Minister Ty Alexander: The ICJ's rulings do not have much affect other than that Israel must think about her relations with other countries, especially, of the United Nations, of which she is a party of.
The main issue is if Israel truly violated International Law as she gave oath to honor when she became part of the UN. From what I see, she has violated agreements, so the ICJ ruling will be much trouble for her.
Stand For Truth: ICJ and UN can try to overrule God as often as they like, but they cannot be victorious. God gave that land to Israel 40 years after Israel came out of slavery in Egypt! Even though God caused Israel to be temporarily evicted from there due to idolatries, then God allowed them to return back into their land. God has warned that those who fight against His people (Israel) will surely suffer great loss. This is a reminder. Be therefore warned all who desire to destroy Israel. You will be destroyed if you fight against Israel!
“For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance [irrevocable]” (Romans 11:29).
In other words, the land God gave to Israel is a permanent gift to them.
Minister Ty Alexander: Do not boast so arrogantly when God ejected the Jews out of the Holy Land in three major destructions in the Holy Land and many more where they were scattered in the millenniums afterwards. Who can dispute with El Shaddai, God Almighty, when He scatters the people? Does He judge rightly or not?
But it is true, our God’s eternal promises are irrevocable and so Israel will remain in the lands of her ancestors, but it will not be with peace, for El Shaddai is her Shaphat, Judge, and Israel is not innocent, not of Torah, nor of other immoralities, but especially of Torah. So do not be arrogant, for "God has shut up all in disobedience, so that He may show mercy to all" (Romans 11:32) – that is, our God is slow to anger and does not do things so simplistically as many who teach would have you think, so He will let the peoples fall in their ways, not acting upon their sins for long periods of time until He determines times for it.
For Judaism, this is evident in how our God allows them to prosper for a time after destructions, but because they do not properly fulfill the Torah, again its curses come when sins have built up and so God must judge, for He cannot simply let sin pass. If He did not judge them, then what force do His laws and commands have? The peoples would surely not honor them, so El Shaddai, will certainly always judge.
And that waxes true for those under HaMashiach, The Christ, as well, despite promise of eternal salvation. Handle God’s word correctly and you will see the truth. So be reminded that El Shaddai also hates the insolent, the arrogant, and the boastful, and He has commands against that for all His people (Romans 1:30-32).
mr1001nights: I have a question for Israelis: I’m from Brooklyn, NY. I just converted to Mongolian shamanism, and my ancestry DNA even shows a pretty good % of Mongolian DNA. How much territory and (currently inhabited) homes in Russia and China (where the Mongol Empire was) do you think I’m entitled to? I mean, I know those people already payed their mortgages, but the ancestral spirits promised the land to my people.
Minister Ty Alexander: Whether or not the word of ancestral spirits hold force is at issue. It is only El Shaddai, God Almighty, whom I trust to hold His promises, for all others are under Him and whether or not they speak truth or are able to fulfill their words are in the hands of El Shaddai.
But as far as the present, God gives reign and rule over territories to their mortal occupiers, so you will need to submit to them and their laws, and so, today, as you said, you simply cannot go into ancestral Mongolia and settle it.
But your ancestral lands are in the hands of El Shaddai for the future, so I suggest you leave shamanism and other religions and come to Him through HaMashiach, The Christ, and make your petitions; for they are One and Mashiach Yeshua is the heir to all that is El Shaddai's. If you want help in this, please
seek me at the 3rdCompass site.