3rd Compass -> Group News and Articles -> It Never Hits Home Until It Hits You

It Never Hits Home Until It Hits You
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Minister Ty Alexander
blog originally posted 8/17/2010

I've gotten strange reactions from people because I try to follow God's path for me, but I always tell them you would do the same thing if you experienced what I did.

We never want to acknowledge things that don't fit in our worldview until it hits us personally. I was just like everybody else too. Blissfully ignorant of God and the hidden nature of our spiritual reality until I was shown otherwise.

The things I've experienced gave me a different perspective on the stories in the Bible. They used to be fairytales and nonsense to me, but since I've seen how real God and spiritual things are, I've only had awe and empathy in reading scripture. The stories really did happen. The people were as real as you and me, and the things they went through finally hit home.

That reality never hits until it hits you personally. I just couldn't relate before. Most of us can't. Let's face it, it's hard for us to relate to Jonah being swallowed and regurgitated by a giant fish or whale, to Moses being called as a leader by a burning bush, or to Mary getting pregnant while still being a virgin. Definitely out of ordinary stuff, but none of it is impossible if you know God and have personally experienced the out of the ordinary.

Sometimes people ask, why don't they see or notice anything unusual in their own lives? There's a lot of reasons why you may not have noticed anything unusual. One reason is if we don't acknowledge God or spiritual things, He often won't reveal more of the hidden parts of reality to us. Another reason is we are too preoccupied with our lives and what we think is important to notice anything else. People tend to quickly dismiss minor usual happenings that can't be explained, and when they go on with life's activities the little spiritual nudges are forgotten.

We have to have a wider view of the world, though, if we're ever going to let things "hit home." You are as predestined for a purpose in God's plans as anybody else, but those plans can fall away if you're not paying attention to all the clues He's giving.

3rd Compass -> Group News and Articles -> It Never Hits Home Until It Hits You


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