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Passover 2024
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Minister Ty Alexander

Pesach or Passover Week begins tonight at sundown, Monday, April 21st or the 14 of Nissan/Aviv on the Hebrew calendar. Last week, I said the 10th of Aviv was the actual night of the Passover in Egypt when God sent the destroyer to kill all the first born. That date also corresponds to the Messiah’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem or what the church calls Palm Sunday.

This week, though, is when God wants us to celebrate and remember the Passover, which really is not a Jewish-only holiday, but one that should have been more integrated into Christian life. God worked the life of Mashiach Yeshua to end during Passover in 32 AD because He preordained Him to be the Passover sacrifice, our Passover Lamb (1 Corinthians 5:7), for the eternal atonement and “Passover” of the penalties for the sins of mankind.

But because of the conflicts of darkness in God’s kingdom, He also preordained that the church would become corrupt, as prophesied by Jeremiah/Yirmiyahu – Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord Yahovah, “when I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man and the seed of animals'" (Jeremiah 31:27/Yirmiyahu 31:26).

Those seeds refer to our Father God becoming embodied in the flesh as a man as the true Messiah Christ and founding the church through Him and the New Covenant – the seed of man – while also, He allowed that foundation to continue fostering the corruptions of the devil in God’s kingdom, just as He let happen for Judaism. Remember that God refers to His kingdom as a field and that He wanted the weeds of the devil to grow with His good seed or wheat (Matthew 13:24-30, 13:36-43), and so it was done – God also sowed and grew The Beast from the seed of animals or what I prefer to translate as the seed of beast in Jeremiah 31.

It was the corruptions in God’s kingdom that prevented the Passover from being celebrated by Christianity, but that was also for the Church Age, a time that is coming to end because the time for corruptions to end also comes now at the end of the age. So may you remember your ancient Hebrew heritage as God gave it to His people; to celebrate ancient holidays, like the Passover, but not by the strict ways of the Old Law or by corrupted ways brought by Judaism.

You may have seen all kinds of Haggadah and other Jewish instruction about seder meals and traditions for Jewish holidays, but pay no mind to them, as most of it is extraneous and optional tradition. It is sufficient under Christ to acknowledge and celebrate the main themes of holidays, and for Passover, it is recommended that we begin eating flat bread after sundown on Passover Eve.

That is Monday night. You may buy any flat bread that does not have yeast in its ingredients, but I recommend making your own unleavened bread for the holidays because it will connect you with your ancient Hebrew heritage more by doing what they did. I provide an easy recipe here…

It was on that first Passover night that God told His people to prepare a lamb and brush its blood on their doorways so that the destroyer would skip or passover their house (Exodus/Shemot 12:3, 12:7, 12:12-13). And God told them to eat in haste and be girded with belts and shoes on, because He was bringing judgment on all Egypt and all their gods that night, so that by morning, all Egypt would make the Israelites leave quickly; for Egypt and their gods would be put to lament and shame with no house untouched by God’s destroyer and no protection or reprieve from pagan gods or rituals, while the people of our one true God would be unharmed.

Keep that note of judgment on other gods for our days, as well, for the Baal imposters of God and the saints I’ve spoken of, whose reign and ways most believers remain loyal to – they will get the same judgment in our days as during the last plague of Egypt, for God will continue to punish that Leviathan, so that the reigns of modern day Baals will also come to end and believers who remain loyal to what is false will find they also will get no help or reprieve from their imposters. The days of corruption are coming to end.

So on Monday night, when you eat your first Passover meal with flatbread, remember that it is called the Bread of Affliction because God made His people run in haste. They did not have time to prepare leavened bread for their journey, so when they fled Egypt in the morning, they bundled dough for their flatbread in bowls bound to the shoulders of their garments (Exodus/Shemot 12:33-34; Deuteronomy 16:3). They would later bake their bread at the first stop of their Exodus.

And to review the Exodus journey, on either Monday night or for the main feast day on Tuesday, watch my more detailed Exodus journey, which goes over how the Jews fled Egypt and ended up at Mount Sinai here...

Remember, too, that the first day of Passover on Tuesday is also supposed to be a Sabbath rest (the rest and holiday actually begin on Monday night at sundown), so may you enjoy that day for the holiday, worship the Lord, and celebrate it with a good meal and the blessings of Mashiach Yeshua. Amen.

And remember, too, that this first feast of Passover corresponds with the Lord’s Last Supper, so may you also remember that and do communion during the meal – with solemn reverence, break bread and drink grape juice or wine to remember the Lord and His sacrifice (Matthew 26:26-28; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:14-20; 1 Corinthians 11:17-34).

For further details and suggestions on Passover, see The Lord’s Holidays and Sabbaths…

A word to Israel on Passover 2024 4/22/2024
Today I read a Times of Israel article talking about the forlorn Passover this year because of the continued strife in the region and Israelis being held hostage by Hamas. This was my comment to them in the articles "With empty chairs and forlorn homes, Israelis prepare for solemn Passover":
Minister Ty Alexander: Oh Israel, isn’t it for reason God has made this Pesach a lament? In your arguments about justice and war conducted with exceptional morality, God has shown you and the world that you have come short of the standards that must be held of a people of God. So remember in the first Passover and through the Exodus, though the people were often faithless towards God, rebelling against His anointed and threatened to turn back to Egypt because they had a better life there, they still obeyed His voice and followed, though reluctantly and with grumbling.

So think, my people, why your holidays are often stained black and with blood even in this day. Your hearts remain hard as diamond against the voice of God and against what He has tried to have you follow. It is the path of spiritual freedom and greater healing for His people than you have mustered for yourselves, but how many of you have followed?

Worship Songs 4/23/2024

For those who would like worship songs to do for Passover, here is the playlist for today's selected songs...
[Brave, Desert Song, and Hosanna]

Note: While worshipping, if you see or hear the name Jesus in lyrics, you should sing Yeshua instead.
Jesus should not be used to address God anymore. See The Actual Names of God for more...

2nd Day of Passover - Christ's Death 4/24/2024
Today is the 2nd day of Pesach. If you celebrated the first feast of Passover yesterday, you would have participated in the same kind of dinner that Christ had with His disciples – The Last Supper. So today, the day after our Messiah was captured on the Mount of Olives after their Passover feast (Matthew 26:30; Mark 14:26; Luke 22:39), was when Christ was crucified, and so corresponds with the church’s Good Friday.

Yeshua was scourged, very likely with a flail whip (a multi-stranded whip), before being made to march out with the cross He’d be nailed to (Matthew 27:26; Mark 15:15; John 19:1). Some people think Yeshua was whipped with a scorpion-type of flail, which has hard and/or sharp pieces of metal or other spikes tied to the ends of the many whip strands.

If I remember the movie, Passion of the Christ, correctly. They showed Yeshua being scourged with a scorpion, but this is not likely because the Roman governor, Pontus Pilate, who ordered Him to be flogged, also did not believe He deserved any serious punishment, saying, I find no grounds for charges in this man (Luke 23:4, 23:14-15), and wanted to only flog Him and release Him (Luke 23:16-22).

A scorpion would have been used for more serious offenders, and is an ancient weapon that came from a threshing tool to cut grain for harvest[1.1]. It was mentioned in ancient Egyptian texts, as well as the Bible in 1 Kings/Melachim I 12:11, where Rehoboam/Rechav‘am, a son of King Solomon took bad counsel by the curse and will of God, and said to the people, My father loaded you with a heavy yoke, yet I will add to your yoke. My father disciplined you with whips, but I will discipline you with scorpions! And so most of ancient Israel turned away from King Rehobaom and followed Jeroboam/Yarov‘am to split the kingdom in two.

Because the scorpion is able to break bone with hard objects at the end of it, and because Yeshua was innocent and not deserving of lengthy, intense punishment as He went to death, I doubt a scorpion was used to scourge Him, at least not the kind that can break bone. For God said, Not a bone of Him shall be broken, according to Old Testament scripture stating that the Passover lamb must not have its bones broken (John 19:36; Exodus/Shemot 12:46; Numbers/Bamidbar 9:12; also Psalm 34:20/Tehillim 34:21), corresponding with God’s plan to make Christ our Passover Lamb whom was sacrificed for all mankind (1 Corinthians 5:7).

So Christ died before any of His bones could be broken (John 19:31-36) in the 9th hour (Matthew 27:45-50; Mark 15:33-37; Luke 23:44-46). That translates to after 3 pm in modern time keeping and the Lord has guided me that it was more accurately at 3:06 pm that He died (see 306 in The Meaning of Numbers for more).

As you have dinner on this second day of Passover, may you remember the last day Yeshua Mashiach was alive and how His sacrifice as the Passover Lamb renews and keeps you. Amen.

[1.1] "Scourge". Wikipedia. Retrieved 2024 Apr. 24.

4th Day of Passover - The Resurrection 4/26/2024
Today is the 4th Day of Passover, which corresponds with the day Christ was resurrected. That day was a Sunday as noted in the New Testament (Matthew 28:1-9; Mark 16:1-11; Luke 24:1-12), and in that Passover of 32 AD, that Sunday was also the offering of first fruits (Leviticus 23:9-14) of which the holiday of Shavuot, Weeks, or best known as Pentecost in the church, 50 days later (pentecost comes from the Greek, pentēkostē, which means fiftieth day[2.1]).

And so, when Christ was resurrected on this 4th day of Passover, it also went with that offering of the very first fruits of the grain harvest; its first growth. This is also why the Messiah's resurrection is called the first fruits of the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:20). Not only was He the very first resurrected according to the promises of the New Covenant so that His believers would have their faith affirmed in Him and the New Covenant, but God worked His resurrection to also coincide with the offering of first fruits according to the Law of Moses.

And ever more, His resurrection was on the 4th Day of Passover and the number 4 means Hope - The resurrection not only gave Christ's disciples the proof they needed in their days of despair after losing Yeshua, but it also gave them and all of us the hope we need in God's promises as our own days of darkness continue.

Remember these things today and honor God's ancient holidays and divine plans with the ways He gave to the ancient Hebrews. They were never meant to be forgotten.

[2.1] "Pentecost". Merriam Webster Dictionary. Retrieved 2024 Apr. 26.

End of Passover and Worship Songs 4/28/2024
Today is the 6th day of Passover, which if you watched the Exodus journey I shared on the first day, today would correspond to the time of the Jews wandering the desert just after they crossed the Red Sea. Jewish tradition says that they crossed on the seventh day, but there is no proof of that and after examining time, speed, distances, and the situation (which I shared in the Exodus journey), it is a much better estimate to say the Red Sea crossing was only about 5 days after they left the capitol of Egypt.

And if you kept up with Passover teaching, you also know that there isn't anything more to note for the 5th and 6th days of Passover. The only thing I recommend is to continue eating unleavened bread at the dinner meals.

Tomorrow, though, is the 7th and last day of Passover, which is also important because a second feast and gathering for worship are commanded. This second feast is usually the largest meal for Passover, but anything in line with what you did for the first feast is fine. Continue to eat unleavened bread through this last feast as well. Also remember the number seven is God's number meaning fullness and completeness.

You may have noticed some Jewish calendars have an 8th day of Pesach/Passover, however, I do not observe that (as I don't observe other extra days of Jewish holidays), as it was instated during the exile in Babylon and Persia to give extra time for the Jews who were spread out over days of travel. That is not necessary anymore.

For tomorrow's worship, these are the songs selected (use the YouTube playlist below):
[Amazing Grace Requiem, Blessed Be Your Name, Famous One, and How Great Thou Art]

And Note As Before: While worshipping, if you see or hear the name Jesus in lyrics, you should sing Yeshua instead.
Jesus should not be used to address God anymore. See The Actual Names of God for more...

Your final days for this year's Passover be blessed in the name of Mashiach Yeshua. Amen.

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