3rd Compass -> Group News and Articles -> God's Death Sentence - Did He really condemn animals too?

God's Death Sentence - Did He really condemn animals too? (Teaching)
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Minister Ty Alexander
Updated 4/10/2023

On this Pasha (Easter), I feel I need to write about Genesis 9’s proclamation to kill any animal that kills a person, for like Easter is not a good name for Christ’s day of resurrection because the name, Easter, comes from pagan spring deities (see Pascha for more), there is something wrong with common interpretations for Genesis 9:5-6. After all, why should God condemn unintelligent animals, especially deadly predators, for behaving as He designed them to act?

A few years ago, I felt that there was a problem with interpretations of what God said in these verses, but I did not know enough Hebrew then to see what the problem was. Some of you may question, But don’t you have God’s Spirit, which is His mind, to properly interpret? (1 Corinthians 2:10-16) Why didn’t He just give you the revelation a few years ago?

Certainly, I have the Lord’s Spirit, as does every other reborn believer in Christ, but what the great majority of believers don’t know, especially too many teachers and leaders in the church, is that even with God’s Spirit in you, that does NOT guarantee perfect interpretation of scripture or anything else from God. This is because what a person knows and believes heavily influences their interpretations, and God does not give any single person all knowledge, especially in this age, for He didn’t even do that for the first apostles, as Paul notes, "For we know in part, and we prophesy in part... For now we see through a glass darkly... [until when that which is perfect is come, that is, when the Lord returns and we are transformed into our heavenly bodies]... then shall I know fully... So abide now in faith, hope, and charity" (1 Corinthians 13:9-13).

Paul was saying we still need to rely on faith, hope, and love-charity because God will not give, even His most highly anointed servants, every piece of information or even answer every question clearly in the moment it is asked. God often guides and reveals over long periods of time and through our experiences. The first disciples and apostles were no different in that, so anyone who claims to have all perfect knowledge, even if they seem to have a spiritual gift of knowledge, is deceived and/or deceiving.

However, our anointments and training in the Lord are very important for getting things correct. Not everyone is guided, trained, or gifted by God in the same ways, though, so in the long history of the church, I have noted many, many errors of interpretation and translation of God’s original words in the Bibles we have today. This is why I say there is no perfect Bible translation and we must use many good translations, as well as, original language references for the ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek that scripture was originally written in.

Another thing believers, especially ministers and teachers for the Lord, need to understand are the effects of believing in lies and false teachings. They prevent people from understanding scripture and many other things correctly, so it is best to get rid of as many lies, false beliefs, and false teachings as possible. These are things I talked much about before (see Light Within for more). Here, I will also remind that Christ noted that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41; Mark 14:38) when He urged His disciples to pray about falling to temptation.

He was warning them that, though, our minds may want to do what is right and of God and His Spirit, often, our willpower fails. The forces of sin and darkness on people often have them fail and fall to temptation, even if they are reborn with God's Spirit in them and truly wish to overcome sin. People with long histories of sin often find that fighting temptation is very difficult. This isn't simply because they are habituated to sin, but also because of the curses and dark spiritual forces upon them, which often need more detailed spiritual handling for each individual's circumstances. Most people don't all of a sudden walk sinless after they've been saved into God's kingdom. This is often a long work and part of our spiritual races and fight against the spiritual forces of darkness (Ephesians 6:12).

These dark spiritual forces work in the same way against people for interpreting scripture and other teachings, so again, simply having God's Spirit and Mind in you is no guarantee you will correctly interpret God's words and guidance, even if you are an anointed servant for the Lord. Believing in lies and false teachings greatly influences interpretation, so to become an approved servant for the Lord who correctly handles His word (2 Timothy 2:15), you must be rid of what is false. This was something I worked for many years on, and praise the Lord, He guided me to that goal to attain my petition of being an approved workman for Him, which I asked for in my early years of ministry.

Now let us go back to Genesis 9. After I had done much work with the actual names of God and Christ, which required much more knowledge of Hebrew, I could understand what the problem was. So let's see what the words of verses 5 and 6 look like...

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