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Proof of God's Predestiny - 2020 Dec 5 (Church Service)
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Minister Ty Alexander

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(Note: The service is a playlist of multiple videos to separate worship music for proper licensing and royalty payments for the performing artists.)

This service will focus on Minister Ty's testimony of how Christ
moved him from unbelief into a new life of faith and ministry
through many signs, wonders, and the fulfillment of prophecy.

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Next online service is to be announced

Transcript 12/4/2020
Good day or evening, wherever you are, in the name of the Lord. I’m Ty Alexander Huynh, Elder Minister and Teacher of Mashiach Yeshua (Christ Jesus). Welcome to today’s service. I’m trying a new livestream setup, so if you have comments about it, feel free to post them on the YouTube or Facebook pages for this service. There are links in the descriptions. Also feel free to comment or ask questions about anything related to this service. I will get to them afterwards.

I haven’t gone into much of my background yet, so it’s time I introduce myself more fully and talk about how I was led to a life of ministry.

My testimony will give many examples of how God works in the world, and even give proofs of His real workings of destiny. If you’re a skeptic and uncertain about belief in Christ, then I ask you to carefully listen and evaluate what I will share, because you will be hard pressed to simply dismiss it all as nothing but coincidence or colorful imagination.

My testimony is compiled from journal entries, memory, and other written correspondence, and is as true and accurate as I can make it. Let me start at the beginning.

I am a Vietnamese American who came to the United States as a refugee of the Vietnam War in 1975. I was two and a half years old at the time and settled into the Minneapolis/St. Paul (Twin Cities) area of Minnesota with my mother and younger sister. Ties to my father and the rest of our family were broken during the quick evacuation and resettlement, so I grew up with a small family in the urban areas of St. Paul.

The large part of my religious exposure as I grew up was that I had none. My mother called herself a Buddhist. She is a Christian now, but I don't recall her ever practicing any religion when I was growing up. I don't remember being taught anything religious, or even the topic of god or spiritual things being brought up. My mother believed all that is necessary for a person to be right with the world is to simply be as good a person as one can be - having a kind heart towards others, never harming anyone, and not breaking "universal rules," like stealing, lying, and so on.

This value system was instilled in me, and I kept it into my adult life. I believed, as many people do in this day, it is not necessary to do anything more to be a good person than to simply have good intentions and not harm anyone in my actions. It made perfect sense to me while notions of going to church and adhering to the rules and regulations of religion did not.

Church and religion in general felt too ritualized and stringent to me. I grew up being exposed to the American ideals of independence and free will. Those values too became ingrained in me and fueled the rebel inside. I often spent time as a loner and did my own thing, my way. "My way" could very well be the motto for today's America, as well as Western society as a whole. These values don't mix well with church and religion, so I stayed away from them.

The only times I had gone to church were for a funeral and a couple times when my mother brought us to some services, at the suggestion of family friends who were part of the Catholic community that sponsored our family's relocation. I only recall of the experiences that it was very boring, and I did not understand anything going on. A typical response for a child, or anyone really, who had not been taught any Christian material.

The other part of my exposure to religious notions came from the mass media. My family celebrated Christmas, but it was a family holiday, mainly for giving gifts and being together to us. Any connection to Christianity was overlooked. We simply assimilated the culture, and bought into the commercialism of the holidays without concerning ourselves with the historical or religious meanings.

It was the same thing for Easter or what I now call Pascha. That was just a spring festival to me, just as Halloween was the fall festival. All I cared about as a kid was that we got to eat a lot of candy during these times, and Christmas was real special because of the gifts and sparkling evergreen trees.

Yes, especially the gifts - toy robots, Lego sets, cars, trucks and army men - made the boy jump for joy, but I did also learn about the "Christmas spirit" through stories like A Christmas Carol, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, and It's a Good Life. Anyone can pick up the Christmas spirit through the media and by observing people during the holidays, but there is something missing about this watered down, commercialized version of the holidays that I would not discover until much later in life.

Besides having a small family and being a first-generation immigrant, my upbringing was very typical urban, Midwest American. I was a good kid for the most part, made good grades, liked to play sports, but mainly I was a geek during my teenage years. My step-father, whom my mother married about four years into our relocation, had bought me one of the first home computers of the era (a Commodore 64) when I was 12 years old.

Playing video games was fun, but another aspect of the computer era that really caught my attention was that computers could be made to do many interesting things, just by telling them to. Well, not exactly by telling them, but by writing instructions for them to follow. I was initiated into computer programming, which would become a large part of my future.

After high school, I went to the University of Minnesota, Institute of Technology. I had become a very proficient computer programmer by then and considered a computer science degree, but I also had a creative side that I wanted to explore. Writing, drawing, and painting had always been things I enjoyed, but I knew a career in these fields would be uncertain.

Everyone has heard of the starving artists. Well, starving was a career option I did not want to participate in, so I mixed some creativity in my career path and started in an architecture program. I was already an experienced architectural draftsman by the time I got into college, so this career path seemed natural.

I learned, though, that the profile of an architect did not fit my personality. It was not just about drawing, designing, and engineering, but also about marketing to sell your designs. I felt my designs were mediocre, and they would not sell themselves, and I am an absolutely horrible sales person, so after some time in architecture, I jumped over to what I knew best. I switched to a computer science program that emphasized computer graphics, systems design, and artificial intelligence.

It was a very science and engineering oriented program with years of calculus, physics, and psychology. My grades were very good and I was set to succeed, but I also had problems. I was going to college partly on an academic scholarship, but that ran out after four years. I was also working part-time to pay for the rest, but when my scholarship money was gone, I started to struggle paying for college. I had to drop classes, become a part-time student, and work more hours.

Two more years passed of trying to work a job and going to college, but by now I found abstract concepts in mathematics and computer science difficult to comprehend. That made me switch my major to Psychology, since I was already studying it to work with Artificial Intelligence. I was even on the Dean's List as a Psychology Major, however, six years in college wore on me and after reviewing my progress, I figured out I had at least another two years to graduate. Finishing college now felt like scaling a vertical cliff a hundred stories high. My spirit sunk just looking at the goal, and I was ready to quit.

I also thought, why do I need a piece of paper from some place saying I am qualified, when I can prove myself? Actions speak louder than words, after all. The more I thought about it, the easier it became, and the rebel in me begged to leave the academic life, so after more than six years I left college to begin the next chapter of my life.

I decided to start a print and graphic design business. I had already secured a good computer job with my skills, so I figured I could just keep that job as I worked on getting the business started. However, that dream failed in its first year, and I ended up keeping the computer job.

I had a typical adult life at this point - worked full-time at a good paying, stable job, and spent the rest of the time pursuing other goals, which was mainly to have my own successful business in a creative field. Years passed since I left college, and in that time I had a stable family life and stayed at the same job through it all. I thought my life was very typical, middle-class, suburban American. That is, until 2005 when I got the first clue there would be big changes ahead.

On Sunday, July 17th, 2005, I woke earlier than usual, and as I lay in bed, I noticed on the floor there was a ring of light centered perfectly around one of the roller feet of the office chair next to the bed. I thought that was peculiar, so I sat up and pushed the chair away to see the ring of light better.

When I did this, it revealed the ring to be a ticking clock, composed of several short, evenly spaced lines around the circumference, just like the markings on an analog clock. There was also another small line that moved as a seconds hand, ticking off the time. The whole image was about three inches in diameter and it glowed a brilliant yellow, like sunlight.

Perplexed, I looked around the bedroom wondering what could make this detailed projection on the floor. The curtain on the only window in the room was drawn and there were only a few slivers of bright light shining around the edges. There were no other light sources in the room, so I got up and waved my hand above and around the shining clock to try and find the source of the projection. Nothing I did disturbed the image.

Then I placed my hand directly over the clock and the image shown on my hand and followed its contours, just as if a projector was aimed at my hand. This meant the image was projected right out of the air around it! I thought, "Wow, that is weird," but I couldn't explain it and I was sleepy, so I laid back in bed for some time thinking about it.

After some minutes, I looked back at the floor and the image was gone while nothing else in the room changed. It must be a sign or message of some kind, I thought, but what and from who? Maybe I was running out of time for something, but I did not feel a sense of urgency from it. I thought it must be important, though, so I wrote about it in my journal.

Another three years passed as I continued life, and more or less forgot about the ticking clock. I was mainly trying to accomplish my goal of being successful on my own, working in all my spare time trying different avenues that would use my more creative skills in graphic design, art, and writing. The freelance work was always sporadic though, and the need to do the work in my spare time made it difficult. Success never materialized and through the years, all the time I spent on it put a burden on my family life as I kept trying to free myself from the 9 to 5 job.

Sometimes when it was quiet, I contemplated my direction in life, and I remembered the clock of sunlight. I kept pondering what it could mean. It was real, almost tangible. The experience left a vivid memory of it in my mind. Am I running out of time? Is the world running out of time? I wanted to figure it out, so I consulted someone who knew more about spiritual symbolism.

She thought that since the vision came in the morning, it meant a beginning, not end, and that sunlight is a sign of prosperity and richness, so that was also a good thing. She thought the clock meant I should slow down my life, stop trying so hard to work on so many things at once, and enjoy the richness of family and life more - simplify. At the time, that made sense to me. I needed to slow down and enjoy life more.

I believe I did tone down my search for success and independence after that... for a few weeks, anyways. How easy it is to be told something, take it to heart, and then some days later, simply forget about it. My passion for being creative and independent kept eating at me, and I continued working at all hours and created stress for myself. It finally caught up with me on Sunday, April 27th, 2008, when I needed to go to the health clinic for a painful rash I believe was stress related.

I thought it would be another typical long wait at the doctor's office, but while I waited, I noticed something strange on the violet, velvety felt seat cushions of the chairs directly in front of me. There were two women sitting across from me in those chairs just before, and when they left, I saw distinct images on the seat cushions that caught my eye.

The images were formed by dark and light shades of the fabric. You know how when you brush a thick carpet one way or the other, and the direction that the fibers are brushed will create different shades of the fabric's color? The images on these seat cushions were made this way.

The one on the left was of a fox, curled up around itself like it was sleeping. The head, body, and tail were clearly defined so there was no mistaking the image. The image on the other chair was even more detailed. It showed the face of a monkey, like a chimpanzee, and there was a round analog clock in its left ear, which seemed to point to 9:10. I thought, another clock. Could this be related to the clock I saw years ag?

I sat and stared at the images for a good half hour while I waited to be called. How could these well-formed images be on two different chairs that just had people sitting on them? They looked like an artist took a small brush to the fabric and painted the images there. I looked at the dozen other chairs around me and none of them had images like these two. They only had random blotches of light and dark in the felt, exactly what you would expect to see on these cushions. The images had to be another message for me, like the clock of sunlight, so I tried to interpret them.

The fox was easy. I thought it referred to my son, whose name, Todd, means fox, and because the image was on a soft, violet purple background, which conveys calm and comfort, I interpreted it as, "Find comfort in my son." I needed to spend more time with my son. That made sense to me. I had been neglecting a lot of family time.

Then I turned to the monkey and also thought it might stand for a person, but I had no idea who it could refer to. And then the clock pointing to 9:10, I did not understand what it could mean either, so like the clock of sunlight, I jotted down these "visions" or "signs" in my journal and went about my life.

Fast forward five months to Sunday, October 19th, 2008. Someone mentioned a friend, named Natalie, who was often described as fast paced, always running around, and talking very quickly. They mentioned these attributes again, also saying that she was just like a monkey. A switch clicked in my mind and the fox and monkey vision came back to me.

I thought, "Wait, is there more to Natalie?" So I thought about that clock pointing to 9:10 and pondered, maybe it stood for the time I met her. I had not written about meeting her in my journal, since I did not write in it regularly, so I dated our meeting indirectly. I went back to some digital photos that I knew were dated about 10 days after I met her. They were dated September 20th. Subtract 10 days and we have September 10th, 9/10 or 9:10 on the clock. Coincidence?

Now my interest was peaked, and on a hunch, I had to confirm something else. I wanted to ask Natalie what year she was born, because in the Chinese Zodiak, animals represent certain years on a 12-year cycle. I was born in a Year of the Rat. I had to find out if she was born on a Year of the Monkey.

Of course, asking this question is out of the ordinary, and after she confirmed to me that, yes, she was born in a Year of the Monkey, she asked what it was all about. I did not want to tell her everything out of fear of looking like a lunatic talking about visions and signs, but I knew if they prophesied meeting her, then it meant something important, and she would have to know the whole story.

I told her about the visions and signs, and wondered what her response would be. Would she just brand me crazy? Well, her response was more simple than I thought - God - and then I was the one to take a step back.

What? I thought. Of course she would say that since I knew she was a devoted Christian, but what does God have to do with this? I recoiled from notions of Christianity, God, and religion, because I grew up thinking they were just ways for conformers and goodie-goodies to spend time. The whole idea of going to church and praying before an invisible spirit did not make sense to a very independent and scientifically-minded person like me.

Then I thought about it more. I was given a prophecy that foretold months in advance, I would meet a person fitting a certain description, at a certain time, and furthermore, I found her name means Christmas Day. Natalie comes from Natalia, which means Christmas Day from the Latin, natale domini. She also said she had been praying for God to use her to help people who were searching for or needed Him.

There were too many details lining up now, and the simple fact that I was told about Natalie far in advance through a prophetic sign sent chills down my spine. If I were not to follow this through, it would be like throwing away a winning lottery ticket, so I let Natalie get me a couple books from the library about Christianity.

I started with Max Lucado's book, Just Like Jesus, and only a quarter of the way through, everything clicked - the signs, my life, everything synched. I asked Natalie how and why she picked that book, because it had exactly the message I needed to understand. She said the only reason she picked it was that she recognized the author. She never read it before and was in a hurry, so she just grabbed it.

Her hand must have been guided, because the main message in the book was that God wants us all to be more like Yeshua. This message might not jar anything in just anyone, but for me it highlighted some very strange "coincidences" concerning myself, like one of my favorite numbers is 3, 30, 33 or any number with threes.

Three is also an important number in the Bible concerning Christ. Popular culture says there were 3 wise men that visited the newborn Yeshua, and the New Testament states they presented Him with 3 valuable gifts - gold, frankincense, and myrrh (Matthew 2:11). Max Lucado’s book also told me Yeshua was baptized and started His ministry at age 30 (Luke 3:23), which went on for 3 years, and that Yeshua was 33 years old when He was crucified, He was resurrected 3 days afterward, and He appeared to the disciples 3 times after His resurrection.

I had no idea why I liked the number three. It just "felt right," and now it synched with Christ. Seven is my other favorite number and also important in the Bible, meaning wholeness, but that one is more understandable, since it commonly also stands for luck to most people.

My 2004 motorcycle tank mural
Another big "coincidence" was the artwork on my motorcycle, which I painted in 2004, before any of the visions and signs. The main theme on the tank mural was a crusader's shield with a cross and a dragon breathing fire on it.

At the time, I simply thought I would like my bike to have a medieval armor theme and the crusader's cross was the first thing that came to mind. It also had to have a dragon, because, well, everybody loves dragons. Dragons to me were like dinosaurs to a 5-year-old boy. They were grand and awe-inspiring beasts.

Little did I know the Christian symbolism in that airbrushed mural - a dragon attacking the cross. To a Christian it symbolizes Satan or sin attacking Christ or Christianity, and in my mural the dragon's fire is repelled by the shield and cross, which would symbolize Christ triumphing over evil. Now that is an unusually Christian message for a very un-Christian artist who was just painting things that filled his fancy. Coincidence again?

Another thing that clinched my "lottery ticket" was my name, which I had changed in 2004, because my step-father adopted me when I was a teen. During that process, my name was changed to an American one and I took his surname. Through the years though, my mother and step-father separated, and I wanted to change my surname back to my birthname.

When I pondered the name change, I also did not want to go completely back to my given first and middle names, which I did not like, so I chose Ty, short for Tyrone. Ty was my familiar name, like a nickname, that my family had always called me, and for my middle name, I chose Alexander because I wanted it to match my son's middle name.

What does this naming have to do with Yeshua? The funny thing is, Tyrone is a Greek name meaning sovereign, and Alexander is another Greek name meaning savior. Put them together and it is Sovereign Savior. If I wasn't influenced by some unseen force telling me to be like Yeshua, our Sovereign Lord and Savior, then this would be another amazing coincidence.

There were more coincidental things about my life and preferences that matched up with Christian ideals and teachings. I just could not explain it. How could there be so many of these coincidences when I was not a Christian or had Christian friends, except for Natalie, who I only knew a few weeks? I had even recoiled from Christian and other religious institutions in my life. It was baffling to me. That lotto ticket was not just matching three or four numbers but every single one, plus the bonus boxes.

I thought it was impossible, yet all the matching numbers stared back at me. I kept thinking, maybe it was all a strange coincidence. But there comes a tipping point when mere circumstantial evidence accumulates so much, that it turns into solid, irrefutable proof.

Skeptics would say American culture is filled with Christian symbols, so all the matching numbers were simply coincidence and that my preferences were shaped by the world I lived in. However, we'll see in further evidences that God sent my way, my path into a new Christian life was no mere working of coincidence.

Denying all the evidence would be like a jury acquitting a murderer, because his fingerprints or DNA were not on the murder weapon or at the crime scene, but a stack of other evidence pointed directly at his involvement, such as his shoe print on the blood stained floor, and his clothes fibers on the victim's body.

I also considered how I was brought to this stage - by two visions separated by years, but both occurring on a Sunday - what many call the Lord's day - and one of them was prophetic and made abstract symbols materialize right into life. That in itself was amazing, but all the rest on top made me understand completely.

I had interpreted the fox on purple velvet as, "Find comfort in my son," but now I knew it should be, "Find comfort in My Son," where "My Son," both capitalized, refers to God's son, Yeshua Mashiach.

Furthermore, not only does purple stand for comfort, but very appropriate in this context is that purple is also the color for royalty, as well as the color of Yeshua's robe during His crucifixion.

John 19:2 says, “The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on His head. They clothed Him in a purple robe and went up to Him again and again saying, ‘Hail, king of the Jews!’" (John 19:2)

Clearly, the symbolism in the fox and monkey visions were multi-layered and very elegant, showing a mastery of communication that I only wish I could achieve. The clock of sunlight was also elegant, but its meaning was more ambiguous. I now believe it said that a time of spiritual prosperity and fulfillment was coming - a time for the Lord to come. All of this was amazing and inspiring, but it was actually just the beginning.

When I told friends of my experience - about cashing in the lottery ticket and following Christ - one of them congratulated me, and said I would be embarking on an amazing journey. I did not quite know what he meant, but now I understand completely. The point when I realized Yeshua was behind not just the visions that led to Him, but also behind the fabric of my own being, was an epiphany - a revelation - and everything else after that was truly and profoundly life changing.

I believed. The evidence that Yeshua Mashiach was real and working in my life was put before me, and it was so overwhelming and convincing that I felt like the apostle Paul, a former unbeliever and persecutor of Christians, who was turned into a believer by the resurrected Christ, and set on a new path after being overwhelmingly convinced as well.

Yeshua came to Paul in a brilliant flash of light, spoke to him, and blinded him – a distressing and shocking experience - so I am grateful I was only given a trail of signs to follow. However, the result was the same. Our lives were turned around, and we were pointed in a new direction.

When I began to step forward into a new Christian life, I noticed unusual things happened more frequently, especially after I began to pray. I started getting visions, but this time they were the traditional kind that are manifested inside the mind, and I found many prayers came to be answered soon afterwards.

Other strange happenings occurred as I studied the Bible and Christian teachings. The spiritual world solidified more and more in my life, as I saw how its descriptions in the Bible were accurate and true. The inspiring realities recorded in the Bible were proven to me, when I experienced for myself, that God truly does answer prayers and guide us, and that angels do exist and miracles do happen.

But I also experienced scripture’s terrifying realities - demons also exist and they are our opponents in our spiritual fights. I saw how spiritual beings, good and bad, had effects in the world and on people. It was all new to me, especially how spiritual warfare worked, but I also saw how having greater faith or belief in the unseen, brought out that realm much more in my life. It is true that more works of the spiritual realm become visible to those of greater faith.

My spiritual guidance also begun to steer me towards a role in ministry to spread the truth, but I recoiled from this. I had never wanted to minister. The idea of a life of purity and sacrifice did not appeal to a rebellious person, sold on the "My Way" mentality. Plus, my speaking skills are horrible and I did not want to be exposed to ridicule and argue constantly with atheists about my beliefs and reality. The only problem was, I had already begun to minister God's word with my online friends, through sharing my experiences and debating religion.

Whether I liked it or not, my ministry had already begun. Only it was a written one as opposed to spoken. My friends were right. It was a truly amazing journey - a transformation no less miraculous than a caterpillar into butterfly or coal into diamond – still, my testimony is far from finished.

In December 2008, when I was leaving work later than usual in the evening, I saw a strange constellation or configuration of the crescent moon and two bright stars. It made me stare for some time as I walked to my car, and I felt intensely it was a sign for me and my new life in ministry. The next morning, the name 3rd Compass came to me, which goes with how the constellation looked like a draftsman's compass, and I used it as the foundation for my first ministry logo.

Later, I connected the moon and stars with the scripture of Joel 2:30 and Acts 2:19, where God said, “I will display wonders in the sky and on the earth” (Joel 2:30; Acts 2:19). It spoke to me a spiritual message that went with my new ministry of drafting up or revealing important details about God and His kingdom. I only had a small glimmer of that future in ministry when I saw the moon and stars. At the time, I was going mainly on faith that everything was connected, but years later, God would give further confirmations of this destiny with the constellation and 3rd Compass name, but for now I will continue with my story.

On May 26, 2009 the managers at my workplace called me into a meeting. It was discouraging news as it had to do with my future at the company. The economy was in recession, and like many businesses, my company was cutting jobs. My performance and dedication had also slipped away after the first decade or so, and I became a bad employee that only did what was needed, and spent the rest of the time on non-work-related things.

I always got my job done though, but that changed after the company decided to switch me to methods of computer programming, I was not familiar with. I often couldn't get things to work and didn't finish projects. Then in the meeting of May 26 with managers, I was told to improve or opt out and resign with a severance package.

I was crushed, because even though I would have liked to get away from my job, which had grown tiresome after nearly fifteen years, I felt trapped. I did not graduate college and without a degree, my prospects were dismal for getting a comparable paying job in a market flooded with unemployment and workers who did have that piece of paper.

My finances were also saturated with tens of thousands of dollars in personal debt and a large mortgage. I simply could not afford to take any pay cuts. Most of my paycheck went to paying the mortgage and other loans.

I felt like I was forced to stay in that job and sweat it out, but I asked the Lord for guidance. The spiritual guidance I got at the time made me feel I should pursue ministry through writing and racing motorcycles, but I was apprehensive. I needed a steady income to pay my large bills. If I couldn't make the bills, bankruptcy and losing my home were very real possibilities. The severance pay for resigning my job would be just enough for about three months, and after that, I had no idea what kind of income I could get with writing and racing.

I never wrote a book before, and wondered, would I make enough money to get by? And racing, I never did either, and the level where I had to start had no hope for an income. I had to first prove myself on the track before I could even consider going professional. It was all too scary to consider. What if my writing wasn't good enough, and what if I crash and burn on the race track?

However, I felt the changes at work that made me fail and get worse, were orchestrated by God, and a sign I should leave, but fear took hold of my conscious. I knew I was capable as a rider and writer, but good enough to make them my main sources of income? I was not so sure about that. The race track intimidated me and just setting foot on it made me pale. I had personally seen the results of crashes during races - broken bones, blood, gore, and death.

And professional writing too, I felt untested in. Most of my writing was academic. Since school, I had only one or two short stories published that recounted riding adventures or other inconsequential things. The loftiness of these new goals and the uncertainty of their outcomes made me stiffen and freeze up. I pondered just giving in to the demands of my job and staying with it.

But after considering everything, I was certain God was leading me into a new life of ministry, so I decided I would resign my job. My income would be uncertain, but I had faith the Lord would back me up on a new path, and He would provide for anything I needed. I gave faith to the 3rd Compass, the one that encompasses everything else - all of reality, all of wisdom, all of morality, and all of our existence. God had begun to speak to me, and I gave my complete trust to be guided by Him.

In John 8:12, Christ says, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (John 8:12). So with faith in God’s light, I made June 15, 2009, my last day at work.

I prayed for strength and resilience for the next chapter of my life. Some of the things I experienced up to this point are unbelievable. I know that from the standpoint of a former skeptic and scoffer. Never in a million years did I think I would experience and say the things I did, but the truth is when you step forward and put full, sincere faith in Yeshua Mashiach, things just start to happen. The 3rd Compass starts to spin and guide you.

After leaving my job, I focused on learning how to follow spiritual guidance, writing the first 3rd Compass book, and studying and working as a minister. Through much of my first years in ministry, I had to deal with both good and false guidance in myself, as well as in other ministries and the church. After all, in the early years of learning, I got much of my knowledge from the established church and other ministries, both locally and online. However, it soon became apparent that God led me into a new life of ministry to learn the difference between good and bad teaching, as well as to understand and teach things in more detailed and complete ways.

I saw how the church and people that learned from erroneous or false doctrinal resources became blinded, because they accepted too much bad teaching without proper evaluation. It makes it so that even decades of studying, does little good to make you a teacher who teaches correctly, when you're learning and accepting the wrong things.

God led me through much spiritual guidance over the years to correct what is wrong with the church's and world's knowledge. This was so I would have much better discernment of what is good and true. Afterall, who can tell the difference if you’ve not seen both to compare with? Sometimes, or rather too often, the church depends on false spiritual gifts and blind faith to tell them what is good and true in their guidance and teaching.

However, the Lord led me through a lot of both good and bad, so I could see the serious problems in the church and with spiritual teaching as a whole – the church and world is overrun with false guidance, teaching, and fake spiritual gifts that are not from God.

But praise the Lord, He also allowed me to get the truth out of even false guidance, so all our knowledge and experience isn't useless if we were taught wrong. And when we come out of the wrong beliefs, we're also much better equipped to combat what was wrong. However, that requires our acceptance of being in error and to change from it, which is something I found the church often does not do very well. People often persist in bad and false teaching, even after being confronted with much evidence. It isn't just because of stubbornness, but I learned, there are also spiritual reasons for this blindness.

Also, in those years of ministry, almost every ministry, church, Christian, Bible, and Bible resource I've come across had something or another wrong. I’ve found no one to be perfect, including myself, so wherever you turn for teaching and advice, you cannot just follow and accept blindly, but need to closely examine and be able to think critically about what is being said or taught.

Many things I teach help with that, so may you trust me to give good and approved teaching. You don't want God to say you are without discernment, like He accused His People of in Isaiah 27:11, “For they are not a people of discernment, therefore their Maker will not have compassion on them. And their Creator will not be gracious to them” (Isaiah 27:11).

We are in times when God’s People need greater discernment, because we’ll see how I was guided to know we are truly at the end of the Last Days, when greater threats and judgments come upon the world before Christ returns, and when knowing and acting in what is good and true will be what saves us from the world’s tribulations. Simply believing in God and Christ will not be enough.

Before you get angry at me and proclaim the Rapture will save you from the worst, know that the Lord’s judgments upon the world began many years ago, and you should not blindly attack your brethren before making righteous judgment. I will continue to show how my ministry is God-ordained and predestined.

Let’s go back to the moon and stars I saw in 2008. Soon afterwards, the 3rd Compass name came to me, and I was inspired to use the constellation in a ministry logo. But many more years would pass before God would give me proof the 3rd Compass name was divinely inspired.

Years after starting ministry, I found the crescent moon that named 3rd Compass in December 2008, was a waxing moon, and waxing moons represent growing towards maturity and fullness, since they grow towards a full moon. This went with my ministry's main goal of teaching God's people towards realizing the same kind of spiritual growth. I found it interesting that it is the opposite of the waning crescent moon that symbolizes dying or moving towards death, often associated with Islam.

Later on as I conducted ministry, I got more guidance from the Lord that the 3rd Compass logo goes with bringing out and refining deeper, more detailed knowledge of the truth and God's kingdom. That also goes with the symbolism of a drawing compass to draw or draft up, since I was drafting up further details about God's kingdom and the spiritual world.

This symbolism further went with my part in revealing important details about how salvation in Christ truly works (see The True Gospel and Imposters), so the waxing moon of the heavenly sign, also represents going towards fullness of knowledge of salvation in Christ.

I used the initial, simple 3rd Compass logo for some years, until I was ready to make new business cards in 2014. I felt I had to update the logo at this time to include the Bride.

The Bride, Church, or God's People is a very important part of this ministry, because a main goal is to prepare us all for the Lord’s return. The Bride is also called New Jerusalem in Revelation 3:12 and 21:2 and Hephzibah in Isaiah 62:4, which is Hebrew, meaning "My delight is in her" (Isaiah 62:4 NASB).

In Revelation 12, the Bride is shown with her feet above the moon, "A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars; and she was with child; and she cried out, being in labor and in pain to give birth" (Revelation 12:1-2).

This prompted me to place the Bride over the moon in a new 3rd Compass logo, but notably, a week before I worked on the design, I was led to Psalm 45 from a discarded book I found on the road. It was important for the logo, because Psalm 45:9 describes Christ's Bride at the right hand of God's throne, in gold of Ophir. Apparently, God brought important symbolism to my attention at the right time, so I made it a point to use gold trim in the Bride's gown in future designs.

The Bride being at God's right hand in Psalm 45 also matches where Christ's Bride would be with Him, since Yeshua is at God's right hand (Psalm 110:1; Matthew 26:64; Mark 14:62; Acts 2:33-34, 7:55-56; Romans 8:34; Hebrews 12:2). Psalm 110:1 also says Christ is at God’s right hand. Note its verse numbers, 1101, as it will be important later.

Furthermore, the gold of Ophir was well known to be the purest at the time Psalm 45 was written. This represents a high degree of Godly refinement, that also goes with the 3rd Compass symbolism of bringing refinement or greater detail to the truth, since knowledge is also getting refined.

The Holy Spirit is another important topic this ministry has focused on, so the Bride's dress has a fire flame design to symbolize how the Holy Spirit is a part of us once we are saved in Christ, and because its coming in power appears as "tongues of fire" (Acts 2:1; also Matthew 3:11; Luke 3:16).

I also added a cross to the logo design, so it'd be clear everything went with Christ. Later, I added the wings to the Bride to correspond with how she gets the wings of an eagle and flies to safety in Revelation 12 when Satan tries to persecute her, "And when the dragon saw that he was thrown down to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child. But the two wings of the great eagle were given to the woman, so that she could fly into the wilderness to her place, where she was nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent" (Revelation 12:13-14).

The wings and flying to safety refer to how people are given protection when they are righteous and truly belong to the Lord.

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint" (Isaiah 40:31).

Originally, I did not use a church name in the logo. I only used the 3rd Compass name for ministry, but in 2014, I legally formed a church and thought 3rd Compass Church did not sound like a good name. Eventually, I was guided to choose Christ Hephzibah Church, because Hephzibah is God's Hebrew name for the Bride, and the church needs to remember her Hebrew heritage and fellowship with the Jews.

The 3rd Compass name is still important, though. It was originally a metaphor for God, but in 2015 and 2016, during my study of gematria with spiritual guidance, which involves the numerical value of words, I was very surprised to see that the 3rd Compass name had God's fingerprint in it by its English gematria value, 111, which comes from 3 plus the numerical values of each letter, where A is 1, B is 2, and so on.

3 + (r=18) + (d=4) + (C=3) + (o=15) + (m=13) + (p=16) + (a=1) + (s=19) + (s=19) = 111

Some people have expressed concern when I bring up gematria or what they think of as the occult art of numerology. However, I've been careful to separate what is divination and occult practice in my study of gematria with what is good guidance from God. The number values of words are not dark occult art in themselves. The Lord has guided me to see the meaning of many numbers line up with scripture, and I’ve seen Him guide other believers in the same way (see The Meaning of Numbers for more).

Some examples the Lord gave me, have to do with the numbers 2 and 222, and their meanings related to love. I was guided in May of 2010, that the number two represents love and charity, and Genesis 2:22 is the first time the triplicate, 222, comes up in Biblical verse numbers. This is where God creates Eve to be a wife and companion for Adam, which shows God’s love for him, as well as fulfills Adam’s need for love in a wife and companion.

Then I was guided to the first use of the word “love” in scripture with Genesis 22:2, which is the next occurrence of the triplicate 222. This is where God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son, “Take now your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah [“mor-ee-yah”], and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I will tell you” (Genesis 22:2).

Now, most of you know that Abraham tried to fulfill God’s command obediently, but God stopped him before he could kill Isaac. God told Abraham it was a test, so that He would know if he feared the Lord and said, "Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from Me your son, your only son" (Genesis 22:12).

These connections with the numbers 2 and 222 with Genesis, prompted me to understand that true and full love for God, represented by the triplicate 222, also includes obedience to His commands, and is not simply a worldly love that is devoid of acting righteously.

This scriptural example with the meaning of numbers is only one of many the Lord has given me, but their discussion would require whole sermons in themselves. Just keep in mind, how the Lord guides and speaks through numbers, and has the evidence in scripture, so you do not unjustly accuse anyone of being a diviner or occultist when they bring up numbers or the numeric value of words.

Still, we should avoid bad practices of using numbers (or anything) to divine, which is done in numerology and astrology. That practice is occult and a sin, so we must keep these things straight.

To continue with the 3rd Compass name having God’s fingerprint, I stated 111 is its English gematria value. This was a surprise to me when I started looking at gematria, because I was guided to the number 111 years before through spiritual guidance in 2009.

I didn’t know what it meant at the time, but later I understood it referred to God in the Holy Trinity, because He is both 1 and 3 at the same time, since 1+1+1 = 3. There is also further meaning in 111 that goes with Yeshua's first coming and the Holy Spirit coming to us in completeness (see The Meaning of Numbers).

The three ones in 111 encapsulates the wholeness of the Trinity becoming complete with Yeshua's coming, death, and resurrection, because John 7:39 says, before Christ’s death "the Spirit was not yet given, because Yeshua was not yet glorified" (John 7:39, also John 16:7).

3rd Compass equating to be 111 and God, puts His stamp of authenticity on the name and this ministry as being truly anointed by Him. After all, I have no way of manipulating the gematria values of 3rd Compass or all the linked guidance. And if the 111 reference weren't enough of a stamp, then look at how 411 and 651 are also represented in the name.

When I looked at the gematria values for 3rd Compass, I also saw that 411 is its Latin value. 411 is the phone number we dial to get information, such as to look up a phone number. Today, 411 is often used to mean "information" in common speech. This alignment with 411 in 3rd Compass represents how the ministry is an information carrier for God.

Another phone reference in 3rd Compass is 651, which is its Old English gematria value. 651 is also the area code for my phone number in the St. Paul, Minnesota area. That was my phone area code since I can remember having a cell phone, which was many years before I became a Christian or was inspired to name my ministry 3rd Compass. A word or short phrase having three gematria values that have meaning and even link to my location is extraordinary. Most words or names don't have values with any meaning in them, much less three.

Another amazing stamp of God's authenticity for my life of ministry, was found when I was writing this information. I saw the page number for the reference notes of Psalm 45:9 about the gold of Ophir, in my NASB Study Bible was on page 1101. That matched my reference to Psalm 110:1, which I told you to remember when I spoke about how the Bride and Christ are on God's right hand. The Bible’s printing matched the numbers for Psalms 45 and 110, exactly, in a way to reinforce the importance of the gold in the Bride’s dress.

I've seen the Lord prepare Bibles, like my NIV and NASB Study Bibles, and many other physical things so they are made just right to fit guidance with numbers, prophecy, and other things many, many times. An example of this is the numbers 111 and 213 aligning with the pages of my NIV Bible, so that a two-page spread in Jeremiah started and ended on verse numbers 1:11 and 2:13 exactly. 213 is another number I was given much guidance about, but I will speak more about that later.

The alignments with the page numbering and Jeremiah go with my role to speak for God as Jeremiah did. It refers to how God's People today are in darkness and using broken wells just like in Jeremiah's time. I was even anointed as Jeremiah was on March 5, 2010, when a woman came up to me after a Bible study at a friend's workplace.

She was not part of the study but an employee who worked for my friend. She told me she was moved to pray for me, and after she began, I felt the energy of the Spirit come upon us. She spoke in tongues intermittently, and said, "Do not doubt the word given to you," and other things to encourage me to continue as a minister delivering God's word and guidance.

I was having serious doubts about spiritual guidance at the time, and had many failures, because of false guidance, as well as my inexperience in dealing with prophecy and other spiritual guidance, like visions, words, and dreams. I wondered for a long time exactly what word I should not doubt, but now I believe it is specifically Exodus 34:10, which a pastor brother sent me on June 6, 2015, saying, "This is the promised word for you."

Exodus 34:10 reads, "Then God said, 'Behold, I am going to make a covenant. Before all your people I will perform miracles which have not been produced in all the earth nor among any of the nations; and all the people among whom you live will see the working of the Lord Yahovah, for it is a fearful thing that I am going to perform with you'."

This word has been and continues to be fulfilled in all the wonders and signs that reveal my calling, like I have been sharing. It is also fulfilled in the testimony I give of the truth, especially of the "fearful thing" of how the enemy is in the church.

In 2010, the woman praying for me also told me I was given the power to break chains through my witness testimony, and after touching my lips, she said, "I anoint your lips to speak truth," which was like Jeremiah's anointment from God where Jeremiah reported, “Then the Lord Yahovah stretched out His hand and touched my mouth, and Yahovah said to me, ‘Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms; to root out and to tear down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant’” (Jeremiah 1:9-10).

There was so much energy during this, I could tell it was difficult for her to speak. Afterwards, she said she hoped I understood what was said, because she didn't. I never met her before nor have seen her since, so she couldn't know what was going on in my life.

These things weren't the last amazing alignments God would give related to the 3rd Compass ministry and logo, but now it’s time for a break. We will continue after a 5-minute intermission.


Welcome back. I was saying the Lord was not finished giving amazing alignments related to the 3rd Compass ministry and logo. In 2019, I read Earnest L. Martin's book, The Star of Bethlehem - The Star That Astonished The World, because I felt it had important information for an update of the logo.

I found Earnest's book when I was researching Christmas and the birthdate of Yeshua to update my teaching on God’s holidays. Earnest's conclusions reinforced guidance I got that Yeshua was actually born on Yom Teruah/Rosh Hashana and not Christmas. He came to that conclusion when he could only find one astronomical alignment in the time of Yeshua that fit the vision of the woman in Revelation 12, described as, “A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars…”

Earnest found the alignment because others said this description could be a real heavenly sign, involving the constellation Virgo the Virgin aligning in specific ways with the sun and moon. I won't go into the details here, but Earnest found the real astronomical alignment pointed at the moment of Christ's birth on Yom Teruah/Rosh Hashana in 2 or 3 B.C., which closely matches the church’s estimate of Christ’s birthdate.

I also saw how the moon was important in pinpointing the exact time for the alignment. It was similar to the timing of the moon constellation I saw in 2008, that named 3rd Compass. Both real world, heavenly signs were given at the exact right times to give meaning to spiritual guidance. If you've studied astronomy and astronomical alignments, you can see how significant the timings were, because just a matter of hours can throw off alignment significantly.

When I understood this, I realized I left work that evening in 2008, at just the right time to see the moon and planets in the correct configuration to inspire me. The significance of Earnest's work also prompted me to change the Bride and cross in the logo to more accurately reflect the constellation Virgo and sign of Revelation 12.

I made the Bride stand more like traditional depictions of Virgo, and moved her slightly above the moon, since the real alignment in the sky for the sign of Revelation 12 has the moon offset from Virgo a slight distance, though it is still beneath her feet as described in Revelation 12:1.

Then I moved the cross to the Bride's left hand where she holds a branch of grain in traditional representations of Virgo. This is significant for us because Christ is our Righteous Branch (Jeremiah 23:5, 33:15).

I thought that was the end of amazing alignments for the logo and ministry name, but when I was updating these details, I saw that Isaiah 11:1 goes with the 111 I brought up earlier. It also talks about the Branch, "Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, and a Branch from his roots will bear fruit". That verse talks about Christ's future coming as the Branch of David, because Jesse was King David's father, and of course Yeshua came from that biological line of David (Matthew 1:1-17; Luke 3:23-38).

Furthermore in 2014, I came across a Bible verse that goes with this sign of the Bride holding the Branch - "Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life..." (Philippians 2:14-16). It clearly notes how we should shine, like the constellations and this 3rd Compass/Bride symbol, to hold out the "word of life" or actually, words of life, which have come from our Branch, Mashiach Yeshua, in the New Covenant and His other teachings.

All these alignments with astronomical signs, number meanings, Bible verses and their numbers, and even how physical pages are numbered, give concrete, tangible evidence my life and ministry are pre-destined by God. Simply amazing! Yet these many alignments are just a portion of more proof God was giving.

On December 10, 2009, many months after I kept seeing 213 pop up, I received an email from a ticket vendor for a coming concert tour of the Celtic Woman Irish music group. This was the first time I heard of them. When I went to their website, I was dumbstruck to see when the mouse pointer hovered over the photos, it sprouted a leaf graphic that I used in designing my ministry business cards a month earlier.

It was the exact same graphic. A very strange coincidence, I thought, as I took out a business card and compared the graphic to the one on their website. It was the very same almond shaped leaves interspersed on swooping, curly vines.

I felt I should buy concert tickets, so after I bought two, I got another surprise. The total for two tickets, taxes, fees, and an additional charity donation I decided to tack on at the last minute, came out to be $213.33. "Two-thirteen?!" I exclaimed, because I was already given that number, along with 111 many months before. I didn't know the full meaning for them at the time, but I did know they had to do with the "Last Days" or end time events, because of things and scripture related to them.

I was going to just buy the Celtic Woman tickets and go about my business, but the 213 link got me to look again. I decided to go to the store and use a coupon I was saving to get one of their CDs. The only one I found was their Christmas album, so I took it to the check-out counter and gave the clerk my coupon. The final total came to be $2.13

"What?!" I thought, "Two-thirteen again. How can this be? What in the world are you telling me, Lord?"

I knew as a logical and scientifically inclined person, that the chances of all these spiritual and real-world elements aligning like this was minuscule, nearly impossible, especially two final bill amounts with coupon and other last-minute additions coming out to be two-thirteen. So with these very strong nudges, I listened to Celtic Woman's music intently and found much of it spiritually moving. Their beautiful voices are angelic and inspiring, but I didn't get much else out of it all. However, God wasn't done with my experiences with them or Irish culture and language.

On the next Sunday, December 13th, 2009, I went to church service and found they changed the background decorations on the stage, to use white hanging fabrics that reminded me of the five members of Celtic Woman at the time. I was also amazed to see the fabrics were laid out at different heights that matched the various heights of the Celtic Woman performers. The reference to them and the rest of my guidance was eerily accurate, so I paid extra attention to the sermon for anything that popped out.

The only part that stood out was when the pastor talked about Isaiah 9. It is a prophecy written in the past tense about the future coming of Yeshua. It reads, "For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace..." (Isaiah 9:6).

It talks about Christ coming as a child and son, and also clearly states that He is God by His titles. It is written in the past-tense to emphasize the absolute certainty of this prophecy. It was guaranteed to happen, and so I thought all the guidance related to 213 and Celtic Woman also had to do with a guaranteed promise. But what exactly is the promise or promises?

I didn't know and still don't know the complete details, but I did think all this meant I had to try and get the people of Celtic Woman saved into Christianity, so I sent them all copies of my first book hoping they would see the bigger picture of reality that included the truth of God and Christ. I haven't a clue what happened to the books or whether they had the intended impact, though.

Later, I did come to understand more things about what 213 represents. It symbolizes the very end of our Christian Age now, the Last Days, and because two represents love and charity, and 13 represents an assured promise from God, it goes with God’s promise that Christ will return and that His believers will be raptured at the end of this age.

Scripture supporting it includes Titus 2:13, stating, “[as we look] for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Mashiach Yeshua…”

Jeremiah 2:13 was already brought up, and its significance goes with my role to speak and teach for God, just as Jeremiah was also anointed, and I reiterate today, as Jeremiah did in Jeremiah 2:13, God’s People have lost their discernment, “For [they] have committed two evils: They have abandoned [the Lord], the fountain of living waters, to carve out for themselves broken cisterns that do not hold water” (Jeremiah 2:13).

These broken cisterns or wells, today, are lies and false teaching the people have accepted, as well as the idols of their selfishness, greed, and idolatry, such as the people, groups, institutions, and lusts they uphold on pedestals with blind loyalty. These broken cisterns do not hold God’s living water of good and true teaching, because what is false has broken your vessels, which instead fill with the dirt and earth of worldly, tainted teaching and misconstrued truth.

Tackling these problems of broken cisterns in the church and in God’s People as a whole, became major focuses in my ministry work, and as years passed, I found God gave me more reinforcement for predestiny and 213, years before I even believed in Christ.

Limited Edition Poster, Print 213 of 675

In 2005 or 2006, I was given a limited-edition poster of artwork from a motorcycle dealer for leading their Triumph rider group. The print was numbered 213 out of 675. I only realized it lining up with my new Christian life and ministry, two years after I started ministry, since I didn't pay much attention to the print number before knowing about the significance of 213.

Ty's armored Triumph Rocket III motorcycle

Something else that made me realize I was destined to serve God was that I was inspired to paint my motorcycle in 2005 with an armored theme. It helped me believe Christ was working in my life, as I said before. I painted the bike three years before I came to believe, and its license plate was even ARMORD (Armored). Some years later, my bike's theme was something the lead pastor of a Christian motorcycle retreat pointed out, had lined up with their theme of the weekend - The Armor of God in Ephesians 6.

The license plate on Ty's Ford Ranger read TCP-611 or 'Internet Servant' before he realized he would become a minister that used the Internet as a primary ministry tool

If all these physical alignments weren't enough to speak of a pre-destined path of ministry, I was once again surprised by the license plate of my old Ford Ranger, TCP-611. I bought it on November 8, 2008 to haul my race bike, and at this time I was just beginning my path as a new Christian, and had not started any formal ministry.

But what I didn't realize about the license plate until the next year, was that it spelled out "Internet Servant," since TCP is short for TCP-IP, the primary computer protocol used for the Internet, and 611 is a phone number that means Customer Service, since that is the number we often need to dial to get customer service with our phone carriers.

This intriguing alignment with my future path in ministry spoke to the fact that much of it would be conducted on the Internet, and went with the 411 and 651 phone analogies I found in the 3rd Compass name.

Another interesting detail with my former pick-up truck was the factory artwork on it. There is also a crescent moon on it, except it is a waning moon - opposite of the waxing moon that started my life of ministry. Remember I said a waning moon represents going towards death, and I believe God made that detail important on the truck, to note that my path in motorcycle racing would be a dead end, since I bought the truck for racing.

After three years of racing from 2009 to 2011, it becoming a dead end proved to be true. Success never materialized on the racetrack, but it being a part of my life and ministry was obviously pre-destined. It would only prove to be a means for God to lead me through difficult trials, that helped me mature in perseverance and other virtues, as well as be a venue for me to evangelize for Christ.

Those early years of learning in ministry were difficult, especially working though much spiritual guidance and teaching that was both good and bad, while not having the experience or discernment to know which was which. I simply put my trust in ministers with more experience than me. Giving blind trust would later prove to be harmful, but the Lord always encouraged me to continue in ministry and had me learn much.

On August 28, 2010, a few months after the woman anointed me like Jeremiah, I got more encouragement to continue in the very difficult path I had, in learning about spiritual warfare, further truth, and correcting the church. I was at a Christian motorcycle retreat, and that evening we were praying at the chapel when the lead pastor came up to me and said he got a word from God for me, very clearly, when he was praying. It was "COURAGE."

It was then I remembered guidance I got months earlier about the number 413 with Philippians 4:13, "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." I had connected Philippians 4:13 to the four meaning hope, and thirteen meaning promise from God. This gave another proof of God using the meaning of numbers in scripture, because, "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength" is a statement of hope in the strength that God promises those who are His.

My 413 guidance also went with 1 Peter 4:13 about suffering like Christ, "But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed."

And I got yet another 413 reference with Exodus 4:13, where Moses tells God, "O Lord, please send someone else to do it." Moses was trying to get out of being God's spokesman, because he was not eloquent and was slow of speech and tongue (Exodus 4:10). I recognized the 413 connection in this verse, because of my own ineloquence and call to speak for God. But He gave me the strength to continue in suffering and speaking for Him through many hardships.

By the end of 2010, I had about two years of ministry under my belt, but was still going through hard times and did not see a lot of success, at least the kind of success I was looking for - both in my life and in the church. I expected my first book to finance my new life and ministry, but it did not generate much income, and I was still in serious debt after leaving my career for ministry.

At the time, I didn't realize the failures weren't all my fault, because I was also dealing with a lot of false guidance and bad teaching I had accepted. It threw off my projects. However, God doesn't measure success with financial rulers, or the number of followers you can get. The failures I had, let me learn a lot about spiritual things and the state of the world and church.

It was on November 3, 2010, a couple weeks after I accepted further truth about how we are saved into God's kingdom, and gave my trust to leave the popular church and its teachings, I got a gift from my ex-wife, which I attribute to God, because I linked it to the scripture, "But everything comes from God" (1 Corinthians 11:12).

Ty's signet ring

The gift was a gold ring with a large, red center gemstone and six small diamonds lining two of its sides. At the time, I felt it was reconciliation from both God and my ex for going through tough times, however, like the poster marked 213, I didn't realize the ring had significance engraved into it, that went with my ministry.

But first, I'll share what the ring symbolizes. On November 7th, a few days after I got the ring, I received seven daily devotional emails from a 3rd Party ministry that were repeated from July. I immediately recognized they went with the ring, because the devotionals were centered on July 12th, my birthday, and my birthstone is ruby - a red gemstone like the ring's center gem.

And like the emails with six devotionals surrounding the central July 12th one, with three on each side, my ring also has six small diamonds around the center gem, with three on each side of it. Seven emails, seven gems, and on the seventh of the month.

It was puzzling to get all the references to the number seven, and the seven repeated devotionals from earlier in the year, especially right after receiving the ring and having them connect through my birthday.

I soon understood the devotional arrangement matched the gemstones on the ring. The "center" devotional of July 12th goes with the large, center gem. It was about God, the Holy Trinity, which has obvious importance as the centerpiece, but the gem is also square cut, which further symbolizes New Jerusalem, because Revelation 21:16 says New Jerusalem is "laid out like a square, as long as it is wide... and as wide and high as it is long."

Later, I went to some jewelers who said the red gem in the ring is actually a garnet. Why wasn't it a ruby? The garnet has meaning too, since its color is a blood red that symbolizes Yeshua's blood shed on the cross for the New Covenant. Rubies are usually a brighter, lighter, more pinkish colored red.

With all this symbolism in the blood red garnet and square cut, the center gem represents God's promise of building His church, which makes the ring a signet ring for my role to help build the Bride/New Jerusalem.

The other six supporting devotionals, which correspond to the six surrounding gems around the center gem, are as follows:

  1. The July 9th devotional talked about how King Cyrus and King Josiah were prophesied hundreds of years before they were born, even being called by name (1 Kings 13:2; Isaiah 44:28). King Josiah was important in my guidance as an example of a righteous king, who repented greatly when he found he and his people were wrong in their beliefs and actions. They had fallen away from God and the Book of the Law of Moses was lost. But when it was found again, during temple repairs King Josiah ordered, he brought Israel back to God without needing any proof or calamity, other than hearing what God wanted in the lost Book of the Law (2 Kings 22:1-20; 2 Chronicles 34:1-33).

    King Cyrus was also referenced in guidance I got through the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai, and Zechariah, which all talk about rebuilding God's temple after the exile in Babylon. King Cyrus, though a foreigner to the Jews, was God's instrument and shepherd in getting them back to Jerusalem and providing the resources they needed to rebuild the temple (2 Chronicles 36:22-23; Ezra 1:1-3, 5:13, 6:1-5; Isaiah 44:28). This parallels what is going on now, with getting God's People to recognize what New Jerusalem is and building this new temple through Christ and the New Covenant. The link to my ring is that I am like King Cyrus, because of my role in rebuilding New Jerusalem, and I am like King Josiah because I too changed my ways after seeing the truth.
  2. The July 10th devotional talked about how God's power, grace, and peace exceed understanding. It alludes to how the New Covenant works and how different the true workings of God’s kingdom are compared to what most of the church thinks. (see The True Gospel and Imposters for details about what the church often has wrong about salvation in Christ.)

  3. The July 11th devotional was about "entropy" - the shame or turning inward that goes with failing to witness and speak for God. Speaking up and not hiding is a duty for all Christians, especially for His ministers. We should have no shame whatsoever to speak what is right and true.
  4. The July 13th devotional talked about resurrection, especially of believers in what the church calls the Rapture. I also noted the numbers for July thirteenth, 7/13, are symbolic of a Full (7) Promise (13) coinciding with the meaning of the numbers seven and thirteen (see The Meaning of Numbers). The Rapture is God's guaranteed, full promise to those who are saved by Christ, but there are misconceptions and false guidance about it as well, which I will speak of, at another time.
  5. The July 14th devotional was about the good seed of God's word being sown by Christ, and the children of His kingdom who took His seed and were regenerated. It pertains to how we are literally regenerated or reborn when we become saved (see The True Gospel and Imposters for details), and because God is still sowing His good seed with live guidance, like I’ve shared here. The church needs to accept that to yield the full crops of destiny, He has planned in New Jerusalem, the next age, and afterlife.
  6. The July 15th devotional was titled "Learn By Example" and talked about Apostle Paul's example of being a Christian in 2 Timothy. This goes with what I learned about "rightly dividing" or "correctly handling" God's word as stated in 2 Timothy 2:15; an approved workman for the Lord should understand the difference between what the text of scripture says, as opposed to what God actually meant, and also keep the different contexts of scripture straight. Misinterpretations of scripture and God’s original words are a big reason why false teaching persists.

    "Learn by example" also refers to listening to the testimony and experience of others. Sometimes a good deal of faith is required to commit to change, because I know the feelings of uncertainty and not wanting to change or leave the ways of the popular church and world.
I also noted the devotional for November 7, the day I got the repeated devotionals, was about "Biblical irony," which goes with the hard truths and mysteries that were revealed in my years of ministry. Ironic that so many who believe they are saved, actually are not, because they did not fulfill or keep the terms for the New Covenant (see The True Gospel and Imposters for details). Ironic that the church thinks they know how God and the spiritual world works, but really need to know much more.

All the details of the devotionals syncing up with my ring had me scratching my head. With the seven repeated devotionals, the ring is another physical reminder of how real God is, and what to remember:
  1. God and His plans of preparing His People at center.
  2. What God wants - His new temple, New Jerusalem, built, and His Bride – us - ready with the knowledge of kingdom and righteousness.
  3. God and His ways are much more than our reasoning can comprehend. Don't lean on your own understanding, but on His (Proverbs 3:5).
  4. Never shy away from our roles in Christ. Be a light to the world and seek to fulfill your duties as ministers and Christians.
  5. Hold on to God's promises, no matter how great the troubles are.

  6. God's live guidance is just as important as scripture, though we need much wisdom and discernment to understand what is from God and what is false.
  7. Learn by the example of others. Rejecting witness testimony keeps you confined to a smaller part of the truth, which leads you to the wrong conclusions, just like the majority of the world has done by rejecting witnesses to the gospel. However, much of what I teach is also about discerning good guidance and teaching from bad, so we must also examine witness testimony closer to see who we should listen to.
Sometime later in 2011, I got another surprise from my ring. During this time, I got guidance that one of my duties is to bring HD, high definition, detail to the truth. It refers to guidance and knowledge, like I share, that give further details for the truth and how to interpret scripture and guidance.

BLU RAY inscribed on Ty's ring

What does that have to do with the ring? I found inside the ring's band, the words "BLU RAY" inscribed. It is the trademark for the jeweler, Hy Spreckman and Sons of Chicago, now called B Spreckman Company, but the interesting thing is, Blu-ray (BD) video discs are the high definition standard that replaced DVD video discs. The Blu-ray video standard announced in 2002 came many years after Hy Spreckman registered their BLU RAY trademark in 1994. Spreckman still, to this day, has their BLU-RAY trademark prominently shown on their Facebook page.

Many years passed, and I thought there was nothing new to be given with the ring and guidance related to it, but on March 20, 2020, as I critiqued a Christian brother's writing, the verse numbers for Hebrews 7:12, which he used in a tithing section, jumped out at me. I hadn't noticed it in my own writing about the tithe before, but now I saw the verse and numbers connected with the ring, and how the devotionals and center gemstone centered on my birthday, 7/12.

Hebrews 7:12 reads, "For when the priesthood is changed, of necessity there takes place a change of law also." It speaks of Christ's priesthood and the New Covenant Age bringing a change of law for God's People. This verse linking to the signet ring and devotionals by its numbers, reinforces my role in building New Jerusalem, and teaching how God's laws have changed for our age.

All these correlations in my anointment, signet ring, guidance to numbers, scripture, and other things point to my predestined role to build New Jerusalem and God's People. These were all encouragements I very much needed to continue fighting for God and His kingdom, despite many failures and great hardships.

In fact, I now understand these predestined workings of the physical world go with how "the earth helped the [Bride], and the earth opened its mouth" to get rid of the enemy's flood of false guidance in Revelation 12:16. We're in an age where we cannot blindly trust spiritual teaching or guidance, even if they come from long-established or popular ministers and churches.

Darkness has many strongholds in the church and world that were made over thousands of years, so God moves things in the physical world to speak and save His People as well. Now I also recognize these predestined movements of the world, are some of the wonders on the earth from Joel 2 that I brought up before, where God said, "I will display wonders in the sky and on the earth..." (Joel 2:30; Acts 2:19).

I kept in the fight, and now after many years, I feel like Martin Luther King, Jr. who in 1968 was discouraged not seeing progress for civil rights, after more than a decade of demonstrations and protest. My disappointment with progress is similar, because I see the lack of change in the church and world, since I started at the end of 2008.

I noticed after years of fighting to bring the church and world out of sin and bad beliefs, there has been little change. I now know there are many reasons for this, which I will speak about at other times. But one reason is that the churches and ministries who promote seriousness of doctrine, often also blindly keep to false and harmful ones.

Being serious about doctrine or teaching is important, but it needs to be correct teaching. The ability to admit when one is wrong and change, is more important for our well-being as individuals and a People of God. To show proof of this with more examples of God working real objects and people, I will share my experiences from October 2011, which shows again, how real destiny is, or rather that we are predestined for purposes by God before we are even born...

Psalm 139:16 says, "[Lord], Your eyes have seen my unformed substance, and in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them." (Psalm 139:16)

And in Jeremiah 1:5, the Lord said, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I have appointed you a prophet to the nations" (Jeremiah 1:5).

On October 13, 2011, I found my nine-year-old son had an odd object in his pocket. I thought he was stashing away candy, but he told me it was a flash drive he found outside school. I told him to give it to me, so I could find the owner and return it.

I put the flash drive in the computer and browsed the files. The first ones I noticed were lyrics and other files for an old 80's song, "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey. Then in another file, I saw the drive belonged to someone named Kim or Kimalisa Fate. A big smile came over me because I knew, it was no accident that "Fate" brought me Kim Fate's files. I knew God had something to say through this.

I didn't know His intent until I found a story on the flash drive that Kim wrote. It was about a tragic time many years ago, when her husband suddenly passed away, while she was a young mother and expecting another baby soon. It was her darkest day, she said, but the amazing thing was at the end of the story.

She struggled on the horrific day of the funeral to collect herself, and get her children ready. After the funeral, she was so tired, she collapsed on her bed and started sleeping. Then she was startled by someone sitting next to her on the bed and an intense bright white light, like nothing she'd ever seen before, turned on over her head - a light from an angelic presence, she thought.

She was so scared she didn't move. Then she felt a supernatural kiss on her forehead, like fireworks she said. In her own words, "A kiss that was like no other, a kiss that twinkled and the nerves in my forehead was tingling, like how fireworks go over and you see the sparkle, not a kiss when you kiss someone."

It wasn't like any kiss she felt in life. She knew in her heart, it was her husband come back to visit her, so she opened her eyes, but only saw a shadow dissipate before her. She cried and laughed at the same time, rejoicing, and felt peace and happiness come over her. It was her husband and God's love to comfort her when she needed it most.

I knew Kim's story getting to me in this way was about love from God, and keeping focus on the bigger picture, instead of only on the parts that interest us, like the wonder of miracles and power of having God in our lives, because at this time, I was getting a lot of guidance about the differences between the church’s and world's notions of love and how things actually work.

A couple weeks later, on the 28th of October, I got more guidance about the theme of destiny, Godly orchestration, and love. We've all heard of star-crossed lovers, and how all the stars seem to line up when we fall in love.

That day, I was having a late breakfast in the dining room, when I was struck by an image made from shadows on the wall facing me. I clearly saw a heart hanging from a branch and corals underneath. It shocked me because I knew there wasn't a heart hanging around my house. Also during this time, I was receiving a lot of guidance about love, as I said, so I knew the image was a perfectly timed sign from God.

The shadows were made from sunlight and potted plants that my mother kept by the window. She is the only one that handled the plants, but somehow, they grew and were positioned in exactly the right way to make the shadow scene on the wall in that moment.

Normally, I wasn’t in the dining room at the right time to see shadows on the wall, nor did they ever make a meaningful picture before, but this day everything lined up to reinforce the things God was revealing about love in weeks past. I noticed just a few days later, the leaves of the plants kept growing and changed the shadows so the picture was no longer the same, which shows further that God had timed everything correctly, so I could understand the guidance, much like the 3rd Compass moon constellation and other examples I gave.

God's amazing level of control isn't the most important thing to see here, though. The important information is conveyed by the shadow scene, which is a parallel to a lunar eclipse analogy, I got from spiritual guidance years earlier in 2009 and 2010. That guidance spoke about how the church and people are blind to the full truth, because of their worldly mindsets and excessive focus on love and celebration.

The lunar eclipse analogy noted how the church and people allow worldly or earthy thinking to cast a shadow on the truth, which is represented by the moon and that it reflects sunlight, which symbolizes God's truth and wisdom. But when the earth, or symbolically, worldly thinking, moves between the sun and moon during a lunar eclipse, they cast a shadow on the moon, which symbolically, makes God's truth blocked out or overshadowed by earthly thinking.

The shadows on the wall on October 28, 2011 were made from sunlight on green plants, which symbolize God's wisdom and life, respectively. They represent true wisdom and Godly life, but the world and church are focused on the shadow heart (their worldly notions of love and God), which is only a shadow of the real thing.

Without the real transformation and maturation of walking in the actual truth, the church and world are only grabbing temporary and fuzzy, shifting shadows of God's wisdom, and not living truly righteous lives or becoming truly saved and transformed. This is a reason for why so much sin and wrong teaching is found in the church and world.

They have been focusing on shadows of God's kingdom and righteousness, which is the meaning of the corals in the shadow scene. It goes with the sorrow expressed in Lamentations 4:7 where corals (or rubies in some translations) refer to the former purity and glory of God's People.

That purity and glory will only return by changing bad teaching and ways, into good teaching and ways that truly bring us into God's kingdom and eliminate sin. But because people are so focused on the wrong notions of God and love, they are trapped by imposters that are shadows of the real thing.

This problem isn't entirely people's or the church's fault, because their false beliefs blind them, so they cannot see the full truth. The church, especially, has to realize this, and get rid of those false beliefs and bad teachings to become free of them. People have to let go of the shadows and phantoms of God and love, because it gives them false happiness, hope, and security, or at best, it gives them only temporary versions.

That's why all this goes with Kim Fate's experience. God's love and peace are real, powerful, and tangible, just like Kim experienced in her time of need. Sometimes the church and people are so focused on the wonder of spiritual or supernatural things, that it is blown out of proportion.

Prophecy is especially attractive to people in both the church and secular world. However, excessive focus on the wonder and power of spiritual things allows a tunnel vision, or blindness to come that prevents people from seeing lies, bad teaching, and false versions of prophecy and spiritual gifts.

The Journey song, "Don't Stop Believing," on Kim Fate's drive, goes with all this to note we should still keep faith in God and Christ, despite lies and imposters of the real thing saturating the world. We can still believe in destiny, soulmates, and other romantic things, because I've seen God work the world that way, but we must keep a healthy perspective, and not misconstrue the truth or accept bad teaching or imposters of the real things.

I've now compiled quite a long list of miraculous alignments that speak of my predestined call to minister for Christ. Some in the church have dismissed it all, because they let their long-accepted false beliefs and teachings, and the enemy's influences, keep them from acknowledging truth, that would free them from the shadows that shackle their minds.

If you feel what I've shared isn't enough to show divine influence, then consider further, even more alignments, all of which relate to Irish culture. Remember Natalie, who the monkey/clock sign pointed to and who prayed to God to be used in saving people? Her help got me to believe in Christ, and about three years later, I found her birthday was on St. Patrick's Day.

Then there's motorcycle racing. It was part of walking with new faith in God, and funny thing is, the racing number I picked was 373, and some sources say St. Patrick was born in 373 AD, though an exact date cannot be verified.

I chose 373 before knowing St. Patrick's birthdate, and used it because I wanted to use my lucky number three with seven. Riding Triumph triple cylinder bikes had been my preference since my first Triumph motorcycle in 2004, and of course, three represents Christ and the Holy Trinity, while seven is God's number and means completeness and perfection (see The Meaning of Numbers).

These are pretty interesting alignments towards Irish culture, but a skeptic might say, "Maybe Ty's psychic or has other spiritual powers," and so I unconsciously or subconsciously, direct my life and work in these amazing ways. That reasoning, though, cannot explain other physical evidences that are completely out of my hands to influence, such as the license plate in my truck, prophesying "Internet Servant," the 111 found in the 3rd Compass name, the 213 found in the motorcycle art print, the engraving on my ring and the symbolism of its gems with scripture, the alignments with Bible verse numbers and page numbers, and gematria and other number alignments.

Furthermore, when I began to learn Irish Gaelic, to use in creative writing and music, Irish language, too, began to show alignments towards a predestined role in ministry. I saw very unusual links with certain Irish words that lined up with major focuses I had in ministry. One of the first obvious ones, was "múinteoir," the Irish word for teacher.

Why is that interesting? It's pronounced “moon-chore” or “moon-tore,” which I recognized went with being called to a new life of ministry, to become a teacher of Christ, by a very unusual moon constellation. The linguistic alignments are completely out of my control to manipulate, even if I have psychic or spiritual powers.

A hardened skeptic might just say it's a one-time, lucky coincidence. Well, as I continued learning Irish, I also noticed the Irish word for house and its plural were "teach" [“chahk” or “tahk”] and "tithe" [“chee-heh” or “tee-heh”]. But most interesting, is they are spelled like the English words, teach and tithe.

Teaching is connected again with the Irish word for house being spelled the same as the English, teach. But even more detail is in the plural for the Irish of houses being spelled like tithe, which in English refers to the tenth or 10 percent tithe - the Biblical tithe.

This is a very specific alignment to an important ministry subject I focused much time on - that of  teaching on the tithe and how we are supposed to handle sacred money, or if you want to use the complete linguistic alignment - teaching about the tithe for God's house - since this alignment goes with the Irish word for "house".

Now there's multiple linguistic alignments related to Irish language and ministry that I couldn't possibly have manipulated, but were brought through the development of languages far before my time. Still skeptical? I found even more alignments with Irish language and spiritual things.

The number three has been significant in the church since its early days. It often goes with Christ as one of the three persons of the Holy Trinity - God the Father, God the Son in Christ, and God the Holy Spirit. In Irish, the number three is pronounced "tree" (trí) and one of its forms is pronounced "truer" (triúr).

The triúr form of three is used when counting people or things, so you could say the Irish notes that the Trinity is a three, ‘truer,’ sense of God, which only became complete after Christ's death and resurrection, when the Holy Spirit came in power at Pentecost.

This linguistic alignment speaks to the importance of the Holy Trinity, as it represents God’s foremost persons. But sometimes the church overemphasizes the Trinity and forgets that God is more than that. Revelation states God actually has seven spirits, “Out from [God’s] throne came flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder. And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God” (Revelation 3:1, 4:5, 5:6).

So the Holy Trinity is only a part of God, but it is the foremost part, and is often emphasized in the New Testament when the apostles spoke and prayed in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The last linguistic alignment I'll bring up is an Irish word for "love". "Searc" is pronounced like the English, shark. This word is used in more endearing and passionate uses of love, such as in "mo shearc" (My Love), and also means "beloved one."

It's an interesting alignment because love and misconceptions about it, related to God's love, have also been important parts of my ministry work. The "shark" part of it refers to how people can be like sharks that attack or go after certain stimuli, without thinking enough. It goes with an Irish word for love, to go with how we often run after things that peak our romantic and passionate interests, very quickly without enough thought, just as sharks can attack anything that appears appetizing.

Being a "shark" leads us to chase after the wrong romantic partners, and in the case of ministry, it goes with how the church often misinterprets things, and does not fully understand God's love, judgment, and the New Covenant, which are other important parts in my work as a teacher of Christ.

These many physical, spiritual, numeric, and linguistic alignments, related to my path as a minister were all out of my conscious and even subconscious control. They are extraordinary examples of God working the physical world, with spiritual guidance to give a message, yet they are only a portion of all the Lord has given me.

Many people and objects were orchestrated, years, decades, even centuries, in advance; from my mother choosing and placing the right kinds of plants by the window, to Kim Fate's files reaching me through my son, to Kim's very name syncing to the theme. Even the alignment of Bible printings, verse numbers, languages, linguistic numbers, and the moon and stars spoke to my destiny.

All of it pre-planned and pre-destined, for me to reveal a bigger picture for God's purposes in the Last Days, that go with what Joel prophesied and the Apostle Peter reiterated, “[The Lord] will display wonders in the sky and on the earth” (Joel 2:30; Acts 2:19). How can anyone not believe in the reality of God, destiny, and what I talk, about after so much correlation? The works of God are truly amazing.

I will end this service with a few songs for worship. Please stand and give your full attention to the songs following this broadcast. They should begin playing automatically. Thank you for joining today. God’s Spirit, power, and grace be upon you all in the name of Mashiach Yeshua (Christ Jesus). Amen.

[How Great Thou Art]

[Fade With Our Voices]

[Salvation and Strength of Psalm 3]

3rd Compass -> Group News and Articles -> Proof of God's Predestiny - 2020 Dec 5


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