3rd Compass -> Group News and Articles -> Hold Out

Hold Out
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Minister Ty Alexander
blog originally posted 7/26/2010

"I remembered my songs in the night. My heart mused and my spirit inquired..." (Psalm 77:6)

This morning I drifted into full alertness at 4 am after a night of tossing in the humid summer air. Being alert that early is not normal for me, believe me. I was never a morning person, but today something struck me as I lay there listening to the music I left playing all night.

Celtic Woman's "Send Me A Song" was playing and the lyrics start: Take the wave now and know that you're free. Turn your back on the land, face the sea. Face the wind now, so wild and so strong. When you think of me, wave to me and send me a song...

As I listened, I thought about relationships and finding that perfect someone. Sometimes when relationships end, you wonder why it was so hard and it didn't work out. You had to let go, and then you're left facing the sea again, and it doesn't feel calm but so wild and strong like in the song. It looks scary, and you're not sure if you want to go out and face it again.

In that moment, I realized that God made our hearts to love Him because how could we love someone we've never seen in person, hugged, or snapped a photo with? How can our hearts yearn to be with our Heavenly Father? Yet we do. Who would want to be with someone if they didn't love them?

Then I realized God also made our hearts to love each other in similar ways and there's different kinds of love - brotherly love, motherly love, fatherly love, sisterly love - but also there's that love for a soul mate. We yearn for it in our hearts, for that someone who complements our lives with a wonderful pattern of harmony and unity.

I realized then that God made us all and predetermined our desires as much as our gifts and abilities. We're predestined for more than stations in life and accomplishments, so it's best not to rush off into marriage whenever you feel that flood of emotions with someone you think is perfect for you.

No. Hold out for your true soul mate, because we're all tested and tempted in relationships and dating. Our physical reactions can make almost any mate feel like a soul mate in the moment, but it takes time to test that. Give your relationships that time and give them to God. Ask Him to bring the right people into your life and to tell you if you should stay in or leave relationships. Give God time as well, because His plans can take a long time to come, and even though He predetermined many things about our lives, we do have free will and can go against what God wants for us, especially when we get that stubbornness in our moments of attraction to run after someone but who might end up leaving or even harming us in the long run.

Read "True Love - What Does it mean to God?" to learn more about love, soul mates, and what God says is love for Him...

3rd Compass -> Group News and Articles -> Hold Out


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