3rd Compass -> Group News and Articles -> America's Simmering

America's Simmering (Art/Poem/Song)
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Minister Ty Alexander
Last week President Trump started a national uproar when he denigrated congresswomen of color and told them to "go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came."[6.10.3]. His attitude at a political rally even got a crowd to start chanting, "Send her back!"[6.10.2], referring to Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, one of the women he was criticizing. Then some days after this, a GOP group, the Illinois Republican County Chairmen's Association even posted a made-up movie poster showing the women Trump had critisized as the "Jihad Squad"[6.10.1], though only two of the women are Muslim.

Seeing this hatred towards immigrants being shown by people who are supposed to be leaders for the good of the country made me sick, especially being a first-generation immigrant from the Vietnam War. It made me write a song to express my feelings that America is not the great example of morality that I was once proud of.

This uproar over racist attitudes made me remember the kind of attitudes I grew up with as an immigrant. Like many others, I don't think the wounds made by hate and being treated as less than others ever went away. They simply didn't surface as I became an adult and led a typical life in a diverse society where racial hatred had largely gone underground.

But in recent years, I've seen bigotry surface publicly more and more, especially since President Trump's election. When he got elected, I remember wondering how America could elect someone who was obviously not fit to be a righteous world leader. Then I realized it was God 's will and that Trump represented the nation's moral standards today - that of self-absorption, hidden darkness and anger, and excessive pride.

I know that not everyone thinks or acts as the president, but I can't help noticing that too much of the nation has adopted the bad attitudes and moral standards that people like Trump display publicly more and more often.

America has had a darkness eroding her for decades. The public division and ethical turmoil coming to light in recent years is the result of a nation that has allowed her morality to destroy her standing as a just and Godly country.

There's much more I could say on that, but for now I will share the song I wrote. I can only give the lyrics right now since I continue to have breathing problems that prevent me from recording decent vocals.

May America remember what virtues she needs to return to and what darkness she needs to destroy, through Mashiach Yeshua (Christ Jesus). Amen.

America's Simmering
by Ty Alexander Huynh, 2019 July 18

Permission is granted to use this song and its recorded versions for non-profit use as long as proper attribution to the artist(s) is preserved.
This song and its recordings may not be used for profit in any way without proper licensing.

Did you know you told me to go as soon as I got here?
You invited me to a new home because mine was destroyed
But then you turned around to mock and make me leave

The America I knew ran to give shelter
Your examples made me a patriot
But in the corners your hate would surface

A simmering anger fed with blind fear
And when your love fled
The dark boiled over to stain the day

Guns flash over in halls of innocence
A people cry over war now in their midst
We can't start over our morals having rent

Can you see the fires under your hearts?
Fueled by the dark you keep inside
It now comes to burn on the outside

Can't you remember flags raised in hate
Never fly long with embers in the wind?
It will all burn; Your fire only makes ashes

Then what remains, but your darkness inside?
Can you keep it all the same?
Only to leave the simmering from view?

3rd Compass -> Group News and Articles -> America's Simmering


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