3rd Compass -> Group News and Articles -> Time To Leave Israel or Fight For A Free Democratic Jewish State?

Time To Leave Israel or Fight For A Free Democratic Jewish State? (Prophecy)
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Minister Ty Alexander

A Times of Israel article recently talked about a Jewish family's debate to emigrate from Israel. The author, Mishael Zion, is a Sabra (native-born Israeli) but lived in the United States for a time. They brought their family back to Israel to raise their children as Israelis and was proud to be in the historical homeland of the Jews. But all the major conflicts and violence in the region had them debate about the right time to leave. Was there anywhere better, even? Antisemitism has increased greatly around the world in the last few years.

The author is a rabbi and Jewish tradition leader, so he thought that "the ideal of a liberal democratic and Jewish state" is key to the future and salvation of Israel. Because of his ideals and to address the anxieties of the people, the Lord had me make the following comment in the article, "How will we know when it’s time to leave?" (additional comments in red):
Minister Ty Alexander: The dream of Israel from El Elyon, God Most High, was to bring mankind to righteous lives with Him in the forefront, but this dream was done in many steps, from the giving of the Torah [Law of Moses], to the walks and teachings of the prophets, and progressed throughout this age in ways inexplicable to you, Israel. Many steps were needed for mankind because their hearts are hard as stone, unyielding to the ways of God, because paradoxically, the hard hearts of mankind ruled by everything of the flesh. And so, God first gave the strict Torah as a test as well as guide for those times past. You know well, Israel, how you have performed in the test, for the promised curses of God in the Torah have come through the ages.

Mishael thinks a liberal, democratic, Jewish state is the right path for Israel, but those three words are oxymoronic. The Torah was not given for a liberal democratic state and cannot be enforced in one; Israel will only continue to fail in the Torah and bring God’s indignation, as it has been.

And so fears of ultra-right and Orthodox [ultra-religious] rule comes to people’s minds, giving comparisons with the U.S. left and right, liberals and the Trump camp, where the opinions of each have brought chaos, violence, dysfunctional government, bigotry, and prejudice. This is a familiar tune within Israel. And so God’s dream of Israel for mankind is still not fulfilled. Yahovah El Elyon is truly longsuffering. Each follows after their own notions of God and “Torah” which they have made up in their own minds, following what pleases them and their own sense of what is right.

Mishael said “double down” on what needs to be done to stay in Israel, but strengthening in the wrong notions is a shade of Trump’s “fight like hell” for the country. Who to support when no one is righteous? Yet do nothing and let gangs, dictators, and militants rule. This conflict has been going through the ages and will not stop when everyone follows their own.

Judaism will not save Israel. Democracy will not save the world. And Liberalism will continue to let everyone do their own whether right or wrong. A peaceful and free world will never happen that way, nor will a peaceful Israel, so it does little to flee. Stay in Israel. Only El Elyon will save Israel and the world. Look for haMashiach [the Messiah] when Israel is the last to stand.

Why can't Israel, or the world, save themselves with either liberal or conservative governance? 8/29/2024
Going with the theme of the original post here, I noted what a Times of Israel article said were important points for saving Israel from its enemies. Namely, the importance of maintaining a free and liberal democratic, but also Jewish state. There were many assumptions about the efficacy of policies that maintain both Jewish and inclusive and free governance that missed the actual reasons why Israel, as well as the rest of the free, democratic world, suffer from much sorrow and affliction.

My comments to, "Four questions for religious Zionists, and the answers that can save Israel," follows:
Minister Ty Alexander: The problems of Israel are much more than can be solved by pursuing Zionist alliance, maintaining a pragmatic yearning for Messiah, aligning with the free world, and embracing sectarianism – saving Israel by being “simultaneously Jewish and liberal-democratic” in the author’s words.

The free, liberal democracy of the West gave the nations feelings of prosperity for their times, but underneath, what El Elyon, God Most High, saw was corruption of many morals that He allowed to remain until He deemed fit to bring judgments; for our God is slow to anger. It is unescapable that corruptions of morality be unconsidered forever by HaShaphat, The Judge, for where then is God’s justice if all wrongs are ignored. There are always consequences, save in the most inconsequential cases, even when God forgives, even eternally.

So consider when the people, whether left or right, liberal or conservative, liberal religious or Nationalist Haredi, that when their lives are mixed with corruptions, then there can be no avoidance of bad consequences from HaShaphat. The United States, Western Nations, and free world in which Israel is included, all suffer in their liberal and religious values, just as much as communities and households that align either way.

Can you say any side is more or less blessed or more or less afflicted? And so, the peoples’ notions to save themselves without taking care of their corruptions will always fail when the patience of El Elyon runs out, for truly, everyone is confused and led astray, because all sides spread falsehood, the head and the tail and all in between; for their discernment had gone since ages past and it is only by the divine promises of El Elyon that He keeps the people intact, though, imperfect and impure, for He upholds His great name through great displeasure in His people.

But as the author said, keeping expectation in the Messiah is key to Israel’s future; keep that faith. But it will not save Israel’s or Judaism’s system of values nor traditions, for you hardly understand your Mashiach and how He will come to save the nation and rule. Only a fragment of what was will remain.

What does this mean for Israel in our present day? How should she walk to survive the troubles of our days? Do not remain in corruptions, not of Torah, nor of liberalism, nor of orthodoxy, for they all break God’s commandments, doing which will always have consequence.

But who will let go of so-called sacred tradition and teaching when the people assign it as their identity? How much more can El Elyon lament when His people cannot discern what is right or good for them? For their great troubles come because of the corruptions in which they refuse to acknowledge, and their healing and prosperity, unaccompanied by great troubles, too, is missing because His people reject the counsel given to them by His anointed.

3rd Compass -> Group News and Articles -> Time To Leave Israel or Fight For A Free Democratic Jewish State?


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