Prophecy)
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Minister Ty Alexander

For Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, I made comment to a Times of Israel article, "Our goal should be to overcome victimhood, not claim it" in which the author noted the secret to the Jew's success amidst tragedy is to "move forward and rebuild...," especially move forward. (Note: As of 5/7/2024 The Times of Israel prevented my post from being visible by the public)

Minister Ty Alexander: Elkana said the secret of the Jewish people is to “move forward and rebuild… Remember the past, and learn from the past. But move forward,” and said it was “so wrong” to be excited and happy that the world was starting to recognize Jewish victimhood in the atrocities they’ve suffered.

I agree it is “so wrong” that victimhood be embraced, but my reasons for it are completely different than Elkana’s. He appears to hate victimhood because the enemies of Judaism use it and “waste their lives spreading lies and hate.” His perception appears to be from Palestinian complaints and support about the suffering they’ve had under the Israel war with Hamas.

Though I understand how many Jews view Palestinians, Hamas, and Arab Israelis in general as enemies who often spread lies and hate that defame Jews and Israel, I also see my Jewish kinspeople stereotype others and defame themselves with their own conduct. It is for no small reasons that the world is rallying against Israel because of what has happened and is happening in Gaza.

Thousands of people arrested in university protests around the United States now, and more are rallying around the world. I do not condone their violent and hateful “occupations,” as violence and antisemitic calls for Jews and Israel to be destroyed are unlawful and immoral, even if the suffering and death of Palestinians under poor Israeli leadership is also unlawful and immoral. Can you not see, Israel, that you and your enemies are of the same ilk?

God’s judgment is upon you both and He uses you both to each others’ ruin because of the sins of the people. This is why it is “so wrong” to claim victimhood, whoever you are. You reject accountability and so cannot see Who it was that truly struck you, nor that His hand is still stretched out. You all seek El Elyon, God Most High, but also presume innocence, not deserving of what God has brought upon you.

So the people say, “Move forward and rebuild… Remember the past, and learn from the past. But move forward,” but can you not see you have the same veiled eyes as our ancient kin? - Those who God said had arrogant and stubborn hearts (Isaiah 9:9/Yeshayahu 9:8). How I have lamented your hearts being hard as diamond, for when you simply say, “move forward and rebuild,” without acknowledging any wrongdoing, you are the same as ancient Ephraim saying, The bricks have fallen down but we will rebuild with cut stone; the sycamores were cut down, but we will plant cedars (Isaiah 9:10/Yeshayahu 9:9) – that is, our enemies have destroyed our houses and fell our trees, but we will make stronger buildings and plant more resistant trees; we will simply “kadima” ( קדימה ) forward.

And so you have done, Israel, through the centuries, rebuilding, stronger and better every time God’s hand struck you, because you never acknowledged the voice of El Shaddai, God Almighty, who rebuked you, for it was He that raised up your enemies as you rejected any accountability (Deuteronomy/Devarim 28:25).

One might excuse Palestinians and all under Islam for their lack of discernment, for they are deceived by centuries of what is dark and false, yet, here too, my people under Judaism, you too cannot discern how you have been led astray by your leaders and ancient sages whom you cherish – those who wrote, idolize, and teach you from the Halacha (Jewish law and teaching outside of scripture) so that you would idolize it as well.

But within your Halacha is also the darkness and falsehood that other religions embrace, and it is from your corrupted Jewish law that you have made yourselves chained to, so that you cannot fulfil it as God said must be done, for Yahovah El Elyon said,  Cursed is the one who does not fulfill the words of this law by doing them (Deuteronomy/Devarim 27:26) and God said, If you do not obey the voice of Yahovah your God, to carefully observe all His commands and His laws which I am commanding you today, then all these curses will come upon you and overtake you (Deuteronomy/Devarim 28:15).

And so it has been curse upon curse upon you, Israel, through the centuries, yet you do not see the true reasons why; That you do not fulfil the Torah as required, that you changed it without God’s approval, and that you have made unjust statutes and have made justice harmful. But God also said of these things, "You shall not add to nor take anything away from the words I command you, (Deuteronomy/Devarim 4:2, 12:32), and, Woe to those who enact unjust decrees and write harmful decisions" (Isaiah/Yeshayahu 10:1; also Proverbs/Mishlei 16:12, 17:15).

Yet despite the people’s obstinance, Yahovah Sabaoth (of hosts) has blessed you and made you abundant and prosperous according the His eternal promises to the forefathers. This is why you can exalt in your successes and riches, so praise God for His chesed lovingkindness and do not think that it was simply because you move on and rebuild from disaster that you have your material success. Know that it is because God continues to love you according to His eternal promises and not because He has forgotten your sins.

So when turmoil persists among you and your enemies continue to gather and you “kadima” look forward, remember, too, that kadima comes from kadam ( קדם ), which can mean “to precede” as well as “to disappoint or prevent,” so that you remember that the word of El Elyon is like a double-edged sword, for the last prophet you acknowledge, Malachi, told you to remember the Torah, (Malachi 4:5/Malachi Tanach 3:22) which you do, but also know that God is not telling you to continue living in the Old Law but that you have failed to fulfil the Torah and cannot fulfil it as God decreed, and so you cannot kadima forward as you have for millennia, because though you remember what had “kadam” came before, you also do not acknowledge how your Halacha and judgments make you fail when you simply kadima without acknowledging what was wrong and come out of it.

And so God has “kadam” disappointed you and prevented you from having success without curse upon curse all this time. This will continue so long as you reject accountability and ignore the true voice of Yahovah Sabaoth in the Sun of righteousness, whom God also said through Malachi, had healing in His wings (Malachi 4:2/Malachi Tanach 3:20).

So when you kadima forward, you must also remember this word also means “the east” and so look to that Sun who rose as kadima forward for you as in the east, and of whom God spoke “kadam” before He said you are like Ephraim with hard hearts, simply rebuilding again and again – The Sun of righteousness is the same Great Light whom had dawned and multiplied the nation of God (Isaiah 9:2-7/Yeshayahu 9:16), though you do not acknowledge it, nor how God did it, for you only walk kadima by the Old Torah and wrong ways of Halacha with eyes still under the veil and thinking Shir HaMashiach remains yet to be sung.

3rd Compass -> Group News and Articles -> What does Judaism need to remember on Yom HaShoah?


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