3rd Compass -> Group News and Articles -> What If

What If
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Minister Ty Alexander
blog originally posted: 9/27/2010

Earlier this week I was moved to pray for a friend who was straying from Christian ideals. Later that day, she told me to check out a song she liked called "What If" by Nichole Nordeman. I wasn't familiar with the song or artist, but when I checked them out, I found the theme jolted something from my past life.

The song started, suggesting, "What if you're right. Jesus was just another nice guy who taught us love. What if it's true? They say the cross will only make a fool of you..." But then Nichole continues singing with a forceful vibrance, "BUT WHAT IF YOU'RE WRONG? WHAT IF THERE'S MORE? WHAT IF THERE'S HOPE YOU'VE NEVER DREAMED OF HOPING FOR?..."

In that moment I remembered an instant in time five or six years ago when a "born again" Christian reached out to me. She was talking about Jesus and salvation and I remember starting to feel uncomfortable and thinking, "Oh great, she's trying to hook me into religion." I was polite and listened to her, but inside I couldn't wait for the conversation to end.

I said, "I don't believe in that stuff. I don't think it's real." And I especially remember her reply, "What if you're wrong?"

You know how I responded? With pride in my own viewpoint and a devil may care attitude, I blurted back, "Then I'll be wrong, and I'll deal with it," and ended the conversation there.

Little did I know how "unenlightened" my position was or that God would move me towards Him a few years later in ways I couldn't even imagine. I was one of those "I need proof to believe" people and remember rejecting evangelists on many occasions. Now I feel sorry for rejecting God so many times and wonder, "What if I understood those many years ago? Where would I be now having given God those extra years to move me on the path He wanted me to be on? How much more could I have done by now?"

What if?...

3rd Compass -> Group News and Articles -> What If


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